696 research outputs found

    Linking pay level to interactional justice as a determinant of personal outcomes

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    Human resource development literature highlights that pay level is a crucial compensation design issue. The ability of the management to properly design the level of pay according to external and internal organisational factors may have a signifi cant impact on personal outcomes, i.e. job satisfaction, job commitment,and job performance. More importantly, a thorough review of such relationships revealed that effect of pay level on personal outcomes is indirectly affected by feelings of interactional justice. Although the nature of this relationship is interesting, little is known about the influence of interactional justice in compensation programme models. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the mediating effect of interactional justice in the relationship between pay level and personal outcomes. A survey research method was used to gather 917 usable questionnaires from employees who have worked in Malaysian institutions of higher learning. The outcomes of stepwise regression analysis showed three important findings: firstly, the relationship between interactional justice and pay level would increase job satisfaction. Secondly, the relationship between interactional justice and pay level would increase job commitment.Third, relationship between interactional justice and pay level would increase job performance. This result confirmed that interactional justice does act as a full mediating variable in the pay system model of the organisation sample. In addition, the implications of this study on compensation theory and practice,conceptual and methodological limitations, and directions for future research are discussed

    A Study of User's Performance and Satisfaction on the Web Based Photo Annotation with Speech Interaction

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    This paper reports on empirical evaluation study of users' performance and satisfaction with prototype of Web Based speech photo annotation with speech interaction. Participants involved consist of Johor Bahru citizens from various background. They have completed two parts of annotation task; part A involving PhotoASys; photo annotation system with proposed speech interaction and part B involving Microsoft Microsoft Vista Speech Interaction style. They have completed eight tasks for each part including system login and selection of album and photos. Users' performance was recorded using computer screen recording software. Data were captured on the task completion time and subjective satisfaction. Participants need to complete a questionnaire on the subjective satisfaction when the task was completed. The performance data show the comparison between proposed speech interaction and Microsoft Vista Speech interaction applied in photo annotation system, PhotoASys. On average, the reduction in annotation performance time due to using proposed speech interaction style was 64.72% rather than using speech interaction Microsoft Vista style. Data analysis were showed in different statistical significant in annotation performance and subjective satisfaction for both styles of interaction. These results could be used for the next design in related software which involves personal belonging management.Comment: IEEE Publication Format, https://sites.google.com/site/journalofcomputing

    The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership, Empowerment and Organizational Commitment: a Mediating Model Testing

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    The human resource development literature highlights that properly implemented transformational leadership style may have a significant impact on the organizational commitment. More importantly, a thorough review of such relationships reveals that the effect of transformational leadership on organizational commitment is indirectly affected by empowerment. The nature of this relationship is given less attention in the organizational leadership models; therefore, this study was conducted to examine the influence of empowerment in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational commitment using a sample of 118 usable questionnaires gathered from employees who have worked in one US subsidiary firm in Sarawak, Malaysia (ONEUSFIRM). Outcomes of Stepwise regression analysis showed that the relationship between empowerment and transformational leadership is positively and significantly correlated with the organizational commitment. This result confirms empowerment acts as a full mediating variable in the transformational leadership model of the organizational sample. Further, conclusion and implications of this study are elaborated.Transformational Leadership; Empowerment; Organizational Commitment

    Readers reading practices of EFL Yemeni students: recommendations for the 21st century

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    This paper investigates the reading practices of forty-five second year EFL Yemeni undergraduate students using the Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices. The Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices organizes reading practices into four key practices: code breaking, text participating, text uses and text analysing levels. Quantitative and qualitative methods, designed based on the Four Resources Model constructs, were used to collect data from a sample of students studying English as a Foreign Language at a university in Yemen. Quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire, while qualitative data was gathered using semi-structured interviews guided by the research objectives. The findings reveal that Yemeni students were medium users of the code breaker and text user practices whereas the meaning making and text analysis practices were reported to be used in low usage. On the whole, these early findings suggest that the reading practices and reading abilities of the Yemeni students are still limited even at the tertiary level and have not developed fully with regard to reading in English. This paper reports in detail, the use of the Four Resources Model as a tool to determine reading efficacy while examining the aforementioned findings. Discussion is put forward on the implications for teaching of reading and its approaches in a Yemeni context, especially in view of the students‟ reading needs at the tertiary level in Yemen

    The roles of employees coaching towards employee outcomes / Nursaadatun Nisak Ahmad, Ida Rosnita Ismail and Azman Ismail

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    Employees’ coaching is an effective management tool to enhance employees’ performance and development. Since 1980, a number of researchers have noted the value of the employees’ coaching relationship, but there is still little evidence regarding what makes employees’ coaching to be effective in Malaysia. Therefore, the study looked at the role of leader coach (supervisory coaching behaviour and autonomy support) toward enhancing employees’ motivation (employees’ self-efficacy) and performance to explore this topic in-depth. Again, the purpose of an immediate supervisor as a coach in a practice context is to help employees to consider how they might work and behave differently with a more effective behaviour and thus lead to better outcomes, without a reliance on the formal authority the manager possesses. The outcomes of using PLS-SEM path model analysis showed three important findings: First, the relationship between supervisory coaching behaviour was not correlated with employees’ self-efficacy. Second, autonomy support was positively correlated with employees’ selfefficacy; and third, employees’ self-efficacy indirectly influences employees’ performance

    The diversity of moth fauna (lepidoptera: heterocera) according to altitudes of Taman Negara Johor, Gunung Ledang

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    A total of 1113 individuals of moths representing 167 species in 118 genera under 17 families have been recorded for Johore National Park, Gunung Ledang, based on five sampling occasions conducted on 28 May – 2 June 2014 (P1), 25 – 30 June 2014 (P2), 20 – 25 July 2014 (P3), 17 – 22 August 2014 (P4) and 17 – 22 September 2014 (P5). Samplings had been done at three locations based on different altitudes i.e. location L1 (1100 m), L2 (700 m) and L3 (310 m). The main objective of this research is to provide a preliminary inventory and faunistic aspect of moth in Gunung Ledang. At every sampling location L1, L2 and L3, passive sampling was conducted using light traps of 160 watt mercury vapour light. Samplings were conducted at 1900 to 2300 hours during a dark moon phase. The Margalef’s Species Richness Index (R’) according to the sampling month shows the highest species richness was in P5 (R’ = 12.55) and the lowest at P2 (R’ = 8.28). The R’ value based on altitude shows that the highest was at L1 (R’ = 15.67) and the lowest was at L2 (R’ = 11.50). Analysis of the Shannon Diversity Index (H’) and Evenness Index (E’) based on sampling month shows that the highest H’ was at P5 (H’ = 3.73) and the lowest at P2 (H’ = 3.02) The highest value of E’ was recorded at P5 (E’ = 0.67) and the lowest at P2 (E’ = 0.41).The highest H’ value following altitude was at L1 (H’ = 3.67) and the lowest was at L2 (H’ = 3.47), whereas the highest E’ value was recorded at L3 (E’ = 0.54) and the lowest at L1 (E’ = 0.38). As a whole, the plotted species accumulation curve plotted shows that the curve does not reach the asymptote meaning that further sampling must be done to reach the asymptote. Lyssa zampa (Butler) appeared as the most common species spatially (found in every altitudes) and temporally (found in 12 out of 15 subsamplings). The most abundance species in Gunung Ledang was Pogonopygia nigralbata Warren with total of 131 individuals recorded, whereas the totals of 78 species have been identified as rare species. The highest percentage of overlapping species following sampling month is between P3 and P4 (75%), whereas following altitude is between L2 and L3 (100%)

    Memperkasakan Masa Depan Mabbim-Mastera

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    Ada pertanyaan klasik yang selalu muncul tentang bahasa dan sastera Melayu era globalisasi ini - apa yang boleh diharapkan kedua-duanya untuk menjadi tiang ketamaduan dan inteletualisme di Nusantara


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    Teaching methodology is continually developing over time. There is a need to revise the methods that have been planned and examined. This research explores the development of Differential Equations teaching methods from the year 2000 onwards. The methodology used in this paper is metasynthesis research. In the last chapter, the researchers proposed using online learning as a new method of teaching. Keywords: metasynthesis, Differential Equations, teaching methodology, online learning, technology

    Ta’līm al-Ḥiwār bi al-Tamṡīl li Tarqiyyah Qudrah al-Ṭalabah `ala al-Takallum bi al-Lughah al-`Arabiyyah (Dirāsah Tajrībiyyah bi Ma`had Bābu al-Najāḥ al-`Aṣrī Banda Aceh)

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    The method of dialog (conversational Method) is one method of teaching foreign languages ​​such as Arabic, English, or other languages ​​by directly inviting students to dialogue / speak with the foreign language being taught. Playing drama is one way to make it easier for students to remember Arabic vocab. The conversational method intended here is a way of teaching by dramatizing behavior in the form of social relations. As for the problems that researchers get at the modern Babun Najah boarding school, some students at the Modern Pesantren Babun Najah are less able to understand the language when dialoguing with Arabic with their friends well and it is also difficult to pronounce the Arabic language. From these problems the researcher wants to discuss research entitled "Muhadatsah learning through the dramatization method to improve students' ability to engage in dialogue using Arabic."  The research method used by researchers in writing this thesis is an quasi experiment, this method which launches the design of a study, which aims to examine the relationship of cause and effect to the cause of the phenomenon. The mujtama 'in this study were students of class 1 Aliyah Modern Islamic Boarding School Babun Najah Ulee Kareng where students numbered 151 people, and the sample was class 1 MIA 4 students, amounting to 32 people, viewed from the learning aspects and the results of research has been done on that class is increasing. The Muhadatsah learning through the method of dramatization can improve students' ability in dialogue by using Arabic language because it can be seen through the value of to and it is clear that the value of 22.03% is higher than the percentage value of 5% = 2.04 and 1% 2.75. While the motivation of students in dialogue by using drama achieves excellent value categories

    Motivation to Learn as a Mediator of the Relationship between Supervisor Support in Training Programs, Transfer of Competency and Job Performance

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    This study was conducted in oder to measure the effect of the supervisor support and motivation to learn on employee outcomes (i.e., transfer of competency and job performance) using 100 usable questionnaires gathered from technical employees who have worked in one city based local authority in Sarawak, Malaysia (MLAUTHORITY). Outcomes of stepwise regression analysis showed the relationship between motivation to learn and supervisor support had been an important predictor of transfer of competency and job performance. Further, this result confirms that motivation to learn does act as a full mediating role in the training model of the studied organization. In addition, implications and limitations of the study, as well as directions for future research are discussed.Supervisor Support, Motivation to Learn, Transfer of Competency, Job Performance.