17 research outputs found

    Anticipation in the Structure of the Solving Problems Skill

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    In the study the accent is put on the significant role of the foreseeing in the heuristic aspects of the solving problems activity. Theoretical formulations are deduced and the possibility of its purposeful formation is well-founded on the basis of the developing training particularities by the solving problems process. In order to attain the goal the following methods are used: content analysis, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, method of the determination of a success standard and a correlation degree. The obtained results of the theoretical and experimental work are directed to the integration with the intellectual development of children and pupils

    Influence of Nursing Models on the Preparation of Healthcare Professionals

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    In the past, the nursing profession has relied on theories from other disciplines such as medicine, philosophy, and sociology. With the dynamic development of nursing from a practical and research perspective, the inevitability of developing specific conceptual models of care and theories to outline a philosophical framework for the profession arises. Models of nursing care should be studied as part of the theoretical training of future health workers, as they instill basic professional principles, skills, and responsibilities in medical nursing students.All this is then fundamental to the continuing development of nursing and supports the expansion of its autonomous functions. Students of the Medical Nurse specialty play a key role in the continuity and development of nursing, which in turn prompts the study of their opinions on the importance of conceptual models of care in their professional training.The purpose of this study is to collect the opinions of students from the specialty Medical Nurse, trained at the Medical Faculty of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, about the importance of conceptual models of care in their academic and practical education. Future health professionals' interest in and attention to conceptual models in their professional training has decreased. The majority of participants believe that conceptual models are sufficiently studied, yet they do not regard them as the foundations of medical nursing. These alarming results point to weaknesses in the overall structure, assessment, and control of nursing training activities and, accordingly, a decrease in the level of services provided

    Водна гімнастика як терапевтичний метод для покращення моторного планування в дітей із порушенням інтелектуального розвитку

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    Study purpose. This paper is devoted to an experimental study aimed to identify the effects of water gymnastics as a therapeutic method for improving motor planning in children with intellectual disability studying in general and special education institutions. Materials and methods. Twenty-three children (13 boys and 10 girls) aged from 6 to 11 years (x̅ = 8.61) participated in the study.  Three neuropsychological tests were used to study motor function: Sequential alternation of fist-palm-side, Graphic test “Fence”, and Fist-palm. Data were collected before and after participation in an 11-month therapy course conducted in a water environment. Descriptive analysis and One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were applied to process the empirical material. Cohen's η was used to interpret the effect size attributed to the therapeutic intervention. Results. Programming, regulation, and control, as the main components of motor planning, showed improvement after the children participated in the organized sessions, as evidenced by the large or larger than typical effect size η=[0.37:0.45+] recorded and the nonsignificant differences between groups differentiated by level of intellectual disability, age, and gender at the control measurement stage (p > 0.05). Conclusions. The results lead to the generalization that at the final stage of the study, all three factors (level of intellectual disability, age and gender) had no significant influence on the development of motor planning, confirming the effects of water gymnastics as a technology for its improvement.Мета дослідження. Ця стаття присвячена експериментальному дослідженню, метою якого було виявлення впливу водної гімнастики як терапевтичного методу покращення моторного планування в дітей із порушенням інтелектуального розвитку, які навчаються в закладах загальної та спеціальної освіти. Матеріали та методи. У дослідженні взяли участь 23 дитини (13 хлопчиків і 10 дівчаток) віком від 6 до 11 років (x̅ = 8,61). Для вивчення рухової функції використовували 3 нейропсихологічні тести: Послідовне чергування кулак-долоня-бік , Графічний тест «Паркан», Кулак-долоня. Дані збирали до та після участі в 11-місячному курсі терапії, який проводили у водному середовищі. Для обробки емпіричного матеріалу застосовували описовий аналіз та однофакторний дисперсійний аналіз (ANOVA). Для інтерпретації розміру ефекту, приписуваного терапевтичному втручанню, використовували показник η Коена. Результати. Програмування, регулювання та контроль, як основні компоненти моторного планування, показали покращення після того, як діти взяли участь в організованих заняттях, про що свідчать зареєстрований великий або більший за звичайний розмір ефекту η=[0,37:0,45+] та статистично незначущі відмінності між групами, диференційованими за рівнем порушення інтелектуального розвитку, віком та статтю, на етапі контрольного вимірювання (p > 0,05). Висновки. Результати дозволяють дійти загального висновку, що на завершальному етапі дослідження всі три фактори (рівень порушення інтелектуального розвитку, вік і стать) не мали істотного впливу на розвиток моторного планування, підтверджуючи вплив водної гімнастики як технології для його покращення

    Physical education and diagnostic procedures

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    „Who needs the student’s portfolio?”. The present exposé is focused on the created competencelevel of students who are being trained in the specialty of Preschool and Primary School Pedagogy of theeducational-qualification degree – Master at the Faculty of Education of the Trakya University, the city of StaraZagora in order to make a quantitative and qualitative analysis summarizing data conclusions from theobligatory diagnostic procedures in the physical education. The professional readiness for their interpretation inthe primary school student’s portfolio is studied

    Determination of heavy metals in black sea mytilusgallo provincialis and rapana venosa

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    Shellfish living in seas can accumulate heavy metals and thus serve as excellent passive biomonitors. Concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and manganese (Mn) in two kinds of shellfish, Rapana venosa and Mytilus galloprovincialis were determined. Samples were collected at three coastal sites along the Bulgarian Black Sea, including one mussel farm. Shellfish tissues were subjected to microwave-assisted acid digestion followed by appropriate atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) (Flame AAS for Mn, Electro thermal AAS for Cd, Pb and As). Concentration of total mercury was determined by Direct Mercury Analyzer. Levels of metals varied within species. The results clearly indicated that the concentrations of As exceeded the maximum permissible levels (MLPs) of 2,0 mg/kg according to the Bulgarian Food Codex (2004).Scripta Scientifica Medica 2012; 44(2): 27-30

    Comparative Analyses of Primary School Teachers` Satisfaction with the Profession in Bulgaria and Macedonia

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    Satisfaction in a profession is one of the key elements for productivity, quality working results but it's also important from a personal point of view in the sense of motivation for work and persistence in overcoming difficulties. Satisfaction in the teaching profession is also very important for the overall quality of the educational process and its issue that should not be neglected. Therefore, considering many educational reforms that are occurring, our particular interest was focused on exploring the satisfaction of being a teacher in the context of primary school teachers in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Based on this, this study aims to examine primary school teachers’ satisfaction with their professional activity. The subject of study are 232 Bulgarian and 123 Macedonian primary school teachers who teach different school subjects. A modified questionnaire, with 22 items related to the satisfaction with the teaching profession, is applied. Obtained data were analyzed using factor analysis, analysis of variance and non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The results show that the items with the highest values for the primary school teachers’ satisfaction in both countries are: the duration of holidays, the professional relations with colleagues, and the professional relations with the school management. There are no significant differences between Bulgarian and Macedonian primary school teachers in terms of satisfaction with most of the factors related to their professional activit

    The impact of reactive oxygen species on anticancer therapeutic strategies.

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    Over 50 years of experience in free radical biology and medicine shows that normal cells of healthy mammals are characterized by a low steady-state level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a constant (reference) level of reducing equivalents. A lasting increase of ROS above the critical level leads to permanent oxidative stress in the cells. This could cause genomic instability and mutations, which are responsible for adaptation of cells to oxidative stress and their survival in an oxidative environment. In turn, these events could provoke malignancy. It is widely accepted that the balance between ROS and reducing equivalents in cells and tissues determines their redox status. The evaluation of tissue redox status has great diagnostic potential in cancer, as well as prognostic potential for cancer therapy, and could significantly contribute to the planning of appropriate treatment and to increasing the patients\u27 quality of life. The conventional therapeutic strategy is based on drugs that increase ROS generation and induce apoptosis in cancer cells. However, this therapeutic approach has serious disadvantages: the expression of various toxic side effects in normal (non-cancer) tissues. The current review describes the basics of free radical biology in carcinogenesis. The authors emphasize the different redox status of normal and cancer cells, which permits the use of this parameter as a new therapeutic target. The authors also outline some directions for the development of promising therapeutic strategies based on the regulation of redox signaling using combined therapy. The review is intended for a broad readership - from non-specialists to researchers in the field of cancer biochemistry and pharmacy

    The Role of Melatonin on Behavioral Changes and Concomitant Oxidative Stress in icvAβ1-42 Rat Model with Pinealectomy

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    One of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) associated with its progression that contributes to β-amyloid (Aβ) generation is oxidative stress (OS). Clinical data suggest that melatonin is a potent antioxidant that might be effective in the adjunctive therapy of this neurodegenerative disease. The present study aimed to explore the role of melatonin on behavioral changes and markers of OS in three rat models, namely, pinealectomy (pin) model of melatonin deficit, intracerebroventricular (icv)Aβ1-42 model of AD, and combination of both pin and Aβ1-42 model (pin+icvAβ1-42). The chronic injection with vehicle/melatonin (50 mg/kg, i.p. for 40 days) started on the same day of sham/pin and icv vehicle/Aβ1-42 infusion procedures. Anxiety in the open field and the elevated plus-maze test and cognitive responses in the object recognition test were tested between the 30th–35th day after the surgical procedures. Markers of OS in the frontal cortex (FC) and hippocampus were detected by the ELISA method. Melatonin treatment corrected the exacerbated anxiety response only in the pin+icvAβ1-42 model while it alleviated the cognitive impairment in the three models. Pinealectomy disturbed the antioxidant system via enhanced SOD activity and decreased GSH levels both in the FC and hippocampus. The Aβ1-42 model decreased the SOD activity in the FC and elevated the MDA level in the two brain structures. The pin+icvAβ1-42 model impaired the antioxidant system and elevated lipid peroxidation. Melatonin supplementation restored only the elevated MDA level of icvAβ1-42 and pin+icvAβ1-42 model in the hippocampus. In conclusion, our study reveals that the pin+icvAβ1-42 rat model triggers more pronounced anxiety and alterations in markers of OS that may be associated with melatonin deficit concomitant to icvAβ1-42-induced AD pathology