320 research outputs found


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    Here we assessed the effectiveness of cervical cancer screening using data from the Hiroshima Prefecture Cancer Registry regarding patient age at the start of screening and differences in screening intervals. A screening model was created to calculate the health status in relation to prognosis following cervical cancer screening and its influence on life expectancy. Epidemiological data on the mortality rate of cervical cancer by age groups and mortality rates from the Hiroshima Prefecture Cancer Registry were used for the model projections. Our results showed that life expectancy when screening rate was 100% compared with 0% was extended by approximately 1 month. Furthermore, when the incidence of cervical cancer was 0% compared with the screening rate was 100%, life expectancy was extended by a maximum of 3 months. Moreover, among individuals affected by cervical cancer, a difference of 13 years in life expectancy was calculated between screened and unscreened groups.広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora

    Analysis of indoor environment and performance of net-zero energy building with vacuum glazed windows

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    The total energy and indoor thermal environment of an office building, which aims at the net-zero energy building, were measured and analysed. The annual total primary energy consumption of ‘Measurement’ was smaller than the value of ‘Calculation’ at design phase and achieved net-zero. The result of analysis of the thermal environment shows that the comfortable thermal environment was maintained. Also, the insulation performance and heat balance of the vacuum glazed windows in winter was evaluated. The overall heat transfer coefficients calculated by using the monitoring data were almost equal to the rated overall heat transfer coefficient and the high insulation performance of vacuum glazed windows was maintained even in the second year’s operation. In addition, the amount of heat gain due to solar radiation on the window surface was much larger than the amount of heat loss due to transmission. The vacuum glazed windows with high thermal insulation performance on the south side can reduce the heating load and contribute to the achievement of net-zero in the buildings

    Upravljanje silom mišićno-koštanog manipulatora pogonjenog spiralnim motorom

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    This paper presents force control of musculoskeletal manipulator driven by spiral motors. The kinematic and dynamic properties are shown to address the presence of ennvironmental contact with the manipulator. From this contact, the force control schemes were explored, by comparing between monoarticular-only structure and biarticular structure manipulator. Force control schemes were divided into independent muscle control, end effector step force command, and muscular viscoelasticity control. The results show advantages of biarticular actuation compared to monoarticular-only actuation in the feasibility of magnetic levitation (gap) control alongside force control.U ovome radu predstavljeno je upravljanje silom mišićno-koštanog manipulatora pogonjenog spiralnim motorom. Kinematička i dinamička svojstva prikazuju prisutnost kontakta manipulatora s okolinom. Na temelju kontakta istraženo je upravljanje silom usporedbom jednozglobne i dvozglobne strukture manipulatora. Upravljanje silom podijeljeno je u neovisno upravljanje mišićima, upravljanje alatom manipulatora (eng. end effector) i upravljanje mišićnom viskoelastičnosti. Rezultati pokazuju prednost dvozglobne strukture u odnosu na jednozglobnu u smislu izvedivosti upravljanja magnetskom levitacijom pored upravljanja silom

    Studies of Multiferroic System of LiCu2O2 II Magnetic Structures of Two Ordered Phases with Incommensurate Modulations

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    Neutron diffraction and 7Li-NMR have been applied to determine the multiferroic system LiCu2O2, which has four chains (ribbon chains) of edge-sharing CuO4 square planes in a unit cell. We have confirmed that there are successive magnetic transitions at TN1=24.5 K and TN2=22.8 K. In the T region between TN1 and TN2, the quasi one-dimensional spins (S=1/2) of Cu2+ ions within a chain have a collinear and sinusoidally modulated structure with Cu-moments parallel to the c-axis and with the modulation vector along the b-axis. At T < TN2, an ellipsoidal helical spin structure with the incommensurate modulation has been found. Here, we present detailed parameters, describing the modulation amplitudes, helical axis vectors as well as the relative phases of the modulations of four ribbon chains, which can well reproduce both the NMR and neutron results in the two magnetically ordered phases. This finding of the rather precise magnetic structures enables us to discuss the relationship between the magnetic structure and the multiferroic nature of the present system in zero magnetic field, as presented in our companion paper (paper I), and open a way how to understand the reported electric polarization under the finite magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp


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    To clarify the morphological and phylogenetic differentiation of Bandona boninensis Suzuki 1974 in Chichi-jima Island of the Bonin (Ogasawara) group of Islands, we studied the external morphological characters and performed sequencing of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and 28S rRNA of nuclear DNA (nrDNA). The sequences of COI and 28S rRNA were identical among the individuals of B. boninensis. These results suggest that B. boninensis experienced a rapid expansion of its distribution in Chichi-jima Island without undergoing any morphological and molecular differentiation.著者らは小笠原諸島の父島に生息するムニンカケザトウムシBandona boninensis の形態的および系統的分化を明らかにするために、父島の4 地点から採集を行い、体長、触肢腿節の長さ、背甲長および背甲幅、鋏角長、第1~4 脚の腿節長といった形態計測を実施し、ミトコンドリアDNA のCOI 領域および核DNA の28SrRNA 領域に基づく系統樹を作成した。その結果, ムニンカケザトウムシのCOI および28S において塩基置換は見られなかった。この結果は、ムニンカケザトウムシが父島内で系統的分化をほぼ起こしていないことを示す。また、採集を行った個体がすべて雌個体であったことから、これまでの報告の通り、父島においては単為生殖種として生息している可能性が高い

    Analysis of Genetic Variation and Phylogeny of the Predatory Bug, Pilophorus typicus, in Japan using Mitochondrial Gene Sequences

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    Pilophorus typicus (Distant) (Heteroptera: Miridae) is a predatory bug occurring in East, Southeast, and South Asia. Because the active stages of P. typicus prey on various agricultural pest insects and mites, this species is a candidate insect as an indigenous natural enemy for use in biological control programs. However, the mass releasing of introduced natural enemies into agricultural fields may incur the risk of affecting the genetic integrity of species through hybridization with a local population. To clarify the genetic characteristics of the Japanese populations of P. typicus two portions of the mitochondrial DNA, the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) (534 bp) and the cytochrome B (cytB) (217 bp) genes, were sequenced for 64 individuals collected from 55 localities in a wide range of Japan. Totals of 18 and 10 haplotypes were identified for the COI and cytB sequences, respectively (25 haplotypes over regions). Phylogenetic analysis using the maximum likelihood method revealed the existence of two genetically distinct groups in P. typicus in Japan. These groups were distributed in different geographic ranges: one occurred mainly from the Pacific coastal areas of the Kii Peninsula, the Shikoku Island, and the Ryukyu Islands; whereas the other occurred from the northern Kyushu district to the Kanto and Hokuriku districts of mainland Japan. However, both haplotypes were found in a single locality of the southern coast of the Shikoku Island. COI phylogeny incorporating other Pilophorus species revealed that these groups were only recently differentiated. Therefore, use of a certain population of P. typicus across its distribution range should be done with caution because genetic hybridization may occur

    C*-crossed products and shift spaces

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    AbstractWe use Exel's C*-crossed products associated to non-invertible dynamical systems to associate a C*-algebra to arbitrary shift space. We show that this C*-algebra is canonically isomorphic to the C*-algebra associated to a shift space given by Carlsen [Cuntz–Pimsner C*-algebras associated with subshifts, Internat. J. Math. (2004) 28, to appear, available at arXiv:math.OA/0505503], has the C*-algebra defined by Carlsen and Matsumoto [Some remarks on the C*-algebras associated with subshifts, Math. Scand. 95 (1) (2004) 145–160] as a quotient, and possesses properties indicating that it can be thought of as the universal C*-algebra associated to a shift space.We also consider its representations and its relationship to other C*-algebras associated to shift spaces. We show that it can be viewed as a generalization of the universal Cuntz–Krieger algebra, discuss uniqueness and present a faithful representation, show that it is nuclear and satisfies the Universal Coefficient Theorem, provide conditions for it being simple and purely infinite, show that the constructed C*-algebras and thus their K-theory, K0 and K1, are conjugacy invariants of one-sided shift spaces, present formulas for those invariants, and present a description of the structure of gauge invariant ideals