630 research outputs found

    The Spinning Particles as a Nonlinear Realizations of the Superworldline Reparametrization Invariance

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    The superdiffeomorphisms invariant description of NN - extended spinning particle is constructed in the framework of nonlinear realizations approach. The action is universal for all values of NN and describes the time evolution of D+2D+2 different group elements of the superdiffeomorphisms group of the (1,N)(1,N) superspace. The form of this action coincides with the one-dimensional version of the gravity action, analogous to Trautman's one.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    VVV High Proper Motion Survey

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    Here we present survey of proper motion stars towards the Galactic Bulge and an adjacent plane region base on VISTA-VVV data. The searching method based on cross-matching photometric Ks-band CASU catalogs. The most interesting discoveries are shown.Peer reviewe

    Microstructure and properties of hypoeutectic silumin treated by high-current pulsed electron beams

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    The structural-phase states, microhardness, and tribological properties of hypoeutectic silumin after electron-beam treatment are studied by the methods of contemporary physical materials science. The object of the study is hypoeutectic АК10М2Н-type silumin containing 87.88 wt.% of Al and 11.1 wt.% of Si as the base components.Методами сучасного фізичного матеріалознавства досліджено структурно-фазові стани, мікротвердість і трибологічні властивості доевтектичного силуміну після електронно-пучкового оброблення. Об єктом дослідження був доевтектичний силумін марки АК10М2Н із вмістом 87,88 ваг.% Al й 11,1 ваг.% Si як головних компонентів.Методами современного физического материаловедения исследованы структурнофазовые состояния, микротв рдость и трибологические свойства доэвтектического силумина после электронно-пучковой обработки. Объектом исследования являлся доэвтектический силумин марки АК10М2Н с содержанием 87,88 вес.% Al и 11,1 вес.% Si как главных компонентов

    Comparative Analysis of Various Superconducting and Non-Superconducting Fault Current Limiting Devices Designed for Operation in a 110kV/100 MW Power Network

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    AbstractAs it is known one of the most promising fault current limiting (FCL) devices for high-power electric networks can be the so-called transformer type superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) with the primary winding connected to the load in series and the secondary one shortened by a fast-acting circuit-breaker. These devices when made of conventional materials can be very large and expensive – e.g., for a 100 MW circuit under protection the total mass of copper winding conductors can exceed 15 tons and the heat losses in a normal operating mode can be more than 200kW. Therefore, using of high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) can be a solution which can sufficiently improve the mass, geometrical and operational characteristics of an FCL. Unlike other superconducting AC devices, the magnetic field in SFCL does not exceed 0.1 – 0.2 T what allows using HTSC windings even at a comparatively high level of AC losses existing nowadays. In this paper is performed a comparative analysis of various designs of SCFL with the non-superconducting FCL. It has been shown that the former have a mass by an order of magnitude lower than the latter and the rate of lowering of heat losses in a normal operating mode is the same. The equalization of costs of both designs is expected to be reached within the nearest 3 – 5 five years

    The VMC survey III : Mass-loss rates and luminosities of LMC AGB stars

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    Context. Asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are major contributors to both the chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium and the integrated light of galaxies. Despite its importance, the AGB is one of the least understood phases of stellar evolution. The main difficulties associated with detailed modelling of the AGB are related to the mass-loss process and the 3rd dredge-up efficiency Aims. We provide direct measures of mass-loss rates and luminosities for a complete sample of AGB stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, disentangling the C- and O-rich stellar populations. Methods. Dust radiative transfer models are presented for all 374 AGB stars candidates in one of the fields observed by the new VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds (VMC). Mass-loss rates, luminosities and a classification of C-and O-rich stars are derived by fitting the models to the spectral energy distribution (SED) obtained by combining VMC data with existing optical, near-, and mid-infrared photometry. Results. The classification technique is reliable at a level of - at worst -75% and significantly better for the reddest dusty stars. We classified none of the stars with a relevant mass-loss rate as O-rich, and we can exclude the presence of more than one dusty O-rich star at a similar to 94% level. The bolometric luminosity function we obtained is fully consistent with most of the literature data on the LMC and with the prediction of theoretical models, with a peak of the C-star distribution at M-bol similar or equal to -4.8 mag and no stars brighter than the classical AGB tip, at M-bol = -7.1 mag. Conclusions. This exploratory study shows that our method provides reliable mass-loss rates, luminosities and chemical classifications for all AGB stars. These results offer already important constraints to AGB evolutionary models. Most of our conclusions, especially for the rarer dust-enshrouded extreme AGB stars, are however strongly limited by the relatively small area covered by our study. Forthcoming VMC observations will easily remove this limitation.Peer reviewe

    Lattice QCD Constraints on the Nuclear Equation of State

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    Based on the quasi-particle description of the QCD medium at finite temperature and density we formulate the phenomenological model for the equation of state that exhibits crossover or the first order deconfinement phase transition. The models are constructed in such a way to be thermodynamically consistent and to satisfy the properties of the ground state nuclear matter comply with constraints from intermediate heavy--ion collision data. Our equations of states show quite reasonable agreement with the recent lattice findings on temperature and baryon chemical potential dependence of relevant thermodynamical quantities in the parameter range covering both the hadronic and quark--gluon sectors. The model predictions on the isentropic trajectories in the phase diagram are shown to be consistent with the recent lattice results. Our nuclear equations of states are to be considered as an input to the dynamical models describing the production and the time evolution of a thermalized medium created in heavy ion collisions in a broad energy range from SIS up to LHC.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Chiral Lagrangian with confinement from the QCD Lagrangian

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    An effective Lagrangian for the light quark in the field of a static source is derived systematically using the exact field correlator expansion. The lowest Gaussian term is bosonized using nonlocal colorless bosonic fields and a general structure of effective chiral Lagrangian is obtained containing all set of fields. The new and crucial result is that the condensation of scalar isoscalar field which is a usual onset of chiral symmetry breaking and is constant in space-time, assumes here the form of the confining string and contributes to the confining potential, while the rest bosonic fields describe mesons with the q\bar q quark structure and pseudoscalars play the role of Nambu-Goldstone fields. Using derivative expansion the effective chiral Lagrangian is deduced containing both confinement and chiral effects for heavy-light mesons. The pseudovector quark coupling constant is computed to be exactly unity in the local limit,in agreement with earlier large N_c arguments.Comment: LaTeX2e, 17 page

    Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the A3V star β Circini

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    We report the discovery of an L dwarf companion to the A3V star β Circini. VVV J151721.49−585131.5, or β Cir B, was identified in a proper motion and parallax catalogue of the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea survey as having near-infrared luminosity and colour indicative of an early L dwarf, and a proper motion and parallax consistent with that of β Cir. The projected separation of ∼3.6 arcmin corresponds to 6656 au, which is unusually wide. The most recent published estimate of the age of the primary combined with our own estimate based on newer isochrones yields an age of 370–500 Myr. The system therefore serves as a useful benchmark at an age greater than that of the Pleiades brown dwarfs and most other young L dwarf benchmarks. We have obtained a medium resolution echelle spectrum of the companion which indicates a spectral type of L1.0 ± 0.5 and lacks the typical signatures of low-surface gravity seen in younger brown dwarfs. This suggests that signs of low-surface gravity disappear from the spectra of early L dwarfs by an age of ∼370–500 Myr, as expected from theoretical isochrones. The mass of β Cir B is estimated from the BHAC15 isochrones as 0.056 ± 0.007 Msun.Peer reviewe