7 research outputs found

    Shell corrections for finite depth potentials with bound states only

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    A new method of calculating unique values of ground-state shell corrections for finite depth potentials is shown, which makes use of bound states only. It is based on (i) a general formulation of extracting the smooth part from any fluctuating quantity proposed by Strutinsky and Ivanjuk, (ii) a generalized Strutinsky smoothing condition suggested recently by Vertse et al., and (iii) the technique of the Lanczos σ\sigma factors. Numerical results for some spherical heavy nuclei (132,154^{132,154}Sn, 180,208^{180,208}Pb and 298^{298}114) are presented and compared to those obtained with the Green's function oscillator expansion method.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tables and 3 figures. Accepted in Physics Letters

    System of building permit process in the Czech Republic

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    V této bakalářské práci je shrnutí a srovnání možností získání stavebního povolení na území České republik. V práci je popsán zákon o územním plánování a stavebním řádu, analýza sstému povolování staveb, zainteresovaná ministerstva, ekonomická provázanost problematik a současné tendence zjednodušení procesu povolování staveb. Práce je uceleným přehledem o potřebách a povinnostech stavebníka pro získání stavebního povolení z hlediska administrativ a času. Jádro práce je v zhodnocení současných postupů a dále zhodnocení změn v navrhované novele stavebního zákona (Věcný záměr) s předpokladem platnosti k 1.1.2021. Také v bakalářské práci je zveřejněný rozhovor s pracovníkem stavebního úřadu o stavebním zákoně a povolovacím řízení.In this bachelor thesis is a summar and comparison of possibilities of acquisition a building permit proces in the Czech Republic. Bachelor thesis been described b the law on spatial planning and building construction regulations, analsis of the sstem of building construction authorisations, ministries, economic interdependence of the issue and the current tendenc to simplif the process of authorizing construction. The work is a comprehensive overview of the needs and responsibilities of the builder for obtaining a building permit in terms of administration and time. The core of the work is in the evaluation of current procedures and further evaluation of changes in the proposed amendment of the "building construction act" with the assumption of validit to 1.1.2021. Also in Bachelor thesis is a published interview with the civil servant of the building office about the law and the permit procedure

    Selection and management of the subcontractors by general contractor

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřená na výběr a řízení subdodávek ve společnosti Metrostav a.s. na stavbě rekonstrukce AB Bubenská. Práce se skládá ze dvou části, z teoretické a praktické. Teoretická část je zaměřená na výstavbový projekt a je základem pro pochopení výstavbového managementu. Toto téma je důležité pro zpracování problematikу subdodávek ve společnosti Metrostav a.s. Praktická část obsahuje informace o společnosti a základní postupу při výběru a zasmluvnění subdodavatele. Dále je v diplomové práci obsažen rozhovor s vedoucím přípravу a analýza problémových okruhů a jejích optimalizace. Klíčové výstupу jsou v definování problémů souvisejících s výběrem a následným řízením subdodavatele. V praxi vуužitelný výstup je zejména v navržených opatřeních pro eliminaci problémových okruhů.The diploma thesis is focused on the selection and management of subcontracting in the companу Metrostav a.s. within the reconstruction of AB Bubenská. The thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on the construction project and is fundamental for understanding construction management. This topic constitutes the basis for elaboration of the issue of subcontracting in the companу Metrostav a.s. The practical part contains information about the companу and basic procedures for selecting and contracting a subcontractor. Furthermore, the diploma thesis contains an interview with the head of planning engineers and an analуsis of problematic areas and their optimization. Keу outputs are determined bу defining problems related to selection and subsequent management of the subcontractor. In practice, the use of the output is particularlу in the proposed measures to eliminate problematic circuits

    Cytokine profile and intracellular matrix component degradation indicators in male ejaculate with chronic urethritis before and following the treatment

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    Aim: The present study was aimed to identify the local level alterations in pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinase indicators as well as their tissue inhibitors in male ejaculate with chronic urethritis. Materials and Methods: Antiviral therapy was given as preparation of valacyclovir, administered per os in dosage 500 mg twice a day during 10 days, then 500 mg once a day during 20 days; antibacterial therapy was implemented with doxycycline in dosage 100 mg twice a day during 10 days. Immunomodulator was used as recombinant human interleukin-2 in dosage 500 thousand IU 1.0 ml subcutaneously in the shoulder area every day. Laboratory researches included cytokine status and acute-phase protein analyses initially and after 28 days it has been evaluated with specific reagents of "R&D Diagnostics Inc." (USA) by means of sandwichvariant solid-phase immunoassay analysis. The results were processed with immunoassay analyzer "Multiscan" (Finland). Cytokine number and metalloproteinase system indicators were evaluated with the help of calibration curve by means of the computer program. The number was evaluated in PN/mlNG/ml. The data were statistically processed with Statistica 10 and R. Conclusion: The study presents the local level cytokine response phenotypes in men with chronic herpetic, chlamydial, and mixed urethritides depending on the etiologic factor based on immunologic indicators, defined by means of specific and highly sensitive statistic methods. Additional differential markers of chronic urethritides in men have been proposed. Immunologic evaluation of the efficiency of the etiotropic therapy as well as schemes coupled with cytokine therapy, defining effects of the latter per se, has been carried. © 2017 BRNSS Publication Hub. All rights reserved

    Cytokine profile and intracellular matrix component degradation indicators in male ejaculate with chronic urethritis before and following the treatment

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    Aim: The present study was aimed to identify the local level alterations in pro-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory cytokines, and matrix metalloproteinase indicators as well as their tissue inhibitors in male ejaculate with chronic urethritis. Materials and Methods: Antiviral therapy was given as preparation of valacyclovir, administered per os in dosage 500 mg twice a day during 10 days, then 500 mg once a day during 20 days; antibacterial therapy was implemented with doxycycline in dosage 100 mg twice a day during 10 days. Immunomodulator was used as recombinant human interleukin-2 in dosage 500 thousand IU 1.0 ml subcutaneously in the shoulder area every day. Laboratory researches included cytokine status and acute-phase protein analyses initially and after 28 days it has been evaluated with specific reagents of "R&D Diagnostics Inc." (USA) by means of sandwichvariant solid-phase immunoassay analysis. The results were processed with immunoassay analyzer "Multiscan" (Finland). Cytokine number and metalloproteinase system indicators were evaluated with the help of calibration curve by means of the computer program. The number was evaluated in PN/mlNG/ml. The data were statistically processed with Statistica 10 and R. Conclusion: The study presents the local level cytokine response phenotypes in men with chronic herpetic, chlamydial, and mixed urethritides depending on the etiologic factor based on immunologic indicators, defined by means of specific and highly sensitive statistic methods. Additional differential markers of chronic urethritides in men have been proposed. Immunologic evaluation of the efficiency of the etiotropic therapy as well as schemes coupled with cytokine therapy, defining effects of the latter per se, has been carried. © 2017 BRNSS Publication Hub. All rights reserved