91 research outputs found


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    DanaÅ”nja promjenjiva okolina u kojoj poduzeća djeluju prisiljava poduzeća da konstantno tragaju za novim izvorima konkurentske prednosti. Poduzeća su postala svjesna da je orijentiranost znanju imperativ pa tako sve svoje napore usmjeravaju u tom pravcu. Međutim, znanje samo po sebi ne predstavlja dodatnu vrijednost poduzećima, osim ako se njime ne upravlja. Zaposlenici obično sva znanja koja posjeduju zadržavaju samo za sebe jer ipak je danas znanje moć i nitko ga ne želi izgubiti. Stoga, da bi organizacija bila uspjeÅ”na mora pronaći način kako da uvjeri zaposlenike da svoje znanje dijele s drugima i da onda to znanje postane kolektivno, a na dobrobit svake individue i organizacije u cjelini. RjeÅ”enje ovog problema poduzeća bi trebala tražiti u organizacijskoj kulturi s obzirom da je ona generator svih važnih preduvjeta za upravljanje znanjem.Today's changing environment in which companies operate forces companies to constantly search for new sources of competitive advantage. Enterprises have become aware that knowledge orientation is imperative, so all their efforts are focused in that direction. However, knowledge does not add value to enterprises unless it is managed. Employees usually keep all the knowledge they possess only for themselves because today's knowledge is power, and nobody wants to lose it. Therefore, for an organization to be successful, it must find a way to persuade employees to share their knowledge with each other within organization. To solve this problem, the enterprises should focus their efforts on organizational culture as it is the generator of all important knowledge management preconditions


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    DanaÅ”nja promjenjiva okolina u kojoj poduzeća djeluju prisiljava poduzeća da konstantno tragaju za novim izvorima konkurentske prednosti. Poduzeća su postala svjesna da je orijentiranost znanju imperativ pa tako sve svoje napore usmjeravaju u tom pravcu. Međutim, znanje samo po sebi ne predstavlja dodatnu vrijednost poduzećima, osim ako se njime ne upravlja. Zaposlenici obično sva znanja koja posjeduju zadržavaju samo za sebe jer ipak je danas znanje moć i nitko ga ne želi izgubiti. Stoga, da bi organizacija bila uspjeÅ”na mora pronaći način kako da uvjeri zaposlenike da svoje znanje dijele s drugima i da onda to znanje postane kolektivno, a na dobrobit svake individue i organizacije u cjelini. RjeÅ”enje ovog problema poduzeća bi trebala tražiti u organizacijskoj kulturi s obzirom da je ona generator svih važnih preduvjeta za upravljanje znanjem.Today's changing environment in which companies operate forces companies to constantly search for new sources of competitive advantage. Enterprises have become aware that knowledge orientation is imperative, so all their efforts are focused in that direction. However, knowledge does not add value to enterprises unless it is managed. Employees usually keep all the knowledge they possess only for themselves because today's knowledge is power, and nobody wants to lose it. Therefore, for an organization to be successful, it must find a way to persuade employees to share their knowledge with each other within organization. To solve this problem, the enterprises should focus their efforts on organizational culture as it is the generator of all important knowledge management preconditions


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    Pranje novca podrazumijeva proces kreiranja odnosno stjecanja novca putem ilegalnih aktivnosti kao Å”to su trgovina drogama, terorizam, utaje porez kojima se pokuÅ”ava prikriti pravi izvor novca. Pranje novca se događa svakodnevno gotovo u svakoj zemlji te predstavlja ozbiljan problem u nacionalnim ekonomijama. Stoga, rad prezentira institucije, mehanizme za spriječavanje pranja novca u Republici Hrvatskoj te Å”ire. Republika Hrvatska je usvojila nekoliko mjera i regulativa koji su usmjereni na efikasnu detekciju i spriječavanje sumnjivih financijskih transakcija, odnosno pranja novca. Perači novca kontinuirano pronalaze inovativnije i sve softiciranije tehnike kako bi proÅ”irili ilegalne aktivnosti. Stoga je potrebno i veoma važno usvojiti globalne i europske pristupe i preporuke u svrhu unaprijeđenja zakona i modernizacije postojećeg sustava, kao i usvojiti nove regulazije i uključiti lokalnu razinu pri spriječavanju pranja novca.Money laundering is the process of creating the appearance that large amounts of money obtained from serious crimes, such as drug trafficking or terrorist activity, originated from a legitimate source. Money laundering happens in almost every country in the world, and it is a crucial problem in national economies. Thus, the paper presents the money laundering and terrorist financing prevention institutions and systems in Croatia and worldwide. Croatia has adopted statutory measures aimed at the effective detection and prevention of suspicious financial transactions, in other words the prevention of money laundering. Launderers constantly find innovative ways, make use of new non-financial channels and expand their activities to real estate, artworks and insurance. Hence it is necessary to keep up with global and European approaches and recommendations, to strive for further improvement of the laws and the modernization of the system, and to adopt new regulations harmonized with international standards as well as to include local level in order to prevent further money laundering


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    Pranje novca podrazumijeva proces kreiranja odnosno stjecanja novca putem ilegalnih aktivnosti kao Å”to su trgovina drogama, terorizam, utaje porez kojima se pokuÅ”ava prikriti pravi izvor novca. Pranje novca se događa svakodnevno gotovo u svakoj zemlji te predstavlja ozbiljan problem u nacionalnim ekonomijama. Stoga, rad prezentira institucije, mehanizme za spriječavanje pranja novca u Republici Hrvatskoj te Å”ire. Republika Hrvatska je usvojila nekoliko mjera i regulativa koji su usmjereni na efikasnu detekciju i spriječavanje sumnjivih financijskih transakcija, odnosno pranja novca. Perači novca kontinuirano pronalaze inovativnije i sve softiciranije tehnike kako bi proÅ”irili ilegalne aktivnosti. Stoga je potrebno i veoma važno usvojiti globalne i europske pristupe i preporuke u svrhu unaprijeđenja zakona i modernizacije postojećeg sustava, kao i usvojiti nove regulazije i uključiti lokalnu razinu pri spriječavanju pranja novca.Money laundering is the process of creating the appearance that large amounts of money obtained from serious crimes, such as drug trafficking or terrorist activity, originated from a legitimate source. Money laundering happens in almost every country in the world, and it is a crucial problem in national economies. Thus, the paper presents the money laundering and terrorist financing prevention institutions and systems in Croatia and worldwide. Croatia has adopted statutory measures aimed at the effective detection and prevention of suspicious financial transactions, in other words the prevention of money laundering. Launderers constantly find innovative ways, make use of new non-financial channels and expand their activities to real estate, artworks and insurance. Hence it is necessary to keep up with global and European approaches and recommendations, to strive for further improvement of the laws and the modernization of the system, and to adopt new regulations harmonized with international standards as well as to include local level in order to prevent further money laundering

    Benders decomposition for congested partial set covering location with uncertain demand

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    In this paper, we introduce a mixed integer quadratic formulation for the congested variant of the partial set covering location problem, which involves determining a subset of facility locations to open and efficiently allocating customers to these facilities to minimize the combined costs of facility opening and congestion while ensuring target coverage. To enhance the resilience of the solution against demand fluctuations, we address the case under uncertain customer demand using Ī“\Gamma-robustness. We formulate the deterministic problem and its robust counterpart as mixed-integer quadratic problems. We investigate the effect of the protection level in adapted instances from the literature to provide critical insights into how sensitive the planning is to the protection level. Moreover, since the size of the robust counterpart grows with the number of customers, which could be significant in real-world contexts, we propose the use of Benders decomposition to effectively reduce the number of variables by projecting out of the master problem all the variables dependent on the number of customers. We illustrate how to incorporate our Benders approach within a mixed-integer second-order cone programming (MISOCP) solver, addressing explicitly all the ingredients that are instrumental for its success. We discuss single-tree and multi-tree approaches and introduce a perturbation technique to deal with the degeneracy of the Benders subproblem efficiently. Our tailored Benders approaches outperform the perspective reformulation solved using the state-of-the-art MISOCP solver Gurobi on adapted instances from the literature


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    Political metaphor study has gained popularity in the last couple of decades with the emergence of Lakoffā€™s Conceptual Metaphor Theory and even more with the Moral Politics Theory. This study examines the metaphors used in the Croatian presidential elections by the two top candidates: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and Zoran Milanović in the campaign rally speeches in Zagreb. The objective is to determine the presence and distribution of George Lakoffā€™s Strict Father and Nurturant Parent paradigms of moral reasoning in the context of Croatian Politics and whether there is a link between family morality and metaphor choice. The research findings reveal positive evidence for Lakoffā€™s MPT (Moral Politics Theory). Furthermore, it reveals that politicians reason in terms of the nation is a family metaphor when discussing domestic policy but reason in terms of nation is a person when discussing foreign policy and war topics. Furthermore, the findings reveal that there is a link between the family models and ideology and metaphor choice.Proučavanje političkih metafora popularizirano je posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća pojavom Lakoffove teorije konceptualne metafore, a joÅ” viÅ”e pojavom teorije moralne politike. Ovaj rad bavi se metaforama kojima su se na zadnjim hrvatskim predsjedničkim izborima služilo dvoje vodećih kandidata, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović i Zoran Milanović, u svojim predizbornim govorima u Zagrebu. Cilj je rada odrediti prisutnost i rasprostranjenost Lakoffove Strict Father (engl. strogi otac) i Nurturant Parent (engl. brižni roditelj) paradigme moralnoga rasuđivanja u kontekstu hrvatske politike te odgovoriti na pitanje postoji li poveznica između obiteljskih moralnih vrijednosti i odabira metafore. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da postoje dokazi o Lakoffovoj teoriji o moralnoj politici (MPT). Osim toga rezultati ukazuju na to da političari razmiÅ”ljaju u okviru metafore nacija je obitelj pri razmatranju unutarnje politike i nacija je osoba pri razmatranju vanjske politike i ratnih tema. Nadalje, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji poveznica između obiteljskih modela i ideologije te odabira metafore

    A polyhedral study of the diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problem

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    This paper provides a first polyhedral study of the diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problem (DMSTP). We introduce a new set of inequalities, the circular-jump inequalities which strengthen the well-known jump inequalities. These inequalities are further generalized in two ways: either by increasing the number of partitions defining a jump, or by combining jumps with cutsets. Most of the proposed new inequalities are shown to define facets of the DMSTP polytope under very mild conditions. Currently best known lower bounds for the DMSTP are obtained from an extended formulation on a layered graph using the concept of central nodes/edges. A subset of the new families of inequalities is shown to be not implied by this layered graph formulation


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    Rad se bavi ženskim stand-upom kao posebnom vrstom stand-up komedije i rodne izvedbe koja je posljednjih desetljeća zadobila obrise jače kritičnosti prema androcentričnom druÅ”tvu. Donoseći sažetu povijest stand-upa i njegovih odjeka u svijetu i u Hrvatskoj, rad naznačuje druÅ”tvene učinke ženske stand-up komedije kao kulturne prakse. U srediÅ”tu se rada nalaze vrste humora u suvremenoj stand-up komediji, odnos komičarki prema humoru, oblici otpora koje komičarke pružaju prema druÅ”tvu, kao i negodovanje feminističkih udruga zbog tema i stila ženskog stand-upa.The paper examines the female stand-up as a specific type of stand-up comedy and gender performance which over the last several decades became more and more critical of the androcentric society. Giving a short history of stand-up and its reflections in both world and Croatia, the paper highlights the social outcomes of female stand-up comedy as a cultural practice. The paper explores the types of humour in contemporary stand-up comedy, the interplay of female stand-up performers and humour, the forms of female comedian opposition towards the society, as well as the disapproval of feminist organizations with regard to the topics and styles of female stand-up

    On SOCP-based disjunctive cuts for solving a class of integer bilevel nonlinear programs

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    We study a class of integer bilevel programs with second-order cone constraints at the upper-level and a convex-quadratic objective function and linear constraints at the lower-level. We develop disjunctive cuts (DCs) to separate bilevel-infeasible solutions using a second-order-cone-based cut-generating procedure. We propose DC separation strategies and consider several approaches for removing redundant disjunctions and normalization. Using these DCs, we propose a branch-and-cut algorithm for the problem class we study, and a cutting-plane method for the problem variant with only binary variables. We present an extensive computational study on a diverse set of instances, including instances with binary and with integer variables, and instances with a single and with multiple linking constraints. Our computational study demonstrates that the proposed enhancements of our solution approaches are effective for improving the performance. Moreover, both of our approaches outperform a state-of-the-art generic solver for mixed-integer bilevel linear programs that is able to solve a linearized version of our binary instances.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.0682
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