744 research outputs found

    Wyzwania prawne odnoszące się do wprowadzania ekoturystyki w Rosji

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    This paper proposes a fresh look at ecotourism within the framework of sustainable development. The author discusses selected issues involved in the sphere of ecotourism and proposes new ways to improve its current practice in Russia. Answers to questions of the nature, significance, and consequences of ecotourism, the relationship between sustainable development and ecotourism, and the problems of sustainable use of wildlife have been given. The comparative study of practical experience in facilitating ecotourism initiatives overseas has allowed the author to argue their conclusions and recommend a specific scientific approach to the sustainable use of wildlife in Russia.W artykule zaproponowano nowe spojrzenie na ekoturystykę w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Autorka omawia wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu ekoturystyki i proponuje nowe sposoby doskonalenia jej dotychczasowych praktyk w Rosji. Przedstawiono propozycje odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące natury, znaczenia i konsekwencji ekoturystyki, relacji między zrównoważonym rozwojem a ekoturystyką oraz problemów zrównoważonego użytkowania dzikiej przyrody. Analiza porównawcza praktycznych doświadczeń zagranicznych  inicjatyw ekoturystycznych pozwoliła autorce zaproponować nowe naukowe podejście do zrównoważonego użytkowania dzikiej przyrody w Rosji

    Medidas legais, científicas, informativas e ideológicas para garantiro uso sustentável de objetos da vida selvagem: experiência russa eestrangeira

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    This article deals with the ecological education as an important means in the process of animal world preservation. Legal education is supposed to form a high level of legal awareness and legal culture among citizens and society. The result of legal education should be regarded in knowledge, citizens’ respectful attitude to the current legislation. According to this article, a high level of legal culture and legal education will allow everyone to realize the need to preserve the biodiversity of wild animals for the present and future generations. Based on the analysis of certain provisions of the legislation on the animal world and law enforcement practice, the article states that there is no comprehensive system of legal measures for the sustainable use of wildlife in Russia. The legal, economic, ideological, organizational measures proposed in this article will make it possible to achieve such use of the animal world that will preserve and increase the number of wild animal populations, maintain ecological balance, and ensure satisfaction of the needs of present and future generations in a favorable environment. The measures proposed will create a legal basis for sustainable management of the animal world. These measures will be useful in the development of national programs for the sustainable use of wildlife, strengthening the dialogue of the authorities with the population to involve them in the process of sustainable use of wildlife objects in order to ensure a balance of economic, environmental and social interests.Este artículo aborda la educación ecológica como un medio importante en el proceso de preservación del mundo animal. Se supone que la educación legal debe formar un alto nivel de conciencia legal y cultura legal entre los ciudadanos y la sociedad. El resultado de la educación legal debe considerarse en el conocimiento y la actitud respetuosa de los ciudadanos hacia la legislación vigente. Según este artículo, un alto nivel de cultura legal y educación legal permitirá a todos comprender la necesidad de preservar la biodiversidad de los animales salvajes para las generaciones presentes y futuras. Basándose en el análisis de ciertas disposiciones de la legislación sobre el mundo animal y la práctica de la aplicación de la ley, el artículo sostiene que no existe un sistema integral de medidas legales para el uso sostenible de la vida silvestre en Rusia. Las medidas legales, económicas, ideológicas y organizativas propuestas en este artículo permitirán lograr un uso del mundo animal que preserve e incremente la población de animales salvajes, mantenga el equilibrio ecológico y garantice la satisfacción de las necesidades de las generaciones presentes y futuras en un entorno favorable. Las medidas propuestas crearán una base legal para la gestión sostenible del mundo animal. Estas medidas serán útiles en el desarrollo de programas nacionales para el uso sostenible de la vida silvestre, fortaleciendo el diálogo de las autoridades con la población para involucrarlos en el proceso de uso sostenible de objetos de vida silvestre a fin de garantizar un equilibrio de intereses económicos, ambientales y sociales.Este artigo trata da educação ecológica como um meio importante no processo de preservação do mundo animal. A educação legal deve formar um alto nível de conscientização legal e cultura legal entre os cidadãos e a sociedade. O resultado da educação legal deve ser considerado no conhecimento e na atitude respeitosa dos cidadãos em relação à legislação atual. De acordo com este artigo, um alto nível de cultura legal e educação legal permitirá a todos compreender a necessidade de preservar a biodiversidade de animais selvagens para as gerações presentes e futuras. Com base na análise de certas disposições da legislação sobre o mundo animal e na prática de aplicação da lei, o artigo afirma que não existe um sistema abrangente de medidas legais para o uso sustentável da vida selvagem na Rússia. As medidas legais, econômicas, ideológicas e organizacionais propostas neste artigo tornarão possível alcançar um uso do mundo animal que preserve e aumente o número de populações de animais selvagens, mantenha o equilíbrio ecológico e garanta a satisfação das necessidades das gerações presentes e futuras em um ambiente favorável. As medidas propostas criarão uma base legal para a gestão sustentável do mundo animal. Essas medidas serão úteis no desenvolvimento de programas nacionais para o uso sustentável da vida selvagem, fortalecendo o diálogo das autoridades com a população para envolvê-los no processo de uso sustentável de objetos de vida selvagem, a fim de garantir um equilíbrio de interesses econômicos, ambientais e sociais

    Unemployment and job vacancies. Theoretical model and empirical analysis for Bulgaria.

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    The unemployment and the issues relating to it refer to the entire population of a given country and that's why they are always relevant. The present article examines the main factors exerting a powerful effect on the unemployment level – the active labour market policy, the labour mobility, the labour productivity and the labor force level. Developed is a theoretical model on the basis of which an empirical analysis is made of the data reflecting the unemployment level in the country over the 2013-2018 period. A special attention is paid to the mutual relation between the unemployment level and the number of the job vacancies, and it is precisely this interdependence that  is examined and analysed in the paper using the Beveridge curve


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    The survey aims to identify the factors influencing the different levels of unemployment in Bulgaria through the use of statistical methods and official statistical information regarding the labor market for the period 2015-2019. To achieve the research goals, a regression model was developed, disclosing the relationship between a dependent variable (total unemployment rate) and a system of independent variables reflecting the influence of factors for the analyzed period. The nature of the dependencies is established, statistically significant factors are selected and ranked, the degree of influence for each of them is determined, the adequacy of the model is checked and the results obtained are fully analyzed. Based on the findings achieved, conclusions are formulated and measures are proposed aimed at a general reduction of the unemployment rate in the country, as well as to increase the opportunities for employment of various categories of unemployed persons with disabilities

    Education in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Development Vector, Prospects and Challenges for Russia

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    Modern civilisation has entered the era of the fourth industrial revolution, characterised by digital, Internet and cyber-expansion, virtualisation, mobile technologies, robotisation, global changes in energy, nano- and biotechnologies. It entails significant changes in all spheres of human activity. There is a mass need for entirely new professions. Scientific and technological progress gives the society not only broad prospects but also brings new challenges and threats. There is a tight (not always fair) competition between the leading countries of the world and transnational corporations for domination in entering the sixth technological order, to lead in digital technologies and artificial intelligence. At this stage, educational systems should provide revolutionary changes based on the latest scientific achievements. One more dangerous threat is that the achievements of modern science and high technologies are not always used for the benefit of humanity, that is, large-scale cyber-attacks, hybrid wars, public consciousness manipulation. Form this point, the formation of a single global educational space, taking into account the humanistic needs of the society, seems really important. The fourth industrial revolution leads to personality changes and not always in a positive direction. This is especially true of the generation “Y” or “network generation”, consuming “intellectual fast food” and easily falling under the influence of others and becoming a victim of manipulation. It also includes the problem of virtual reality, which influences the person so profoundly that he/she falls out of the real world. Obviously, education must also undergo a systemic transformation, based on the characteristics of the modern information society and the globalising world that has entered the postmodern and mass media era. The issues mentioned above are deeply and critically analysed and discussed in this study both from the global and BRICS (precisely Russia) countries perspective. The authors eventually suggest some ways to solve them

    Circuits Regulating Pleasure and Happiness:The Evolution of the Amygdalar-Hippocampal-Habenular Connectivity in Vertebrates

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    Appetitive-searching (reward-seeking) and distress-avoiding (misery-fleeing) behavior are essential for all free moving animals to stay alive and to have offspring. Therefore, even the oldest ocean-dwelling animal creatures, living about 560 million years ago and human ancestors, must have been capable of generating these behaviors. The current article describes the evolution of the forebrain with special reference to the development of the misery-fleeing system. Although, the earliest vertebrate ancestor already possessed a dorsal pallium, which corresponds to the human neocortex, the structure and function of the neocortex was acquired quite recently within the mammalian evolutionary line. Up to, and including, amphibians, the dorsal pallium can be considered to be an extension of the medial pallium, which later develops into the hippocampus. The ventral and lateral pallium largely go up into the corticoid part of the amygdala. The striatopallidum of these early vertebrates becomes extended amygdala, consisting of centromedial amygdala (striatum) connected with the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (pallidum). This amygdaloid system gives output to hypothalamus and brainstem, but also a connection with the cerebral cortex exists, which in part was created after the development of the more recent cerebral neocortex. Apart from bidirectional connectivity with the hippocampal complex, this route can also be considered to be an output channel as the fornix connects the hippocampus with the medial septum, which is the most important input structure of the medial habenula. The medial habenula regulates the activity of midbrain structures adjusting the intensity of the misery-fleeing response. Within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis the human homolog of the ancient lateral habenula-projecting globus pallidus may exist; this structure is important for the evaluation of efficacy of the reward-seeking response. The described organization offers a framework for the regulation of the stress response, including the medial habenula and the subgenual cingulate cortex, in which dysfunction may explain the major symptoms of mood and anxiety disorders

    : Comprehensive Evaluation of the Territory Adjacent to the Road "Kolyma" (on the Example of Central Yakutia)

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    International audienceThe highway "Kolyma" is one of the most promising tourist sites of Yakutia. It crosses a variety of landscapes, has a unique history, available to the public. This article concerns on the evaluation of tourist potential of the territory, "Kolyma", adjacent to the road will highlight attractive from a touristic spot.Автомобильная дорога «Колыма» является одним из наиболее перспективных туристических объектов Якутии. Она пересекает разнообразные ландшафты, имеет уникальную историю, доступна для посещения. Оценка туристско-рекре-ационного потенциала территории, прилегающей к дороге «Колыма» позволит выделить привлекательные с туристической точки участки

    Circuits Regulating Pleasure and Happiness-Mechanisms of Depression

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    According to our model of the regulation of appetitive-searching versus distress-avoiding behaviors, the motivation to display these essential conducts is regulated by two parallel cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical, re-entry circuits, including the core and the shell parts of the nucleus accumbens, respectively. An entire series of basal ganglia, running from the caudate nucleus on one side, to the centromedial amygdala on the other side, controls the intensity of these reward-seeking and misery-fleeing behaviors by stimulating the activity of the (pre)frontal and limbic cortices. Hyperactive motivation to display behavior that potentially results in reward induces feelings of hankering (relief leads to pleasure). Hyperactive motivation to exhibit behavior related to avoidance of misery results in dysphoria (relief leads to happiness). These two systems collaborate in a reciprocal fashion. In clinical depression, a mismatch exists between the activities of these two circuits: the balance is shifted to the misery-avoiding side. Five theories have been developed to explain the mechanism of depressive mood disorders, including the monoamine, biorhythm, neuro-endocrine, neuro-immune, and kindling/neuroplasticity theories. This paper describes these theories in relationship to the model (described above) of the regulation of reward-seeking versus misery-avoiding behaviors. Chronic stress that leads to structural changes may induce the mismatch between the two systems. This mismatch leads to lack of pleasure, low energy, and indecisiveness, on one hand, and dysphoria, continuous worrying, and negative expectations on the other hand. The neuroplastic effects of monoamines, cortisol, and cytokines may mediate the induction of these structural alterations. Long-term exposure to stressful situations (particularly experienced during childhood) may lead to increased susceptibility for developing this condition. This hypothesis opens up the possibility of treating depression with psychotherapy. Genetic and other biological factors (toxic, infectious, or traumatic) may increase sensitivity to the induction of relevant neuroplastic changes. Reversal or compensation of these neuroplastic adjustments may explain the effects of biological therapies in treating depression

    Skin Microbiome and Ingredients for Beautiful Skin

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    Increased demand for skin care products has led to in-depth research focused on understanding the mechanics of skin aging and the development of strategies to improve overall skin health. In recent years, innovation in cosmetics has been driven by advances in epigenetics, neurocosmetics, and human skin microbiome and ingredient research, each of which is likely to have a profound impact on the cosmetics industry in the future. While highlighting recent breakthroughs in these fields, this report explores why innovations in the skin microbiome and the ingredients for beautiful skin are going to become the next generation in the cosmetics industry