9 research outputs found

    Survival of Taenia saginata eggs under different environmental conditions

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    This study aimed to assess in vitro the transmission potential of T. saginata eggs stored in different media at various temperatures, and to optimize recovery, hatching and activation methods. A total of 42 freshwater and 42 silt samples were spiked with 100 mu l of a T. saginata egg suspension, of which half were stored at 5 degrees C and the other half at 20 degrees C. Additionally, 5 silt and 35 tap water control samples were included. Eggs were obtained from gravid proglottids passed by a human carrier following treatment. The duration of the experiment was 6 months, with three sampling time points at 2, 4 and 6 months, respectively (Study 1). In addition, two pilot studies were carried out. One included 8 samples kept in a freshwater stream for a period of 2 and 4 months, respectively, from December 2016 until February 2017 (Study 2). Another study used 6 water samples which were stored for one week in the freezer at -18 degrees C, and 6 samples that were stored outdoor from 7 to 14 February, at temperatures ranging from - 6 degrees C to 5 degrees C (Study 3). To assess survival of T. saginata eggs, recovery, hatching and activation methods were optimized. Taenia saginata eggs could be activated after 6 months of storage in water and silt at 5 degrees C. Storage at 20 degrees C significantly decreased activation of the eggs, to 4 months when stored in water and 2 months when stored in silt. Furthermore, degenerative changes in oncospheres were observed when eggs were stored at 20 degrees C, which were associated with an increased loss of oncospheres during activation. Eggs could be activated after 4 months of storage in the stream at temperatures ranging from - 10 degrees C to 17 degrees C, as well as after one week of constant freezing at - 18 degrees C, or repeated freezing and thawing from - 6 degrees C to 5 degrees C. This study indicates that T. saginata eggs can survive a Northern European winter, and thus pose a significant risk of transmission, and that in vitro activation is a more accurate method for assessing the transmission potential of T. saginata eggs, than recovery, integrity and hatching. Studies will be needed to assess how accurate the in vitro activation correlates to in vivo infectivity to ensure an accurate assessment of the transmission potential at a larger scale for surveillance purposes

    Research on the Phenotypic Characterization of Mrsa Strains Isolated from Animals

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    Keywords: chromogen, methicillin, MRSA, resistanceIntroduction: Currently, both in staphylococci isolated from animals with different diseases, as well as in humans, the MRSA strains (Methicillin Resistant S. aureus) are monitored, as the methicillin resistance is associated with the resistance to other antibiotic groups.Methicillin resistance is encoded by mec staphylococcal chromosomal cassettes (SCCmec), which are islands of resistance. These strains can be identified by molecular biology tests and tests that reveal several phenotypic characteristics.The research was made in order to characterize and identify phenotypically the MRSA staphylococci strains isolated from animals.Materials and Methods: Researches were made on 240 coagulase positive and coagulase negative strains of staphylococci. Mannitol fermentation was tested on Champan medium, free coagulase was revealed on Baird-Parker medium and to identify S. aureus subsp. aureus was used the chromogenic medium Chromatic Staph.Methicillin-resistant strains were detected by disc diffusion method, using biodiscs with methicillin, oxacillin and cefoxitin. Also, to identify the MRSA strains, was used the chromogenic medium Chromatic MRSA.Results: The isolates were positive to mannitol and produced complete haemolysis or were unhaemolytic. A total of 44 strains produced free coagulase on Baird-Parker medium, considered coagulase positive strains, while 196 were coagulase negative strains.The isolates conducted differently to methicillin: 22,08% of strains were resistant, 51,25% of strains were susceptible and 26,66% had intermediate resistance, while the resistant strains to oxacillin were 42,91%.The increased frequency of methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci and, particularly, MRSA strains, determined using the cefoxitin disk diffusion test, which is more reliable than methicillin and oxacillin.On the MRSA chromogenic medium, the methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci formed colonies with pigment from mauve to orange mauve.Conclusion: The obtained results by disk diffusion test on resistance patterns to 3 beta-lactams, resistant to penicillinase, indicated a different frequency of the resistant strains to these antibiotics.Cefoxitin disk diffusion test revealed a frequency of 2,51% of resistant strains, that can be considered MRSA strains

    Periodontitis and Heart Disease: Current Perspectives on the Associative Relationships and Preventive Impact

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    Due to the important advancement and the accumulation of new evidence on the periodontitis-cardiovascular disease (CVD) relationship as well as the major medical, economic and social burden caused by both diseases this chapter aims to review existing epidemiological and pathogenetic links related to this topic. Also, this chapter aims to highlight the impact of the periodontitis-CVD relationships on clinical practice and on the preventive approaches targeting to decrease the impact of periodontitis on CVD. Periodontitis is an infectious disease eliciting local and general inflammation, which leads to periodontal destruction and systemic involvement. Several pathways could explain the link between periodontitis and CVD such as bacteraemia, chronic persistent systemic inflammation and oxidative stress. The first step in the treatment of periodontitis addresses the elimination of microbial components, which lead to a decrease in local and systemic inflammation. Periodontal therapy seems to positively impact CVD. Specialists should inform patients with CVD on the negative impact of periodontitis on their systemic status and refer patients to the periodontist for an extensive examination as routine management of CVD. Some possible risks of periodontal therapy should be considered in patients undergoing antithrombotic medication

    BM-MSCs alleviate diabetic nephropathy in male rats by regulating ER stress, oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptotic pathways

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    Introduction: Diabetic nephropathy (DN), a chronic kidney disease, is a major cause of end-stage kidney disease worldwide. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have become a promising option to mitigate several diabetic complications.Methods: In this study, we evaluated the therapeutic potential of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) in a rat model of STZ-induced DN. After the confirmation of diabetes, rats were treated with BM-MSCs and sacrificed at week 12 after treatment.Results: Our results showed that STZ-induced DN rats had extensive histopathological changes, significant upregulation in mRNA expression of renal apoptotic markers, ER stress markers, inflammatory markers, fibronectin, and intermediate filament proteins, and reduction of positive immunostaining of PCNA and elevated P53 in kidney tissue compared to the control group. BM-MSC therapy significantly improved renal histopathological changes, reduced renal apoptosis, ER stress, inflammation, and intermediate filament proteins, as well as increased positive immunostaining of PCNA and reduced P53 in renal tissue compared to the STZ-induced DN group.Conclusion: In conclusion, our study indicates that BM-MSCs may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of DN and provide important insights into their potential use as a novel therapeutic approach for DN

    A Unified Nanopublication Model for Effective and User-Friendly Access to the Elements of Scientific Publishing

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    Scientific publishing is the means by which we communicate and share scientific knowledge, but this process currently often lacks transparency and machine-interpretable representations. Scientific articles are published in long coarse-grained text with complicated structures, and they are optimized for human readers and not for automated means of organization and access. Peer reviewing is the main method of quality assessment, but these peer reviews are nowadays rarely published and their own complicated structure and linking to the respective articles are not accessible. In order to address these problems and to better align scientific publishing with the principles of the Web and Linked Data, we propose here an approach to use nanopublications as a unifying model to represent in a semantic way the elements of publications, their assessments, as well as the involved processes, actors, and provenance in general. To evaluate our approach, we present a dataset of 627 nanopublications representing an interlinked network of the elements of articles (such as individual paragraphs) and their reviews (such as individual review comments). Focusing on the specific scenario of editors performing a meta-review, we introduce seven competency questions and show how they can be executed as SPARQL queries. We then present a prototype of a user interface for that scenario that shows different views on the set of review comments provided for a given manuscript, and we show in a user study that editors find the interface useful to answer their competency questions. In summary, we demonstrate that a unified and semantic publication model based on nanopublications can make scientific communication more effective and user-friendly

    Hunting Dynamics and Identification of Potentially Pathogenic Bacteria in European Fallow Deer (<i>Dama dama</i>) across Three Hunting Reserves in Western Romania

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    The study focused on the hunting practices and potentially pathogenic bacterial species among European fallow deer (Dama dama). Within a five-year period, three hunting grounds from Western Romania were examined. During this period, a total of 1881 deer were hunted, and 240 samples were collected by rectal and nasal swabbing from 120 carcasses. Bacterial strains were identified utilizing bacteriological assays and the Vitek® 2 Compact system. Notably, the Socodor hunting ground exhibited a significant difference in harvesting quotas between the bucks (Group M) and does/yearlings (Group F), favoring the latter. In the Chișineu Criș–Sălișteanca hunting ground, a likely correlation in harvesting quotas between the two groups was observed. The identified potentially pathogenic bacteria were Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and Enterococcus faecium. These results highlight the importance of effectively managing the deer population and recognize the potential for Dama dama to spread zoonotic pathogens, emphasizing the necessity of adopting a One Health approach and maintaining ongoing surveillance of this game species’ population dynamics

    Linked Open Data Validity -- A Technical Report from ISWS 2018

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    Linked Open Data (LOD) is the publicly available RDF data in the Web. Each LOD entity is identfied by a URI and accessible via HTTP. LOD encodes globalscale knowledge potentially available to any human as well as artificial intelligence that may want to benefit from it as background knowledge for supporting their tasks. LOD has emerged as the backbone of applications in diverse fields such as Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, and many more. Nevertheless, regardless of the specific tasks that LOD-based tools aim to address, the reuse of such knowledge may be challenging for diverse reasons, e.g. semantic heterogeneity, provenance, and data quality. As aptly stated by Heath et al. Linked Data might be outdated, imprecise, or simply wrong": there arouses a necessity to investigate the problem of linked data validity. This work reports a collaborative effort performed by nine teams of students, guided by an equal number of senior researchers, attending the International Semantic Web Research School (ISWS 2018) towards addressing such investigation from different perspectives coupled with different approaches to tackle the issue

    Linked Open Data Validity -- A Technical Report from ISWS 2018

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    Linked Open Data (LOD) is the publicly available RDF data in the Web. Each LOD entity is identfied by a URI and accessible via HTTP. LOD encodes globalscale knowledge potentially available to any human as well as artificial intelligence that may want to benefit from it as background knowledge for supporting their tasks. LOD has emerged as the backbone of applications in diverse fields such as Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval, Computer Vision, Speech Recognition, and many more. Nevertheless, regardless of the specific tasks that LOD-based tools aim to address, the reuse of such knowledge may be challenging for diverse reasons, e.g. semantic heterogeneity, provenance, and data quality. As aptly stated by Heath et al. Linked Data might be outdated, imprecise, or simply wrong": there arouses a necessity to investigate the problem of linked data validity. This work reports a collaborative effort performed by nine teams of students, guided by an equal number of senior researchers, attending the International Semantic Web Research School (ISWS 2018) towards addressing such investigation from different perspectives coupled with different approaches to tackle the issue