6 research outputs found

    Encefalitis autoinmune mediada por anticuerpos contra el receptor N-metil-D-aspartato: reporte de cuatro casos en Perú

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    La encefalitis autoinmune por anticuerpos contra el receptor N-metil-D-aspartato (anti-NMDAR) es un desorden mediado por anticuerpos contra antígenos de superficie neuronal, cuyo diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento oportuno mejoran el pronóstico de la enfermedad. Se presentan cuatro casos con el diagnóstico definitivo de encefalitis autoinmune por anti-NMDAR, tratados en el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Neurológicas en Lima-Perú. Todos los pacientes presentaron crisis epilépticas y tres casos desarrollaron un estado epiléptico refractario. Asimismo, tres pacientes presentaron alteraciones neuropsiquiátricas, discinesias y disautonomías. Dos casos requirieron soporte ventilatorio. Todos presentaron un electroencefalograma anormal, dos casos tuvieron pleocitosis en líquido cefalorraquídeo, y sólo uno mostró anormalidades cerebrales en la resonancia magnética. Respecto al tratamiento, todos los pacientes recibieron inmunoterapia con metilprednisolona y sólo dos de ellos requirieron plasmaféresis por respuesta ineficaz al tratamiento con corticoides. A los 12 meses del alta hospitalaria, tres pacientes quedaron libre de crisis epilépticas y sólo un caso no logró la independencia funcional. Estos casos muestran que la encefalitis anti-NMDAR es una condición tratable y su reconocimiento temprano junto con un tratamiento adecuado (inmunoterapia/plasmaféresis) son esenciales para una evolución favorable

    Meaning Processes mediated through a Protagonists’ Collaborative Learning Platform

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom requires the creation of contextualized proposals which foster in students collaboration and the use of resources to hand. This paper shows the results obtained in the analysis of the signification process which teachers and students have built through their participation in a project implementing collaborative didactic designs using ICT, in particular social networking. Focus groups were formed with 102 students and interviews with 21 teachers took place in two stages (pre and post), and they participated in 21 learning experiences developed at 12 schools in southern Chile. Main results reveal a positive assessment of the experience related to the motivational effects of the use of ICT and social networking among students; a considerable change in the didactic interaction inside the classroom; an interest in the possibility of collaborating with students from different contexts and from different regions; a lack of knowledge of the Web 2.0 resources available on the part of teachers, and some negative considerations on the inappropriate use of the Internet. In conclusion, the meaningcreation process of the protagonists enabled this study to gain relevant qualitative information related to didactic, technological and logistic factors in the development of learning experiences through a virtual learning platform

    Meaning Processes mediated through a Protagonists’ Collaborative Learning Platform

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom requires the creation of contextualized proposals which foster in students collaboration and the use of resources to hand. This paper shows the results obtained in the analysis of the signification process which teachers and students have built through their participation in a project implementing collaborative didactic designs using ICT, in particular social networking. Focus groups were formed with 102 students and interviews with 21 teachers took place in two stages (pre- and post-), and they participated in 21 learning experiences developed at 12 schools in southern Chile. Main results reveal a positive assessment of the experience related to the motivational effects of the use of ICT and social networking among students; a considerable change in the didactic interaction inside the classroom; an interest in the possibility of collaborating with students from different contexts and from different regions; a lack of knowledge of the Web 2.0 resources available on the part of teachers, and some negative considerations on the inappropriate use of the Internet. In conclusion, the meaning-creation process of the protagonists enabled this study to gain relevant qualitative information related to didactic, technological and logistic factors in the development of learning experiences through a virtual learning platform

    Meaning Processes mediated through a Protagonists’ Collaborative Learning Platform

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    The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroom requires the creation of contextualized proposals which foster in students collaboration and the use of resources to hand. This paper shows the results obtained in the analysis of the signification process which teachers and students have built through their participation in a project implementing collaborative didactic designs using ICT, in particular social networking. Focus groups were formed with 102 students and interviews with 21 teachers took place in two stages (pre- and post-), and they participated in 21 learning experiences developed at 12 schools in southern Chile. Main results reveal a positive assessment of the experience related to the motivational effects of the use of ICT and social networking among students; a considerable change in the didactic interaction inside the classroom; an interest in the possibility of collaborating with students from different contexts and from different regions; a lack of knowledge of the Web 2.0 resources available on the part of teachers, and some negative considerations on the inappropriate use of the Internet. In conclusion, the meaning-creation process of the protagonists enabled this study to gain relevant qualitative information related to didactic, technological and logistic factors in the development of learning experiences through a virtual learning platform

    Proyecto De Tesis I - CI186 - 202102

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    Descripción: Curso de especialidad en la carrera de ingeniería civil de carácter teórico-práctico dirigido a los estudiantes del 9no ciclo. El curso Proyecto de Tesis I busca que los estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil apliquen sus capacidades adquiridas durante todos sus estudios, en completar una investigación, que plantea resolver una problemática en una de las líneas de la carrera. Con la ayuda de un docente asesor especialista en el tema lograran redactar el informe de tesis al 50%, este informe será revisado por otro docente especialista que proporciona sugerencias de mejoras a la investigación. Por último, los estudiantes exponen ante un jurado especialista sus resultados quienes evalúan y también hacen sugerencia de mejoras a la investigación. Propósito: En el Perú actualmente existe un gran número de estudiantes de Ingeniería Civil que no cuentan con el título profesional, por no realizar la tesis de investigación, lo cual disminuye significativamente su desarrollo profesional y sus oportunidades laborales. El curso de proyecto de Tesis 1 permite que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar el 50% de la Tesis de investigación, siendo la misma certificada por un asesor y un jurado evaluador. Contribuye con el desarrollo de las competencias generales de Pensamiento Crítico, Razonamiento Cuantitativo, Pensamiento Innovador y las competencias específicas 1, 4 y 7 de ABET, todas a nivel de logro 3