129 research outputs found

    Assessment of public involvement in urban governance: case study in Putrajaya

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    The urbanization process in the 21st century is no longer suitable for the rehabilitation of existing cities as it is already dense and complex and has very limited development potential. Therefore, the new planned cities or township has become a better option as it is more organized and well-planned. However, the creation of planned cities should be made more rigorous and comprehensive as it involves migration of communities who have to adapt to the physical urban design, the economy and social activities. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to assess the social impact of this new planned city of Malaysia – Putrajaya including the satisfaction level regarding to physical urban design, socio-economic as well as their involvement in decision-making process in urban governance towards sustainable living environment

    The emerging sociocultural issues during Kelantan River Basin flood disaster: an Ngos perspective

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    This paper explores the various issues emerged during the Kelantan river basin flood disaster using a qualitative research approach. The methodological approach was based on a focus group discussion held with non-governmental organization (NGOs) representatives who relate their experiences during the flood at Kelantan River basin in 2014. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and content analyzed and the primary findings identified some sociocultural aspects from their flood disaster management experiences. The issues emerged from the qualitative data that specifically related by the informants based on their experiences in terms of preparedness, planning and deployment of personnel and resources. The study ha d identified a total of 50 issues related to the disaster which were later the med into 5 dimensions. The dimensions were categorized into victims’ attitude, their religious background, the existing infrastructure and nature, as well as their political background and issues related to social media and communication. Some of the sociocultural issues highlighted could assist in the identification of best practices and could also be a good lesson learned exercise for future mitigation of a similar disaster in Malaysia


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    Criteria for public open space enhancement to achieve social interaction: a review paper

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    This paper presents a various literatures, studies, transcripts and papers aiming to provide an overview of some theories and existing research on the significance of natural environments and green open spaces to achieve social interaction and outdoor recreation. The main objective of the paper is to identify the factors that affecting social interaction in green open spaces, through proving that an appropriate open spaces is important to enhance social interaction and community. This study employs (qualitative) summarizing content analysis method which mainly focused on collect and summarizing of documentation such as transcripts, articles, papers, and books from more than 25 source, regarding the importance of public open spaces for the community. The summarizing content analysis of this paper is the fundament for a qualitative oriented procedure of text interpretation used to analyse the information gathered. Results of this study confirms that sound social interaction need an appropriate physical space including criteria of: design, activities, access and linkage, administration and maintenance, place attachment and users' characteristics, also previous studies in this area have a health perspective with measures of physical activity of open spaces in general

    Determining the factors affecting social interaction in the parks of Baghdad city, Iraq

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    Since the war in 2003, Baghdad has suffered from different aspects of political, administration, economic ethnic, sectarian, etc. that led to the loss of lives, social capital, destruction of Iraqi infrastructure and important buildings, increased crisis aggravation between different ethnics, as well as the disappearance and destruction of many Baghdad’s open spaces, parks, and recreational places. This paper addresses the issue of social interaction in Baghdad city, resulting from the lack of open spaces, parks, and recreational activities. The objective of this paper is to determine the key factors affecting social interaction of Baghdad residents in the parks of the city. This study employed Creswell recommendations (Creswell, 2014) to design the research methodology in general. A quantitative method was adapted to collect and analyse the data of this study by using a survey, i.e. questionnaires, to assess 270 respondents’ opinion about the issue of the study. Respondents were selected randomly in a single-stage procedure by using a simplified formula (Yamane, 1973). Closed-ended questions were used to collect the data of the study from the Karkh district in Baghdad city. Findings of this study confirmed that the factors and criteria of the parks are essential means to achieve sound social interaction in Baghdad, in which, the most influencing factors towards Karkhs' parks users are crowding of visitors and noise, followed by availability of high quality diverse activities. The results of this study are a useful reference for urban and landscape planners, architects, social psychologists, the Municipality of Baghdad, and researchers in this field

    Komunikasi Orang Tua Tentang Seksualitas Terhadap Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Pada Remaja

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    Parents' communication about sexuality to premarital sexual behavior in adolescentsPurposeThis research aimed to examine the relationship between parent-child communication about sexuality and adolescents premarital sexual behavior.MethodsThis research involved 205 students in Senior High School "A" Yogyakarta. Data analysis was conducted with chi-square and logistic regression tests.ResultsThis research showed that there was no significant correlation (p > 0.05) between parental communication about sexuality and premarital sexual behavior in adolescents with OR score 1.43 (95% CI; 0.78- 2.63). The results of parental communication analysis of sexuality after considering other variables: such as gender, self-efficacy, and alcohol/drug used accounted for 5.7% in at-risk premarital sexual behavior.ConclusionThere were no significant correlations between parent-child communication about sexuality and adolescents’ premarital sexual behavior.Latar Belakang: Perilaku seksual pranikah di kalangan remaja merupakan masalah utama kesehatan masyarakat yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi sorotan. Perilaku seksual pranikah menimbulkan konsekuensi negatif bila dihubungkan dengan aktivitas seksual remaja, antara lain terjadinya infeksi menular seksual (IMS) seperti HIV-AIDS dan meningkatnya kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan (KTD) yang berujung pada aborsi yang tidak aman. Komunikasi orang tua dengan remaja mengenai seksualitas berfungsi sebagai faktor pelindung yang mempengaruhi perilaku seksual remaja dan sebagai sarana yang efektif untuk mendorong remaja sehingga mereka dapat mengadopsi perilaku seksual yang bertanggung jawab. Gambaran komunikasi orang tua-remaja diharapkan mampu mengatasi perilaku seksual pranikah. Tujuan: Membuktikan hubungan antara komunikasi orang tua tentang seksualitas dengan perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja Metode: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan observasional dengan menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK “A” di Kota Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi kelas X yaitu sebanyak 205 orang. Analisis data dengan univariabel, bivariabel menggunakan uji chi-square dengan tingkat kemaknaan (p0,05) antara komunikasi orang tua tentang seksualitas dengan perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja dengan nilai OR 1,43 (95% CI; 0,78-2,63). Hasil analisis komunikasi orang tua tentang seksualitas setelah mempertimbangkan variabel jenis kelamin, efikasi diri, dan penggunaan alkohol/NAPZA berpengaruh sebesar 5,7% didalam berperilaku seksual pranikah yang berisiko. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara komunikasi orang tua tentang seksualitas dengan perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Orang Tua tentang Seksualitas; Perilaku Seksual Pranika

    The cultural significant of Erbil City: case of traditional Kurdistan houses

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    This paper discusses about traditional Kurdish houses in the City of Erbil, Iraq., which requires an essential understanding the general characteristics of traditional houses of Kurdish and their cultural properties. The background of historical is important as it partly contributes to the significance of the heritage of Erbil City. Cultural property or natural property, is an invaluable and fragile treasure that cannot be replaced once it is gone. The lost of cultural heritage will led to the lost of heritage not only to the country, but also to the community.( I. Sumarni , 2014


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas sumber daya manusia dan pengelolaan keuangan desa terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat di Desa Muara Kuamang, Kecamatan Pelepat Ilir, Kabupaten Bungo. Sebagai tujuannya untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas sumber daya manusia dan pengelolaan keuangan desa terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat di Desa Muara Kuamang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan metode kuantitatif dan metode analisis datanya yaitu koefisien determinasi. Sampel pda penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden yang diambil dari masyarakat Desa Muara Kuamang, Kecamatan Pelepat Ilir, Kabupaten Bungo. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas sumber daya manusia (X1) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat. Pengelolaan keuangan desa (X2) tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap variabel kesejahteraan masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil uji F Kualitas sumbar daya manusia (X1) dan pengelolaan keuangan desa (X2) secara simultan memiliki pengaruh yang bersamaan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat (Y)

    The significant of tourism heritage of Najaf City in Iraq

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    This study adopts the case study of Najaf City, Iraq, to address the problematic of the urban form incorrect transformation and heritage loss. Focusing on the Najaf city, located near to the cities of Baghdad and Babylon, it is an ancient biblical city that was founded in 791 by the Abbasid Caliph HarounAL-Rashid . The city has a large number of historical and heritage values and it’s the destiny for religion purposes, visitors and tourists. However the consecutive changes applied to the urban fabric, due to the lack of regulations and legislation, led to its destruction and to the isolation of the shrines, like the Imam Ali Mosque (PBUH), as buildings not integrated with the rest of the city. There are also present other types of issues regarding the buildings and the projects applied to new structures, where they are not integrated to rest of the city, as well as the buildings deterioration and the lack of maintenance. This paper focus mainly the issues present in the city developments, identifying them, like for instance the skyline changes. As conclusions, it is clear that the several development attempts were not well planed, resulting in a loss of great heritage and heritage values. Restoration and preservation are now processes that must be done in order to present even more losses

    Energy efficiency for reducing carbon footprint in historic buildings: Comparing case in the UK and Malaysia

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    Climate changes seem to be one of the controversial conflicts for people in today's world and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, which are one of the main reasons for climate changes, will be an appropriate solution for this alien. Buildings are one of the main resources for producing carbon dioxide emissions. For instance, around 40 percent of all carbon dioxide emission in the UK comes from buildings and so buildings especially heritage buildings need to improve their performance to contribute carbon reduction. The main aim of this research is to identify some acceptable and convenient ways for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in heritage buildings for controlling climate changes to some extent. In this paper, a desktop study was conducted to review the techniques and technologies to help us for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in heritage buildings. In this paper, the importance of heritage buildings and their elements such as wall, roof, window, door, floor has discussed and the main reasons for increasing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions have mentioned. In continuing, principles, risks, materials, methods, techniques and technologies for controlling energy loss of historic building elements have expressed. The results indicate that manufactured and transport of building materials will produce a large amount of carbon emissions and so the continued use of historic and heritage buildings can be an accommodative solution for this issue. For instance, in England in 2000 these processes accounted for more than 10 percent of the UK carbon dioxide emissions. It proves that conservation of heritage buildings is important not only for significant value of these buildings, but also for reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. All the methods, techniques and technologies which have discussed in this paper are correspondent solution for the goal of reduction carbon dioxide emissions that produce through the life-cycle of historic buildings