9 research outputs found


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    Rad opisuje laboratorijsko testiranje djelotvornosti dijatomejske zemlje (DZ) u obliku praÅ”iva Protect-itĀ® u funkciji prirodnog insekticida za suzbijanje odraslog oblika hrđastog braÅ”nara Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) te stadija ličinki duhanara Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius) i kestenjastog braÅ”nara Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Cilj rada je testirati učinkovitost dijatomejske zemlje te pokuÅ”ati osvijestiti poljoprivredne proizvođače kako bi implementirali prirodne insekticide u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Maksimalni mortalitet hrđastog braÅ”nara je postignut najvećom koncentracijom (0,04 g/50 g pÅ”enice) nakon ekspozicije od 7 dana. PraÅ”ivo Protect-itĀ® je utjecalo na smanjenje broja živih odraslih jedinki razvijenih nakon tretiranja ličinki vrsta L. serricorne i T. castaneum, pri čemu je broj razvijenih odraslih smanjen za oko 2 (kod L. serricorne pri koncentraciji od 0,02g/50 g pÅ”enice) do 2,3 puta (kod T. castaneum pri 0,01 g/50 g pÅ”enice) u odnosu na kontrolne uzorke. DZ Protect-itĀ® može se primijeniti kao uspjeÅ”na preventivna metoda u zaÅ”titi uskladiÅ”tenih žitarica.The paper describes laboratory testing of Diatomaceous earth (DE) powder efficacy as a natural insecticide against the adult form of rusty grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) and larval stage of cigarette beetle Lasioderma serricorne (Fabricius) and red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). The aim of this paper is to test the effectiveness of diatomaceous earth preparation Protect-itĀ® and to raise awareness of farmers to implement natural insecticides in agricultural production. The highest concentration (0.04 g/50 g wheat) reached the maximum mortality rate of rusty grain beetle after exposure of 7 days. Protect-itĀ® powder had impact on reduction of alive adult units developed from treated larvae of cigarette beetle and red flour beetle, wherein a number of developed cigarette beetle adults reduced to about two times (at 0.02 g/50 g wheat) and red flour beetle adults 2.3 times (at 0.01 g/50 g wheat) respectively in comparison to the control. Protect-itĀ® can be used as a successful preventive method in protection of stored grain

    Pilot-istraživanje djelotvornosti prirodne formulacije u zaŔtiti uskladiŔtene pŔenice i ječma protiv skladiŔnih kukaca

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    The stored-product insects are one of the major causes of losses in the stored cereals. Most of control measures still rely on a synthetic pesticide usage, but due to its negative side effects on the goods, human health, and the environment, there is an urgent need for an alternative control. A natural formulation based on the diatomaceous earth (DE) SilicoSecĀ®, enhanced with the botanicals (essential oil lavender, corn oil, and bay leaves dust) and the silica gel was developed. The aim of the study was to test the activity of the developed formulation as a postharvest protectant of seed wheat and barley in the suppression Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). As a reference comparative value, the DE SilicoSecĀ® was applied. Subsequent to the six months of storage under the simulated warehouse conditions, the formulation has completely suppressed the initial population development of all three tested insect species, both in wheat and barley. In wheat, a complete suppression was detected at the dose of 500 ppm against T. castaneum and 600 ppm against both R. dominica and S. oryzae. In barley, a complete suppression was detected at the doses of 500 ppm, 400 ppm, and 600 ppm against R. dominica, T. castaneum and S. oryzae, respectively. Conclusively, the results of this study indicate that the developed natural formulation based on the DE, botanicals, and silica gel was highly effective against the three major storedā€product insect species, providing a long-term safe storage of wheat and barley seeds.SkladiÅ”ni kukci jedan su od glavnih uzroka nastanka gubitka uskladiÅ”tenih žitarica. Većina mjera zaÅ”tite i dalje se oslanja na primjenu sintetičkih pesticida, ali zbog njihova negativnoga utjecaja na robu, ljudsko zdravlje i okoliÅ”, velika je potreba za alternativnim mjerama zaÅ”tite. Razvijena je prirodna formulacija na bazi dijatomejske zemlje (DZ) SilicoSecĀ®, obogaćena botaničkim komponentama (eteričnim uljem lavandina, kukuruznim uljem i prahom lovorova liŔća) te silikagelom. Cilj istraživanja bio je testirati djelotvornost razvijene formulacije kao zaÅ”titnoga sredstva uskladiÅ”tenoga zrna pÅ”enice i ječma u suzbijanju Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) i Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Kao referentna usporedna vrijednost koriÅ”tena je DZ SilicoSecĀ®. Nakon Å”est mjeseci čuvanja u simuliranim skladiÅ”nim uvjetima, formulacija je u potpunosti suzbila razvoj početne populacije svih triju testiranih vrsta kukaca u pÅ”enici i u ječmu. U pÅ”enici je potpuna inhibicija postignuta pri dozi od 500 ppm kod T. castaneum te pri dozi od 600 ppm kod R. dominica i S. oryzae. U ječmu je potpuna inhibicija postignuta pri dozama od 500 ppm, 400 ppm i 600 ppm kod R. dominica T. castaneum i S. oryzae. Zaključno, rezultati ovoga istraživanja ukazuju na vrlo visoku učinkovitost razvijene prirodne formulacije na bazi dijatomejske zemlje, botaničkih komponenata i silikagela protiv triju glavnih vrtsa skladiÅ”nih kukaca, osiguravajući dugotrajnu zaÅ”titu uskladiÅ”tenoga zrna pÅ”enice i ječma

    The Communities of the Nematodes, Bacteria, and Fungi and the Soilā€™s Organic Matter in an Agroforestry Ecosystem in Croatia

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    An aboveā€ground plant diversity affects a below-ground biodiversity. A soil fauna diversity is important for the ecosystemsā€™ sustainability. It reflects both the abiotic conditions and the soilā€™s biotic activity. This studyā€™s objective was to assess the effect of an agroforestry system on the nematode abundance and trophic group distribution and on the bacterial and fungal abundance in the soil, as well as to analyze the links between a nematode abundance, trophic group patterns, soilā€™s microbiological status and the organic matter. A field experiment was conducted during two years in three treatments and three sampling periods. The treatments were as follows: an agricultural crop (C), a permanent walnut plantation (W), and a permanent walnut plantation with an agricultural crop (C + W). The nematodes were extracted, counted, processed and mounted on slides and ultimately determined and assigned to the trophic groups. The bacteria and fungi were extracted from the soil, grown on the plates, and counted. Our findings suggest that the studied agroforestry system (C+W) has exerted a positive effect on the soil nematodes, bacteria, and fungi, manifested as the statistically highest abundance of bacteria and fungi, but also as the highest abundance of nematodes and of a diversity of the nematode genera. The highest content of the organic matter was detected in the treatment C + W in the first sampling and in the treatments C + W and W in the second sampling. We have concluded that the combination of an agricultural crop and a permanent plantation has a great potential for better ecosystem stability and sustainability regardless of some deviations in our results. We believe that further research is necessary because the different agroforestry ecosystems may have different impacts on the soil fauna


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    Laboratorijski je ispitan insekticidni učinak dijatomejske zemlje na skladiÅ”nog Å”tetnika, žitnog kukuljičara Rhyzopertha dominica Fab. zapraÅ”ivanjem tri različite sorte pÅ”enice (Divana, Kraljica i Vulkan), zobi (BC Marta, Winnipeg i Winsent) i raži (Albedo, Marcelo i Picasso). Cilj je bio utvrditi ima li dijatomejska zemlja jednaku djelotvornost kod različitih sorti žitarica, te utvrditi utjecaj praÅ”iva na fizikalna svojstva sorata. Pri dozi od 500 ppm nakon 7 dana ekspozicije, najviÅ”i prosječni mortalitet kukuljičara je postignut kod raži (98,5%), zatim kod pÅ”enice (95,9%), te najniži kod zobi (84,2%). Značajna razlika u djelotvornosti uočena je jedino kod zobi; između sorti Winsent i BC Marta, te u vremenu ekspozicije (između 7 i 21 dan kod sorata BC Marta i Winnipeg, te između 7 i 14 dana kod sorte Winsent). Dijatomejska zemlja je kod svih ispitivanih sorti žitarica djelovala na sniženje hektolitarske mase, posebice kod sorti pÅ”enice (za 4,3-5,0 kg hl-1). Najmanje sniženje hektolitarske mase uočeno je kod raži, kod sorte Marcelo (za 0,3 kg hl-1). Također je kod tretiranih sorti žitarica (osim kod sorte zobi Winsent) zabilježeno blago sniženje vlage zrna (za 0,2 do 1,0%), kao i promjena temperature zrna od Ā± 0,1 do 0,4 Ā°C. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata, vidljivo je da djelotvornost dijatomejske zemlje značajno varira ovisno o sorti žitarica.Insecticidal effect of the commercial inert dust based on diatomaceous earth was tested in laboratory conditions against stored product pest, lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica Fab. on three different varieties of wheat (Divana, Kraljica i Vulkan), oats (BC Marta, Winnipeg i Winsent) and rye (Albedo, Marcelo i Picasso). The aim of this study was to determine whether diatomaceous earth has the same efficacy at different varieties of cereals, and to determine the impact of dust on physical properties of varieties. At dose of 500 ppm after 7 days of exposure, the highest average mortality of lesser grain borer was achieved in rye (98.5%), followed by wheat (95.9%), and oats (84.2%). A significant difference in efficacy was observed only in oats; between varieties Winsent and BC Marta, and in the exposure time (between 7 and 21 days in BC Martha and Winnipeg, and between 7 and 14 days at variety Winsent). Diatomaceous earth reduced test weight of all tested varieties of cereals, especially of wheat varieties (by 4.3 to 5.0 kg hl-1). A minimum test weight reduction was observed in rye, at Marcelo variety (by 0.3 kg hl-1). Further, reduction in grain moisture (0.2 to 1.0%) and oscillation in grain temperature (Ā± 0.1 to 0.4 Ā°C) was noticed in all treated varieties of cereals (except for varieties Winsent). Results of this study showed that the efficiency of ditomaceous earth significantly depend on variety of cereals which is treated

    The discoid meniscus

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    Diskoidni menisk najčeŔća je morfoloÅ”ka anomalija meniska. Učestalost ove anomalije varira ovisno o geografskom smjeÅ”taju, a najviÅ”a je u području istočne Azije (Japan, Kina, Koreja). Premda je opisan prije viÅ”e od stotinu godina, diskoidni menisk joÅ” je uvijek izazov u dijagnostičkom smislu i u smislu liječenja. Budući da pojavnost ove anomalije nije tako rijetka, a klinička slika nije niti uniformna niti patognomonična, pri svakoj pojavi nespecifičnih tegoba i bolova u koljenu djece i adolescenata, i to bez evidentne traume, valja posumnjati na diskoidni menisk. Asimptomatski diskoidni menisk koji je slučajno otkriven tijekom artroskopskog zahvata u sklopu kirurÅ”ke obrade radi druge patologije koljena nije potrebno liječiti, već bolesnika valja samo redovito kontrolirati. Naime, smatra se da se koljeno adaptiralo na takav oblik meniska i da može i nadalje dobro funkcionirati. KirurÅ”ko liječenje rezervirano je samo za simptomatske diskoidne meniske, a danas je metoda izbora djelomična meniscektomija koju valja činiti artroskopski. Osnova artroskopske djelomične meniscektomije jest odstranjenje srediÅ”njeg dijela diskoidnog meniska te formiranje stabilnog i funkcionalnog ostatnog dijela meniska, koji će omogućiti adekvatnu apsorpciju Å”oka bez stvaranja novog rascjepa meniska. U ovom su preglednom radu prikazane najnovije spoznaje o etologiji, anatomskim značajkama, klasifikaciji, udruženim stanjima, kliničkoj slici, dijagnostici i liječenju diskoidnog meniska.Discoid meniscus is the most common morphological anomaly of the meniscus. The frequency of this anomaly varies depending on geographic location and is highest in eastern Asia (Japan, China, and Korea). Although discoid meniscus was described more than a hundred years ago it is still a challenge both in the diagnostic and therapeutical sense. Since the incidence of this anomaly is relatively high and clinical presentation heterogenous, differential diagnosis of any nonspecific symptom and pain without obvious trauma of the knee in children should include the discoid meniscus. Most authors recommend only observation for an asymptomatic discoid meniscus determined incidentally during arthroscopy because the knee might have adapted to the discoid anatomy and may continue to function well. Surgical intervention is indicated only for symptomatic discoid menisci. Currently, most authors recommend meniscal preservation using arthroscopic saucerization. The goal of saucerization is to create a stable and functionally remaining meniscus which will provide adequate shock absorption without re-tearing. In this review we present the latest findings regarding etiology, anatomical features, classification, accompanying conditions, clinical manifestations, diagnostic modalities and practical management considerations of discoid meniscus

    The discoid meniscus

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    Diskoidni menisk najčeŔća je morfoloÅ”ka anomalija meniska. Učestalost ove anomalije varira ovisno o geografskom smjeÅ”taju, a najviÅ”a je u području istočne Azije (Japan, Kina, Koreja). Premda je opisan prije viÅ”e od stotinu godina, diskoidni menisk joÅ” je uvijek izazov u dijagnostičkom smislu i u smislu liječenja. Budući da pojavnost ove anomalije nije tako rijetka, a klinička slika nije niti uniformna niti patognomonična, pri svakoj pojavi nespecifičnih tegoba i bolova u koljenu djece i adolescenata, i to bez evidentne traume, valja posumnjati na diskoidni menisk. Asimptomatski diskoidni menisk koji je slučajno otkriven tijekom artroskopskog zahvata u sklopu kirurÅ”ke obrade radi druge patologije koljena nije potrebno liječiti, već bolesnika valja samo redovito kontrolirati. Naime, smatra se da se koljeno adaptiralo na takav oblik meniska i da može i nadalje dobro funkcionirati. KirurÅ”ko liječenje rezervirano je samo za simptomatske diskoidne meniske, a danas je metoda izbora djelomična meniscektomija koju valja činiti artroskopski. Osnova artroskopske djelomične meniscektomije jest odstranjenje srediÅ”njeg dijela diskoidnog meniska te formiranje stabilnog i funkcionalnog ostatnog dijela meniska, koji će omogućiti adekvatnu apsorpciju Å”oka bez stvaranja novog rascjepa meniska. U ovom su preglednom radu prikazane najnovije spoznaje o etologiji, anatomskim značajkama, klasifikaciji, udruženim stanjima, kliničkoj slici, dijagnostici i liječenju diskoidnog meniska.Discoid meniscus is the most common morphological anomaly of the meniscus. The frequency of this anomaly varies depending on geographic location and is highest in eastern Asia (Japan, China, and Korea). Although discoid meniscus was described more than a hundred years ago it is still a challenge both in the diagnostic and therapeutical sense. Since the incidence of this anomaly is relatively high and clinical presentation heterogenous, differential diagnosis of any nonspecific symptom and pain without obvious trauma of the knee in children should include the discoid meniscus. Most authors recommend only observation for an asymptomatic discoid meniscus determined incidentally during arthroscopy because the knee might have adapted to the discoid anatomy and may continue to function well. Surgical intervention is indicated only for symptomatic discoid menisci. Currently, most authors recommend meniscal preservation using arthroscopic saucerization. The goal of saucerization is to create a stable and functionally remaining meniscus which will provide adequate shock absorption without re-tearing. In this review we present the latest findings regarding etiology, anatomical features, classification, accompanying conditions, clinical manifestations, diagnostic modalities and practical management considerations of discoid meniscus

    Modelling the yield and profitability of intercropped walnut systems in Croatia

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    In Croatia, farmers are showing increasing interest in establishing walnut orchards for nut production on arable land due to higher anticipated net margins. One way to address the lack of profitability in the initial years when nut yields are low may be to plant arable intercrops. The anticipated impacts of this practice were assessed using a biophysical simulation model (Yield-SAFE) to determine the growth and yield of crops and trees in arable, orchard, and silvoarable systems, and an economic farm model (Farm-SAFE) was used to assess their profitability. The walnut orchard and the intercropped orchard systems were simulated assuming tree densities of 170, 135, and 100 trees haāˆ’1, to determine the profitability and break-even date of the systems. The biophysical simulation predicted a decline in arable intercrop yields over time in all tree density scenarios. However, analysis of productivity of intercropped systems showed that intercropping was more productive than separate arable and walnut production for all tree density scenarios. From financial aspect, the return from intercropping helped to offset some of the initial orchard establishment costs and the arable intercrop remained profitable until the sixth year after tree planting. The modelling predicted that a system with 170 trees haāˆ’1 that included intercropping for the first 6 years provided the greatest cumulative net margin after 20 years. The financial benefit of intercropping over the first 6 years opposed to monoculture walnut fruit production appeared to be consistent across the three tree densities studied. These results suggest that silvoarable agroforestry is profitable approach to establishing walnut orchards

    Natural Formulation Based on Diatomaceous Earth and Botanicals against Stored Product Insects

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    Diatomaceous earth (DE) has long been known as a potential protectant for stored cereals against various stored product insects. Despite favorable effect for the environment and human health, DE has some negative side effects on the treated commodity. In order to minimize negative response and to improve its efficacy, this paper represents a study of developed natural formulation based on DE SilicoSec® enhanced with botanicals (essential oil lavender, corn oil, and bay leaves dust) and silica gel. The activity of formulation (labeled as N Form) was tested against Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in seed wheat and barley under controlled conditions. As a reference comparative value, DE SilicoSec® was used. N Form showed higher efficacy than DE, especially in barley at the lowest concentration, inducing higher mortality of all three insect species. The highest average progeny inhibition was recorded in R. dominica population both in seed wheat and barley with 94.9% and 96.3% of inhibition, respectively, followed with S. oryzae and T. castaneum inhibition of 90.6% and 86.1%, respectively, in wheat and 94.9% and 89.7%, respectively, in barley. Results indicate that the developed natural formulation N Form enhanced the activity of DE SilicoSec® using lower amount of DE dust and that it could be successfully implemented for storage of cereals as alternatives to chemical pesticides for stored product insect control

    Acute renal failure due to severe rhabdomyolysis provoked by a mild covid-19 infection in patient with LCHAD deficency- a case report

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    Introduction: LCHAD (long-chain 3-hydroxy-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase) deficiency is an inherited fatty acid oxidation disorder in which the body is unable to break down certain fats resulting in hypoketotic hypoglycemia, myopathy, episodic rhabdomyolysis and neuropathy. Metabolic decompensation is often precipitated by infection or fasting. Case report: A 26-year-old patient was admitted to the emergency department because of generalized myalgias. This is a patient with known congenital deficiency of long-chain 3- hydroxy-acyl- CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD). He was diagnosed at the age of 3 years and regularly undergoes check-ups in specialized metabolic department. 10 days prior to the symptoms he had milder form of covid-19 infection with a persistent dry cough. Previously, he was vaccinated with two doses of the mRNA SARS-COV 2 vaccine. Initially laboratory findings at emergency department showed elevated levels of creatine kinase (46000 U/L) with normal renal function (egfr: 105 ml/min/1.73m2). Chest X-ray excluded pneumonia. Abundant hydration with intravenous infusions (0.9% NaCl, 5% glucose) was started, but during the observation the patient developed oliguria with urine output <10 ml/hour. Further laboratory findings showed acute kidney injury with worsening rhabdomyolysis (CK>80,000 U/L, egfr: 19 ml/min/1.73m2, creatinine: 369 umol/L). Due to the need for hemodialysis, he was hospitalized in the intensive care unit where dialysis procedures (CVVHD, CVVHDF) were continuously performed for 7 days until gradual decrease in creatinine and CK levels. In continuation he was carefully hydrated with infusions of 10% glucose and received a specially adapted diet to ensure sufficient caloric intake and to prevent catabolism. In total, he was 12 days on continuous hemodialysis and the renal function completely recovered after 3 weeks with the normalization of creatinine and CK values. Beside mild SARS-CoV-2 infection, we havenā€™t founded any other cause of patientā€™s metabolic decompensation. Conclusion: Patients with LCHAD should be educated and controlled more often in the covid-19 pandemic, as even the mild form of SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to a rapid metabolic decompensation and a possible fatal outcome