22 research outputs found

    Strategi Word Of Mouth Pada Program Emina Girl Gang Ambassador

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    PT Paragon Technology and Innovation merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kosmetik di Indonesia yang membawahi beberapa merek salah satunya Emina Cosmetics. Untuk meningkatkan customer engagement, Emina Cosmetics membentuk sebuah beauty community yaitu Emina Girl Gang Ambassador yang banyak melakukan kegiatan yang diunggah pada sosial media Instagram. Hal  ini  akan  mendorong  terjadinya  Word  of  Mouth. Di dalam word of mouth terdapat elemen-elemen yang mendukung strategi word of  mouth itu sendiri. Elemen-elemen tersebut yaitu 5T’s yang terdiri dari: Talkers, Topics, Tools, Taking part, dan Tracking. Penelitian ini menjelaskan Strategi Elemen Word Of Mouth 5T’s  pada Emina Cosmetics melalui Program Emina Girl Gang Ambassador dalam deningkatkan Customer Engagement. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Emina Cosmetics menggunakan para anggota Emina Girl Gang Ambassador yang telah dipilih sebagai Talkers. Topics utama yang disusun yaitu campaign. Tools yang banyak digunakan yaitu fitur Instagram Post dan Instagram Story. Taking Part yang diterapkan melalui Emina Girl Gang Ambassador Penggunaan hashtag tertentu dan mengajak audiens terlibat langsung pada aktivitas yang dilakukan Emina Girl Gang Ambassador. Emina Cosmetics menggunakan tiga cara pada tahap Tracking, yaitu melacak dengan cara manual, melihat feedback yang didapatkan dan menerapkan point system pada Emina Girl Gang Ambassador. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Emina Cosmetics cukup berhasil dalam meningkatkan customer enggagement dengan elemen-elemen word of mouth yang diterapkan

    Electronic Word Of Mouth Brand Lokal Clothing Dengan Hashtag #Jakcloth Pada Media Sosial Instagram

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    Electronic word of mouth communication activities mark a shift from traditional communication to fast and global digital communication. This makes an opportunity or electronic word of mouth communication opportunity that can be used by companies as a step to promote a local clothing brand event. Jakarta Clothing is one of the companies that always maintains its existence by conducting regular campaigns through #JakCloth. The information provided by Jakarta Clothing can be conveyed and accepted by the wider community thanks to posts about #JakCloth made on the social media platform Instagram. This study aims to obtain findings and describe the electronic word of mouth of local clothing brands by #JakCloth on Instagram social media. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a constructivism paradigm and data collection using interview techniques. he results of this study show that the quality of electronic word of mouth has gone viral but there is no specific concept and form designed for messaging activities #JakCloth. The quantity of electronic word of mouth #JakCloth has scheduling every day so that it can find out the interactions caused by followers, but there is no media monitoring scheme to find out the number of negative comments and photo tags. The credibility of the electronic word of mouth already has expertise in conveying #JakCloth messages, and has the trust of its followers.Kegiatan komunikasi electronic word of mouth menandai adanya pergeseran dari komunikasi tradisional menuju komunikasi digital yang cepat dan mendunia. Ini menjadikan sebuah kesempatan atau peluang komunikasi electronic word of mouth yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan sebagai langkah mempromosikan sebuah event brand lokal clothing. Jakarta Clothing merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang selalu mempertahankan eksistensinya dengan melakukan campaign secara berkala melalui #JakCloth. Informasi yang diberikan oleh Jakarta Clothing dapat tersampaikan dan diterima oleh masyarakat luas berkat postingan mengenai #JakCloth yang dibuat di platform media sosial Instagram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil temuan dan mendeskripsikan electronic word of mouth brand lokal clothing dengan #JakCloth pada media sosial Instagram. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif dengan paradigma konstruktivisme dan pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari kualitas electronic word of mouth menjadi viral namun belum adanya konsep dan bentuk khsusus yang dirancang untuk kegiatan penyampaian pesan #JakCloth. Kuantitas electronic word of mouth #JakCloth memiliki penjadwalan setiap hari sehingga dapat mengetahui interaksi yang ditimbulkan oleh followers, namun belum adanya skema media monitoring untuk mengetahui jumlah komentar negatif dan tag photo. Kredibilitas electronic word of mouth sudah memiliki keahlian dalam menyampaikan pesan #JakCloth, dan memiliki kepercayaan oleh followers nya


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze how the Public Relations of the West Java Provincial Government manage the negative issues. The results of this study are used to provide recommendations for the political area to approach an accurate strategy, so the impact of negative issues can be less impacted and more controlled. The negative perspectives of the Institution will be impacted to Governor’s image as the highest leader. The methodology used in this study is a case study by selecting two controversial cases that caused a negative image of the West Java Provincial Government. The first issue that analyzes was the West Java Provincial Government Secretary corruption. The Second Issue was the Governor’s swimming pool which used a lot of Institutional budgets. The results of this study showed that the curative aspect is dominant in the management issues process. Furthermore, press conferences are the dominant strategy tool used by West Java Provincial Government Public Relations to inform how they solve any problem. The aspect that must be improved in neutralizing issues consists of the less in-depth trend analysis, and several media has not been classified properly

    Strategi Word Of Mouth Pada Program Emina Girl Gang Ambassador

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    PT Paragon Technology and Innovation merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang kosmetik di Indonesia yang membawahi beberapa merek salah satunya Emina Cosmetics. Untuk meningkatkan customer engagement, Emina Cosmetics membentuk sebuah beauty community yaitu Emina Girl Gang Ambassador yang banyak melakukan kegiatan yang diunggah pada sosial media Instagram. Hal  ini  akan  mendorong  terjadinya  Word  of  Mouth. Di dalam word of mouth terdapat elemen-elemen yang mendukung strategi word of  mouth itu sendiri. Elemen-elemen tersebut yaitu 5T’s yang terdiri dari: Talkers, Topics, Tools, Taking part, dan Tracking. Penelitian ini menjelaskan Strategi Elemen Word Of Mouth 5T’s  pada Emina Cosmetics melalui Program Emina Girl Gang Ambassador dalam deningkatkan Customer Engagement. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Emina Cosmetics menggunakan para anggota Emina Girl Gang Ambassador yang telah dipilih sebagai Talkers. Topics utama yang disusun yaitu campaign. Tools yang banyak digunakan yaitu fitur Instagram Post dan Instagram Story. Taking Part yang diterapkan melalui Emina Girl Gang Ambassador Penggunaan hashtag tertentu dan mengajak audiens terlibat langsung pada aktivitas yang dilakukan Emina Girl Gang Ambassador. Emina Cosmetics menggunakan tiga cara pada tahap Tracking, yaitu melacak dengan cara manual, melihat feedback yang didapatkan dan menerapkan point system pada Emina Girl Gang Ambassador. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Emina Cosmetics cukup berhasil dalam meningkatkan customer enggagement dengan elemen-elemen word of mouth yang diterapkan


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    Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah studi kasus tentang bagaimana Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) Indonesia asal Pantura Jawa Barat, Indonesia, dalam berkomunikasi dengan keluarga yang ditinggalkan di Indonesia saat menjalani kehidupan kerjanya di negara tetangga dengan menggunakan media sosial. Blackberry Messenger (BBM) sebagai salah satu media sosial menjadi alat yang dipakai dalam berkomunikasi dengan keluarga selain Facebook, Skype dan Youtube. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memaparkan faktor-faktor yang menjadi simpul-simpul dalam menjalin komunikasi antar anggota keluarga. Sebagai sebuah penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus, di mana informasi dan data penelitian ini digali dari hasil observasi di akun media sosial mereka dan wawancara langsung dengan informan, didukung dengan informasi dari keluarga terdekat sebagai bentuk uji validitas dari informasi yang diberikan oleh nara sumber. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu menjelaskan keuntungan ataupun kekurangan penggunaan media sosial dalam komunikasi keluarga terutama bagi keluarga yang menjalani kehidupan terpisah secara geografis


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    Through #Gerakan1000Tumbler Bandung Clean Action program urging the community around the town of bandung to change the habit to bring a water bottle or tumbler from home rather than buying water in the form of pack that will produce and that garbage to lead increasing where garbage in the form of plastic constituting litter inorganic difficult to be unraveled biologically.Currently there are 2.472 post on Instagram that used #Gerakan1000Tumbler. The purpose of this study is to find, understand, and able to describe electronic word of mouth #Gerakan1000Tumbler Bandung Clean Action program. The method that used in this research are qualitative descriptive, by conducting in-depth interview to main informant of the bandung clean action program, informants supporting a volunteer #Gerakan1000Tumbler and the experts electronic word of mouth. Based on the research done, we can see that electronic word of mouth #Gerakan1000tumbler Bandung Clean Action program is not good enough, from the quality of electronic word of mouth #Gerakan1000Tumbler, quantity #Gerakan1000Tumbler and expertise messaging electronic word of mouth #Gerakan1000Tumbler


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    This research was motivated by Hi Jack Sandals is a local brand pioneer that focuses on producing sandals from the beginning Hi Jack Sandals is formed. At first, Hi Jack Sandals using vendor concpets, but currently Hi Jack Sandals has managed to produce its products independently and perceived to require marketing communication activities in accordance with established target Hi Jack Sandals. The purpose of this research is to describe Hi Jack Sandals marketing communication mix using Belch Belch promotional mix (2015) theory which consists of advertising, direct marketing, interactive/ internet marketing, sales promotion, publicity/  public relations and personal selling which is the six elements promotional mix. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method with post-positivistic paradigm. Qualitative descriptive research is conducted to describe, and summarize phenomena. Data collection was done by observation, interview (in depth interview) with creative director Hi Jack Sandals. This research describes the marketing communication mix used by Hi Jack Sandals. The results of this research found that Hi Jack Sandals using advertising through Instagram Ads, Facbeook Ads, magazine, and e – magazines. Direct marketing through e-mail blast, internet marketing through websites, sales promotion using discount coupons, public relations do collaboration, events, gift, and campaign. And personal selling in offline store Hi Jack Sandals

    Community Branding Kopi Anjis #Anjisforgood

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    Patuha Resort’s Brand Touchpoints As “The Best Mice Resort In Ciwidey” by Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method : Proceeding International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICOTIC) November 2015

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    To be “the best MICE Resort in Ciwidey”, Patuha Resort must develop their brand touchpoints. The brand touchpoints consist of tangible and intangible aspect. The brand touchpoints are the point contact of brand and customer perceptions. It is an important way to maximize the brand touchpoints that appropriate to their position. The Positioning of PPAW was “Natural Panoramic Resort” (before 2006) changed into Patuha Resort (after 2006) as “the best MICE Resort in Ciwidey”. After repositioning in 2006, Patuha Resort brandtouchpoints was not many changing. It consequently to customer perceptions that not sinronize to Patuha Resort’s positioning. Nowdays, Patuha Resort still perceived as resort with minimize facilitieas in strategic area. Until 2011, Patuha Resort still not success managed theirs positioning as “the Best MICE Resort in Ciwidey”. To solve that problem, KBM AEJ as the management of Patuha Resort, asks the researcher to create design concepts in Patuha Resort with accordance to MICE concept. This new concept brand development used to be the real Patuha Resort as “The Best MUCE Resort in Ciwidey”. To choose the most important brand touchpoints, the researcher used the Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP). Analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) is considered as one of decision making models that can be applied to make prioritization amongst options. In this research AHP used twice. First to choose the brand touchpoints selected and second to choose the most important brand touchpoints. To get the priority decision, the AHP method needs an option and criteria then get the most weight by the result of brand expert interview. To get an objective appraisal, it would require assessment of the MICE and Brand Expert. The most important brand touchpoints of Patuha Resort is Function Room. The researcher coorporated with Triperta Engineering Consultant to create Patuha Resort Function Room that appropriate with MICE concept. After that, the new design reviewed by the KBM AEJ, MICE Expert and customer. At the final stage, it performed in finalizing the concept and implementation. The new concept implements that brand touchpoints that must exist at Patuha Resort Function Room are the operator room with PC, scan, printer, telephone, fax and MIC wireless; Roastrum with reading lamp and MIC wireless; Two flagpoles at right and left platform of stage; Projector screen; Projector with hanger; OHP; Enter and Exit Access; Receptionist with PC, telephone and fax; Photocopy machine; Portable meeting table for 65 seats with wireless teleprompter; two capboards, twelve room speakers at right and left room side; two flipcharts in right and left side; and Silencers, meeting lamp and wi-fi