277 research outputs found

    The Shift from Centralized to Peer-to-Peer Communication in an Online Community: Participants as a Useful Aspect of Genre Analysis

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    In this paper we analyzed an online community based on a mailing list that was created as an internal marketing tool for launching a new network service. We focused on the change in communication over time among dispersed Sales representatives and the employees in a centralized Service Department. We conducted a genre analysis based on content (what), purpose (why), timing (when), form (how) and participants (who communicates to whom) (Yates and Orlikowski, 2002). Analyzing the participants in a genre and how those participants changed over time highlighted a shift from centralized to dispersed, peer-to-peer communication in this community. We highlight implications both for genre analysis and for organizational practice

    The Role of an Online Community in Relation to Other Communication Channels in a Business Development Case

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    We investigated how sales representatives (Salespeople) and members of a service business development department (the Service Dept.) communicated within an informal online community, particularly in relation to their use of other informal and formal communication channels. We found that while the Service Dept. developed formal communication channels in order to fulfill the information needs of Sales, some types of information were apparently more effectively provided by the online community. The result suggests that an online community may play an important role both in making visible information needs, and in providing information that can’t be better provided by the formal organization

    Superstrate CuInSe2-Printed Solar Cells on In2S3/TiO2/FTO/Glass Plates

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    CuInSe2 powders synthesized by ball milling were printed on In2S3/TiO2/FTO/glass substrates, resulting in superstrate solar cells.  Although particle structure of CuInSe2 in the layer remained after heating at 600 °C under N2 gas, photovoltaic effects were observed; the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current density were 0.45 V and 5.6 mA/cm2, respectively.  The effects of annealing time on the structural, optical and photovoltaic properties of CuInSe2 were studied by scanning electron micrograph (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and UV-Vis reflectance absorption spectroscopy.  The CuInSe2 solar cells were printed in air ambient without vacuum processing and without toxic and explosive chemicals (e.g., hydrazine, H2Se and H2S), which can offer a promising strategy for future research and industrial investigation into cost-effective photovoltaic systems.Key words: Photovoltaic system; Photovoltaic effects; CuInSe2 solar cell

    Universality of the Neutrino Collisional Flavor Instability in Core Collapse Supernovae

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    Neutrinos are known to undergo flavor conversion processes among the three flavors. The fast flavor conversion (FFC) has been the central piece of flavor conversions taking place in core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) due to its shorter timescale to the completion of flavor conversion compared to other types of flavor conversion. Although the ordinary collisions between neutrinos and matter were once thought to decohere neutrinos and thus damp flavor conversions, it was recently realized that they can also induce the flavor conversion. The linear analysis showed that the so-called collisional flavor instability or CFI occurs in the absence of FFC. In this paper, we investigate if CFI takes place in of the post-bounce core of CCSNe, using the results of spherically symmetric Boltzmann simulations of CCSNe for four progenitor models with different masses. We also provide a necessary (but not sufficient) condition of matter properties for the occurrence of CFI in optically thick and semi-transparent regions; baryon mass density (ρ\rho), electron fraction (YeY_e), and the degeneracy of electron-type neutrinos (ηνe\eta_{\nu_e}) need to be 1010g/cm3ρ1012g/cm310^{10} {\rm g/cm^3} \lesssim \rho \lesssim 10^{12} {\rm g/cm^3}, Ye0.4Y_e\lesssim 0.4, and ηνe0.5\eta_{\nu_e} \lesssim 0.5, respectively. This condition allows us to easily locate the place of possible CFI occurence without detailed stability analyses, which is useful for analyzing CFI in CCSN models phenomenologicallyComment: accepted in PR


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 小野 稔, 東京大学教授 山崎 力, 東京大学特任准教授 菱川 慶一, 東京大学講師 森田 啓行, 東京大学講師 縄田 寛University of Tokyo(東京大学

    An endogenous factor enhances ferulic acid decarboxylation catalyzed by phenolic acid decarboxylase from Candida guilliermondii

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    Resource subsidies in the form of allochthonous primary production drive secondary production in many ecosystems, often sustaining diversity and overall productivity. Despite their importance in structuring marine communities, there is little understanding of how subsidies move through juxtaposed habitats and into recipient communities. We investigated the transport of detritus from kelp forests to a deep Arctic fjord (northern Norway). We quantified the seasonal abundance and size structure of kelp detritus in shallow subtidal (0‒12 m), deep subtidal (12‒85 m), and deep fjord (400‒450 m) habitats using a combination of camera surveys, dive observations, and detritus collections over 1 year. Detritus formed dense accumulations in habitats adjacent to kelp forests, and the timing of depositions coincided with the discrete loss of whole kelp blades during spring. We tracked these blades through the deep subtidal and into the deep fjord, and showed they act as a short-term resource pulse transported over several weeks. In deep subtidal regions, detritus consisted mostly of fragments and its depth distribution was similar across seasons (50% of total observations). Tagged pieces of detritus moved slowly out of kelp forests (displaced 4‒50 m (mean 11.8 m ± 8.5 SD) in 11‒17 days, based on minimum estimates from recovered pieces), and most (75%) variability in the rate of export was related to wave exposure and substrate. Tight resource coupling between kelp forests and deep fjords indicate that changes in kelp abundance would propagate through to deep fjord ecosystems, with likely consequences for the ecosystem functioning and services they provide


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    In the present study, TONS504 (C51H58N8O5I2; molecular weight, 1,116.9), a novel cationic hydrophilic photosensitizer, was synthesized from protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester through a five‑step process according to a patented method for use in photodynamic therapy (PDT). The subcellular localization of TONS504 and the cytotoxic effects of TONS504‑mediated PDT in the mouse mammary tumor EMT6 cell line were investigated. TONS504 was localized primarily in the lysosomes and partially in the mitochondria. The cytotoxic effects of TONS504‑mediated PDT in the mouse mammary tumor EMT6 cell line were investigated using a WST8 assay and an Oxidative Stress kit. The cell viability values following treatment with 10 µg/ml TONS504 at light energies of 0, 1, 5 and 10 J/cm2 were 92.5, 101.8, 27.7 and 1.8%, respectively. The percentages of reactive oxygen species (ROS)(+) cells following the same treatment were 8.6, 8.5, 29.2 and 70.1%, respectively, whereas the percentages of apoptotic cells were 7.1, 5.6, 24.8 and 48.7%, respectively. The percentages of ROS(+) and apoptotic cells in the group subjected to TONS504‑mediated PDT increased in a manner dependent on the TONS504 concentration and light energy. Further studies are required to evaluate the in vivo pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution and photodynamic effects of TONS504