85 research outputs found

    Outcome of surgical myocardial revascularization using the radial artery

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    Radijalna arterija (RA) se koristi kao slobodan graft i to najčešće za revaskularizaciju obtuznih grana cirkumfleksne arterije i desne koronarne arterije, eventualno ramus-a i dijagonalnih grana. RA je prvi put upotrebljena u revaskularizaciji ishemičnog miokarda ranih 70-tih godina od strane Carpantier-a i saradnika. Zbog veoma loših ranih rezultata, upotreba ovog grafta je ubrzo u potpunosti napuštena. Ranih 90-tih korišćenje ovog grafta je obnovljeno. Zahvaljujući atraumatskoj tehnici preparacije, razumevanju farmakoloških svojstava arterijskih graftova, postignuti su odlični rezultati u korišćenju radijalne arterije. U velikom broju studija je pokazana prohodnost ovih graftova na nivou od 85-95% tokom perioda praćenja od 5 godina nakon operacije. Ono što je možda još važnije, to je činjenica da je dodatno, progresivno propadanje grafta RA u periodu od 5 godina nakon operacije minimalno. Ova studija pokazuje da li povećanje broja arterijskih graftova, u našem slučaju a. radialis i to uz striktno sprovođenje preoperativnog protokola u skriningu radijalne arterije kao potencijalnog grafta, kao i solidna i minuciozna hiruška tehnika omogućava bolju prohodnost i daje manju incidenciju okluzije i/ili kasne stenoze u odnosu na venske graftove. Od naročitog značaja je utvrđivanje prohodnosti ovog grafta 5 i više godina nakon operacije, kada venski graft počinje u većoj meri da propada, kao posledica ubrzanog aterosklerotskog procesa. Istovremeno bi imali mogućnost da proverimo i prohodnost venskih graftova, za koje su bili izabrani samo najbolji delovi vene. Tako bi se graft a. radialis ravnopravno uključio među alternativne graftove u hiruškoj revaskularizaciji.The radial artery (RA) is used as a free graft, mostly for revascularization of the circumflex artery branches and right coronary artery, possibly ramus and the diagonal branch. RA is the first time in the revascularization of ischemic myocardium in the early 70-ies of the Carpantier and associates. Due to the very poor early results, the use of this graft was soon completely abandoned. In the early 90-ies the use of this graft is updated. Thanks surgical technique of preparation, understanding the pharmacological properties of arterial grafts were achieved excellent results in the use of the radial artery. In a large number of studies have demonstrated patency of the grafts to the level of 85-95% during the follow-up period of 5 years after surgery. What is perhaps more important is the fact that additional, progressive RA graft failure in a period of 5 years after surgery is minimal. This study attempted to show that the increase in the number of arterial grafts, in our case a. radialis and the strict implementation of the protocol in the preoperative screening of potential radial artery graft, as well as solid and precise surgical technique allows for better mobility and less incidence of occlusion and / or late stenosis in relation to the vein graft. Of particular importance is the determination of graft patency of 5 years or more after surgery, when the grafts begin to decline largely as a result of accelerated atherosclerotic process. At the same time they had the opportunity to check the patency of vein grafts, which they were chosen only the best parts of the veins. That would be a. radialis equally included among the alternative grafts in surgical revascularization

    Translokacija i retranslokacija kadmijuma u grašku (Pisum sativum L.)

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    Under semi-controlled conditions, we studied cadmium (Cd) translocation and retranslocation in the aphylla pea cultivar Jezero at two stages of growth and development. The applied Cd concentrations were 0 (control), 10-7 and 10-5 M Cd and the age of plants at the time of treatment was 26 and 63 days. The application of Cd via the root lasted for 48 h. The plants were analyzed immediately after the treatment, 38 days later and at maturity. Dry matter mass and Cd contents were determined in individual plant organs. The results showed that dry mass had decreased noticeably depending on the Cd concentration used and plant age. The decrease of dry matter mass in both vegetative and generative plant organs was more significant when Cd was applied at flowering (63 day-old plants) than when the plants were younger (25 day-old). In all the treatments, the highest Cd content was found in the root. The translocation of Cd from the root to the aboveground vegetative and generative plant parts took place and it was relatively more intensive at the lower Cd concentration than at the higher one. The possibility that a minor amount of Cd was retranslocated from the leaves to the seeds and pods could not be ruled out either.Proučavana je translokacija i retranslokaiija kadmijuma (Cd) u afila tipu graška sorte Jezero, u dva stadijuma rasta i razvića, u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Primenjene koncentracije Cd bile su 0 (kontrola), 10-7 i 10-5 M Cd, a starost biljaka u vreme tretmana bila je 26 i 63 dana. Tretmani Cd preko ko-rena trajali su po 48 h. Biljke su analizirane neposredno nakon tretmana, 38 dana kasnije i u fazi zrelosti. Suva masa biljaka i sadržaj Cd određeni su u pojedinačnim biljnim organima. Rezultati su pokazali da se masa suve materije značajno smanjila u zavisnosti od primenjene koncentracije Cd i starosti biljaka. Smanjenje mase suve materije i vegetativnih i generativnih organa bilo je značajnije kada je Cd primenjivan u fazi cvetanja (63 dana stare biljke) nego kada su biljke bile mlađe (25 dana stare). Kod svih tretmana, najviši sadržaj Cd utvrđen je u korenu. Takođe, došlo je do translokacije Cd iz korena u nadzemne vegetativne i generativne biljne organe i ovaj proces je bio relativno intenzivniji kada je primenjena koncentracija Cd bila niža. Mogućnost da je došlo do retranslokacije minimalnih količina Cd iz listova u mahune takođe ne može biti isključena

    Institucije kao faktor privrednog rasta

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    Teza da institucije imaju važan uticaj na razvoj ekonomije ne dovodi se u pitanje, kao ni činjenica da su dostignuti nivoi razvoja pojedinih ekonomija pod velikim uticajem razvoja institucija. Institucije predstavljaju pokretače privrednog rasta, pa samim tim institucionalne razlike između zemalja impliciraju razlike u ostvarenim stopama privrednog rasta između zemalja, odnosno bogatstvu društva. U radu će se najpre predstaviti različite definicije institucija sa ekonomskog stanovišta. Analiziraće se dobre (inkluzivne) ekonomske institucije koje promovišu vladavinu prava, maksimiziraju efikasnost i društveno blagostanje i koje doprinose ostvarenju viših stopa privrednog rasta i koje kao takve predstavljaju ključne ekonomske slobode. Biće prezentirane i ekstraktivne institucije, kao opozit inkluzivnim institucijama, koje omogućavaju pristup političkoj moći samo privilegovanom krugu ljudi. U radu će se predstaviti razlozi zbog kojih su društvu i ekonomiji potrebne inkluzivne ekonomske i političke institucije. Analiziraće se pod kojim uslovima će ekonomske institucije delovati stimulativno na privredni rast. U svrhu ocene kvaliteta institucija analiziraće se mnogobrojni indikatori kao što su: Indeks globalne konkurentnosti, Indeks percepcije korupcije, Indeks ekonomskih sloboda, Međunarodni indeks zaštite svojinskih prava, svetski indikatori upravljanja, i sl. Sagledaće se i stanje institucija u našoj zemlji korišćenjem relevantnih pokazatelja nivoa ekonomske razvijenosti, kao i stanja ekonomije u celini. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata biće sugerisano kakve su institucije neophodne kako bi se obezbedio održivi razvoj naše zemlje

    Can the Quality of Hospitality Services Play a Role in Sustainable Equestrian Tourism in Slovenia? Mediations, Effects, and Implications

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    This study investigates the relationship between the quality of hospitality services and sustainable equestrian tourism development in Slovenia. The focus will be on the relations between equestrian tourism motivations, hospitality services quality, overall service quality, equestrian tourists’ satisfaction, and behavioral intentions. The target population was equestrian tourists who stayed in one of 30 tourism farms in Slovenia and used both accommodation and food and beverage services. Face-to-face surveys with convenience sampling were used for the data collection. The results show that equestrian tourism motivations are positively associated with both hospitality services quality and the overall service quality in equestrian tourism. Moreover, the overall service quality in equestrian tourism is positively related to equestrian tourists’ satisfaction, while equestrian tourists’ satisfaction is positively related to behavioral intentions. In addition, accommodation service quality and food and beverage service quality both mediate the association between equestrian tourism motivation and overall satisfaction. The study provides both theoretical and practical implications. For one thing, it fills the research gaps present in the literature. In addition, it gives practical guidelines to farmers and tourism practitioners regarding equestrian tourism development as one of the popular areas of sustainable tourism development in rural settings

    The effect of water potential on accumulation of some essential elements in sugarbeet leaves, Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris

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    An investigation has been conducted on the effect of reduced water potential in nutrient solution on the accumulation of some essential macro- and micro nutrients in the aboveground pails of young sugarbeet plants. Plants of 8 different sugarbeet genotypes were exposed for 21 days to a nutrient solution whose water potential of 0.1 MPa was regulated by PEG. Contents of N, P, K Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn declined in all genotypes under water deficiency but the intensity of reduction varied among the genotypes. The results indicated that some harmful effects of water deficiency could be attributed to disturbances in plant mineral nutrition, especially the lack of N, P, and Mg, as well as to impaired ratios between the contents of particular elements, especially K/Ca

    Physico-chemical characteristics of white suger fractions separated by crystal sizes

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    According to the EU Council Directive 2001/111/EC, related to certain sugars intended for human consumption, a great attention is paid to color in sugar. On the other hand, the non-sucrose compounds having intensive color tend to build into the sucrose crystals. Since Serbia has to work on the new rules concerned sugar quality and harmonization with EU standards, some investigations on sugar crystals are carried out at the request of some sugar factories. Investigations are carried out on sugar crystal size dependence on sugar color and on dissolution rate of different sugar crystal size fractions with the aim to create new sugar products. In this study, sugar samples with different sugar color are divided into 5 fractions by crystal size, defining size distributions. In each fraction the color in solution and the type of color are measured, as well as other relevant physico-chemical parameters. The conclusion is that the sugar color type depends on the crystal size, but sugar crystal solution is not dependent on crystal size except a fraction smaller than 200 µm, which has 30-75% higher sugar color in solution than the other crystal size fractions

    Mycopopulations and ochratoxin A: Potential contaminants of Petrovská klobása

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    Petrovská klobása is traditionally produced dry fermented sausage from the area of Bački Petrovac (Vojvodina Province, Serbia) that has been protected with designation of origin (PDO) according to Serbian legislation. Contamination of this kind of sausage casings by different mould species often occur during the production process, mainly during the ripening and storage. The aim of this study was to isolate and identify moulds that contaminate ingredients used for Petrovská klobása production and its casings during different phases of ripening and storage. Sampling was done during the production process and after 2, 6, 9, 11, 14, 34, 65, 90, 120, 217 and 270 days. Total mould counts in components ranged from 1.60 (mechanically mixed filling) to 4.14 (red hot paprika powder) log10 CFU/g, while the number of moulds isolated from sausage casing surfaces ranged from 0.01 (C3 sausage, 217th day) to 1.60 (C1 sausage, 270th day) log10 CFU/cm2. After total mould counts were determined, isolates were identified and classified in five genera for components (Penicillium - 7 species; Fusarium - 2 species; Aspergillus - 1 species; Alternaria - 1 species; Verticilium - 1 species) and 3 genera for casings surfaces (Penicllium - 3 species; Aspergillus - 1 species; Eurotium - 1 species). It was appointed that 83.33% of isolated species are potential producers of toxic metabolites. The analyses of ingredients and sausages on the presence of ochratoxin A, following the ELISA method, gave the negative results

    Correlation between Agglomerates Hausdorff Dimension and Mechanical Properties of Denture Poly(methyl methacrylate)-Based Composites

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    The microstructure–property relationship in poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA composites is very important for understanding interface phenomena and the future prediction of properties that further help in designing improved materials. In this research, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images of denture PMMA composites with SrTiO3, MnO2 and SrTiO3/MnO2 were used for fractal reconstructions of particle agglomerates in the polymer matrix. Fractal analysis represents a valuable mathematical tool for the characterization of the microstructure and finding correlation between microstructural features and mechanical properties. Utilizing the mathematical affine fractal regression model, the Fractal Real Finder software was employed to reconstruct agglomerate shapes and estimate the Hausdorff dimensions (HD). Controlled energy impact and tensile tests were used to evaluate the mechanical performance of PMMA-MnO2, PMMA-SrTiO3 and PMMA-SrTiO3/MnO2 composites. It was determined that PMMA-SrTiO3/MnO2 had the highest total absorbed energy value (Etot), corresponding to the lowest HD value of 1.03637 calculated for SrTiO3/MnO2 agglomerates. On the other hand, the highest HD value of 1.21521 was calculated for MnO2 agglomerates, while the PMMA-MnO2 showed the lowest Etot. The linear correlation between the total absorbed impact energy of composites and the HD of the corresponding agglomerates was determined, with an R2 value of 0.99486, showing the potential use of this approach in the optimization of composite materials’ microstructure–property relationship

    Assessment of the Biological Effects of Pellia endiviifolia and its Constituents in Vitro

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    Liverworts are characterized by a high content of bioactive compounds reported to show antimicrobial, anticancer, and antioxidant properties. In this study, the biological effects of the methanol extract of the liverwort Pellia endiviifolia and its constituents, bis-bibenzyls perrottetin E, 10′-hydroxyperrottetin E, and 10,10′-dihydroxyperrottetin E, were investigated using human peripheral blood cells as a model system. The assessment of the investigated compounds comprised testing their genotoxicity, apoptotic potential, and redox modulating activities. The genotoxicity testing indicated that medium (25 µM) and high concentrations (100 µM) of the investigated compounds displayed genotoxic and antiproliferative effects in human lymphocytes as revealed by significant, concentration-dependent enhancement of the micronuclei incidence and decrease in the cytokinesis-block proliferation index compared to the control (P .05). The observed genotoxic, antiproliferative, and proapoptotic effects of the investigated compounds make them suitable for further comprehensive studies related to their possible applications as anticancer agents