10 research outputs found

    Apreciaciones del trabajo a distancia en la asignatura de sistemas operativos en Educación Superior

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    As of the confinement derived by COVID19, the training processes of the schools migrated from the face-to-face modality to remote work, which allowed students to adapt to a new learning environment together with the technological implications to continue with their learning. Therefore, there is a need to inquire about adaptation from the pedagogical and technological aspects. In this sense, the objective of this article was to analyze the appreciations of undergraduate students about remote work. The method was of a mixed type, for which a 20-item questionnaire was applied with a five-level Likert scale with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.88; For the qualitative part, a semi-structured interview was conducted. According to the results obtained, the students indicate that remote work was adequate despite the limitations in terms of hardware and Internet connection. On the other hand, the didactics applied online were favorable for the students in the development of the course. In another tenor, in the voice of the participants they indicate that in order to carry out the practices, face-to-face work in the laboratories of the faculty is necessary.A partir del confinamiento derivado por el COVID-19 los procesos de formación de las escuelas, migraron de la modalidad presencial al trabajo a distancia lo que propicio que los estudiantes se adaptaran un nuevo ambiente de aprendizaje aunado a las implicaciones de tipo tecnológicas para continuar con su aprendizaje. Por lo anterior, impera la necesidad de indagar acerca de la adaptación desde las vertientes pedagógica y tecnológica. En este sentido, el objetivo de este artículo fue analizar las apreciaciones de estudiantes de licenciatura acerca del trabajo a distancia. El método fue de tipo mixto, para ello, se aplicó un cuestionario de 20 ítems con escala de Likert de cinco niveles con un alfa de Cronbach de 0,88; por la parte cualitativa se realizó una entrevista semi estructurada. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, los estudiantes indican que el trabajo a distancia fue adecuado a pesar de las limitantes en cuanto a hardware y conexión de Internet. Por su parte, las didácticas aplicadas en línea resultaron favorables para los estudiantes en el desarrollo del curso. En otro tenor, en voz de los participantes señalan que para la realización de las prácticas es necesario el trabajo presencial en los laboratorios de la facultad.

    Vitamin D levels in the pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic periods in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease

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    IntroductionVitamin D (VD) deficiency is common in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) because of multiple factors. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it increased because of medicine shortage and no enough medical service for patients with non-COVID-19 diseases.ObjectiveTo analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic-related lockdown on the serum levels and status of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-[OH]D) in children with CKD.Materials and methodsThis retrospective study included patients (6–18 years old) who were diagnosed with CKD stage 2–5 and routinely measured for serum VD levels between May 2019 and December 2022. Serum 25-(OH)D levels were measured before, during, and after the pandemic (2019, 2020–2021, and 2022, respectively). The daily dose of cholecalciferol supplementation and the readjustment (if required) were recorded.ResultsThis study included 171 patients (median age: 12 years). Before the pandemic, the median serum VD level was 25.0 ng/mL (19.3% VD deficiency). Then, VD supplementation was adjusted to 400–1,200 UI daily in 98.8% (n = 169) of patients. During the pandemic, the median VD level decreased to 22.5 ng/mL (43.3% VD deficiency). Hence, the supplementation was readjusted, and after the pandemic, the level was 28.7 ng/mL (18.7% VD deficiency), indicating a statistically significant increase in serum VD levels from the prepandemic period (p = 0.007).ConclusionDecreased serum VD levels and increased VD deficiency frequency were observed in patients with CKD during the COVID-19 but improved after readjustment of supplementation

    Establishment of induced pluripotent stem cell lines derived from Parkinson’s disease Mexican patients: A sporadic (UNAMi002-A) and a familial (UNAMi003-A) case carrying a mutation in PINK1

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta, which results in a prominent reduction of striatal dopamine levels leading to motor alterations. The mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in PD remain unknown. Here, we generated an induced pluripotent stem cell line from dermal fibroblasts of a Mexican patient diagnosed with sporadic PD (UNAMi002-A) and another cell line from dermal fibroblasts of a patient carrying the point mutation c.1423delC in PINK1 (UNAMi003-A). These patient-derived iPS cell lines offer the possibility of modeling PD and understanding the mechanisms that contribute to dopamine neuron loss

    Servicios de Atención Clínica Interdisciplinaria otoño 2022

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    El Proyecto de Aplicación Profesional en Atención Clínica Interdisciplinaria tuvo como objetivo general ofrecer servicios de atención y orientación profesional a los consultantes que la solicitaron para encontrar respuesta a los diferentes motivos de consulta psicológica y nutricional. Se les brindó el acompañamiento psicológico y nutricional a niños, adolescentes, adultos y familias en los siguientes escenarios: el Centro de Atención Psicológica, Centro de Atención Familiar, Centros de Desarrollo Comunitario del DIF Zapopan, Centro Polanco, Bufete Jurídico Gratuito del ITESO y Nutricia. El proyecto ofreció principalmente espacios de atención en modalidad presencial y algunos en línea, donde se atendieron problemáticas tales como: diferentes tipos de violencia, duelo, problemas relacionales, depresión, ideación suicida, situaciones post-traumáticas, complicaciones en el desarrollo de una vida saludable tanto en los aspectos nutricionales como en el acceso a la justicia. Asimismo, se describen los múltiples aprendizajes a través de las experiencias e intervenciones a lo largo del PAP.ITESO, A.C

    Diversas temáticas desde las disciplinas antropológicas. 76 (2019) Vol. 26 septiembre-diciembre. Cuicuilco Revista de Ciencias Antropológicas

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    - Comentario editorial por Francisco de la Peña Martínez. - Entre rieles y silbatos. Los yaquis, el crimen y el ferrocarril durante el Porfiriato por Raquel Padilla Ramos y Raquel Torúa Padilla. - La dimensión emocional en torno al cáncer. Estrategias de análisis desde la antropología de la salud por Verónica Suárez-Rienda y Oliva López Sánchez. - Sexualidad y experiencias sexuales en mujeres y hombres de dos municipios de Morelos por Itzel Adriana Sosa Sánchez. - Representación simbólica de la menopausia, subjetividad y sexualidad por María Guadalupe Alva Real. - La izquierda lacaniana en el horizonte de la ecología política: reflexiones en torno a la pregunta por la vida por Enrique Israel Ruíz Albarrán. - Elementos para una escritura y una antropología rizomáticas por Roberto Carlos Garnica Castro. - La etnografía en tiempos de violencia por Florence Rosemberg. - Fundamentos de arqueosemiótica por Roberto Flores Ortiz. - Políticas de la crueldad, políticas de la vida la muerte por Víctor Manuel Uc Chávez. - Los muiscas por Antonio Jaramillo Arango. - El salvaje inocente por Francisco de la Peña Martínez

    Effect of the Melanocortin 4-Receptor Ile269Asn Mutation on Weight Loss Response to Dietary, Phentermine and Bariatric Surgery Interventions

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    The loss of function melanocortin 4-receptor (MC4R) Ile269Asn mutation has been proposed as one of the most important genetic contributors to obesity in the Mexican population. However, whether patients bearing this mutation respond differently to weight loss treatments is unknown. We tested the association of this mutation with obesity in 1683 Mexican adults, and compared the response of mutation carriers and non-carriers to three different weight loss interventions: dietary restriction intervention, phentermine 30 mg/day treatment, and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery. The Ile269Asn mutation was associated with obesity [OR = 3.8, 95% CI (1.5–9.7), p = 0.005]. Regarding interventions, in the dietary restriction group only two patients were MC4R Ile269Asn mutation carriers. After 1 month of treatment, both mutation carriers lost weight: −4.0 kg (−2.9%) in patient 1, and −1.8 kg (−1.5%) in patient 2; similar to the mean weight loss observed in six non-carrier subjects (−2.9 kg; −2.8%). Phentermine treatment produced similar weight loss in six carriers (−12.7 kg; 15.5%) and 18 non-carriers (−11.3 kg; 13.6%) after 6 months of pharmacological treatment. RYGB also caused similar weight loss in seven carriers (29.9%) and 24 non-carriers (27.8%), 6 months after surgery. Our findings suggest that while the presence of a single MC4R loss of function Ile269Asn allele significantly increases obesity risk, the presence of at least one functional MC4R allele seems sufficient to allow short-term weight loss in response to dietary restriction, phentermine and RYGB. Thus, these three different interventions may be useful for the short-term treatment of obesity in MC4R Ile269Asn mutation carriers