287 research outputs found

    Different Approaches For Protein Engineering In Industrial Biotechnology

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    Protein engineering is the novel field which has wide applications from pharmaceutics, industry, commercial, laundry and research. It may apply rational design or non rational design or both. Site directed mutagenesis is a classical approach involving the protein folding principles and as such different techniques involving multidisciplinary research and broad knowledge is required involving biocomputing of complex data obtained from various sequencing projects and prediction of the future protein structure either chemically or genetically modified. Non rational mutagenesis or directed evolution involves random mutations in the gene encoding protein or shuffling the genes encoding different domains producing a random set of numerous large libraries of mutant proteins, using advanced technology the desired protein can be selected but the exact structure or changes may remain unnoticed

    Molecular Bio-imprinting of Biocatalysts

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    Energy conservation is the cry of the day. Attempts are made all over the world to occupy and use energy reserves. Increased industrialization and mechanization has led to the depletion of natural energy reserves. Its unavoidable to search for renewable sources of energy, which may be not used now but can be used by future generations. We are using the expertise of our ancestors. Thus exploiting the nature and newer techniques in this area would yield the best results. Bio-imprinting is one of those techniques whereby chemical modification is done in order to achieve highly expressed protein which can be stored in its highly active form in the specific solvent

    In vitro Evolution and Engineering for Improved Ribozyme Polymerase Production

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    According to the "RNA World Hypothesis" the first self replicating molecule formed from the prebiotic chemicals is the ribozyme. A model compartmentalized self replicating system for ribozyme polymerases is designed and used to improve activity, fidelity and generality of the enzyme

    Understanding the Qur'an : a reflection

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    The Qur'an represents the last revelation from on high. It addresses the entire humanity, Muslims and non-Muslims, Jews and Christians, Arabs and non-Arabs, the sincere and the hypocrite, the friends and the opponents, the ypung and the old, the male and the female, the rich and the poor, the educated and the illiterate, the master and the slave, the king and the subject. It seeks to lead them to a blistful life in both the mundane world and in the hereafter. This relationship between the Qur'an and man entails the latter's visiting and understanding the former. But today the man is in a dilemma, knowing not how to grasp the original message of the Qur'an revealed fifteen centuries ago. He finds before him multitudes of Qur'anic commentaries that are, at times mutually conflicting with one another. He is very much keen to take a step forward towards the Qur'an but feels shy rather hesitant to do that due to his lack of confidence to identify a sound methodology of understanding the Qur'an. This book may be deemed as a modest attempts towards the quest for that sound methodology the application of which may ensure true understanding of the Qur'an

    The theory of abrogation : a critical evaluation

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    Abrogation (naskh) in the Qur'an constitutes one of the most controversial issues in the Islamic legacy. There are two groups of scholars, one supporting it and the other denying its existence in the Qur'an. A number of works representing both the views are available. This work attempts to critically analyze the arguments and the views of the supporters of the theory of nasakh, advancing a crystal clear picture that the concept of naskh in the sense of permanent abrogation hence practical invalidity of certain ayat in the Qur'an, either five (5) or five hundred (500), is untenable. All the reports concerning the views of sahabah and tabi'un scholors have been scrutinized in two chapters of this book. Most of these reports are unreliable from both the sanad (chain) and the matan (text) angles. Certain traditions reporting the matter concerning naskh appear to be authentic from sanad point of view but from the dimension of the matn they may not be acceptable. This work represents a humble endeavor of the author to prove the everlasting practical validity of each and every single statement of the Qur'an. The notion of naskh in the Qur'an starkly contrasts with the fact that the Qur'an is al-haqq (the truth) from the Lord of the universe. The author has made a modest effort to highlight and reassert the same undeniablity valid reality that the Last Revelation of Allah is the truth, hence the claim of availability of abrogated rulings in the Qur'an may be considered valid

    Quranic studies : an introduction

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    Authentication of hadith : redefining the criteria

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    Robust vehicle suspension system by converting active and passive control of a vehicle to semi-active control ystem analytically

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    This research article deals with a simplified translational model of an automotive suspension system which is constructed by considering the translation motion of one wheel of a car. Passive Vehicle Suspension System is converted into Semi Active Vehicle System. Major advantage achieved by this system is that it adjusts the damping of the suspension system without the application of any actuator by using MATLAB® simulations. The semi-active control is found to control the vibration of suspension system very well

    Increased regeneration efficiency of _Brassica napus_ L. cultivars Star, Westar and Cyclone from hypocotyle and cotyledonary explants

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    The comparative organogenesis of _Brassica napus_ L cultivars Cyclone, Star and Westar was studied. The cotyledonary explants gave a higher response to all the combinations of 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and BAP (0.5, 1.0,1.5 and 2.0 mg/L} used for optimizing the conditions for callus induction. The best mean weight and mean length of callus was obtained at 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D and 1.5mg/L BAP for Star cotyledonary explants. For the complete plant regeneration the new method of exposing the explants culture to Growth regulator free medium was performed. The method was applicable to both hypocotyl and cotyledonary explants. The Shoot Induction Frequency for hypocotyl (6-34%) in the three cultivars is higher than the cotyledonary explants (3-23%). The method is speedy and almost all of the shoots and some unshooted calli (78%) form roots on the same media without prior transfer to rooting medium

    Interval-valued fuzzy ideals generated by an interval-valued fuzzy subset in ordered semigroups

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    In this paper, we de ne the concept of interval-valued fuzzy left (right, two sided, interior, bi-) ideal in ordered semigroups. We show that the interval- valued fuzzy subset J is an interval-valued fuzzy left (right, two sided, interior, bi-) ideal generated by an interval-valued fuzzy subset A i J and J + are fuzzy left (right, two sided, interior, bi-) ideals generated by A and A + respectivelyPeer Reviewe