14 research outputs found

    Hydrophobic Substituents of the Phenylmethylsulfamide Moiety Can Be Used for the Development of New Selective Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors

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    A new series of compounds containing a sulfamide moiety as zinc-binding group (ZBG) has been synthesized and tested for determining inhibitory properties against four human carbonic anhydrase (hCA) isoforms, namely, CAs I, II, IX, and XII. The X-ray structure of the cytosolic dominant isoform hCA II in complex with the best inhibitor of the series has also been determined providing further insights into sulfamide binding mechanism and confirming that such zinc-binding group, if opportunely derivatized, can be usefully exploited for obtaining new potent and selective CAIs. The analysis of the structure also suggests that for drug design purposes the but-2-yn-1-yloxy moiety tail emerges as a very interesting substituent of the phenylmethylsulfamide moiety due to its capability to establish strong van der Waals interactions with a hydrophobic cleft on the hCA II surface, delimited by residues Phe131, Val135, Pro202, and Leu204. Indeed, the complementarity of this tail with the cleft suggests that different substituents could be used to discriminate between isoforms having clefts with different sizes

    Questions of Race and Gender in Mark Twain’s Novels (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”)

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    Anotācija Izpētes darbs ”Rase un dzimte Marka Tvena romānos (”Toma Sojera piedzīvojumi” un Haklberija Fina piedzīvojumi”)” ir 19. gadsimta Amerikāņu reālisma galveno tendenču pārskats, kā arī Marka Tvena romānu ”Toma Sojera piedzīvojumi” un ”Haklberija Fina piedzīvojumi” analīze, kur tiek akcentēti rases/rasu attiecību un dzimtes jautājumi. Mana izpētes darba mērķis ir veikt amerikaniskuma idejas analīzi (pēc Marka Tvena viedokļa). Darbs ir veikts, ņemot vērā informāciju no vairākām grāmatām un Interneta resursiem, kas ir pieejami Rīgas Centrālajā bibliotēkā, Latvijas Nacionālajā bibliotēkā un Humanitārā Filoloģijas Lasītavā. Izpētes darba gaitā tika secināts, ka abi Tvena romāni (”Toma Sojera piedzīvojumi” un ”Haklberija Fina piedzīvojumi”) ar rases un dzimtes jautājumu palīdzību apspriež amerikaniskuma idejas būtību, kur Amerikānis (pēc Marka Tvena viedokļa) ir katrs, kas ir Amerikas daļa, un nav svarīgi vai viņš ir balts vai melns, viņš ir Amerikānis.Abstract The research work ”Questions of Race and Gender in Mark Twain’s Novels (”The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and ”The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”) provides a review on the main tendencies of American realism of the 19th century, and the analysis of Twain’ novels (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”), focusing on the questions of race/racial relations and questions of gender. The purpose of my work is to analyze the issue of ”Americanness” from Mark Twain’s point of view. The research work has been informed by critical sources available at Riga Central Library, National Library of Latvia, Reading Room of the Humanities/Philology of the University of Latvia and on the Internet. In the course of the analysis it was concluded that both novels by Mark Twain (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”) address the issue of ”Americanness” through the questions of race and gender, where the American (from Mark Twain’s point of view) is everyone who is a part of America, no matter whether he is black or white, he is American by all means

    The Processes of Restitution of Jewish Property in Latvia and Lithuania (1991-2011)

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    Izpētes darbs “Ebreju īpašumu restitūcijas procesi Latvijā un Lietuvā (1991-2011)” apskata ebreju īpašumu restitūcijas procesus Latvijā un Lietuvā, analizējot vēsturisko pieredzi un Holokausta sekas, likumdošanas attīstību, valdības un vietējo ebreju kopienu nostāju, ar mērķi atrast restitūcijas kavēšanas šķēršļus abās valstīs.Šis darbs ir izstrādāts, izmantojot jauktās pētīšanas metodes un elektroniskās aptaujas rezultātus, ar mērķi definēt politisko spēku un Latvijas ebreju kopienas nostāju attiecībā uz restitūcijas procesiem.Izpētes darba gaitā tika secināts, ka restitūcijas kavēšanas iemesli abās valstīs parādījās Padomju pieredzes, un pagātnes ignorēšanas rezultātā, kā arī tagādējās politiskās vēlmes trūkuma dēļ. Atslēgvārdi: Holokausts, postpadomju, okupācija, nacionalizācija, ekspropriācija, kompensācija, masu mediji, likumdošana, atbildība.The research work „The Processes of Restitution of Jewish Property in Latvia and Lithuania (1991-2011)” explores the restitution processes of Jewish property in Latvia and Lithuania by analyzing historical experience and consequences of the Holocaust, the development of legal framework, the position of the government and local Jewish Communities, with the main focus to find out obstacles delaying the process of restitution in both countries.The given research work is based on mixed methods of research, using results of the electronic surveys in order to formulate the position of the political powers and Jewish Community of Latvia towards the issue of restitution. In the course of the analysis it was concluded that the problem of delayed restitution in both countries appeared due to their Soviet experience, current absence of political will, and tendency to ignore the past. Keywords: Holocaust, post-Soviet, occupation, nationalization, expropriation, compensation, mass media, legislation, responsibility

    Definition and Establishing of Guilt in Civil Law

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    Darbs ir veltīts vainas jēdziena noskaidrošanai un vainas konstatēšanai civiltiesībās. Latvijā notiek pakāpeniska viedokļu maiņa par vainas institūta pastāvēšanu civiltiesībās. Daļēji šīs izmaiņas ir sasitītas ar Eiropas Savienības ietvaros notiekošajiem privāttiesību unifikācijas darbiem. Latvijā tiek apsvērtas iespējas pārņemt Civillikumā stingrās (objektīvās) atbildības principu. Šis princips par galveno izvirza civiltiesisko līdzekļu piemērošanu. Atbildības pienākuma noteikšanā tiek vērtētas personas darbības, vai tās ir tiesiskas vai prettiesiskas. Savukārt vainas princips paredz vērtēt personas darbībās vainu. Vainas jēdzienam nav definīcijas. Tā izpratne civiltiesībās ir saistīta ar krimināltiesībās pastāvošo vainas apzīmējumu kā „psihisku attieksmi”. Darba mērķis ir aplūkot vainas institūta rašanos, tā attīstību un galvenās koncepcijas. Par rezultātu kalpo iegūtās atziņas par stingrās (objektīvās) atbildības principa pārsvaru par vainas principu gan no teorētiskā, gan no praktiskā viedokļa. Atslēgvārdi: vaina, vainas princips, stingrā (objektīvā) atbildība, atbildība, civiltiesiskās aizsardzības līdzekļi, zaudējumi.The master paper to give an attention to clarify a fault conception in the civil law. In Latvia is going to change point of view about the fault conception. The changes are binging with unifications works in civil law of the European of Union. In Latvia are considering possibility of overtaking strict liability institution in the Civil Law of Latvia. The main signification of the strict liability are remedies. In this sense it is the opposite of the principle of fault. The term „fault” has no definition. It is connected with „mental attitude” as it is in the criminal law. Tasks of master paper are to examine coming into existence of the term „fault”, development and most important conceptions. Results are conclusions about principle of the strict liability prevelence of the principle of the fault. Key words: fault, the principle of fault, strict liability, liability, remedies, damages

    Hearing witness and person who has the right to defence in pre-trial investigation by using technical means.

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    Tiesību zinātneTiesību zinātneLaw ScienceLaw ScienceMaģistra darba tēma ir „Liecinieka un personas, kurai ir tiesības uz aizstāvību, pratināšana pirmstiesas procesā, izmantojot tehniskos līdzekļus”. Darba mērķis ir izpētīt liecinieka un personas, kurai ir tiesības uz aizstāvību, pratināšanu pirmstiesas procesā, izmantojot tehniskos līdzekļus, reglamentējošās tiesību normas, norises praktiskos aspektus, pratināšanas taktikas pielietošanas iespējas, kā arī starptautiskos tehniskos standartus, identificēt problēmas un piedāvāt to risinājumus. Izvēlētās tēmas aktualitāte pamatota ar to, ka noziedzības robežas strauji paplašinās. Savukārt, pēdējā laika notikumi, kas saistīti ar COVID-19 riskiem un ierobežojumiem, parādīja, ka arvien biežāk ir jāmeklē efektīvs risinājums, kā organizēt darbu attālināti. Viens no šādiem risinājumiem ir prasība pēc iespējas veikt personu pratināšanu attālinātā režīmā - izmantojot videokonferences vai telefonkonferences. Maģistra darba izstrādes gaitā tika identificētas vairākas problēmas, kas saistītas ar nepietiekamo tiesisko regulējumu nepilngadīgo personu pratināšanā, izmantojot tehniskos līdzekļus, kā arī ir konstatētas neskaidrības par to, vai ārvalstī esošās personas pratināšana ir veicama, ievērojot starptautiskajā tiesiskajā sadarbībā noteikto kārtību, jeb var rīkoties atbilstoši Kriminālprocesa likuma 140.panta 7.1 daļas nosacījumiem un nopratināt personu bez ārvalsts kompetento iestāžu iesaistes videokonferencē/telefonkonferencē. Maģistra darba nobeigumā tiek analizēts sasniegtais darba mērķis un izvirzītie uzdevumi, izdarīti secinājumi un izvirzīti priekšlikumi konstatēto problēmu risināšanai. Maģistra darba pamatteksts sastāv no 70 lapaspusēm – ievads, trīs nodaļas, desmit apakšnodaļas un nobeigums.The topic of Master’s thesis is “Hearing witness and person who has the right to defence in pre-trial investigation by using technical means.” The aim of the work is to explore legal framework, practical aspects, the possibility to apply interrogation tactics, and international tehnical standarts of hearing witness and person who has the right to defence in pre-trial investigation by using technical means, identifying problems and offering their solutions. The topicality of the chosen topic is based on the fact that, cross-border crime is increasing. On the other hand, recent events related to the risks and limitations of COVID-19 have shown that there is an increasing need to find an effective way to organize work remotely. One of these measures is the requirement to hear people remotely, if possible by videoconference or telephone conference. During the research of the given Master’s thesis several problems have been identified: problems related to the incomplete legal framework of hearing minors by using tehnical means, as well as uncertainties have been identified as to whether hearing of a person currently staying abroad should be carried out in accordance with the international legal cooperation or according to the provisions of Section 140, Paragraph 7.1 of the Criminal Procedure Law, and to interrogate a person without the involvement of foreign competent authorities in a videoconference / telephone conference. The analysis of the achived goal and the tasks, conclusions, and proposals for the solving of the identified problems, are provided in the end of the work. The main text of the Master's thesis consists of 70 pages - introduction, three chapters, ten subsections and a conclusion

    Preschool middle age children’s emotional development by playing motion games

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    Preschool middle age children’s emotional development by playing motion games

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    The overall aim of this study is to investigate the perception of support provided to orphan children in foster care placement in terms of education, care and support as well as protection by orphan children themselves, foster parents and social workers. Due to HIV/AIDS many children are being orphaned and are left behind without any visible means of support. HIV/AIDS remains undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges of the world today, as there is no part of the world that has not felt the devastating impact of the pandemic. This is already evidenced by the increase in number of orphans, child headed households and other vulnerable children affected by HIV/AIDS and the inability of the extended family system to provide such children with basic requirements such as shelter, food, medical care, education, love and support. The first chapter is focusing on the Magnitude of OVC in general and Namibia in particular. According to the National Plan of Action for OVC in Namibia, the total number of orphans and vulnerable children was estimated at 128 000 in 2007 (MGECW, 2007). According to 2001 Population and Housing Census the whole Khomas region had 6674 OVC, while Khomas urban had 5708 OVC, which means that in the Khomas region more OVC in an Urban areas while rural areas had less number which was 389 OVC (NPC, 2005). Chapter two presents a literature review and focuses on the phenomena of foster care placement. It includes the definition of terms such as an orphan child, a vulnerable child and foster care placement. It gives background details of foster care placement in general and foster care placement in the Namibia context. Also the support (care and support, education and protection) being offered to children in foster care placement are discussed. Chapter three focuses on the research methods and data collection of this study. The following elements are described in this chapter: Setting and samples, procedure, methods and methodological consideration, the role of the researcher, the limitations of the study and the ethnographic situation. Chapter four is devoted to the foster care placement legal framework in Namibia where the current foster care placement processes to access government grant to support foster families are discussed as well as foster care placement policy implications in Namibia. The conclusion of the findings on foster care placement processes is included. Chapter five consists of the analysis of the study. It provides the background information of the samples, questions, responses and interpretations of the main views of the respondents on the support provided to children in foster care placement in terms of care and support, education, protection as well as foster care placement process are provided in this chapter. Chapter six is focuses on discussions and conclusion. It includes major views of the respondents and the understanding of different voices of orphan children in foster care placement, foster parents and social workers who are professionals in this matter

    Mödrars inställning till amning och erfarenheter av amningsstöd från vårdpersonal

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    Introduktion: Amning anses vara fördelaktig för både barnet och den ammande modern. Bröstmjölk är en idealisk föda för barnet och tillgodoser barnets behov av närhet och trygghet. Världshälsoorganisationen rekommenderar amning i sex månader och därefter fortsatt amning med komplettering av tilläggskost i två år eller längre. Den svenska barnhälsovården [BHV] har stor räckvidd och kan göra stor skillnad både för individen men också ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet var att utforska mödrars förkunskaper och inställning till amning samt deras upplevelser och erfarenheter av amningsstöd från vårdpersonal. Metod: Tio mödrar intervjuades och materialet bearbetades induktivt med kvalitativ innehållsanalys inspirerad av Malterud. Resultat: Ur intervjumaterialet framkom fyra kategorier: Mödrarnas förkunskaper och behov av information, Vårdpersonalens kompetens och dess betydelse för amningen, Vårdpersonalens bemötande och arbetssätt som viktiga amningsfrämjande faktorer och Att utveckla egenvård och bli självständig i sin amning. Erfarenheter som framkom var att vården inte var så amningsfrämjande och mödrarna hade större förväntningar på vårdpersonalens kompetens inom amningsrelaterade frågor. Det var mödrarnas egen inställning och inte stödet från BHV som ansågs påverka i vilken utsträckning och hur länge amningen pågick. Mödrarna uttryckte konkret vad de upplevde som ett bra stöd och på vilket sätt stödet hade gjort att de utvecklat självständighet. De önskade ett individanpassat stöd och handfasta råd vilket de inte alltid fått. Slutsats: Sammantaget visade resultatet att mödrarnas erfarenhet av amningsstöd från barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan var att de värderade just ett hälsofrämjande fokus och efterfrågade ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt avseende amningsstöd

    Mödrars inställning till amning och erfarenheter av amningsstöd från vårdpersonal

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    Introduktion: Amning anses vara fördelaktig för både barnet och den ammande modern. Bröstmjölk är en idealisk föda för barnet och tillgodoser barnets behov av närhet och trygghet. Världshälsoorganisationen rekommenderar amning i sex månader och därefter fortsatt amning med komplettering av tilläggskost i två år eller längre. Den svenska barnhälsovården [BHV] har stor räckvidd och kan göra stor skillnad både för individen men också ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet var att utforska mödrars förkunskaper och inställning till amning samt deras upplevelser och erfarenheter av amningsstöd från vårdpersonal. Metod: Tio mödrar intervjuades och materialet bearbetades induktivt med kvalitativ innehållsanalys inspirerad av Malterud. Resultat: Ur intervjumaterialet framkom fyra kategorier: Mödrarnas förkunskaper och behov av information, Vårdpersonalens kompetens och dess betydelse för amningen, Vårdpersonalens bemötande och arbetssätt som viktiga amningsfrämjande faktorer och Att utveckla egenvård och bli självständig i sin amning. Erfarenheter som framkom var att vården inte var så amningsfrämjande och mödrarna hade större förväntningar på vårdpersonalens kompetens inom amningsrelaterade frågor. Det var mödrarnas egen inställning och inte stödet från BHV som ansågs påverka i vilken utsträckning och hur länge amningen pågick. Mödrarna uttryckte konkret vad de upplevde som ett bra stöd och på vilket sätt stödet hade gjort att de utvecklat självständighet. De önskade ett individanpassat stöd och handfasta råd vilket de inte alltid fått. Slutsats: Sammantaget visade resultatet att mödrarnas erfarenhet av amningsstöd från barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan var att de värderade just ett hälsofrämjande fokus och efterfrågade ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt avseende amningsstöd

    1,2,3-Benzoxathiazine-2,2-dioxides – effective inhibitors of human carbonic anhydrases

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    AbstractA series of 1,2,3-benzoxathiazine-2,2-dioxides possessing various substituents in the 5, 7, or 8 position was obtained from corresponding 2-hydroxybenzaldehydes in their reaction with sulfamoyl chloride. 5-, 7-, and 8-aryl substituted 1,2,3-benzoxathiazine-2,2-dioxides were prepared from aryl substituted 2-hydroxybenzaldehydes obtained from 3-, 4-, or 6-bromo-2-hydroxybenzaldehydes via two-step protocol. 1,2,3-Benzoxathiazine-2,2-dioxides were investigated for the inhibition of four human carbonic anhydrase (hCA, EC isoforms, cytosolic hCA I and II and tumour-associated transmembrane hCA IX and XII. Twenty four derivatives of 1,2,3-benzoxathiazine 2,2-dioxide were obtained. Most of them act as nanomolar inhibitors of hCA IX and XII. Almost all compounds except 2d and 5a-e also express nanomolar inhibitory activity for hCA II. hCA I is poorly inhibited or not inhibited by 1,2,3-benzoxathiazine 2,2-dioxides. Some of the new derivatives exhibit promising selectivity towards CA IX/XII over hCA I, although none of the compounds are selective towards CA IX/XII over both hCA I and II