133 research outputs found
Исследовнаие термической стабильности 4-метилфениЛ-О-?-Д-глюкопиранозид, методом ТГ-ДСК-ДТА-МС
Были получены данные о термической стабильности 4-метилфенил-О-β-Д-глюкопиранозид. Данная субстанция обладает диуретическим эффектом сравнимым с современными диуретиками. Исследование термической стабильности проводили методом ТГ-ДСК-МС в инертной атмосфере аргона, в интервале температур 25‒600 С°. Из полученных дериватограмм можно сделать вывод, что термическая стабильность субстанции соизмерима с термической стабильностью современных диуретиков. Был предположен механизм термического разложения субстанции и выявлены химические маркеры данного процесса
Gamification of Violence in Analog (Tabletop) Thematic Games: Splices, Wrinkles, and Translation Gaps
Modern tabletop (analog) games are riding a wave of popularity being a part of "resisting the digital” trend. First of all, imaginary worlds of media franchises become represented in tabletop games with their specific ways of creating interactive narrative and gaming algorithms. Secondly, tabletop games address complicated issues and concepts of today’s world. The authors aim to examine specific ways of representing violence in tabletop games, with plots already employed by pieces of different types of media. The authors believe that the hybrid nature of modern tabletop (analog) games involves a hybrid methodology, including phenomenology, hermeneutics, procedural rhetoric, the ideas of R.Kayua, M.Wolf, L.Manovich. The concept of violence is analyzed with reference to V. Podoroga, А. Usmanova, S. Zizek, V. Benjamin. The result of the study is a comprehensive description of the representation of violence in board-themed games. The authors argue that violence is represented in tabletop games at several levels and in different forms: narrative violence, visual violence, symbolic violence, etc. The study indirectly confirms the non-autonomy of the game process, the dependence of the game narrative on the experience of acquaintance with the "imaginary world.”
Keywords: media theory, game studiеs, boardgames, tabletop games, violenc
Realizacja praw podatników (przedsiębiorstw cyfrowych) w świetle umów o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania
The article discusses the implementation of the right of taxpayers-digital companies in the framework of the double tax avoidance agreements (hereinafter referred to as the DTAA) to exemption from taxation in the state-source of income. As a result of the analysis of the norms contained in international agreements on the avoidance of double taxation, ways to address the issue of taxation of digital companies in the framework of international tax legislation are proposed. The authors of the article proved the need to amend the provisions of the DTAA and, in particular, change the term ‘permanent establishment’ and proposed the introduction of the concept of a ‘digital’ permanent establishment for the purpose of establishing the tax presence of a company in the relevant jurisdictions, with reference to the location of users and customers of such companies.W artykule omówiono realizację prawa podatników – przedsiębiorstw cyfrowych – do zwolnienia z podatku w państwie źródle dochodu w kontekście umów o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania (zwanych dalej: UUPO). Na podstawie analizy norm zawartych w międzynarodowych umowach o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania zaproponowano sposoby rozwiązania problemu opodatkowania przedsiębiorstw cyfrowych w ramach umów o unikaniu podwójnego opodatkowania. Autorzy artykułu wskazują na potrzebę dokonania nowelizacji przepisów UUPO, a w szczególności modyfikacji terminu „zakład stały”, proponują także wprowadzenie pojęcia „cyfrowego” zakładu stałego dla celów ustalania obecności podatkowej przedsiębiorstwa w odpowiedniej jurysdykcji, na podstawie lokalizacji użytkowników i klientów takich firm
Social, Environmental, and Economic Fundamentals for the Development of a Biosphere Reserve in the Mining Area of South Ural
The paper dwells upon the theoretical foundations and
practical issues of the development of a biosphere reserve
as a component of a major social, environmental, and
economic system. Mining South Ural is a biosphere reserve
that is cited as an example of how the success of its
development depends on the opportunity and adequacy
of adapting the requirements of the World Network of
Biosphere Reserves regulations (the UNESCO Man and the
Biosphere program) to the historical specific issues of the
reserve and its surrounding areas. Particular attention is paid
to the specific matters of how the biosphere reserve has
been formed under the conditions of the spatial integration
of natural and urbanized areas of the old industrial
region. The paper demonstrates the specifics of creating
project-based solutions and drafting a biosphere reserve
management plan for industrially developed areas
Nanostructuring and Physical Properties of Metal-Ceramic Composites With a Different Content the Ceramic Components
A comparative analysis of the microstructure and durability of hard-alloy plates treated with high-energy pulsed electron beam generated from the plasma of argon or xenon in steel cutting was conducted. It is shown that the choice of the plasma gas to generate electron from the cathode plasma-filled setting for pulsed electron-beam irradiation has a significant influence on the formation of structural-phase state in the surface layer and the durability of hard-alloy plates in steel cutting
Usage of the New Modifier-curing Agent in Plywood Technology: The Influence to Urea-formaldehyde Resin Curing and Formaldehyde Emission
One of the urgent scientific and technical objectives in the technologies of plywood and wood boards is the search for ways to reduce of hot pressing time without increasing the formaldehyde emission from finished products. To solve this problem was developed the new modifier-curing agent MC-4SF, is mainly a product of interaction of citric acid with urea and ammonia. Compared to traditional ammonium salts, the modifier-curing agent combines the properties of both direct and latent catalysts. Determination of the composition of residual methylol groups in the aqueous extracts obtained by treating the resin cured at 100 °C showed that the modifier-curing agent provides relatively high hydrolytic stability of the UF-polymer during extraction. Spectra of solid-state 13C NMR showed that in resins cured with MC-4SF increased the compound of methylene bridges compared to resins cured with standard catalysts. It is possible that the amino groups of urea (or its derivatives) included in the modifier-curing agent, react with the methylol groups of UF oligomers, fitting urea into the structure of the resulting polymer. Thus explains the increased hydrolytic stability and reduced toxicity of the cured resin. Manufacturing tests of nine-layer plywood made with a modifier-curing agent showed that replacing ammonium sulfate with MC-4SF allows a significant reduction in pressing time at 110 °C without loss of quality of the finished product. With the same pressing time, it was possible to increase the line shear strength by 14% and to reduce formaldehyde emission by 45%
Nanostructured Hardening of Hard Alloys Surface Layers Through Electron Irradiation in Heavy Inert Gas Plasma Conditions
The paper presents research and experimental findings which prove that metal ceramic composite surface layer contains micro constituents' hierarchies in the form of secondary nano sized inclusions inside ceramic phases. These inclusions have typical dimensions from several tens to several hundreds of nano meters. It has been shown that multi level structure-phase condition, developed in a nano sized area, effects physical and tribological properties of a metal ceramic composite surface layer
Modelling of underground geomechanical characteristics for electrophysical conversion of oil shale
Oil shale energy extraction is an urgent issue for modern science and technique. With the help of electrical discharge phenomena it is possible to create a new efficient technology for underground conversion of oil shale to shale gas and oil. This method is based on Joule heat in the rock volume. During the laboratory experiments the problem has arisen, when the significant part of a shale fragment is being heated, but the further heating is impossible due to specimen cracking. It leads to disruption in current flow and heat exchange. Evidently, in the underground conditions these failure processes will not proceed. Cement, clay and glass fiber/epoxy resin armature have been used for modelling of geomechanical underground conditions. Experiments have shown that the use of a reinforcing jacket makes it possible to convert a full rock fragment. Also, a thermal field extends radially from the centre of a tree-type structure, and it has an elliptic cross section shape. It is explained by the oil shale anisotropy connected with a rock laminar structure. Therefore, heat propagation is faster along the layers than across ones
Modelling of underground geomechanical characteristics for electrophysical conversion of oil shale
Oil shale energy extraction is an urgent issue for modern science and technique. With the help of electrical discharge phenomena it is possible to create a new efficient technology for underground conversion of oil shale to shale gas and oil. This method is based on Joule heat in the rock volume. During the laboratory experiments the problem has arisen, when the significant part of a shale fragment is being heated, but the further heating is impossible due to specimen cracking. It leads to disruption in current flow and heat exchange. Evidently, in the underground conditions these failure processes will not proceed. Cement, clay and glass fiber/epoxy resin armature have been used for modelling of geomechanical underground conditions. Experiments have shown that the use of a reinforcing jacket makes it possible to convert a full rock fragment. Also, a thermal field extends radially from the centre of a tree-type structure, and it has an elliptic cross section shape. It is explained by the oil shale anisotropy connected with a rock laminar structure. Therefore, heat propagation is faster along the layers than across ones
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