168 research outputs found

    Potential of cyanobacteria in formulation ofvalue-added food products

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    U okviru disertacije je ispitan hemijski sastav odabranih cijanobakterijskih sojeva roda Anabaena, Nostoc i Spirulina, kao i uticaj azota na sastav rodova Anabaena i Nostoc. U ispitivanim sojevima određen je sadržaj lipida, proteina, mineralnih materija, sastav i sadržaj lakoisparljivih jedinjenja, aminokiselina i masnih kiselina. U heksanskim i metanolno/vodenim ekstraktima sojeva određen je sadržaj ukupnih fenola, sastav i sadržaj karotenoida i proteinskih pigmenata, kao i antioksidativni potencijal ekstrakata prema DPPH radikalu. Takođe, ispitan je antihiperlipidemijski potencijal roda Spirulina S2 u biološkom ogledu, pri čemu je određen nivo ukupnog holesterola, LDL i HDL čestica, izračunati su relevantni biohemijski markeri hiperlipidemije, kao i koncentracija ALS i AST u plazmi eksperimentalnih životinja. Određen je hemijski sastav fecesa eksperimentalnih životinja, kao i sadržaj holesterola i sastav i sadržaj žučnih kiselina u fecesu. Na bazi hemijskog sastava ispitivanih sojeva cijanobakterija: visokog sadržaja proteina, izbalansiranog aminokiselinskog i masnokiselinskog sastava i visokog sadržaja karotenoida, može se zaključiti da oni imaju potencijal kao sirovine za unapređenje nutritivnog sastava prehrambenih proizvoda. Dokazana antihiperlipidemijska aktivnost soja S2 dodatno ga čini atraktivnim za razvoj proizvoda sa dodatom vrednošću namenjenih osobama sa poremećajem u metabolizmu lipida. Rezultati naših ispitivanja su pokazali i da se na hemijskih sastav pojedinih sojeva može uticati putem promene sastave hranljive podloge što svakako ostavlja prostora za buduća istraživanja.In this thesis, the chemical composition of the selected strains of cyanobacteria belonging to Anabaena, Nostoc and Spirulina genus was determined. Influence of nitrogen addition on the chemical composition of Anabaena and Nostoc strains has also been investigated. Content of lipids, crude protein, and minerals, as well as composition and content of volatile organic compounds, amino acids, fatty acids was determined in the investigated strains. Total phenolic content and composition and content of carotenoids, protein pigments and antioxidative action toward DPPH radical was determined in the hexane and methanol/water extracts of the investigated strains. Antihyperlipidemic potential of the Spirulina S2 strain was investigated in a biological assay, and content of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL was determined in plasma of the experimental animals, which allowed calculation of relevant biochemical parameters for hyperlipidemia. ALT and AST concentrations were also determined in the plasma of the experimental animals. Chemical composition, as well as content of cholesterol and composition and content of bile acids in the feces of the experimental animals was also determined. Based on the determined chemical composition of the investigated cyanobacterial strains: high protein and carotenoid content, balanced amino acid and fatty acid profiles, it can be concluded that these strains have a potential as ingredients for improving nutritional characteristics of food products. Antihyperlipidemic activity shown by the tested strain S2 makes it attractive for creation of value-added food products intended for people with lipid disorders. The results of this research also show that manipulation of composition of the growing medium can influence the chemical composition of certain investigated strains, which makes it viable to conduct further research on this topic

    Meron excitations in the nu =1 quantum Hall bilayer and the plasma analogy

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    We study meron quasiparticle excitations in the \nu = 1 quantum Hall bilayer. Considering the well known single meron state, we introduce its effective form, valid in the longdistance limit. That enables us to propose two (and more) meron states in the same limit. Further, establishing a plasma analogy of the (111) ground state, we find the impurities that play the role of merons and derive meron charge distributions. Using the introduced meron constructions in generalized (mixed) ground states and corresponding plasmas for arbitrary distance between the layers, we calculate the interaction between the construction implied impurities. We also find a correspondence between the impurity interactions and meron interactions. This suggests a possible explanation of the deconfinement of the merons recently observed in the experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Host lipid metabolism in experimental toxoplasmosis

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    Инфекција паразитом T. gondii се зове токсоплазмоза и представља једну од најраспрострањенијих антропозооноза. Истраживања патогенезе токсоплазмозе, у in vitro условима, су показала да T. gondii не може да синтетише холестерол, већ га мора преузети од ћелије домаћина. Како су међутим подаци о утицају ове инфекције на липидни метаболизам домаћина у in vivo условима веома оскудни, предмет ове тезе је било истраживање утицаја експерименталне инфекције T. gondii на серумски и ткивни липидни метаболизам домаћина. У експериментима смо користили женке мишева соја Swiss-Webster, старе шест недеља које смо инфицирали са 8 цисти BGD соја T. gondii путем орофарингеалне гаваже. У првом експерименталном моделу смо анализирали динамику кретања серумских липида мерећи укупни серумски холестерол, HDL, LDL и треиглицериде код инфицираних и контролних мишева након 7, 14, 21, 28 и 42 дана од експерименталне инфекције. Након 42 дана, мишеви су жртвовани а у мозговима су анализиране цисте паразита. У другом експерименталном моделу смо жртвовали групе од 6-12 мишева 14 и 42 дана након инфекције и анализирали елементе ткивног липидног метаболизма (рецепторе за HDL и LDL, аполипопротеине А-I и Б-100, транспортни протеин ABCA1, и ензим HMG-CoA редуктазу) у ткиву јетре и мозга инфицираних и контролних животиња. Резултати нашег истраживања су показали значајан пад серумских вредности укупног холестерола и HDL-a, код инфицираних животиња од 14. па до 42. дана и позитивну корелацију овог пада са бројем цисти у мозгу индивидуално праћених мишева, након 42 дана од инфекције (p<0,05). Поред серумског, долази и до поремећаја ткивног липидног метаболизма у смислу снижења генске експресије рецептора за HDL у јетри 14. дана и пораста активности LDL рецептора у мозгу 42. дана код инфицираних животиња (p<0,05). Додатно, 42. дана у мозгу инфицираних животиња долази и до пораста активности транспортног протеина ABCA1, као и ензима HMG-CoA редуктазе (p<0,05). На основу изложених резултата можемо закључити да T. gondii користећи холестерол домаћина доводи до смањења реверзног холестеролског транспорта од мозга ка јетри. Поред тога, паразит доводи до повећане синтезе и транспорта холестерола у мозгу инфицираних животиња као и до повећања директног холестеролског транспорта ка мозгу, па можемо рећи да су у патогенезу инфекције T. gondii укључене и промене на нивоу метаболизма липида домаћина...T. gondii infection is called toxoplasmosis and it is one of the most prevalent anthropozoonosis. Investigations of toxoplasmosis pathogenesis in the in vitro conditions have showed that T. gondii cannot synthesize cholesterol and therefore takes it from host cells. Since there is very limited information on lipid metabolism during T. gondii infection in the in vivo conditions, the aim of this work was to analyze the influence of experimental T. gondii infection on host serum and tissue lipid metabolism in the in vivo conditions. Six-week old female Swiss-Webster mice on regular diet were inoculated with 8 cysts of the Toxoplasma BGD-1 strain or left uninfected to serve as controls. In the first experimental model, infected and control mice were bled at day 0 and 42 post-infection (p.i.), and subgroups of 6-12 mice were bled weekly at alternative weeks for the measurement of total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. At d42 p.i., all brains were harvested for cyst enumeration. In model 2, groups of infected and control mice were sacrificed at, d14 and d42, for measurement of gene expression of HDL and LDL receptors, apolipoproteins A-I and B-100, transport protein ABCA1 and enzyme HMG-CoA reductase in brain and liver of infected mice We showed that there was a significant decrease in HDL, and in total Chl, in infected vs. control mice at d14 which persisted up to d42. This drop was in positive correlation with number of cysts in brain. In addition there was a tissue lipid metabolism alteration in infected mice. There was a gene expression decrease in liver HDL receptor at d14 and increase in brain LDL receptor expression at d 42. Additionally, there was an increase in gene expression of ABCA1 and HMG-CoA reductase in brain of infected animals at d42 post infection. On the basis of our in vivo results, we concluded that T. gondii uses host cholesterol for its growth and consequently induces a decrease in host reverse cholesterol transport from brain to liver. In addition, this parasite increases brain cholesterol synthesis and transport. Moreover, T. gondii increases direct cholesterol transport toward the brain of infected animals. We have concluded that T. gondii alters host lipid metabolism on both serum and tissue level in infected animals..

    Trametes suaveolens as ligninolytic enzyme producer

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    Species of the genus Trametes represent one of the most efficient lignin-degraders which can be attributed to a well developed ligninolytic enzyme system. Current trends are screening of ability of new species to produce these enzymes, as well as the optimization of conditions for their overproduction. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of T. suaveolens to synthesize laccase and Mn-oxidizing peroxidases during fermentation of the selected plant raw materials. Level of enzyme activities was measured on 7, 10 and 14th day of submersion, as well as the solid-state fermentation of wheat straw and oak sawdust in the presence of NH4NO3 in previously determined optimal nitrogen concentration of 25 mM. The enzyme activity was determined spectrophotometrically using ABTS and phenol red as the substrates. The highest level of laccase activity (1087.1 U/L) was noted after 7 days of wheat straw solid-state fermentation, while during the submerged cultivation the production of the enzyme was not noted. Submerged cultivation in oak sawdust-enriched medium was the optimal for activity of Mn-dependent peroxidase (1767.7 U/L on day 14) and Mn-independent peroxidase (1113.7 U/L on day 7). Introduction of T. suaveolens to produce ligninolytic enzyme represented the base for further study, as well as the determination of relation between enzyme activity and rate of lignin degradation. It could lead to greater possibility of fungal species selection with high delignification capacity, which could take participation in sustainable production of food, feed, fibres, and energy, environmentally friendly pollution prevention, and bioremediation

    Influence of two weeks balance practice with feedback on the gait in hemiplegic patients

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    We hypothesized that practicing balance with feedback will improve the gait in hemiplegic patients. The practice consisted of two weeks 30-minute long Wii-Fit balance board gaming. The gait analysis was based on ground reaction pressures (GRP) recorded with the custom designed insoles. The data were collected at 100 samples per second from two insoles, each comprising five pressure (force) sensors. The sensors communicated with the host computer by a WiFi link. Custom software was developed in Matlab for automatic segmentation of the GRP data into segments belonging to swing and stance phases of each step. The examiner could correct the automatic segmentation if necessary. The outputs from the program were: pressure vs. time from all sensors and standard gait data (cadence, symmetry index, etc.). The results show that the exercise of the function with feedback has positive effects on the gait performance. The exercise period was only two weeks, and the group was small and heterogeneous; hence, a more extensive study is required for proving the significance

    A Comparison of Query Execution Speeds for Large Amounts of Data Using Various DBMS Engines Executing on Selected RAM and CPU Configurations

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    In modern economies, most important business decisions are based on detailed analysis of available data. In order to obtain a rapid response from analytical tools, data should be pre-aggregated over dimensions that are of most interest to each business. Sometimes however, important decisions may require analysis of business data over seemingly less important dimensions which have not been pre-aggregated during the ETL process. On these occasions, the ad-hoc "online" aggregation is performed whose execution time is dependent on the overall DBMS performance. This paper describes how the performance of several commercial and non-commercial DBMSs was tested by running queries designed for data analysis using "ad-hoc" aggregations over large volumes of data. Each DBMS was installed on a separate virtual machine and was run on several computers, and two amounts of RAM memory were allocated for each test. Measurements of query execution times were recorded which demonstrated that, as expected, column-oriented databases out-performed classical row-oriented database systems

    Izbori za Evropski parlament - od nacionalnih izbora drugog reda do evropeizovanog drugorazrednog takmičenja

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    By analyzing the case of the 2019 European Parliament elections, the article examines the hypothesis about the second-order character of elections to the European Parliament. Moving within the theoretical framework that has been developing since the first direct EP elections in 1979, we critically examine the conditions in which the last electoral cycle took place and we look for the novelties that could have impacted the changing of this prevalent paradigm. Although we find certain changes that contribute to the 'Europeanization' of these elections, we conclude that the most previous hypotheses are still valid confirming that we are still dealing with the secondorder electoral contest. The last European Parliament elections, as well as the subsequent European chief executive election process, brought new circumstances that could even contribute to maintaining the second-order character of the EP elections.Rad nastoji da ispita tezu o drugorazrednom značaju izbora za Evropski parlament na primeru izbora iz 2019. godine. Oslanjajući se na teorijski okvir za posmatranje izbora za Evropski parlament kao drugorazredne nacionalne izborne arene, koji se razvijao od prvih neposrednih izbora 1979. godine, kritički se preispituju uslovi u kojima se odvijao poslednji izborni ciklus i novine koje su mogle uticati da se ovakva slika o izborima promeni. Autori zaključuju da je do određenih promena došlo, pre svega u pravcu "evropeizovanja" ovih izbora, međutim, da je još uvek validna većina pretpostavki da se radi o drugorazrednom izbornom takmičenju. Prilikom izbora iz 2019, kao i naknadne procedure izbora šefa izvršne vlasti Evropske unije, došlo je do novih okolnosti koje bi čak mogle i doprineti da se drugorazredni karakter izbora za Evropski parlament nastavi

    Modeliranje vodoprivrednog sistema sliva Drine i analiza izabranih razvojnih i klimatskih scenarija

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    The paper presents the methodological framework for the analysis of the Drina River basin water resources system under different development and climate scenarios. Within this methodological framework, a water management model of the Drina River basin is developed using the WEAP modelling software. The model describes the Drina River basin as a complex water resources system, which includes the natural water balance components and water demand by the users in the basin (municipal, industrial and agricultural water supply, reservoirs and hydropower facilities). Data on the natural hydrologic input is provided from a separate hydrologic model. The water management model serves as a tool for simulating water balance in the basin and for evaluating the system performance by analysing the effects of different planned facilities under the impact of climate change. Several different development options in terms of new hydropower facilities are considered, as well as two climate change scenarios. The paper describes the development and the application of the Drina River basin water management model, while the results are evaluated by analysing the reliability of water supply, hydroenergy production and reliability of the environmental flow requirements. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the abilities and limitations of modelling the water resources systems using the WEAP tool.U radu je prikazan metodološki okvir za analizu rada vodoprivrednog sistema sliva reke Drine pod pretpostavkom različitih razvojnih i klimatskih scenarija. U okviru ovog metodološkog okvira razvijen je vodoprivredni model sliva Drine korišćenjem softvera WEAP. Model opisuje sliv Drine kao složeni vodoprivredni sistem, u koji su uključeni prirodni hidrološki bilans i potrebe korisnika voda na slivu (snabdevanje stanovništva, industrije i poljoprivrede vodom, akumulacije i hidro-energetske objekte). Podaci o prirodnim protocima na slivu obezbeđuju se iz odvojenog hidrološkog modela. Vodoprivredni model služi kao alat za simulaciju vodoprivrednog bilansa na slivu i vrednovanje sistema, tj. sagledavanje efekata različitih planiranih objekata u uslovima klimatskih promena. Razmatrano je više razvojnih scenarija sa gledišta uključivanja novih hidro-energetskih objekata, kao i dva klimatska scenarija. Rad opisuje razvoj i primenu vodoprivrednog modela Drine, a rezultati se analiziraju kroz obezbeđenost isporuke vode korisnicima, proizvodnju električne energije i obezbeđenost zahtevanih minimalnih ekoloških protoka. Cilj rada je da demonstrira mogućnosti i ograničenja modeliranja vodoprivrednih sistema sa softverom WEAP

    Modeliranje vodoprivrednog sistema sliva Drine i analiza izabranih razvojnih i klimatskih scenarija

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    The paper presents the methodological framework for the analysis of the Drina River basin water resources system under different development and climate scenarios. Within this methodological framework, a water management model of the Drina River basin is developed using the WEAP modelling software. The model describes the Drina River basin as a complex water resources system, which includes the natural water balance components and water demand by the users in the basin (municipal, industrial and agricultural water supply, reservoirs and hydropower facilities). Data on the natural hydrologic input is provided from a separate hydrologic model. The water management model serves as a tool for simulating water balance in the basin and for evaluating the system performance by analysing the effects of different planned facilities under the impact of climate change. Several different development options in terms of new hydropower facilities are considered, as well as two climate change scenarios. The paper describes the development and the application of the Drina River basin water management model, while the results are evaluated by analysing the reliability of water supply, hydroenergy production and reliability of the environmental flow requirements. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the abilities and limitations of modelling the water resources systems using the WEAP tool.U radu je prikazan metodološki okvir za analizu rada vodoprivrednog sistema sliva reke Drine pod pretpostavkom različitih razvojnih i klimatskih scenarija. U okviru ovog metodološkog okvira razvijen je vodoprivredni model sliva Drine korišćenjem softvera WEAP. Model opisuje sliv Drine kao složeni vodoprivredni sistem, u koji su uključeni prirodni hidrološki bilans i potrebe korisnika voda na slivu (snabdevanje stanovništva, industrije i poljoprivrede vodom, akumulacije i hidro-energetske objekte). Podaci o prirodnim protocima na slivu obezbeđuju se iz odvojenog hidrološkog modela. Vodoprivredni model služi kao alat za simulaciju vodoprivrednog bilansa na slivu i vrednovanje sistema, tj. sagledavanje efekata različitih planiranih objekata u uslovima klimatskih promena. Razmatrano je više razvojnih scenarija sa gledišta uključivanja novih hidro-energetskih objekata, kao i dva klimatska scenarija. Rad opisuje razvoj i primenu vodoprivrednog modela Drine, a rezultati se analiziraju kroz obezbeđenost isporuke vode korisnicima, proizvodnju električne energije i obezbeđenost zahtevanih minimalnih ekoloških protoka. Cilj rada je da demonstrira mogućnosti i ograničenja modeliranja vodoprivrednih sistema sa softverom WEAP

    Effect of Origanum heracleoticum L. essential oil on food-borne Penicillium aurantiogriseum and Penicilium chrysogenum isolates

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    Molds are ubiquitously distributed in nature and their spores can be found in the atmosphere even at high altitudes. The difficulty of controlling these undesirable molds, as well as the growing interest of the consumers in natural products, have been forcing the industry to find new alternatives for food preservation. The modern trends in nutrition suggest the limitation of synthetic food additives or substitution with natural ones. Aromatic herbs are probably the most important source of natural antimicrobial agents. Origanum heracleoticum L. essential oil has been known as an interesting source of antimicrobial compounds to be applied in food preservation. In the this work, we have investigated the effect of essential oil obtained from O. heracleoticum on growth of six isolates of Penicillium aurantiogriseum and four isolates of Penicillium chrysogenum isolated from meat plant for traditional Petrovacka sausage (Petrovská klobása) production. The findings reveal that the essential oil of O. heracleoticum provides inhibition of all of fungal isolates tested. O. heracleoticum L. essential oil exhibited higher antifungal activity against the isolates of P. chrysogenum than the isolates of P. aurantiogriseum. O. heracleoticum essential oil showed a MIC value ranging from 25 to 100 μL/mL. The fungi cultivated in the medium with higher concentration of essential oil showed certain morphological changes. The alterations included lack of sporulation and loss of pigmentation