5 research outputs found

    Detection of seasonal asymptomatic dermatophytes in Van cats

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    AbstractThe Van cat is a domestic landrace found in the Van province of eastern Turkey. In this study, we aimed to determine the seasonal carriage of dermatophytes in Van cats without clinical lesions. A total of 264 hair specimens were collected from clinically healthy cats in and around the Van Province. Of these samples, 30.3% were obtained in spring, 30.6% in summer, 16.6% in autumn, and 22.3% in winter; 45.1% of samples were from male cats and the rest from female ones. Of the studied cats, 118 were younger than 1 year, 78 were 1–3 years old, and 68 were older than 3 years. The specimens were subjected to direct microscopic examination with 15% potassium hydroxide and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar and dermatophyte test medium supplemented with cycloheximide and chloramphenicol. Dermatophyte identification was carried out based on macroscopic and microscopic colony morphology, urease activities, in vitro hair perforation test, growth at 37°C, and pigmentation on corn meal agar. Dermatophytes were isolated from 19 (7.1%) of the 264 specimens examined. The most frequently isolated fungi were Trichophyton terrestre (4.1%), followed by Microsporum gypseum (1.1%), M. nanum (1.1%), and T. mentagrophytes (0.7%), and these fungi may represent a health risk for humans in contact with clinically healthy Van cats. M. canis was not isolated from any of the specimens. Our results show no significant (p>0.05) association between carriage of dermatophytes and the gender of cats. The carriage rate of dermatophytes was high in spring and winter, and the only possible risk factor for infection was age of the animal

    Diagnosis and treatment of umbilical cord-derived tetanus in neonatal calves

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    In this study, umbilical cord-derived neonatal tetanus in calves was identified in Turkey. Four calves with tetanus-specific history and clinical findings were used. Blood samples were taken before and after treatment, and clinical findings were recorded. A tetanus-specific treatment procedure was performed. However, the calves died from not responding to treatment. Pretreatment white blood cell, peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocyte, creatine kinase (CK), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were determined to be high. Aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, CK, and LDH activities were found to increase after treatment compared to before treatment. Gram-positive terminal spore-forming bacilli were observed in bacterioscopic examination of the necrotic tissue and swab samples from the umbilical cord region. The umbilical cord region was determined to be infected in all calves. In histopathological examination, pyogranuloma formation was observed in the wound area, and in Gram staining agents morphologically concordant with Clostridium tetani in necrotic material were observed. Blood serum of the calves was inoculated into mice. All mice died within 2 days after the inoculation, showing tetanus-specific clinical findings. As a result, bacterioscopy and histopathology of the umbilical cord region may be useful for diagnosis in addition to clinical findings. Mice trials may be used in confirming the diagnosis

    The influence of peer-interaction on middle school students’ learning motivation: The influence of peer-interaction

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    This research’s aim is to investigate the impact of peer interaction on middle school students' learning motivation for English. The participants were composed of 100 students and 4 teachers of English who were selected via convenience sampling method on voluntary basis. In the study, the researcher collected both qualitative and quantitative data using a quasi-experimental research design. Firstly, the quantitative data were collected via Gardner's Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) (Gardner, 1985), which is originally a 6-point Likert format and was adapted to a 5-point scale ranging from 'Strongly Agree' to 'Strongly Disagree' by Dogan (2009). The initial quantitative data were analyzed with the latest version of SPSS. Secondly, regarding qualitative data, a student interview form and a teacher interview forms which were developed by the researchers were also utilized. Interviews with the students and the teachers were audio-recorded and transcribed. Thematic content analysis was used to examine qualitative data. The results have revealed that CLT is much more effective in motivating the students’ English learning skills by giving them a chance to practice their passive knowledge English gained through GTM lessons. Moreover, board games are the most motivating CLT activity for the learners since as a fun activity, the board games match the students’ age range. The lack of knowledge on the side of teachers and the difficulty with performing CLT lesson are the major obstacles in the path toward integrating CLT lessons into school curricula. Due to the national examination system which requires grammar and vocabulary test-taking skills, GTM will remain the dominant lesson shape in the school curricula, however, CLT lesson may also gain a foothold in teaching English as a Foreign Language to the students

    A case study of the needs analysis for an ELT department curriculum in Turkiye: Needs analysis for an ELT department curriculum in Turkiye

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    In the 21st century, skills and knowledge of teachers are expected to meet the needs of the 21st century citizens. Therefore, Hacettepe University English Language Teaching (ELT) Department has also decided to redesign its curriculum by taking into account the issues CoHE (2020) has declared. For this purpose, this study aims to examine the opinions of the internal and external stakeholders to determine their needs regarding the new curriculum. In the study, mixed methods research design was adopted based on both qualitative and quantitative data. The participants were composed of internal and external stakeholders of Hacettepe University ELT Department. A total of 284 people, from different stakeholder groups (faculty members, students, alumni, in-service teachers, and employers) participated in the study. Data were obtained from six different data collection tools consisting of various adapted questionnaires and interview forms. Collected data were analyzed separately appropriate to their types. Quantitative data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, and qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis. Findings indicate a consistency in the expectations of the stakeholders as they all demand a more practice-oriented curriculum with extensive content knowledge-based course content, along with a more effective practicum. Even though these findings may reflect the needs of many ELT departments' stakeholders in Turkiye, these should not be interpreted as the total and only needs of every ELT department across Turkiye. Therefore, similar studies should be replicated by institutions as each institution's stakeholders may have context-specific needs. Keywords: Curriculum development; needs analysis; ELT department; teacher educatio