23 research outputs found

    Extensivity of two-dimensional turbulence

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    This study is concerned with how the attractor dimension of the two-dimensional Navier--Stokes equations depends on characteristic length scales, including the system integral length scale, the forcing length scale, and the dissipation length scale. Upper bounds on the attractor dimension derived by Constantin--Foias--Temam are analysed. It is shown that the optimal attractor-dimension estimate grows linearly with the domain area (suggestive of extensive chaos), for a sufficiently large domain, if the kinematic viscosity and the amplitude and length scale of the forcing are held fixed. For sufficiently small domain area, a slightly ``super-extensive'' estimate becomes optimal. In the extensive regime, the attractor-dimension estimate is given by the ratio of the domain area to the square of the dissipation length scale defined, on physical grounds, in terms of the average rate of shear. This dissipation length scale (which is not necessarily the scale at which the energy or enstrophy dissipation takes place) can be identified with the dimension correlation length scale, the square of which is interpreted, according to the concept of extensive chaos, as the area of a subsystem with one degree of freedom. Furthermore, these length scales can be identified with a ``minimum length scale'' of the flow, which is rigorously deduced from the concept of determining nodes.Comment: No figures, 14 page

    Secondary fluid flows driven electromagnetically in a two-dimensional extended duct

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    This study focuses on two-dimensional fluid flows in a straight duct with free-slip boundary conditions applied on the channel walls y=0 and y=2?N with N>1. In this extended wall-bounded fluid motion problem, secondary fluid flow patterns resulting from steady-state and Hopf bifurcations are examined and shown to be dependent on the choice of longitudinal wave numbers. Some secondary steady-state flows appear at specific wave numbers, whereas at other wave numbers, both secondary steady-state and self-oscillation flows coexist. These results, derived through analytical arguments and truncation series approximation, are confirmed by simple numerical experiments supporting the findings observed from laboratory experiments

    Constraints on the spectral distribution of energy and enstrophy dissipation in forced two-dimensional turbulence

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    We study two-dimensional (2D) turbulence in a doubly periodic domain driven by a monoscale-like forcing and damped by various dissipation mechanisms of the form ΜΌ(−Δ)ÎŒ. By “monoscale-like” we mean that the forcing is applied over a finite range of wavenumbers kmin≀k≀kmax, and that the ratio of enstrophy injection η≄0 to energy injection Δ≄0 is bounded by kmin2Δ≀η≀kmax2Δ. Such a forcing is frequently considered in theoretical and numerical studies of 2D turbulence. It is shown that for Ό≄0 the asymptotic behaviour satisfies ∄u∄12≀kmax2∄u∄2, where ∄u∄2 and ∄u∄12 are the energy and enstrophy, respectively. If the condition of monoscale-like forcing holds only in a time-mean sense, then the inequality holds in the time mean. It is also shown that for Navier–Stokes turbulence (ÎŒ=1), the time-mean enstrophy dissipation rate is bounded from above by 2Îœ1kmax2. These results place strong constraints on the spectral distribution of energy and enstrophy and of their dissipation, and thereby on the existence of energy and enstrophy cascades, in such systems. In particular, the classical dual cascade picture is shown to be invalid for forced 2D Navier–Stokes turbulence (ÎŒ=1) when it is forced in this manner. Inclusion of Ekman drag (ÎŒ=0) along with molecular viscosity permits a dual cascade, but is incompatible with the log-modified −3 power law for the energy spectrum in the enstrophy-cascading inertial range. In order to achieve the latter, it is necessary to invoke an inverse viscosity (ÎŒ<0). These constraints on permissible power laws apply for any spectrally localized forcing, not just for monoscale-like forcing

    Hopf bifurcation of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

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    This paper is concerned with the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes flows excited by a unidirectional external force and gives an explicit example of Hopf bifurcation phenomenon occurring in the Navier–Stokes problem. Complete rigorous analysis on the existence of this instability behavior is provided