80 research outputs found
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Geografi Masjid Agung Di Indonesia yang dibangun melalui black boxtest dan
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Kredibilitas dengan Pendekatan BĂŒhlmann
Teori kredibilitas merupakan proses pembuatan tarif oleh aktuaris untuk melakukan penyesuaian premi di
masa depan menurut pengalaman masa lampau. Pada teori kredibilitas terdapat tiga pendekatan untuk menentukan
perkiraan kredibilitas
C = Z X + ( 1 â Z ) ÎŒ . Salah satu pendekatan yaitu kredibilitas keakuratan terbesar dengan
menggunakan model
BĂŒhlmann. BĂŒhlmann mendefinisikan faktor kredibilitas Z sebagai berikut Z =
n + K
dengan 0 †Z †1 , dimana n menyatakan banyak percobaan dan K disebut parameter kredibilitas BĂŒhlmann.
Tujuan dalam penulisan ini adalah menentukan perkiraan kredibilitas dengan menggunakan model BĂŒhlmann dan
mengestimasi parameter-parameter dari kredibilitas BĂŒhlmann. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi
adalah studi literatur.
Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam menentukan perkiraan kredibilitas
menggunakan kredibilitas BĂŒhlmann, melibatkan penerapan analisis dari variansi, yaitu menghitung nilai harapan
dari variansi proses dan variansi dari rata-rata yang diduga. Parameter-parameter kredibilitas BĂŒhlmann diestimasi
berdasarkan data empiris yang diamati.
Kata kunci: kredibilitas, BĂŒhlman
The Comparison of Cooperative Learning Model Viewed from Studentsâ Emotional Intelligence
This research aimed to know the different influence of each learning model, emotional Intelligence, and interaction between those two elements toward the studentsâ achievement in mathematic. This is an experimental study within the 3x3 factorial design. The populations of this study were VII grade students of State Junior High Schools (SMP) in Surakarta city in academic year of 2016/2017. The samples of this study were students of SMPN 8 Surakarta, SMPN 16 Surakarta, and SMPN 20 Surakarta which were taken by stratified cluster random sampling. The instruments to collect the data were achievement test, questionnaire and documentation. The technique to analyze the data was variance analysis of two ways with different cell. Based on the result, it can be concluded that: (1) TGT model produced the same good result as well as TAI model, TGT model produced the better achievement than the direct learning, and TAI model produced the better achievement than direct learning in the algebra material. (2) Students having high emotional intelligence are better than students having low and medium emotional intelligence in term of achievement in mathematics. The students having medium emotional intelligence are as low as students having low emotional intelligence in term of achievement in algebra material. (3) In each category of emotional intelligence, TGT model produced higher achievement than TAI model and direct learning model, TAI and direct learning model produced the equal result in algebra material. (4) In each learning model, studentsâ achievement of those who have high emotional intelligence are higher than those who have medium and low emotional intelligence, and students who have low and medium intelligence produced the equal achievement in algebra material
The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Ability
This research aims to obtain information about the influence of emotional intelligence on the ability of students' mathematical problem-solving. This research was conducted at Junior High School State for class eight students. This research is a quantitative survey research with descriptive analysis method. The data obtained is data from the retrieval of the questionnaire then analyzed the results. The results showed that there was an influence of emotional intelligence on students' mathematical problem-solving abilities because the value t count 15.76 > t table 2.021 with a significant level of α = 5%
Practicality Analysis of PBL-Based Mathematics in Circle Material
This study aims to analyze the practicality level of the PBL-based mathematics module on circle material. The practicality analysis of the developed mathematics module aimed to determine the ease of use of the module according to teachers and students. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. A practicality questionnaire was used to collect the data. The subjects in this study were 2 mathematics teachers and 13 grade VIII students at SMPN 2 Jumapolo. The results of the analysis showed that the average of total score of the teacher practicality questionnaire was 78.15 and could be stated as practical. The average score of the student practicality questionnaire was 74.87, could be stated as practical. Based on the results of the analysis of the teacher and student practicality questionnaires, it can be concluded that the mathematics module based on problem-based learning on circle material is considered practical and can be used in mathematics learning
Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Skill in Student with Kinesthetic Learning Style
Creative thinking skill is important as a high-level thinking ability as a provision for students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The creative thinking skill is an individual's ability to provide possible ideas or logical answers based on the information provided. The purpose of this study was to describe students' mathematical creative thinking skills with kinesthetic learning styles in transformation material. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The sampling technique used the snowball sampling technique. The results show that of the three subjects, there are two subjects at level 2 or less creative in mathematical creative thinking abilities.Creative thinking skill is important as a high-level thinking ability as a provision for students in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The creative thinking skill is an individual's ability to provide possible ideas or logical answers based on the information provided. The purpose of this study was to describe students' mathematical creative thinking skills with kinesthetic learning styles in transformation material. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The sampling technique used the snowball sampling technique. The results show that of the three subjects, there are two subjects at level 2 or less creative in mathematical creative thinking abilities
In this paper we present probability density function of vacation period of M/G/1 queueing process that operates under (0,k) vacation policy, wherein the server goes on the vacation when the system becomes empty and re-opens for service immediately at the arrival of the kth customer. The number of lattice paths when last arrival is an arrival has also been derived. The transient analysis is based on approximating the general service time distribution by Coxian two-phase distribution and representing the corresponding queueing process as a lattice path. Finally the lattice path combinatorics is used to present the number of lattice paths
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