44 research outputs found

    118th EuroSDR Meeting, Vienna, May 18ā€“20, 2011

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    Od 18. do 20. svibnja 2011. u Beču je održan 118. skup EuroSDRa. Organizator skupa bio je Bundesamt fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV). Iz Hrvatske su u radu skupa učestvovali mr. sc. Ivan Landek i dr. sc. Željko Hećimović.The 118th EuroSDR Meeting was held in Vienna from May 18 to 20, 2011. It was organized by Bundesamt fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV). Msc. Ivan Landek and Dr. Željko Hećimović from Croatia participated in the meeting

    Geological Map of the Republic of Croatia at the Scale 1:300 000

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    The Geological Map of the Republic of Croatia at the scale 1:300 000 is the first geological map displaying geological features of the Croatian territory in its entirety. The map and the accompanying Map Book were published in 2009 by the Croatian Geological Survey. The mapā€™s content was compiled reusing data of the Basic Geological Map, scale 1:100 000, which was produced between 1962 and 1989. The map was finally completed by experts of the Department of Geology of the Croatian Geological Survey who were, as a rule, authors of individual sheets and map books of the Basic Geological Map. After the Basic Geological Map 1:100 000, it was the greatest and most significant piece of Croatian geologic cartography

    Analysis of the Diesel Fuel Injection System

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    U ovom radu analizira se sustav za direktno ubrizgavanje goriva kod Diesel motora. Prvo de se analizirati princip rada četverotaktnog Diesel motora, navest de se taktovi te zbivanja koja su povezana sa svakim taktom. Nakon toga analizira se sustav za ubrizgavanje goriva. Sustav je u radu podijeljen na podsustave niskog i visokog pritiska te se navode i analiziraju pojedini dijelovi svakog podsustava. Potom se analizira električno upravljačko računalo koje upravlja radom cijelog sustava za ubrizgavanje goriva. Pri samom zavrŔetku ovog rada navode se i analiziraju različiti sustavi za ubrizgavanje goriva poput zastarjele mehaničke visokotlačne pumpe pa do električki reguliranih pumpi s aksijalnim ili radijalnim klipovima zaključno s modernim Common Rail sustavom koji daje najbolje karakteristike.In this paper direct Diesel injection system will be analized. Firstly engine working principle will be explained aswell as actions and changes linked with each stroke. Afterwards, injection system will be analized. In this paper it will be split into low and high pressure subsystems. Then electric control computer which controls the operation of the whole system will be analized. At the end of this paper various injection systems will be analized, like old mechanical high pressure pump, electrically regulated pumps with axial or radial pistons, finalizing with Common Rail system which is proven to have the best characteristics

    Analysis of the Diesel Fuel Injection System

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    U ovom radu analizira se sustav za direktno ubrizgavanje goriva kod Diesel motora. Prvo de se analizirati princip rada četverotaktnog Diesel motora, navest de se taktovi te zbivanja koja su povezana sa svakim taktom. Nakon toga analizira se sustav za ubrizgavanje goriva. Sustav je u radu podijeljen na podsustave niskog i visokog pritiska te se navode i analiziraju pojedini dijelovi svakog podsustava. Potom se analizira električno upravljačko računalo koje upravlja radom cijelog sustava za ubrizgavanje goriva. Pri samom zavrŔetku ovog rada navode se i analiziraju različiti sustavi za ubrizgavanje goriva poput zastarjele mehaničke visokotlačne pumpe pa do električki reguliranih pumpi s aksijalnim ili radijalnim klipovima zaključno s modernim Common Rail sustavom koji daje najbolje karakteristike.In this paper direct Diesel injection system will be analized. Firstly engine working principle will be explained aswell as actions and changes linked with each stroke. Afterwards, injection system will be analized. In this paper it will be split into low and high pressure subsystems. Then electric control computer which controls the operation of the whole system will be analized. At the end of this paper various injection systems will be analized, like old mechanical high pressure pump, electrically regulated pumps with axial or radial pistons, finalizing with Common Rail system which is proven to have the best characteristics

    Učlanjivanje Hrvatske u EuroSDR

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    117th EuroSDR meeting, Zagreb, October 27ā€“29, 2010

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    117th EuroSDR meeting was held in Zagreb, from 27th to 29th October, organized by the State Geodetic Administration and the Croatian Geodetic Institute. It was the first time that Croatia entertained EuroSDR meeting. European Spatial Data Research (EuroSDR) is a pan-european organization for the field of geoinformation, which was established in 1959 and it is one of the oldest organizations from that field in Europe. Croatia has been a member of EuroSDR since 2007 and it has been the only member of EuroSDR which has not been a member of EU

    The coma vigile - a medical and social problem

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    Vigilna koma ili ā€œbudna komaā€, odnosno PVS - Permanent vegetative state - tj. trajno vegetativno stanje, posljedica je traumatskih i ne traumatskih oÅ”tećenja, te degenerativnih i metaboličkih poremećaja mozga. Manifestira se otvorenim očima, Å”to daje dojam budnosti, ali uz gubitak svake spoznaje osebi i okolini. Zahvaljujući napretku medicine, a posebno poboljÅ”anoj medicinskoj njezi, ovo stanje je sve učestalije, čime ovakvi bolesnici sve viÅ”e opterećuju odjele za neurokirurgiju i reanimatologiju. U nas do sada nije trajno rijeÅ”en problem skrbi i njege ovih bolesnika. Njihov tretman za sada je moguć samo u hospitalnim, a ne i u kućnim uvjetima, Å”to zahtijeva osnivanje posebnih medicinskih odjela za ovakve bolesnike.The coma vigile, i.e . the ā€œPermanent Vegetative Stateā€ (PVS) is a clinical condition of constant vegetative state due to traumatic or nontraumatic brain damage, or degenerative and metabolic brain disorders. It is characterized by open eyes, sleep-wake cycles and complete unawareness of one self or the environment. Due to the progress of the medicine and especially to improved medical care, the occurrence of PVS is becoming quite frequent and an increasing number of patients with PVS are hospitalized at neurosurgical and neurological departments and intensive care units. Up to now, the problem of care for the PVS patients in our country has not been solved permanently. The treatment and care for those cases can be performed in hospital conditions, only. The care at home is impossible in our circumstances. Therefore, the authors emphasize the need for special departments for PVS patients ā€™ care

    Učlanjivanje Hrvatske u EuroSDR

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    Dana je vijest o učlanjivanju Hrvatske u EuroSDR