570 research outputs found

    Modelling the Income Distributions in the Czech Republic since 1992

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    The goal of this article is to study incomes in the Czech Republic and their development since 1992. The net annual per capita income of Czech households is analysed for all households and their respective subpopulations. Data from the microcensus 1992, 1996, 2002, and EU-SILC 2005-2008 surveys carried out by the Czech Statistical Office are used. The subpopulations are defined by a household’s location (Bohemia or Moravia), and education and age of the head of the household in order to compare the distributions of the income in Bohemia and Moravia and to quantify the impact of education and age on incomes. The three-parameter lognormal distribution is chosen as a probability distribution to model the per capita income distribution for the whole population and for subpopulations. To estimate the unknown parameters, the maximum likelihood method and that of L-moments are employed. The medians of equalised incomes are given for the EU members and the average growth in the 2004-2007 period is compared. For the Czech Republic, a comparison of the medians of per capita and equivalised income is made.Das Ziel dieses Artikels ist die Untersuchung des Einkommens in der Tschechischen Republik und dessen Entwicklung seit 1992. Das jährliche Nettoeinkommen tschechischer Haushalte wird für sämtliche Haushalte und einige Subpopulationen analysiert. Verwendet wurden Daten aus dem Mikrocensus 1992, 1996, 2002 und EU-SILC 2005-2008, die das Tschechische Statistikamt durchführt. Die Subpopulationen sind durch Standort des Haushalts (Böhmen oder Mähren), Ausbildung und Alter des Familienvorstands definiert, mit dem Ziel, die Einkommensverteilung in Böhmen und Mähren zu vergleichen und den Einfluss von Ausbildung und Alters auf das Einkommen zu quantifizieren. Die Verteilung des Pro-Kopf-Einkommens der Gesamtpopulation und von Subpopulationen wird durch die dreiparametrige Lognormalverteilung modelliert. Um die unbekannten Parameter zu schätzen, wurde die Maximum-Likelihood und die L-Momenten Methode angewandt. Das Medianäquivalenzeinkommen für EU Mitglieder und das Durchschnittswachstum 2004-2007 wird verglichen. Für die Tschechische Republik wird ein Vergleich der Mediane des Haushaltseinkommens und des Equivalenzeinkommen gemacht

    Rapid estimation of gamma number of viscose by UV Spectrophotometry

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    Viscose process is the most important method for industrial cellulose dissolution. The degree of substitution (DS) is an important parameter in cellulose derivatives, and it is usually expressed as a gamma number (γ No.). In this work, viscose was prepared from eucalyptus and cotton linter dissolving pulps. Two methods were used for by-product separation: coagulation method (CM, reference) and ion exchange method (IEM). Similar γ Nos. were obtained with both methods for viscoses from cotton linters. The molar absorptivity of cellulose xanthate at 303 nm (e303nm) was determined by, firstly, measuring the absorbance of different purified viscoses and, subsequently, drawing a linear regression with the values obtained. The purification efficacy of IEM was analyzed from the UV peaks obtained in the range of 220-380 nm of the original and purified viscoses. The disappearance of the absorption of the main byproduct, sodium trithiocarbonate, was observed. Finally, with the e303nm mentioned above and the absorbance measurement of the purified viscoses, their γ Nos. were determined using a spectrophotometric method (SM). This would indicate that UV spectrophotometry could be used to estimate this parameter in a quick and easy way, which is decisive for the use of viscose in regenerated cellulose products.Fil: Lanieri, Diana Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; ArgentinaFil: Olmos, Graciela Viviana. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología Celulósica; ArgentinaFil: Alberini, Ivana Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología Celulósica; ArgentinaFil: Maximino, Mirta Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ingeniería Química. Instituto de Tecnología Celulósica; Argentin

    Business Process Modeling in Higher Education Institutions. Developing a Framework for Total Quality Management at Institutional Level

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    AbstractThis article presents a stage of a quality management model in higher education institutions based on business process modelling. The paper points out the importance of graduates’ satisfaction in assessing quality in universities and looks at a key development, that have shaped the idea of correlating the graduates’ requirements regarding the developed specific and transversal competencies during the study with the required competences in the labor market. On the basis of the existing literature evidence and on the performed results, the paper proposes a business process management model by outlining the importance of understanding graduates’ requirements, their needs and expectations

    The “Good Practice” Training Philosophy in an International Psychotherapy Program

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    Die Lieblingslehrertrainingsphilosophie wurde mit einem narrativen Interview Strategie erforscht und mit Grounded Theory analysiert. Die Ergebnisse beschreiben, wie die Rolle der Kultur in der Psychotherapie konzeptualisiert wird und zeigt eine Anleitung für den Unterricht im Rahmen der Transformationspädagogik.Multicultural, indigenous and international movements in psychotherapy have raised numerous issues about cultural variables as essential considerations in mental-health research, training and practice. They have not, however, offered much guidance. The unique setting of the English-language International Psychotherapy Program at SFU in Austria provides an opportunity to investigate and describe the “good practice” training philosophy of international students’ favorite teachers. The three favorite teachers were chosen on the basis of quantitative elements of the international students’ survey in the first phase of the research. The favorite teachers’ training philosophy was explored with a narrative interview strategy and analyzed with grounded theory. Findings describe how they conceptualize the role of culture in psychotherapy and offer step-by-step guidance for teaching within the framework of transformative pedagogy


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    Political metaphor study has gained popularity in the last couple of decades with the emergence of Lakoff’s Conceptual Metaphor Theory and even more with the Moral Politics Theory. This study examines the metaphors used in the Croatian presidential elections by the two top candidates: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and Zoran Milanović in the campaign rally speeches in Zagreb. The objective is to determine the presence and distribution of George Lakoff’s Strict Father and Nurturant Parent paradigms of moral reasoning in the context of Croatian Politics and whether there is a link between family morality and metaphor choice. The research findings reveal positive evidence for Lakoff’s MPT (Moral Politics Theory). Furthermore, it reveals that politicians reason in terms of the nation is a family metaphor when discussing domestic policy but reason in terms of nation is a person when discussing foreign policy and war topics. Furthermore, the findings reveal that there is a link between the family models and ideology and metaphor choice.Proučavanje političkih metafora popularizirano je posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća pojavom Lakoffove teorije konceptualne metafore, a još više pojavom teorije moralne politike. Ovaj rad bavi se metaforama kojima su se na zadnjim hrvatskim predsjedničkim izborima služilo dvoje vodećih kandidata, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović i Zoran Milanović, u svojim predizbornim govorima u Zagrebu. Cilj je rada odrediti prisutnost i rasprostranjenost Lakoffove Strict Father (engl. strogi otac) i Nurturant Parent (engl. brižni roditelj) paradigme moralnoga rasuđivanja u kontekstu hrvatske politike te odgovoriti na pitanje postoji li poveznica između obiteljskih moralnih vrijednosti i odabira metafore. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da postoje dokazi o Lakoffovoj teoriji o moralnoj politici (MPT). Osim toga rezultati ukazuju na to da političari razmišljaju u okviru metafore nacija je obitelj pri razmatranju unutarnje politike i nacija je osoba pri razmatranju vanjske politike i ratnih tema. Nadalje, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoji poveznica između obiteljskih modela i ideologije te odabira metafore

    Karakteristik Mi Kering Substitusi Tepung Terigu dengan Tepung Labu Kuning dan Tepung Ikan Tuna

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    AbstrakMi kering merupakan produk yang digemari oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini menyebabkan penggunaan tepung terigu dan impor gandum meningkat. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya bahan untuk substitusi tepung terigu, yaitu dengan labu kuning dan ikan tuna.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mensubstitusi sebagian tepung terigu dengan tepung labu kuning dan tepung ikan tuna terhadap sifat sensoris, fisik, dan kimia mi kering yang dihasilkan. Formulasi mi kering dibuat dengan rasio tepung terigu:tepung labu kuning: 100:0; 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40 dan tepung ikan tuna sebanyak 0–25%, serta analisis mi kering meliputi sensori, fisik, kimia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mi kering yang masih dapat diterima panelis, yaitu mi kering dengan rasio 80:20(tepung terigu:tepung labu kuning) dan penambahan tepung ikan tuna sampai dengan 20%. Penambahan tepung ikan tuna sebesar 10-25% pada mi kering dapat meningkatkan daya serap air, tingkat pengembangan, cooking loss, dan menurunkan nilai kekerasan sertatensile strength. Mi kering dengan penambahan tepung ikan tuna hingga 20% mampu meningkatkan kandungan protein hingga 2,53 kali dibandingkan mi kering kontrol (tanpa penambahan tepung ikan tuna) dengan kadar protein sebesar 23,74% db. Kesimpulannya, penggunaan tepung ikan tuna sebagai sumber protein pada mi kering dapat dilakukan sampai dengan 20%.Dry Noodles Characteristics of Substitution Wheat Flour with Pumpkin and Tuna FlourAbstractDry noodles are a product that is favored by the most people in Indonesia. That causes the use of wheat flour and wheat imports to increase. Therefore it is necessary to have materials to substitute wheat flour, namely with pumpkin and tuna.The purpose of this study was to determine the partial substitution of wheat flour with pumpkin and tuna flour on the sensory, physical, and chemical properties of the dried noodles produced. The stages of the research included the making of pumpkin and tuna flour, dry noodles formulation with the ratio of wheat flour: pumpkin flour of 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, and tuna flour at the concentration of 0–25%. The analysis of dried noodles was sensory, physical, chemical. The results showed that dry noodles were still acceptable to panelists, namely dry noodles with a ratio of 80:20 (wheat flour: pumpkin flour) and the addition of tuna flour up to 20%. The addition of tuna flour by 10-25% to dry noodles couldincrease water absorption, expansion ratio, cooking loss, and reduce the value of hardness and tensile strength. Dry noodles with the addition of tuna flour up to 20% could increase protein content up to 2.53 times compared to dry noodles control (without tuna fish flour) with 23.74% db. As conclusion, the use of tuna flour as a protein source in dried noodles could be done up to 20%.

    Non-resolving atelectasis after foreign body aspiration in a 17-month-old boy: a case report

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    Aspiracija stranog tijela je hitno stanje te važan uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta u dječjoj dobi. Prikazujemo 17-mjesečnog dječaka s upalom pluća i atelektazom nekoliko tjedana nakon neprimjećene aspiracije kikirikija. Atelektaza je perzistirala tri mjeseca usprkos promptnom uklanjanju stranog tijela. Ovaj prikaz naglašava važnost pravovremene dijagnoze i liječenja nakon aspiracije stranog tijela.Foreign body aspiration is an important emergency and cause of morbidity and mortality in children. We present a 17-month-old boy who developed pneumonia and atelectasis a few weeks after unnoticed peanut inhalation. Despite prompt foreign body removal atelectasis persisted for three months. This case highlights the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of foreign body aspiration

    In Search of Micromodels: Black-box Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Models in Normal and Extreme Conditions

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    Spatio-temporal modelling is an emerging research area due to the increasing availability of sensor data collected across space and time. The models are build either with a modeldriven or data-driven approach. The former often results in complex monolith models that are not suitable for lightweight Edge deployment. The latter requires a vast amount of data and may not provide an overall good performance. Consequently, the data-driven approach is being used to substitute only parts of model-driven outputs, by creating micromodels that tackle specific scenarios. The main contribution of this paper is a definition and demonstration of the process for finding such scenarios for which a spatio-temporal model could be improved or replaced by a micromodel and deployed on Edge. The process is demonstrated on an example of a Numerical Weather Prediction model (NWP), namely its outputs of temperature and precipitation. NWP is evaluated using black-box testing considering the specificity of spatial and temporal components, in both normal and extreme conditions. The novelty of this process is its ability to highlight weaknesses of the existing expert models and suggest scenarios in which the models can be improved and deployed on the Edge

    Ekstrakcija polifenola vodenim dvofaznim sustavima primjenom mikroekstraktora: optimiranje i intenzifikacija procesa

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    Polyphenols are one of the most numerous and widespread groups of compounds in the plant world. Nowadays, organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol, acetone, dimethylformamide, ethyl acetate and diethylether are mainly used for the extraction of polyphenols. These solvents require special process conditions and special care in the disposal of the used solvents. In this paper, the extraction of polyphenols from the model solution was performed using the aqueous two-phase system which contains 80.90 % water and represents low burden on the environment. The aqueous solution of gallic acid (GA) was used as a model solution of polyphenols. The extraction was performed in the aqueous two-phase system containing PEG6000/H2O/(NH4)2SO4 in a macroextractor (V=10 mL) and microextractor (V=14 μL). The influence of the process parameters, the concentration of gallic acid, pH and composition of the aqueous two-phase system was investigated in order to maximize the partition coefficient. The method of multifactor experimental planning was used to optimize the extraction process and the results were statistically analysed using the evolutionary operation method (EVOP). Optimal operating conditions of the extraction process were pH=6.50, γGA=4.50 g/L, the mass fraction of polyethylene glycol (PEG) wPEG=0.1037 g/g and the mass fraction of ammonium sulphate (AMS) wAMS=0.0925 g/g. Under these conditions the maximal partition coefficient of K=5.54 and the extraction efficiency of E=89.11 % were achieved and successfully applied for total phenol extraction from white wine in the macro- and microextractor. Approximately the same partition coefficients and extraction efficiency were achieved in the microextractor within a 60-fold shorter residence time.Polifenoli su jedna od najbrojnijih i najrasprostranjenijih skupina spojeva u biljnome svijetu. U današnje se vrijeme za ekstrakciju polifenola koriste uglavnom organska otapala (metanol, etanol, aceton, dimetilformamid, etilacetat i dietileter) koja nepovoljno utječu na okoliš, zahtijevaju posebne uvjete provedbe procesa i zbrinjavanje iskorištenih otapala. U ovom je radu ekstrakcija polifenola iz modelne otopine provedena u vodenom dvofaznom sustavu koji sadrži približno 80-90 % pa neznatno onečišćuje okoliš. Kao modelna otopina polifenola upotrijebljena je vodena otopina galne kiseline (GA), a sama ekstrakcija provedena je u vodenom dvofaznom sustavu sastava PEG6000/H2O/(NH4)2SO4 u makroekstraktoru (V=10 mL) i mikroekstraktoru (V=14 µL). Ispitivan je utjecaj karakterističnih procesnih veličina, koncentracije galne kiseline, pH-vrijednosti i sastava vodenoga dvofaznog sustava na koeficijent raspodjele. Primijenjena je metoda višefaktorskog planiranja pokusa kako bi se optimirao proces ekstrakcije, a dobiveni su rezultati statistički obrađeni primjenom metode evolucijskih operacija (EVOP). Kao optimalni radni uvjeti provedbe procesa ekstrakcije dobiveni su pH-vrijednost=6,50, γ(galna kiselina)=4,50 g/L, maseni udio polietilenglikola (PEG) w(PEG)=0,1037 g/g te maseni udio amonijeva sulfata (AMS) w(AMS)=0,0925. Pri navedenim uvjetima postignut je maksimalni koeficijent raspodjele K=5,54 i učinkovitost procesa ekstrakcije E=89,11 % te je uspješno provedena ekstrakcija ukupnih polifenola iz bijeloga vina u mikroekstraktoru i makroekstraktoru. Uspoređujući oba sustava, približno isti koeficijent raspodjele i ekstrakcijski koeficijent postignut je u mikroekstraktoru za 60 puta kraće vrijeme zadržavanja u usporedbi s makroekstraktorom

    Extracellular xenogeneic hemoglobin suppresses the capacity for C2C12 myoblast myogenic differentiation

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    Functional characteristics of satellite cells (SCs) that act as myogenesis initiators and have emerged as a promising target for cell therapy, are dependent on their microenvironment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cell-free hemoglobin, as a part of the microenvironment of SCs, on their functional characteristics. The C2C12 cell line served as the experimental model of SCs; hemoglobin isolated from porcine (PHb) and bovine (BHb) slaughterhouse blood served as the experimental model for extracellular hemoglobin. The proliferation rate of C2C12 cells was assessed by the MTT test, migration capacity by the scratch assay, and myogenic differentiation capacity by histochemical staining and RT-PCR analysis of the expression of genes specific for myogenic lineage. The effect of hemoglobin on the proliferation and migration of C2C12 cells was dependent on its concentration and the animal species it was isolated from, but the effect of BHb was more prominent. Both PHb and BHb decreased the expression levels of myogenin and muscle specific creatine kinase at a 10 mu M concentration. While PHb had no effect on the morphometric parameters of C2C12 myotubes, BHb modified the area and length of C2C12 myotubes cultivated in DMEM/2% horse serum and DMEM/10% fetal calf serum. While PHb and BHb had no effect on heme oxygenase 1 (Hmox1) expression, they stimulated the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (Hif1 alpha) at a concentration of 10 mu M. The mainly inhibitory effect of cell-free hemoglobin on myogenic differentiation suggests that it could be a relevant factor in the outcome of cell therapy of muscle injury