73 research outputs found

    Plant Diversity in Protected Area of IUPHHK-HT PT. Wana Hijau Pesaguan in Province West Kalimantan

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    Protected area in plantation forest should be managed properly in order to sustainable development. One of the initial steps of the protected area management is by knowing the level of plant diversity which composing the community of its vegetation. The aim of this research is to measure plant diversity in protected area of IUPHHK-HT PT. Wana Hijau Pesaguan in Province West Kalimantan. Vegetation analysis is done at riverbanks, slope area more than 40% and conservation area of biodiversity. The result is that there are found 295 species of plants consisting 222 trees, 32 under storey plants, 38 lianas and 3 epiphytes. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’) values of trees with anystage of growth are about 3.02–4.41, which classified as high level of diversity. Under storey plants and lianas have H’ values about 1.00-3.22 which classified as mid level diversity. The diversity level of epiphytes are low to mid, with H’ values 0-1.04. Similarity Index value between all locations are low (less than 75%) except for epiphytes, which only in conservation area of biodiversity had different epiphytes composition comparing to the other sites. Key words: plant diversity, plantation forest, protected area, West KalimantanKawasan lindung di areal hutan tanaman perlu dikelola dengan baik guna pembangunan berkelanjutan. Salah satu langkah awal dalam pengelolaan kawasan lindung di areal hutan tanaman yaitu dengan mengetahui tingkat keanekaragaman tumbuhan yang menyusun komunitas tegakan di kawasan lindung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengukur tingkat keanekaragaman tumbuhan di kawasan lindung areal IUPHHK-HT PT. Wana Hijau Pesaguan yang terletak di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di sempadan sungai, kelerengan lebih dari 40% dan kawasan pelestarian plasma nutfah (KPPN). Hasil penelitian yang didapat yaitu ditemukannya sebanyak 295 jenis tumbuhan yang terdiri atas 222 jenis pohon, 32 jenis tumbuhan bawah, 38 jenis liana dan 3 jenis epifit. Nilai H’ (indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Wiener) jenis pohon dengan permudaannya berkisar antara 3.02–4.41, tergolong tingkat keanekaragaman jenis tinggi. Jenis liana dan tumbuhan bawah memiliki tingkat keanekaragaman sedang dengan kisaran nilai H’ antara 1.00-3.22. Tingkat keanekaragaman jenis epifit tergolong rendah sampai sedang dengan nilai H’ antara 0-1.04. Nilai IS (Similarity Index) antar lokasi seluruhnya rendah (di bawah 75%) kecuali pada tumbuhan epifit, hanya KPPN yang memiliki komposisi tumbuhan epifit berbeda dari pada lokasi lainnya. Kata kunci: hutan tanaman, Kalimantan Barat, kawasan lindung, keanekaragaman tumbuha

    Asosiasi Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) dengan Jenis Dominan di IUPHHK-HA PT Diamond Raya Timber, Riau

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    Ramin is one of slow growing spesies, have a medium until big measurement, have a silindris stem, high total reach 40-50 m with DBH reach 120 cm. The purpose of this research is to know association between ramin (Gonystylus bancanus (Miq.) Kurz) and dominan species in IUPHHK-HA PT Diamond Raya Timber, Riau. Vegetation analysis used combination method between strip and line compartment method. Result showed that no one of dominan species have association with Gonystylus bancanus in tree and pole level at IUPHHK-HA PT DRT. Although there is no species in pole level that have association with Gonystylus bancanus, but there is tendency that Gonystylus bancanus have positive association with Palaquium obovatum, Urandra scorpioides, Carallia brachiata, and have negative association with Artocarpus teysmanii and Eugenia sp. At tree level Gonystylus bancanus have a tendency that have positive association with Shorea uliginosa, Palaquium obovatum, Eugenia sp., Horsfieldia glabra, and have negative association with Aglaia rubiginosa and Mangifera foetida. Keywords: Association, combination, dominan species, Gonystylus bancanus, growing spesie

    Perkembangan Pertumbuhan Tegakan Setelah Penebangan di Areal IUPHHK-HA PT. Diamond Raya Timber

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    Peat swamp forest management which is less precise will cause diversity on peat swamp forest decreased, in particular endemic species that can only be grown on peat swamp forest. So the research about the condition of peat swamp forest after logging needs to be done. This research aims to analyze species diversity and the development of stand growth after logging as well as analyze stability of species diversity in logged forest IUPHHK-HA PT Diamond Raya Timber. The data collected by combination of path method and grid line method. This research located in biodiversity strip (Protected Area) and logged over area (LOA) 2013, logged over area (LOA) 2015 and logged over area (LOA) 2016. The results showed that condition of the forest in the studied area was already quite stable with index of evenness ranged at 0.56-0.94. There is decreasin stand potential compared with biodiversity strip areal. Stand potential in biodiversity was 254,06 m3/ha, LOA 2013 was 99,72 m3/ha, LOA 2015 was 53,57 m3/ha and LOA 2016 was 58,41 m3/ha.  Keywords: peat swamp forest, stability, stand potential, LOA, diversit

    Kajian Perolehan Karbon Sebagai Dampak Intervensi Kasus: Eks-plg Blok a, Mentangai, Kalimantan Tengah(carbon Result Study as Intervention Impact, Case: Eks-plg Block a, Mentangai, Central Borneo)

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    CCFPI is project activity on “Climate Change, Forests and Peatlands in Indonesia” funded by the “Canadian International Development Agency” (CIDA) through Climate Change and Development Fund, Canada. This project is designed to increase sustainable management of forests and peatlands in Indonesia in order to increase the capacity in carbon sequestration and also better of community incomes. One of project location in Kalimantan is area Ex-PLG Blok A, Mentangai, Central Kalimantan. This article present study on total value carbon gained as impact from various interventions in location of CCFPI project activity in area Ex-PLG Blok A, Mentangai. Method of estimation on carbon stock is conducted by Sample Plot of Measurement (PCP). Calculation of carbon stock with equation of alometrik which is present in Field Guidance to Estimate Carbon Stock on Peatland (Murdiyarso et.al., 2004). Activity of cannal blocking by CCFPI project has result to the positive impacts to the reduction rate of carbon both for above and below ground carbon as well as carbon content by tree plantation established by the community inside the areas of around 43,451 ha. Based on result of calculation, the amount of above ground carbon stock obtained 14,448 ton C. Carbon stock found in the trees plantation in surrounding the cannal 0.777 ton C. Below ground carbon stock is ranged between 550,782 ton C up to 2,223,424 ton C

    The Composition of Forest Type and Structure at Bung Hatta Forest Park Conservation Area, West Sumatera

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    Menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 1990, Taman Hutan Raya adalah kawasan pelestarian alam untuk tujuan koleksi tumbuhan dan atau satwa yang alami atau buatan. Komposisi dan struktur tegakan dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan kepadatan pohon pada berbagai kelas diameter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan struktur vegetasi yang terdapat pada blok kawasan pemanfaatan, perlindungan, dan koleksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari sampai Februari 2021 di Taman Hutan Raya Dr. Moh. Hatta Padang, Sumatera Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis yang dominan di blok kawasan perlindungan terdapat pada tingkat pohon adalah Glochidion obscurum. Pada blok kawasan pemanfaatan jenis dominan adalah Pinus merkusii, kemudian pada blok kawasan koleksi didominasi jenis Swietenia macrophylla. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis (H') pada ketiga blok kawasan tersebut tergolong sedang dengan nilai H' antara 1-2. Sementara, nilai indeks kekayaan jenis tergolong rendah dengan nilai R1 < 3,5. Hasilnya ditemukan bahwa pola sebaran spesies bersifat mengelompok. Stratifikasi tajuk di Taman Hutan Raya Dr. Moh. Hatta berada pada stratum B dan C. Kata Kunci:  indeks keanekaragaman (H'), tipe dominan, komposisi, indeks kekayaan (R1), struktur vegetasiAccording to Law of Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 1990, the Forest Park is a nature conservation area which collects natural and unnatural plants and animals. The composition and structure of stands can be used to estimate the density of trees in various diameter classes. This study aims to determine the composition and structure of the vegetation contained in the block protection, utilization, and collection. The research was conducted from January to February 2021 at Bung Hatta Forest Park Conservation Area Padang, West Sumatera. The research result show that dominant type found in the protection block for the tree’s level was Glochidion obscurum. In the utilization block, the dominant type called Pinus merkusii, then in the collection block dominated by Swietenia macrophylla. The diversity index value (H') on the three blocks is classified as the moderate with H' value between 1-2. Meanwhile, the wealth index is classified as the low with a value of R1 <3.5. The result also found that the pattern of species distribution is clumped. The stratification of Bung Hatta Forest Park Conservation Area’s crown is in the B and C stratum. Keywords: diversity index (H'), dominant type, composition, richness index (R1), vegetation structur

    Vegetative Propagation of Peat Forest Tree’s Geronggang (Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl) Blume.) By Shoots Cutting

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    Sistem stek merupakan sistem perbanyakan tanaman yang relatif sederhana dan menghasilkan bahan tanaman yang berkualitas baik dengan karakteristik yang sama dengan induknya dan membutuhkan waktu yang lebih singkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan persentase stek hidup Cratoxylon arborescens dan mempelajari pengaruh zat pengatur tumbuh IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm dan IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm terhadap pertumbuhan stek pucuk Cratoxylon arborescens. Materi yang digunakan adalah pucuk bibit Cratoxylon arborescens dengan tinggi <1–1,5 m, IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, dan alkohol 70% dengan media berupa cocopeat, sekam dan vermikulit. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan yaitu IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, dan kontrol. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 3 ulangan (masing-masing 50 stek). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase pertumbuhan stek hidup Cratoxylon arborescens berkisar antara 51,11–70,37%. Perlakuan tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap lima parameter yaitu persentase stek hidup, panjang stek, berat basah akar, berat kering akar, dan berat kering pucuk. Namun pengaruh nyata ditunjukkan pada jumlah akar dan berat basah pucuk. Uji jarak berganda Duncan yang dilakukan untuk jumlah akar dan NAA 100 ppm menunjukkan pengaruh yang lebih baik daripada kontrol, sedangkan untuk berat basah pucuk pada IBA 100 ppm memiliki pengaruh yang sama dengan kontrol. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah persentase hidup stek Cratoxylon arborescens mencapai 70,37% dan penggunaan NAA 100 ppm dapat meningkatkan jumlah akar. Kata kunci: Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl) Blume.), IBA, NAA, perbanyakan tanaman secara vegetative, sistem pemotonganCuttings system is a plant propagation system which relatively simple and produces good quality’s plant material with the similar characteristics as its parent and takes less time. The aims of this research are to get the percentage of live cuttings of Cratoxylon arborescens and study the effect of growth regulator IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm and IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm against shoots cutting Cratoxylon arborescens growth. The material used are seedlings shoots of Cratoxylon arborescens with height <1–1,5 m, IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, and alcohol 70% with media including cocopeat, husks and vermiculite. This research using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments consist of IBA 100 ppm, NAA 100 ppm, IBA 50 ppm+NAA 50 ppm, and control. Every treatment consists of 3 repettition (each 50 cuttings). The study showed that growth percentage of live cuttings Cratoxylon arborescens was between 51.11–70.37%. The treatment not showed significant effect against five parameters i.e percentage of live cuttings, length of cuttings, root fresh weight, root dry weight, and shoots dry weight. However, significant effect showed on number of roots and shoot fresh weight. Duncan multiple range test was done for number of roots NAA 100 ppm, showed a better effect than control, while for weight wetness shoots IBA 100 ppm have similar effect with control. The conclusion of this research is percentage of live of Cratoxylon arborescens cuttings reach 70.37% and the use of NAA 100 ppm can increase the number of roots. Keywords: Cratoxylon arborescens (Vahl) Blume.), cutting system, IBA, NAA, plant vegetative propagatio

    Potensi Simpanan Karbon Di Atas Permukaan Tanah Tegakan Acacia Nilotica L. (Willd) Ex. Del. Di Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur

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    Acacia nilotica is an invasive species which is difficult to eradicate up to present. A. nilotica is a fast growing species of savanna tree, and therefore is supposed probably to have relatively high biomass and carbon content. The objective of this research was to develop allometric equation of biomass and estimating the carbon storage potential in A. nilotica stand in Baluran National Park. This research used destructive method on 9 sample trees to construct allometric equation. For measuring biomass potency, vegetation analysis was conducted using 3 plots, measuring 100 m x 100 m each on the basis of A nilotica stand density categorization (high, medium, and low). For obtaining data of carbon potency, biomass value was multiplied with 0,47. Research results show that the selected allometric equation for tree total is W=0,34 D1,97 with R2of 98,4. Average biomass potency was as large as 25 tons/ha. Average carbon potency was 11,92 ton/ha. Management of A. niloticain Baluran National Park, in moderate and low density stand can be in the form of clear cutting, whereas high density stand can be maintained for carbon sequestration and utilization by the people community for supplying seeds, livestock feeds, firewood or charcoal briquette

    Pengaruh Asal Bahan Dan Media Stek Terhadap Keberhasilan Stek Pucuk Tembesu Fagraea Fragrans (Roxb.) [Effect of Origin Material and Cutting Media on Successful of Shoot Cutting Tembesu Fagraea Fragrans (Roxb.)]

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    Fagraea fragrans known as tembesu is a tree species used for panel wood (MDF, medium density fiberboard), particle board, veneer and furniture. The aim of this experiment was to know successful growth origin of shoot cutting F. fragrans and to study the effect of combination treatment the origin of cutting material and media F. fragrans. The shoot cutting was done with KOFFCO system. The results showedthat the cutting material from seedling juvenile shoot provided 61.56% of shoot formation, 91.42% of survivorship and 76.33% root formed.In addition, origin material from seedling juvenile gave a significantly effect on root length and wet root weight, wet shoot weight, dry root weight and significant on dry shoot weight parameter. The increasing age of the parent tree, diminishing cuttings success. The cuttings media cocopeat (coir dust) with paddy husk gives very significant effect on root length parameter, significant on wet root weight and gave very significant effect on root dry wet. There is an interaction between the cuttings material with cutting media, for root length parameter,wet root weight and dry root weight

    Effect of Media Combination Treatment on Seedling of Tumih (Combretocarpus rotundatus (Miq.) Danser) Growth

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    Tumih which has a Latin name Combretocarpus rotundatus  (Miq.) Danser)  is one of the species that lives in peat swamp forests. C. rotundatus often found in secondary forests or  forests with open canopies. Nowadays deforestation often occurs in Indonesia, it is feared this species will be decrease and lead to scarcity in natural forest. C. rotundatus also has characteristic that suit for plan in effort to initiate rehabilitation of agitated peatlands. Efforts to propagate this  species was applied by the stump method. The research conducted aims to determine the life and growth of tumih by giving the media combination  regulators. The results showed that the percentage  of life that is obtained for K1 at 86,67%, 80,00% of  K2, K3 of  35,56%, K4 at 62,22%, K5 at 71,11%, and 86,67% for K6. Other factors that may affect it is initial height of plants and environmental conditions in research
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