35 research outputs found

    A járkálás öröme

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    A Parry–Romberg-szindróma ritka, lassan progrediáló, autolimitált betegség, melyet unilateralis arcfélatrophia jellemez. Általában gyerek-, fiatal felnőtt korban manifesztálódik. Az atrophia mértékének, illetve a társuló egyéb tünetek változatosságának következtében a betegség diagnózisa, a prognózis megítélése és a kezelés nagy kihívást jelent. Az esetbemutatás célja rávilágítani a diagnózis felállításának nehézségeire, bemutatni a beteg kivizsgálásának lépéseit, felhívni a figyelmet a műtét megfelelő időzítésének fontosságára, a hemifacialis atrophia mértékének megfelelő műtét kiválasztására, illetve a szindrómával gyakran előforduló betegségek keresésére

    A glomus vagale tumorok kivizsgálása és ellátása = Tumors of glomus vagale: diagnostics and therapy

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    Absztrakt: Esetbemutatásunkban a világviszonylatban is ritkának számító glomus vagale tumorok kivizsgálásáról, terápiájáról adunk összefogó képet. A jellemzően középkorú nőket érintő betegség unilaterálisan elhelyezkedő nyaki tumoros elváltozás képében jelenik meg, melyre nem minden esetben jellemző a felette érezhető pulzáció (Fontaine-jel), a glomus caroticum tumorokkal szemben. Nagy hangsúlyt fektetve a fül-orr-gégészeti fizikális vizsgálatra, a betegség pontos diagnózisát a CT-angiográfia adja meg. Figyelembe véve a kiterjedést, a szomszédos erekhez, idegekhez, izmokhoz, illetve csontszerkezetű képletekhez (koponyaalap, nyaki gerinc) való viszonyt, az esetek nagy részében sebészi beavatkozás mellett döntünk. A bemutatott beteg kezelése 2017 szeptemberében történt Osztályunkon. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(34): 1358–1362. | Abstract: Introducing the diagnostic protocol and therapy of a rare disease reviewing the worldwide literature named as vagal paraganglioma is our main target. This type is specific for women of middle age, and it is appearing as a unilateral neck mass, with or without Fontaine’s sign. Giving a heavy aspect on the ear, nose and throat examination, the most important diagnostic tool is CT-angiography. Carefully looking at the size and relationship with the narrowing arteries, veins, nerves, muscles and bony structures (skull base, cervical spine), in most of the cases we choose the surgical procedure. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(34): 1358–1362

    A szemgödörbe került idegen testek műtéti eltávolítása két eset kapcsán

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    The surgical procedure of orbital foreign bodies with its complications is not yet solved in Hungary. Despite the fact that many specialities are involved, until the present day, an orbital surgical centre was not developed. The main goal of this case report is to highlight the importance of these events, to develop a surgical approach, to recognize and solve the complications if they are present even in the cases of organic foreign bodies affecting more head and neck anatomical regions and structures

    Az ukrán nyelvpolitika aktuális kérdései

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    A CBR based online image management system

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    International audienceA CBR based online image annotation syste

    User centered image management system for digital libraries

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    International audienceLibraries handle ever more digital images. Ancient documents, books, manuscripts are digitized, image processing tools extract and assign keywords to the obtained images, but a manual annotation is almost always essential. Manual image annotation and keyword based image search is a difficult and hardly formalizable problem. In this paper we present a model and a system which addresses this issue. It is an online image annotation and management system, which traces the actions of the users and uses the capitalized experience to help them according to the case based reasoning paradigm. The system provides basic online image gallery features: uploading single or zipped images, describing images with keywords, importing xml based image descriptors, managing galleries … In addition the system helps image annotation tracing the actions of the user in order to propose additional keywords and images as well in the description as in the search phase. This help is provided by the capitalization and the reuse of users’ experience based on the case based reasoning paradigm. After a short introduction we describe our use trace model, the assistance strategies and present the developed prototype

    A CBR based online image management system

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    International audienceA CBR based online image annotation syste

    User centered image management system for digital libraries

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    International audienceLibraries handle ever more digital images. Ancient documents, books, manuscripts are digitized, image processing tools extract and assign keywords to the obtained images, but a manual annotation is almost always essential. Manual image annotation and keyword based image search is a difficult and hardly formalizable problem. In this paper we present a model and a system which addresses this issue. It is an online image annotation and management system, which traces the actions of the users and uses the capitalized experience to help them according to the case based reasoning paradigm. The system provides basic online image gallery features: uploading single or zipped images, describing images with keywords, importing xml based image descriptors, managing galleries … In addition the system helps image annotation tracing the actions of the user in order to propose additional keywords and images as well in the description as in the search phase. This help is provided by the capitalization and the reuse of users’ experience based on the case based reasoning paradigm. After a short introduction we describe our use trace model, the assistance strategies and present the developed prototype