251 research outputs found

    ¿Qué puede cambiar la literatura para los traductores?

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    In his lecture Was soll und kann Literatur verändern?, Erich Fried spoke about his readings and experiences, what he asked from them and how they affected his writing. In the same way writers develop their poetics, translators develop theirs when translating. There is a certain parallelism in their creative process, guided and restricted by their ability to create verisimilitude, fuelled by the things they read. Today, when the didactics of Translation focus on practical abilities and technology, leaving aside general culture, recent graduates tend to lack the criteria to solve translation problems in a resolute and consistent way. Literature could give them the tools to solve such problems.En su conferencia Was soll und kann Literatur verändern? Erich Fried reflexionaba sobre sus lecturas y vivencias, y cómo afectaban a su forma de escribir. Los traductores, como escritores que son, también desarrollan una poética propia. Los procesos creativos de ambos se ven guiados y limitados por la capacidad de crear verosimilitud, alimentada de dichas lecturas y vivencias. Hoy que la didáctica de la Traducción se centra en las capacidades prácticas, dejando de lado la cultura general, los traductores noveles tienden a carecer de herramientas para resolver la interpretación textual de forma coherente. Quizá la literatura pueda proporcionarles dichas herramientas. 

    Translating “Irmina” (2014), by Barbara Yelin, from German into Spanish

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    Irmina, by Barbara Yelin — a graphic novel about the life of a woman in Nazi times, first in England, then in Germany, and, decades after the Second World War, in Barbados — is a very personal story, but also one deeply ingrained in European History. The translation of this graphic novel travels across space and cultural boundaries — from Germany to Spain — but also across time, since the story begins in 1933, finishes in 1983, and is translated into Spanish in 2018. This requires not only the translator’s historical knowledge, but also a reframing of the story so that the Spanish reader can understand it with as few difficulties as possible. All this has to be done while paying attention to Yelin’s drawings, which cannot be easily modified. To further complicate things, the translation is bound by the comic medium’s specific constraints: unlike literature, comics do not generally tolerate the use of long paraphrases in the way of explanations. The article will discuss specific problems encountered and solutions found in translating this graphic novel for a Spanish-speaking audience

    Aplicación de información en tiempo real y predicción para mejorar la eficiencia en Smart Cities.

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    Si te preguntaran cómo crees que serán las ciudades de aquí a diez años, ¿cuál sería tu respuesta? El mundo avanza a una velocidad asombrosa debido en gran parte al desarrollo tecnológica de las últimas décadas. Si se echara la mirada unos veinte años atrás se podrían encontrar millones de diferencias a cómo es nuestro planeta en la actualidad. Y en este proceso de evolución las ciudades no han sido meras espectadoras. Con la implementación del Big Data, la cobertura 5G, el internet de las cosas (IOT), la inteligencia artificial y el resto de las tecnologías emergentes, cada vez, son más las ciudades que se transforman para ser más eficientes y sostenibles. En el presente proyecto se hablará de esta nueva tipología de ciudades conocidas como Smart Cities y se llevará a cabo la implementación de una aplicación en Android para teléfonos móviles que tiene como objetivo hacer de las zonas urbanas un lugar más innovador, más sostenible y participativo. En definitiva, un lugar dónde las personas y la tecnología se unan para mejorar el mundo y avanzar hacia el futuro.What would be your answer if someone ask you on how you figure cities in 10 years? The world is progressing at an astonishing speed due mainly to the technological development of recent decades. If you looked back over twenty years, there could be millions of differences to what our planet is like nowadays. And in this process of evolution, cities have not been mere spectators. The implementation of Big Data, 5G coverage, Internet of Things (IOT), artificial intelligence and the rest of emerging technologies, more and more cities are transforming to be more efficient and sustainable. In this project it would be discussed this new typology of cities known as Smart Cities and will carry out the implementation of an application on Android for mobile phones that aims to make urban areas a more innovating, sustainable and collaborative place. In short, a place where people and technology come together to improve the world and move into the futur

    Switching Control Strategy for Oscillating Water Columns Based on Response Amplitude Operators for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Stabilization

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    In this article, a new strategy for switching control has been proposed with the aim of reducing oscillations in floating offshore wind turbines. Such oscillations lead to a shortage in the system’s efficiency, lifespan and harvesting capability of wind and wave energies. In order to study the decreasing of undesired oscillations in the system, particularly in pitch and top tower fore-aft movements, a square-shaped platform barge equipped with four symmetric oscillating water columns has been considered. The oscillating water columns’ air flux valves allow to operate the air columns so that to control the barge movements caused by oscillatory motion of the waves. In order to design the control scheme, response amplitude operators have been used to evaluate the performance of the system for a range of wave frequency profiles. These response amplitude operators analysis makes it possible to implement a switching control strategy to adequately regulate the valves opening/closing transition. The obtained results show that the proposed controlled oscillating water column-based barge present a better performance compared to the traditional barge one. In the case study with the period of 10 s, the results indicate the significant oscillation reduction for the controlled oscillating water column-based system compared to the standard barge system by 30.8% in pitch angle and 25% in fore-aft displacement.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government, through project IT1207-19 and by the MCIU/MINECO through the projects RTI2018-094902-B-C21 and RTI2018-094902-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)


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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo una primera aproximación al collage como técnica creativa propia de las vanguardias del siglo XX, que continúa utilizándose a día de hoy

    State of the Art and Trends Review of Smart Metering in Electricity Grids

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    Climate change, awareness of energy efficiency, new trends in electricity markets, the obsolescence of the actual electricity model, and the gradual conversion of consumers to prosumer profiles are the main agents of progressive change in electricity systems towards the Smart Grid paradigm. The introduction of multiple distributed generation and storage resources, with a strong involvement of renewable energies, exposes the necessity of advanced metering or Smart Metering systems, able to manage and control those distributed resources. Due to the heterogeneity of the Smart Metering systems and the specific features of each grid, it is easy to find in the related literature a wide range of solutions with different features. This work describes the key elements in a Smart Metering system and compiles the most employed technologies and standards as well as their main features. Since Smart Metering systems can perform jointly with other activities, these growing initiatives are also addressed. Finally, a revision of the main trends in Smart Metering uses and deployments worldwide is included.his work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project TEC2015-67868-C3-1-R), the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) within the program for the specialization of the postdoctoral researcher staff, and Microgrids with Renewable Distributed Generation (MIGEDIR) (project 713RT0468), funded by the Science and Technology for Development Iberoamerican Program (CYTED)

    Sensors Data Analysis in Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems to Foresee Failures with an Undetermined Origin

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for automatic fault detection. The proposed system offers advantages in three areas: the prognostic capacity for preventive and predictive maintenance, improvement in the quality of the machined product and a reduction in breakdown times. The complementary technologies, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and various machine learning (ML) techniques, are employed with SCADA systems to obtain the objectives. The analysis of different data sources and the replacement of specific digital sensors with analog sensors improve the prognostic capacity for the detection of faults with an undetermined origin. Also presented is an anomaly detection algorithm to foresee failures and to recognize their occurrence even when they do not register as alarms or events. The improvement in machine availability after the implementation of the novel system guarantees the accomplishment of the proposed objectives.This work was supported partially by the Basque Government through project IT1207-19, and by the MCIU/MINECO through RTI2018-094902-B-C21/RTI2018-094902-B-C22 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE). The authors would like to thank Intenance Company for its collaboration and help

    Optimization of Ultrasound Assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Apple Pomace

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    In the present work, the optimization of the extraction of antioxidant compounds from apple pomace using ultrasound technology as an environmentally friendly and intensification process was developed. Different sonication powers, extraction temperatures and extraction times were studied and their influence on extraction yield and characteristics of the extracted samples (total phenolic compounds, flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity) are presented. The elaborated experimental design and the analysis of Pareto and response surface diagrams allowed us to determine the optimal extraction conditions. The conditions that allow the maximum extraction of phenolic compounds were found at 20 min, 90 °C and 50% ultrasound amplitude. Nevertheless, at these conditions, the antioxidant capacity measured by DPPH decreased in the extracted samples.This research was funded by Diputación Foral de Gipuzcoa, Departamento de Promoción económica, Turismo y Medio Rural, Proyecto Fortalecimiento-96, grant number LEHIAKORTASUNA INDARTZEA-97/18

    Effect of Biofumigation on Typical Weeds of Strawberry Fields

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of biofumigation using fresh organic matter on typical weeds present in strawberry fields of southern Spain. Field experiments consisted of biofumigation (BF) treatment over 45 days, at two locations, with hen droppings or horse manure at a dose of 3 kg m-2, alone or in combination with solarization (BF+S) in an experimental randomized block design. Results showed good control of the main weed species, Poa annua, Portulaca oleracea and Lolium rigidum, with comparative populations of the three species under BF/BF+S of 42/4/8, 18/9/12, and 15/0/1 plants m-2 respectively. In addition, 20 seeds each of several weeds were sown inside cloth bags and were submitted to the treatment. The efficiency of biofumigation combined with solarization in the control of P. oleracea, Cynodon dactilon and Echinochloa crus-galli was 77/0, 50/15, and 30/2, as a percentage of germination of control/BF+S. Laboratory experiments consisted of simulating field conditions using a mix of soil, water and different fresh organic matter in a plastic bag, into which different seeds were sown and kept under controlled conditions over 30 days at 27ºC. Fresh organic matter used was whole strawberry plants, horse manure, hen droppings, and combinations of these. Best results were obtained with hen droppings, which showed effective control of Malva parviflora, Medicago sp., E. crus-galli, Amaranthus retroflesuxus, Chenopodium album and P. oleracea, while strawberry residues and horse manure were not useful as herbicides, sometimes even less so than the solarization treatment. Biofumigation with fresh hen droppings and solarization showed promising results in preliminary experiments

    Study of unwanted emissions in the CENELEC-A band generated by distributed energy resources and their influence over narrow band power line communications

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    Producción CientíficaDistributed Energy Resources might have a severe influence on Power Line Communications, as they can generate interfering signals and high frequency emissions or supraharmonics that may cause loss of metering and control data. In this paper, the influence of various energy resources on Narrowband Power Line Communications is described and analyzed through several test measurements performed in a real microgrid. Accordingly, the paper describes the effects on smart metering communications through the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer analysis. Results show that the switching frequency of inverters and the presence of battery chargers are remarkable sources of disturbance in low voltage distribution networks. In this sense, the results presented can contribute to efforts towards standardization and normative of emissions at higher frequencies higher, such as CENELEC EN 50160 and IEC/TS 6274