70 research outputs found

    Verbal vs. visual coding in modified mental imagery map exploration task

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    We modified classical mental exploration task introducing verbal modality. Consequently, we could test robust effects from lexical processing in an attempt to understand whether the underlying mental representation is strictly propositional. In our three experiments, in addition to map modality (visual or verbal), lexical frequency, concreteness and visual frequency were also varied. The symbolic distance effect was replicated, regardless of map modality. Exploration of distances was regularly faster on pictorial maps. Effects of lexical frequency and concreteness were not significant for verbal maps. However, when visual frequency was introduced on pictorial maps both type of frequencies generated measurable effects. Our findings directly contradict the assumptions of propositional theories (1) subjects were faster in the visual modality, which would be difficult to explain if the perceptual code had to be transformed into propositional, (2) word frequency and concreteness did not contribute as would be expected if propositional code were a default

    Insurance market volatility: case of Serbia

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    This paper presents empirical analysis of volatility for insurance sector in Serbia. Generally speaking, the Serbian insurance sector is very small, undeveloped and also in the state of transition, regarding period observed in analysis (from 2007 to 2009). In this analysis we applied univariate GARCH models on daily data for two stocks listed at the Belgrade Stock Exchange (www.belex.rs), Dunav Insurance Company (DNOS), and Globos Insurance Company (GLOS). We examine volatilities of these insurance companies stocks over time. However, we found that volatility of insurance companies stocks in Serbia is infinite. In general, results of our analysis confirm that Serbia is a country with relatively low per capita income and very high volatility (risk), especially in insurance sector

    Vizualizacija diŔnog puta: oči vide ono Ŕto mozak zna

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    Airway management is basic for anesthesia practice, and sometimes it can represent a really dramatic scenario for both the patient and the physicians. Laryngoscopy has been the gold standard of airway visualization for more than 60 years, showing its limitations and failure rates with time. New technology has made available an opportunity to move the physicianā€™s eye inside patient airways thanks to video laryngoscopy and video assisted airway management technique. Undoubtedly, we have entered a new era of high resolution airway visualization and different approach in airway instrumentation. Nevertheless, each new technology needs time to be tested and considered reliable, and pitfalls and limitations may come out with careful and long lasting analysis, so it is probably not the right time yet to promote video assisted approach as a new gold standard for airway visualization, despite the fact that it certainly offers some new prospects. In any case, whatever the visualization approach, no patient dies because of missed airway visualization or failed intubation, but due to failed ventilation, which remains without doubt the gold standard of any patient safety goal and airway management technique.Održavanje diÅ”nog puta je osnovna anestezioloÅ”ka vjeÅ”tina koja ponekad predstavlja u pravom smislu dramatičan scenarij za bolesnika i liječnika. Laringoskopija, sa svim svojim ograničenjima i neuspjesima, predstavlja zlatni standard vizualizacije diÅ”nog puta već viÅ”e od 60 godina. Nove tehnologije, zahvaljujući videolaringoskopiji i video asistiranim tehnikamaodržavanja diÅ”nog puta, omogućile su pomicanje očiju liječnika unutar diÅ”nog puta bolesnika. Bez sumnje, uÅ”li smo u novu eru visoke rezolucije vizualizacije diÅ”nog puta i različitog pristupa instrumentalizaciji diÅ”nog puta. Međutim, svaka nova tehnologija zahtijeva vrijeme da bi se testirala i smatrala pouzdanom. Zapreke i ograničenja mogu se iznjedriti nakon pažljive i dugotrajne analize, stoga vjerojatno joÅ” nije vrijeme da se promovira video asistirani pristup kao novi zlatni standard u vizualizaciji diÅ”nog puta, iako on definitivno predstavlja novu budućnost. U svakom slučaju, koji kod bio pristup vizualizaciji, nijedan bolesnik ne umire zbog propuÅ”tene vizualizacije ili neuspjele intubacije, već umire zbog neuspjeÅ”ne ventilacije koja ostaje bez sumnje zlatni standard bilo kojeg cilja za sigurnost bolesnika i tehnike zbrinjavanja diÅ”nog puta

    Uticaj demografskog starenja na održivost javnih finansija u Srbiji

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    Starenje stanovniÅ”tva je globalni fenomen bez presedana u istoriji čovečanstva sa implikacijama u svim sferama života. Sa ekonomskog aspekta, starenje stanovniÅ”tva se nameće i kao jedan od najvećih izazova modernog vremena, jer se kao posledica takvih globalnih demografskih tendencija javlja dugoročno uvećanje broja penzionera, Å”to negativno utiče na održivost javnih penzijskih sistema finansiranih po principu međugeneracijske solidarnosti, koji predstavljaju stub penzijskih sistema evropskih država. U ovom radu, analizirana je problematika demografskog starenja i penzionih sistema u kontekstu održivosti javnih finansija u Srbiji. Osnovni cilj analize predstavlja dugoročno projektovanje penzijskih izdataka kao udela u bruto domaćem proizvodu (BDP), Å”to je indirektno postignuto preko modeliranja prosečnih penzijskih izdataka, jer ova varijabla u sebi inkorporira i rast mase penzijskih izdataka i rast broja penzionera kao posledice demografskih trendova i bolje reflektuje stvarni rast rashoda za penzije. Na osnovu ulaznih parametara u modelu (projekcije realnog rasta BDP-a, projekcije radno neaktivne populacije starosti 65 i viÅ”e godina, te pretpostavki o stopi rasta prosečnog penzijskog izdatka), formirana su tri scenarija penzijskih izdataka (kao procenta BDP-a) za period 2010-2050. Rezultati analize ukazuju da postoji fiskalni prostor da se u dugom roku ostvari realni rast penzija uz smanjenje ukupnih izdataka za penzije u bruto domaćem proizvodu, ali da predloženi način indeksacije penzija u okviru penzijskih reformi može biti problematičan u ostvarivanju ovih ciljeva

    Disaster preparedness and cultural factors : a comparative study in Romania and Malta

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    The research reported in this paper was carried out as part of the CARISMAND project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (2014ā€“20), Grant Agreement Number 653748.This exploratory study investigates the relationships between the disaster preparedness of citizens and cultural factors in Romania and Malta. With regard to methodology, quantitative and qualitative data were collected during two Citizen Summits, which consisted of a real-time survey and focus group discussions. The results point to two specific cultural factors that may bridge this ā€˜gapā€™ and be operationalised to enhance people's readiness for a disaster event. In Malta, the findings reveal how community cohesion is altered from a personal to a cultural value, which has the potential to encourage the transformation of preparedness intentions into actual preparedness behaviour. In Romania, meanwhile, the findings highlight the ambivalent aspects of trusting behaviour as a cultural norm on the one hand, and distrust in authorities based on experience and unmet expectations on the other hand. Social media use may reduce this tension between trust and distrust, and thus foster successful disaster risk-related communication.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Long-term outcome of strabismus and ptosis surgery in a mother and daughter with congenital fibrosis of extraocular muscles

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    Background. Congenital fibrosis of extraocular muscles (CFEOM) is a very rare congenital condition, characterized by variable amounts of restriction of the extraocular muscles, with or without ptosis. The aim of this report was to deseribe a severe, atypical, exposure-induced corneal stromal lysis in two patients. Case report. A mother and a daughter with a severe CFEOM were presented. The surgery of both extraocular muscles and ptosis led to a fair outcome in mother even 30 years after, and a very good outcome in daughter 4 years after the treatment. Conclusion. Though frequently challenging and disappointing the outcome of surgery of both extraocular muscles and ptosis in CFEOM can be favorable even in rather severe cases. To the best of our knowledge, the atypical keratolysis we described has not been highlighted in the literature on CFEOM so far

    Poređenje morfometrijskih i histoloÅ”kih osobina m. semitendinosus-a kod nazimica i kastrata na zavrÅ”etku tova

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the differences in morphometric characteristics and histological structure of m. semitendinosus, between gilts and barrows of German Landrace breed at the end of the fattening period. Morphometric characteristics (weight, length, diameter and cross sectional area) of m. semitendinosus were not significantly different, while gender as a factor influenced the histological properties of this muscle. A very high statistical difference (p lt 0.01) in the total number of muscle fibers in m. semitendinosus was determined, with gilts having a higher total fiber number. The cross sectional area of fast twitch oxidative (FTO) fibers was significantly higher (p lt 0.05) in barrows. Gender did not affect the distribution of different fiber types: in both gender, the most present fiber types (48-52 %) were fast twitch glycolitic (FTG), FTO fibers represented 27-30 % of the total fiber number, while slow twitch oxidative fibers (STO) were the least represented (ā‰ˆ 20 %).Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita postojanje razlika u morfometrijskim osobinama i strukturi m.semitendinosus, između ženki i kastriranih mužjaka svinja Nemačkog landrasa, na kraju tova. Morfometrijske osobine (masa, dužina, obim i povrÅ”ina poprečnog preseka) m. semitendinosus, nisu bile statistički značajno različite između polova. HistoloÅ”ka analiza strukture miÅ”ića je pokazala da postoje neke razlike između polova. Ukupan broj miÅ”ićnih vlakana u m. semitendinosus bio je veoma značajno (p lt 0.01) veći kod ženki nego kod kastriranih mužjaka. PovrÅ”ina poprečnog preseka FTO vlakana bila statistički značajno veća (p lt 0.05) kod kastriranih mužjaka nego kod ženki. Procentualni udeo (zastupljenoost) tipova miÅ”ićnih vlakana u m.semitendinosus, se nije značajno razlikovao između polova. Kod oba pola najveći udeo (oko polovinu od svih tipova vlakana) su imala bela brzo kontrahujuća glikolitička (FTG) vlakana (48-52 %). Od crvenih, oksidativnih vlakana najmanji udeo (20.23-20.68 %) su imala sporo kontrahujuća (STO) vlakna dok su brzo kontrahujuća (FTO) vlakna bila zastupljena u većem procentu (27-30 %)

    A. facialis kod tekunice (Citellus citellus)

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    A ground squirrel is a hibernator, which hibernation lasts, depending on the age and sex, since the end of the summer until the spring. During this period in the body of ground squirrel, as well as in other hibernators, starts lowering of all vital functions, what has been proven by numerous physiological, biochemical and histological examinations of some organ systems of this animal. The objective of our work was to investigate a part of cardiovascular system of ground squirrel so in that way to contribute to a better knowledge of this animal body structure and accordingly to comparative anatomy in general. The investigation included 6 ground squirrels, of both gender, body weight 200-300 grams. For obtaining head and neck arterial vascularization, after exsanguination of the animal, contrast mass of gelatin coloured with tempera was injected into thoracic aorta (Aorta thoracica). After injecting, the blood vessels were prepared and photographed. For obtaining the corrosive preparations of head and neck arterial blood vessels, after exsanguination of the animal, Biocryl (a mixture of liquid biocryl - methil - methacrylate monomer and biocryl in powder - methil - methacrylate polymer) was injected into thoracic aorta (Aorta thoracica). After injecting the preparations were placed into 5% NaOH, for 96 hours or into 10% NaOH for 48 hours. After that they were rinsed in hot water and photographed. A. facialis in ground squirrel is an extension of A. maxillaris. The branches of A. facialis are: A. labialis inferior, A. bursae buccalis dorsalis, A. labialis superior, A. dorsalis nasi and A. angularis oculi. The obtained results regarding A. facialis in ground squirrel (Citellus citellus) were compared to the same ones in rats. In rats, A. facialis is the biggest branch separating from A. carotis externa. The branches of A. facialis in rats are: Ramus glandularis, A. submentalis, A. masseterica ventralis, A. labialis inferior, A. angularis oris, A. labialis superior, Rami musculares, A. lateralis nasi and A. angularis oculi. Based on the above mentioned results, it can be concluded that both in ground squirrel and rat A. facialis branches into A. labialis inferior, A. labialis superior and A. angularis oculi. In ground squirrel the branches of A. facialis are also A. bursae buccalis dorsalis and A. dorsalis nasi, and in rat those are Ramus glandularis, A. submentalis, A. masseterica ventralis, A. angularis oris, Rami musculares and A. lateralis nasi.Tekunica je prezimar, čija hibernacija traje, u zavisnosti od uzrasta i pola, od kraja leta do proleća. U organizmu ove životinje, kao i kod ostalih prezimara, nastupa veliko snižavanje intenziteta svih životnih funkcija, Å”to je dokazano mnogobrojnim fizioloÅ”kim, biohemijskim i histoloÅ”kim ispitivanjima pojedinih organskih sistema kod tekunice. Cilj rada je bio da obradimo deo kardiovaskularnog sistema kod tekunice i na taj način doprinesemo boljem poznavanju građe tela ove životinje i damo doprinos komparativnoj anatomiji. Za ispitivanje je upotrebljeno 6 tekunica, oba pola, telesne mase 200-300 grama. Za dobijanje arterijske vaskularizacije glave i vrata, posle iskrvarenja životinja u grudnu aortu (Aorta thoracica) ubrizgana je kontrastna masa želatin obojen slikarskom temperom. Posle injiciranja, krvni sudovi su preparisani i fotografisani. Za dobijanje korozivnih preparata arterijskih krvnih sudova glave i vrata, po iskrvarenju životinja, u grudnu aortu (Aorta thoracica) ubrizgan je Biocryl (meÅ”avina tečnog biokrila - metil - metakrilat monomer i biokrila u praÅ”ku - metil - metakrilat polimer). Posle injiciranja, preparati su stavljani u 5% NaOH, 96 sati ili u 10% NaOH 48 sati. Posle toga preparati su ispirani vrelom vodom i fotografisani. A. facialis kod tekunice predstavlja nastavak od A. maxillaris. Grane od A. facialis su : A. labialis inferior, A. bursae buccalis dorsalis, A. labialis superior, A. dorsalis nasi i A. angularis oculi. Dobijene rezultate koji se odnose na A. facialis kod tekunice (Citellus citellus) upoređivali smo sa istim kod pacova. Kod pacova A. facialis je najveća grana koja se odvaja od A. carotis externa-e. Grane od A. facialis kod pacova su : Ramus glandularis, A. submentalis, A. masseterica ventralis, A. labialis inferior, A. angularis oris, A. labialis superior, Rami musculares, A. lateralis nasi i A. angularis oculi. Na osnovu navedenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se kod tekunice i pacova od A. facialis odvajaju A. labialis inferior, A. labialis superior i A. angularis oculi. Kod tekunice grane od A. facialis su i A. bursae buccalis dorsalis i A. dorsalis nasi, a kod pacova i Ramus glandularis, A. submentalis, A. masseterica ventralis, A. angularis oris, Rami musculares i A. lateralis nasi
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