12 research outputs found

    Utilization of a precolumn with size exclusion and reversed-phase modes for size-exclusion chromatographic analysis of polysorbate-containing protein aggregates.

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    Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) is a useful method for quantification of protein aggregates because of its high throughput capacity and highly quantitative performance. One of the problems in this method concerns polysorbates, which are well-known additives for protein-containing products to prevent protein aggregation, but frequently interfere with the photometric detection of protein aggregates. We developed a new SEC method that can separate polysorbates from protein sample solutions in an on-line mode with a precolumn with size exclusion and reversed-phase mixed modes. The precolumn can effectively trap polysorbates in aqueous mobile phase, and the trapped polysorbates are easily eluted with acetonitrile-containing aqueous mobile phase to clean the precolumn. Small parts of protein aggregates may be also trapped on the precolumn depending on temperature and proteins. Setting appropriate column temperature can minimize such inconvenient trapping of aggregates

    Oxidative Addition of H−SiR 3

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    Preparation of Polybutylene Oxides Bearing Terminal Ester Groups by Treatment of H[(CH_2)_4O]_nSiR_3 with Acyl Halides

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    Treatment of H[(CH_2)_4O]_nSiR_3, which were prepared by the silane induced polymerization of THF with acyl halides catalyzed by (μ_3:η^2:η^3:η^5-acenaphthylene)Ru_3(CO)_7, provides a novel synthetic method for polybutylene oxides bearing terminal ester groups. Various acyl halides such as acetyl chloride, benzoyl bromide, adipoyl chloride, acryloyl chloride, and 2-bromoisobutyryl bromide could be used as the acyl halide component; the reactivity of acyl halides increased in the order RCOBr>RCOCl>RCOF, whereas little difference in reactivity was observed among poly-butylene oxides bearing PhMe_2Si-, Et_3Si-, and EtMe_2Si- moieties. All of the products were completely characterized by IR, ^1H, ^<13>C, H-H, and H-C COSY NMR techniques, revealing that they have one terminal butyl and one terminal acyloxy groups. In the case of the reaction with adipoyl chloride, a polymer having two H[(CH_2)_4O]_n units at both ends of the adipoyl moiety was available. The methodology involving the silane-induced ring-opening polymerization followed by treatment with acyl halides was also applied to the synthesis of polycyclohexene oxide bearing 2-bromoisobutyryl bromide. The polymers bearing isobutyryloxy or acryloyloxy groups could be used as a macroinitiator or macromonomers to produce other functional polymers

    Practical Procedures for Hydrosilylation of Ketones and Silane-induced Ring-opening Polymerization of Cyclic Ethers by Prior Activation of the Cluster Catalyst by Hydrosilanes : Improved Synthetic Procedures and Mechanistic Implication on the Catalytically Active Species

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    Pre-activation of (μ_2,η^2:η^3:η^5-acenaphthylene)Ru_3(CO)_7 (1) by hydrosilanes in a small amount of dioxane provides novel convenient and useful procedures for hydrosilylation of carbonyl compounds and silane-induced ring-opening polymerization of cyclic ethers and a cyclic siloxane. The initial step of the catalytic cycle was investigated by NMR detection of products formed by the oxidative addition ofhydrosilanes to 1. A possibility for the involvement of cluster species in the catalytic cycle is discussed

    Sensitive and Comprehensive Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents in Air by Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Counterflow Introduction

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    A highly sensitive and specific real-time field-deployable detection technology, based on counterflow air introduction atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, has been developed for a wide range of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) comprising gaseous (two blood agents, three choking agents), volatile (six nerve gases and one precursor agent, five blister agents), and nonvolatile (three lachrymators, three vomiting agents) agents in air. The approach can afford effective chemical ionization, in both positive and negative ion modes, for ion trap multiple-stage mass spectrometry (MS<sup><i>n</i></sup>). The volatile and nonvolatile CWAs tested provided characteristic ions, which were fragmented into MS<sup>3</sup> product ions in positive and negative ion modes. Portions of the fragment ions were assigned by laboratory hybrid mass spectrometry (MS) composed of linear ion trap and high-resolution mass spectrometers. Gaseous agents were detected by MS or MS<sup>2</sup> in negative ion mode. The limits of detection for a 1 s measurement were typically at or below the microgram per cubic meter level except for chloropicrin (submilligram per cubic meter). Matrix effects by gasoline vapor resulted in minimal false-positive signals for all the CWAs and some signal suppression in the case of mustard gas. The moisture level did influence the measurement of the CWAs

    Assessment Report of Doctoral Theses

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    新規代替冷媒用ヒートポンプシステムの最適化に関する研究[平良]Wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in a high energy astrophysical plasma[松清]プラズマディスプレイ用マイクロ放電内の電子挙動のレーザー散乱法による研究[野口]Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Oxide Glasses[稲葉]シリカオパールを用いたフォトニッククリスタルの作製とその光学特性[隅岡]反応イオンを選別したメタン化学イオン化質量スペクトル[田中]磁気光学材料による送電線電流の光計測方法に関する研究[林]バルト系ペロブスカイト型酸化物を用いた酸素分離に関する研究[草場]フェムト秒過渡反射率測定による金単結晶電極/水溶液界面における伝導電子の超高速熱平衡化過程に関する研究[杉山]弱配位性の溶媒や対アニオン種によって活性化された\u22裸の\u22リチウムイオンのルイス酸性に関する研究[池田]トロポノイドッインの液晶性発現に及ぼす双極子モーメントの向きと連結鎖や末端基の長さに関する研究[武本]ルテニウム多核カルボニル錯体触媒を用いるシランの活性化と触媒的含酸素有機化合物化学変換反応の開発[井浦]アミジナート配位子を有する高反応性ルテニウム錯体の合成と反応[林田]ルイス酸触媒下でのオキシム,ヒドラゾン共役付加反応[仲間]Oxidation Mechanism of Tin Oxide Layer of Zircaloy and Zircaloy-type Alloys[Sosiati]極短パルス・高出力レーザー照射を受ける物質の熱過渡現象解析に関する研究[帆足]都市高温化の緩和とパッシブ手法による環境負荷低減に関する研究[三坂]磁場下における立方体容器内の液体金属の自然対流に及ぼすゼーベック係数の影響ならびに安定成層空気の磁場による対流誘起[金田]円筒容器内の空気の自然対流に及ぼす磁場効果[牧]純冷媒R134aおよび非共沸混合冷媒R407Cの千鳥配列フィン付き管群内凝縮に及ぼすフィン形状の影響に関する研究[金]臨界断面を有する矩形柱周囲流れに関する数値解析的研究[林]Acceleration and thermalization of charged particles by large amplitude MHD waves in space plasma[蔵満]Seasonal Variability of the Oceanic Condition around Java, Indonesia[Suhendar]日本海における中層水の形成と循環論文調査委員[川村]ニトリルオキシド環状付加による有用多官能基化合成ブロックの構築[松田]MOLECULAR ANALYSIS ON NON-COVALENT ASSOCIATION OF HYDROCARBON NETWORK AND TRANSFORMATION OF MoS COMPLEX CATALYST IN UP GRADING OF COAL AND HEAVY RESID[渡邉]冷媒R134aの扁平微細多孔管内凝縮に関する研究[中下]Measurements of Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity of High Temperature Molten Materials using Transient Short-Hot-Wire Method[Hendro]重質油の非定常噴霧燃焼における問題点とその解決法に関する研究[石田]瀬戸内海の低次生物生産構造[林]Stereoselective Living Polymerization of Styrene Derivatives[川辺