66 research outputs found

    Landslide Hazard of Maninjau Area

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    Structure Abstract : Puspose - The Puspose of this paper is to determine the potential landslide of maninjau area. Design/methodology/approach - A literature review and field investigation were undertakento determine the potential landslide of maninjau area. The field study includes the physicao and mechanical properties of the soil maninjau area. Flidings - The Maninjau Lake area is very prone to landslides. Landslides in Maninjau may happen especially for slopes mote than 40%. The action plan must be done as well as the installation of the early warning equipment in the landslide-prone areas and re-plantaion on critical ground. Originality/value - The paper is very specific as it attemps to discover how prone Maninjau area is to lanslides. Keywords: landslide, slope stability analysis, mitigation, disaster, Maninjau Lake, Indonesi
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