394 research outputs found

    Allergic Rhinitis and Adenoidal Hypertrophy

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    Background: Allergic rhinits is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air. The underlying mechanism involves IgE antibodies that attach to an allergen, and subsequently result in the release of inflammatory chemicals such as histamine from mast cells. It is triggered by environmental allergens such as pollen, pet, hair, dust or mold. Inherited genetics and environmental exposures contribute to the development of allergies. Signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis are runny or stuffy nose and it can affect sleep and normal daily functions. Adenoidal hypertrphy is the unusual growth of the adenoid (pharyngeal tonsil) that causes an obstruction of the nasal airways. Adenoids start to get sizable during the first year of life and reach maximal volume in the age group of 5-6 years. Just how big the adenoids become is quite variable among individual children. Objective: To determine the relationship between adenoid hypertrophy and allergic rhinits in children. Methods: Retrospective study of clinical studies for adenoid hypertrophy in children with allergic rhinitis. Results: Some authors found that patients with allergic rhinitis have larger adenoidal tissue, but most of them found a reverse clinical picture with possible interpretation that severe anterior nasal obstruction, mainly caused by allergy, affects the passage of allergens able to stimulate adenoid tissue to enlarge. Infections may also play a more important role in the absence of allergy. Conclusion: In children with allergic rhinitis, we should not only look for adenoidal hypertrophi. ENT doctor must pay attention to the anterior nasal obstruction by inferior turbinate hypertrophy


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    Tema zavrÅ”nog rada je utjecaj promjene cijena na profitabilnost poslovanja. Cilj rada je objasniti kako cijena utječe na profitabilnost poslovanja, bilo da je riječ o povećanju ili smanjenju cijene. Utjecaj cijene na profitabilnost poslovanja prikazat će se na primjeru analize poslovnog plana poduzetnika. Poslovni plan poduzetnika predstavlja jedan od važnijih dokumenta u danaÅ”njem poslovanju. Pomoću poslovnog plana jasno se mogu iŔčitati rezultati poslovanja za određeno razdoblje, te se mogu predvidjeti određene situacije. Zaključak kojeg je moguće iŔčitati iz ovog zavrÅ”nog rada je taj da promjena cijene određenog proizvoda ili usluge utječe na profitabilnost poslovanja.The theme of the dissertation is the impact of price changes on the profitability of the business. The aim is to explain how price affects the profitability of the business, whether it is on the increase or decrease in prices. The impact of prices on the profitability of the business is shown in the example of the analysis of a business plan. Business planning is one of the most important document in today's business. With the business plan can be clearly read the results of operations for a specified period, and may provide certain situations. The conclusion that can be read from this final paper is that the price change of a particular product or service affects the profitability of the business


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    U ovom radu razmatra se uloga afektivnih čimbenika pri učenju stranoga jezika te njihov utjecaj na upotrebu strategija učenja kod učenika stranog jezika. Strategije učenja stranih jezika već duže vrijeme zanimaju praktičare i znanstvenike, stoga su u radu predstavljene neke od definicija i naglaÅ”ena je nemogućnost jedinstvene definicije. Strategije ovise o brojnim čimbenicima za vrijeme učenja stranih jezika, tako i o afektivnima. Afektivni su čimbenici, čiji je odnos sa strategijama učenja proučavan u ovom radu, motivacija, strah, stav, atribucija i pojam o sebi, prema podjeli Jelene Mihaljević Djigunović, velike hrvatske istraživačice u području glotodidaktike. Osim toga, u radu je dan prikaz dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja odnosa tih dviju pojavnosti pri učenju stranih jezika. Istraživanja odnosa afektivnih faktora i strategija učenja prisutna su u znatno manjoj mjeri nego istraživanja odnosa kognitivnih čimbenika i strategija. Unatoč zanemarenosti u istraživanjima, afektivni faktori stoje u suodnosu sa strategijama učenja, točnije odabirom vrste strategije i njihovim brojem, pa tako neposredno s uspjehom u ovladavanju stranim jezikom.This article deals with the role of affective factors in foreign language learning and with their influence on the choice of language learning strategies when learning a foreign language. Even though language learning strategies have been the main centre of interest among researchers, there is still inconsistency present in using basic terminology regarding the definitions of strategies. This study describes some definitions of language learning strategies. The choice of strategies, among others, also depends on the influence of affective factors such as motivation, anxiety, attitude, attribution and self-awareness. The study describes the relation between these factors and strategies along with giving an insight into recently conducted research. We conclude that there are fewer studies that deal with the relation of affective factors and language learning strategies than those dealing with cognitive factors and strategies. Even though there is not much research on the field we believe that affective factors affect the choice of strategies and their quantity, thus indirectly having an effect on foreign language acquisition


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    U ovom radu prikazano je preoblikovanje instrumenta za mjerenje straha od čitanja na stranome jeziku te su predstavljeni prvi rezultati pilot-istraživanja pomoću preoblikovanoga upitnika. Validirani upitnik FLRAS (Foreign Language Reading Anxiety), koji su izradili Saito, Garza i Horwitz (1999), primjenjuje se na svjetskoj razini u svim istraživanjima straha od stranoga jezika, ali u vjeÅ”tini čitanja. Sastoji se od dvadeset čestica i vrlo se lako provodi. Upitnik daje pouzdane rezultate o postojanju straha te prikazuje razine straha od čitanja. Nastao je kao reakcija na tadaÅ”nji opći stav da čitanje kao vjeÅ”tina ne uzrokuje strah kod učenika stranih jezika. RaŔčlamba njegovih čestica pokazala je da su neke općenito postavljene, da se teže mogu protumačiti, a njihove tvrdnje ne mogu se uvijek jednoznačno razumjeti. U drugome dijelu rada prikazan je pokuÅ”aj preoblikovanja i proÅ”irivanja upitnika FLRAS kako bi on mogao mjeriti i moguće uzroke straha od čitanja, a potom su navedeni rezultati njegova prvoga koriÅ”tenja u istraživanju straha od čitanja učenika osnovne Å”kole uz prednosti i nedostatke.This article presents the development of a scale for measuring foreign language reading anxiety and the first results of the pilot study using the new scale. The existing scale for measuring foreign language reading anxiety is the FLRAS (Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale), developed by Saito, Garza and Horwitz (1999), and is used by researchers worldwide for measuring reading anxiety at foreign language learning. The FLRAS contains twenty items and it is easy to apply. The scale proves the presence of anxiety when reading texts in a foreign language and it is reliable in measuring anxiety levels. The application of this scale in investigating reading anxiety and the analysis of FLRAS showed that some items of the scale were constructed generally, these items are not easy to interpret and some of them are ambiguous. This article further describes an attempt at redesigning the existing scale and developing a new one, which could measure anxiety more precisely and explore some new factors of foreign language reading anxiety. Finally, this article describes the first results of using the developed scale in investigating reading anxiety in German as L2


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    Strah je najcĢŒesĢŒcĢe istrazĢŒivana emocija u podrucĢŒju ucĢŒenja stranih jezika (MacIntyre, 2017). U uvodnom teorijskom dijelu rada opisuje se opcĢi strah od ucĢŒenja stranih jezika, dosadasĢŒnja istrazĢŒivanja tog fenomena te se objasĢŒnjava strah od cĢŒitanja na stranome jeziku kao zasebna vrsta straha. U istrazĢŒivacĢŒkom dijelu predstavlja se istrazĢŒivanje kojem je cilj saznati razine straha pri cĢŒitanju na stranome jeziku i mogucĢe cĢŒimbenike straha. Rezultati analize pokazuju da ucĢŒenici osjecĢaju srednje razine straha sĢŒto govori u prilog tome da je strah prisutan i kod vjesĢŒtine cĢŒitanja. NajcĢŒesĢŒcĢi su cĢŒimbenici straha od cĢŒitanja na njemacĢŒkom jeziku osobni stavovi ucĢŒenika o cĢŒitanju na tom stranom jeziku pri cĢŒemu su ti cĢŒimbenici najcĢŒesĢŒcĢe pozitivni sĢŒto objasĢŒnjava srednje razine straha naspram visokih. No cĢŒimbenici koji su povezani sa strahom od cĢŒitanja jesu nacĢŒini ucĢŒenicĢŒkog cĢŒitanja teksta, dok znacĢŒajke teksta poput duzĢŒine ili teme u ovom istrazĢŒivanju nisu prepoznati kao cĢŒimbenici koji su povezani s pojavom straha od cĢŒitanja na njemacĢŒkome jeziku

    Mathematical Model of Complete Vapor Compression Refrigeration System with Helical Coil Evaporator Flooded in the Water

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    Refrigeration cycle system modelling of the vapor compression experimental unit with the goal to predict the system performance of the cycle and geometry of the helical coil evaporator flooded in the water is presented in the paper. Design of the experimental unit is based on the commercially available scroll compressor and air cooled condenser. In order to determine the thermodynamic conditions of refrigeration cycle and heat transfer process in the evaporator the simulation model is developed. The model takes into account the specific data, dimensions and characteristics of the main components. Evaporation process, observed in three parts, and condensation process are described with appropriate heat transfer correlations. With two approximation functions, developed based on manufacturer data, the model of compression process is described. Results show relations between thermal resistance and geometrical quantities of evaporator with influence on the system performance. Analysis of thermal resistance shows that geometry of the evaporator may have important effect on the final design of these types of refrigeration applications

    Prisutnost bakterije helicobacter pylori u želucu i sluznici grkljana kod bolesnika s karcinomom grkljana

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    Helicobacter (H.) pylori is the cause of one of the most common chronic bacterial infections in humans. Risk factors for the development of laryngeal cancer are cigarette smoke, alcohol, and human papillomavirus. Several papers report on H. pylori isolated in tooth plaque, saliva, middle ear and sinuses. Many articles describe the presence of H. pylori in laryngeal cancer cases, however, without noting the possible source of infection, i.e. stomach or oral cavity. The aim of this study was to determine which patients and to what extent simultaneously developed H. pylori colonization in the stomach and the larynx. Prospective examinations were performed in 51 patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. The study group included patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma histopathologically confirmed by two independent pathologists. The patients underwent fiber esophagogastroduodenoscopy with tumor tissue biopsy. Laryngeal and gastric biopsies were examined by histologic staining technique for histopathologic detection of H. pylori and with DNA analyses using the standardized fluorescent ABI Helicobacter plus-minus PCR assay. Laryngeal carcinoma patients showed positive H. pylori test results simultaneously in the laryngeal and stomach areas, implying H. pylori transmission from the stomach to the laryngeal area. In addition, H. pylori positive test results along with negative H. pylori results in the stomach region were also recorded, suggesting a possible bacteria migration from the oral cavity. In conclusion, H. pylori was found in the area of laryngeal carcinoma, and its migration appeared likely to occur both upwards (from the stomach to the mouth) and downwards (from the oral cavity to the stomach).Helicobacter (H.) pylori uzročnik je jedne od najčeŔćih kroničnih bakterijskih infekcija u ljudskoj populaciji, prisutne u svim zemljama u svijetu. Incidencija infekcije bakterijom H. pylori teÅ”ko se može izravno utvrditi, jer akutna infekcija ima vrlo malo karakterističnih simptoma ili ih uopće nema. Planocelularni karcinom je najčeŔći karcinom grkljana koji čini 95% svih karcinoma grkljana. U čimbenike rizika za razvoj karcinoma grkljana ubrajaju se cigaretni dim i alkohol te infekcija humanim papilomavirusima. H. pylori je dokazan kao jedan od uzročnika karcinoma grkljana, ali nigdje nije jasno opisan rezervoar te bakterije s obzirom na to da je u nekoliko članaka dokazano nepostojanje bakterije H. pylori u zdravoj sluznici grkljana. Svrha naÅ”ega rada bila je ispitati istodobnu prisutnost bakterije H. pylori u karcinomu grkljana i želucu. Kod 51 bolesnika s karcinomom grkljana učinjena je ezofagogastroskopija s uzimanjem uzoraka sluznice iz antruma i korpusa želuca te iz područja karcinoma grkljana za analizu na H. pylori pomoću lančane reakcije polimeraze i patohistoloÅ”kom metodom. U tkivu karcinoma grkljana dobiveni su pozitivni rezultati testova na H. pylori istodobno s pozitivnim testom na H. pylori u području želuca, Å”to upućuje na migraciju bakterije iz želuca u područje grkljana. U određenom broju ispitanika dobiveni su pozitivni rezultati testova na H. pylori u području karcinoma grkljana s negativnim testom na H. pylori u sluznici želuca, Å”to upućuje na moguću migraciju bakterije iz usne Å”upljine. Iz nalaza se može zaključiti da je H. pylori prisutan u području karcinoma grkljana te da je njegov prijenos moguć i uzlaznim i silaznim putem iz usne Å”upljine i želuca

    In vitro investigation of antitumor activities of extracts of endemic plant species Helichrysum zivojini Černjavski et SoÅ”ka U

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    Bioaktivni sastojci biljnih vrsta nalaze se u centru pažnje istraživanja u savremenoj onkologiji zbog svoje moguće uloge u hemioprevenciji, odnosno inhibiciji različitih koraka procesa maligne transformacije. Antikancerski potencijal biljnih jedinjenja zasniva se na mogućnosti redukcije slobodnih radikala, regulacije karcinogen-aktivirajućih i karcinogen-detoksifikujućih enzima, kao i mogućnosti inhibicije inflamatornih citokina, zatim na mogućnosti da dovedu do promena u regulaciji faktora rasta i ciljnih molekula signalnih puteva koji kontroliÅ”u ćelijski rast, proliferaciju i apoptozu, kao i angiogenezu, invaziju i metastazu malignih ćelija. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita citotoksičnost, odnosno odrede intenzitet i mehanizmi citotoksičnog dejstva pet ekstrakata izolovanih u vidu frakcija iz endemične biljne vrste Helichrysum zivojinii Černjavski et SoÅ”ka prema specifičnom malignom ćelijskom tipu, kao i da se odredi selektivnost u antitumorskom dejstvu prema nizu humanih malignih ćelija, kako u odnosu na poreklo - tip tumora, tako i u odnosu na zdrave mononuklearne ćelije periferne krvi (PBMC). Kako bi se doprinelo boljoj proceni antitumorskog potencijala ekstrakata, ispitan je i uticaj ekstrakata na invazivnost humanih metastatskih malignih ćelija i na angiogenezu endotelijalnih ćelija. Hemijska karakterizacija biljnih ekstrakata je imala za cilj da omogući razumevanje veze između kvalitativnog sastava i intenziteta citotoksične aktivnosti ekstrakata. Citotoksična aktivnost pet ekstrakata endemične biljne vrste Helichrysum zivojinii Černjavski et SoÅ”ka je ispitana na sledećim humanim malignim ćelijskim linijama: HeLa (adenokarcinom cerviksa), Fem-x (melanom), K562 (mijeloidna leukemija), MDA-MB-361 (adenokarcinom dojke), MDA-MB-231 (adenokarcinom dojke), kao i prema EA.hy926 ćelijama (transformisane humane endotelijalne ćelije umbilikalne vene)...Bioactive constituents of plants are in the center of attention of modern cancer research due to their prospective role in cancer chemoprevention based on the suppression of different stages in malignant transformation. The anticancer potential of plant compounds could be attributed to their ability to scavenge free radicals, regulate carcinogen-activating and ā€“detoxifying enzymes and inhibit inflammatory cytokines, than to induce changes in the regulation of growth factors and target molecules in oncogenic signal transduction pathways implicated in cell growth, proliferation, apoptosis, as well as in angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis of cancer cells. The aim of this research was to investigate the cytotoxicity, more exactly to determine the intensity and mechanisms of the cytotoxic actions of the five extracts isolated as fractions from the endemic plant species Helichrysum zivojinii Černjavski et SoÅ”ka against specific malignant cell type, as well as to determine the selectivity in their antitumor actions against malignant cell lines of different tumor origin and against healthy peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). To fully evaluate the antitumor potential of extracts, the examination of their effects on the invasiveness of human metastatic malignant cells as well as on the angiogenesis of endothelial cells was done. Chemical characterization of plant extracts was performed in order to understand the relation between qualitative composition and intensity of cytotoxic action of the investigated extracts. The cytotoxic activities of the five extracts of the endemic plant species Helichrysum zivojinii Černjavski et SoÅ”ka were tested against selected human malignant cell lines: HeLa (cervix adenocarcinoma), Fem-x (melanoma), K562 (myelogenous leukemia), MDA-MB-361 (breast adenocarcinoma), MDA-MB-231 (breast adenocarcinoma), as well as against transformed human umbilical vein endothelial EA.hy926 cells..

    System Identification in Difficult Operating Conditions Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    To investigate an ability of system identification in difficult operating conditions. A simulation based experiment was performed on a simple second order system with white noise signal superimposed to the output signal. Interferences are added to the output signal in order to simulate difficult operating conditions present in a real system environment. Based on system simulation measurements, the system was identified using conventional method with least squares estimate and an alternative method, a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network. Graphical evaluation of simulation results showed that MLP network produced better results than conventional model, with significantly better results in case of interferences in the output signal. To model dynamic system, a simple two-layer perceptron network with external dynamic members was trained in Matlab using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm

    Prikaz rijetkog slučaja hamartoma larinksa

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    Hamartoma (from the Greek language, where hamartia means defect or an error and -oma denoting a tumor or neoplasm) is a benign tumor-like mass composed of mature tissue or cells that are present in abnormal proportions or show a disorganized arrangement. Hamartomas are rarely seen in the head and neck area and especially rare in the larynx. Only few cases of laryngeal hamartoma have been reported in the literature so far. They are usually manifested by stridor, dysphonia and symptoms associated with airway obstruction. The diagnosis must be confirmed histologically and the method of choice in treatment is complete excision of the lesion. The authors present a case of laryngeal hamartoma of a 43-year-old woman treated for hoarseness and paralysis of the left vocal cord.Hamartom (iz grčkog hamartia, Å”to znači greÅ”ka, defekt i -oma, označava tumor ili neoplazmu) je benigna masa izgledom slična tumoru, sastavljena od zrelih tkiva ili stanica koje pokazuju poremećaj proporcija ili se pojavljuju u neorganiziranom rasporedu. Hamartomi rijetko zahvaćaju područje glave i vrata, a joÅ” rjeđe ih pronalazimo u području larinksa. Dosad je u literaturi opisano samo nekoliko slučajeva laringealnih hamartoma. NajčeŔće se manifestiraju stridorom, disfonijom te simptomima vezanim uz opstrukciju diÅ”nih putova. Dijagnoza se postavlja patohistoloÅ”ki, a metoda izbora u liječenju je potpuna ekscizija lezije. Autori prikazuju slučaj laringealnog hamartoma u 43-godiÅ”nje žene obrađivane zbog promuklosti i pareze lijeve glasnice
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