39 research outputs found

    Faktor pengetahuan amalan batas aurat dan pergaulan remaja perempuan SMK Titingan Tawau Sabah

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    Gejala sosial berkait rapat dengan masalah penjagaan batas aurat dan pergaulan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang mendorong pengetahuan dan pengamalan batas aurat dan pergaulan remaja perempuan di SMK Titingan Tawau Sabah. Reka bentuk kajian adalah kajian tinjauan. Kajian ini melibatkan remaja perempuan yang berumur 13, 14 dan 16 tahun. Pengumpulan data melalui instrumen borang soal selidik dan diproses menggunakan perisian komputer Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22. Data dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif dalam bentuk kekerapan, peratusan dan min. Hasil kajian faktor pengetahuan dan pengamalan batas aurat dan pergaulan remaja perempuan SMK Titingan Tawau Sabah menunjukkan, faktor guru dan ibu bapa/penjaga adalah tinggi berbanding faktor diri sendiri dan rakan berdasarkan min item faktor tertentu. Kajian ini mencadangkan agar pihak guru, ibu bapa/penjaga dan pihak berwajib memberi perhatian kepada kerohanian diri remaja dalam membina akidah yang mantap, serta keperibadian remaja muslim cemerlang kerana faktor diri sendiri adalah faktor penting dalam menjaga batas aurat dan pergaulan

    Computer Aided Design of Polygalacturonase II from Aspergillus niger

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    Pectin is a complex polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants and consisting mainly of esterified D-galacturonic acid resides in α-(1-4) chain. In production of fruit juice, pectin contributes to fruit juice viscosity, thereby reducing the juice production and increasing the filtration time. Polygalacturonase improves the juice production process by rapid degradation of pectin. In this project we have designed a novel polygalacturonase enzyme using computer aided design approaches. The three dimension structure of polygalacturonase is first modeled on the basis of the known crystal structure. The active site in this enzyme is identified by manual and automated docking methods. Lamarckian genetic algorithm is used for automated docking andthe active site is validated by comparing with existing experimental data. This is followed by in silico mutations of the enzymes and the automated docking process is repeated using the mutant enzymes. The strength of the binding of the ligands inside the active site is evaluated by computing the binding score using Potential Mean Force (PMF) method. The mutations R256Q, K258N and E252A show improvement of the binding score while N186E reduces the binding strength. The R256Q, K258N or E252A mutant enzymes can be used in the fruit juice industry to minimize the cost of juice productio

    Immune network algorithm in monthly streamflow prediction at Johor river

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    This study proposes an alternative method in generating future stream flow data with single-point river stage. Prediction of stream flow data is important in water resources engineering for planning and design purposes in order to estimate long term forecasting. This paper utilizes Artificial Immune System (AIS) in modelling the stream flow of one stations of Johor River. AIS has the abilities of self-organizing, memory, recognition, adaptive and ability of learning inspired from the immune system. Immune Network Algorithm is part of the three main algorithm in AIS. The model of Immune Network Algorithm used in this study is aiNet. The training process in aiNet is partly inspired by clonal selection principle and the other part uses antibody interactions for removing redundancy and finding data patterns. Like any other traditional statistical and stochastic techniques, results from this study, exhibit that, Immune Network Algorithm is capable of producing future stream flow data at monthly duration with various advantages

    A Review on The Development of Panel and Membrane Sound Absorbers

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    Noise pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems, especially in developing countries. Noise pollution caused discomfort, dizziness, and continuous exposure to an excessive amount of it affects human health both physically and psychologically. The utilization of sound absorption material has become an effective solution in reducing or controlling this noise pollution problem. Panel and membrane material getting more attention because of its effectiveness in absorbing low-frequency sounds, more hygienic and safer to human health compared to the porous material. Therefore, the panel and membrane absorbers have been developed rapidly in various fields and also have evolved to become more designable, advanced, and efficient in absorbing sound. However, combinations of membrane or panel absorber with porous materials are still advantageous in term of sound absorption performance and even worth considering. This paper aims to provide an information and literature study on panel and membrane absorbers evolution in the past decades in terms of improving the sound quality. This paper also covers the introduction of panel and membrane sound absorption system, variations of panel and membrane absorber concepts, and factors affecting the absorption performance of the materials. From the review, material properties such as mass density, air cavity, thickness, and perforation found to influence sound absorption performances. By looking at the intensity of research and progress of panel or membrane absorber, it is predicted that there will be more development and improvement of panel and membrane absorbers. Therefore, it is essential to review the progress and development of the panel and membrane absorbers to give a better understanding of their absorption characteristics and to seek new research opportunities in the future


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    ABSTRACT: Agarwood oil is a highly prized type of oil due to its unique aroma. The oil is extracted from the fragrant resin found in the agarwood tree (trunk).  The unique aroma and quality of agarwood resin and oil are contributed by the presence of certain chemical compounds. In this work, analysis and comparison of the chemical compounds of agarwood oil from A. malaccensis, A. sub-integra and a mixture of both were conducted.  The essential oils were diluted in hexane (5%) prior to gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis performed using Agilent GCMS 7890A coupled with MSD quadrupole detector 5975 C.  Separation of analytes by gas chromatography was carried out using a Hewlett Packard HP-5MS silica capillary column (30 m X 0.25 mm X 0.25 mm). A total of 107 compounds were identified from the three samples of agarwood oils. Fifty-five (55) components were identified in A. malaccensis sample which contributes to the largest portion of the total compounds. About 20% of the compounds identified were aromatic and sesquiterpenes which have been revealed to be the main active compounds of agarwood oils which also give the aroma and pleasant odour of agarwood. Different compositions or profile of chemical components were found in agarwood oils from the two different species. Two compounds were commonly identified in all three samples namely 3-phenyl-2-butanone and alpha-cubebene.  Further studies are needed to refine the results which later can be used to assist detection and authentication of agarwood as well as its scientific-based grading. ABSTRAK: Minyak gaharu merupakan sejenis minyak beraroma unik yang mendapat permintaan tinggi dan mahal. Minyak ini diekstrak daripada resin beraroma yang terbentuk di dalam batang pokok gaharu. Keunikan aroma dan kualiti resin dan minyak gaharu ini bergantung kepada kehadiran bahan kimia tertentu. Penyelidikan ini menjurus kepada analisis dan perbandingan bahan-bahan kimia yang terdapat dalam minyak gaharu daripada spesis A. malaccensis, A. sub-integra dan campuran kedua-duanya. Minyak gaharu dilarutkan di dalam 5% heksana sebelum dianalisis menggunakan kromatografi gas Agilent GCMS 7890A berserta spektormetri jisim (MSD quadrupole detector 5975 C). Kolum kapilari silika Hewlet Packard HP-5MS (30 m X 0.25 mm X 0.25 mm) digunakan untuk pemisahan bahan-bahan kimia tersebut. Sejumlah 107 kompaun dikenalpasti dalam ketiga-tiga sampel minyak gaharu tersebut dengan 55 kompaun didapati di dalam sample A. malaccensis. Ini merupakan bahagian terbesar daripada keseluruhan kompaun. Sebanyak 20 % daripada keseluruhan kompaun yang dikenalpasti adalah daripada kumpulan seskuiterpena dan bersifat aromatik, juga merupakan kumpulan yang bertanggungjawab memberi aroma yang unik kepada minyak gaharu. Setiap spesis didapati mempunyai komposisi atau profil bahan kimia yang tersendiri. Dua kompaun iaitu 3-phenyl-2-butanone dan alpha-cubebene ditemui dalam ketiga-tiga sample yang dianalisis. Kajian lanjut adalah perlu untuk memurnikan dapatan hasil penyelidikan yang berpotensi bagi membantu pengenalpastian gaharu berserta pembangunan penggredan gaharu yang lebih saintifik

    Production of Cysteine: Approaches, Challenges and Potential Solution

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    Cysteine has a wide application in pharmaceutical, foods and cosmetic industries. In the biological system, through its unique properties of sulfur and thiol, cysteine also plays important roles in stability, structure, catalytic activity, and regulation of numerous proteins. In nature, cysteine can be found in animal proteins, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereal. Due to its wide application, the production of cysteine in large scale is in favour. At present, cysteine is produced from keratin of animal sources as well as through microbial bioconversion and fermentation. Each production method poses its own challenges and limitation; which includes low yield, high-cost and poor consumer acceptance. As such, alternative source for large-scale cysteine production is of interest. Plants are seen to be an attractive substrate for the extraction of cysteine

    Computer Aided Design of Polygalacturonase II from Aspergillus niger

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    Pectin is a complex polysaccharide found in the cell walls of plants and consisting mainly of esterified D-galacturonic acid resides in α-(1-4) chain. In production of fruit juice, pectin contributes to fruit juice viscosity, thereby reducing the juice production and increasing the filtration time. Polygalacturonase improves the juice production process by rapid degradation of pectin. In this project we have designed a novel polygalacturonase enzyme using computer aided design approaches. The three dimension structure of polygalacturonase is first modeled on the basis of the known crystal structure. The active site in this enzyme is identified by manual and automated docking methods. Lamarckian genetic algorithm is used for automated docking and the active site is validated by comparing with existing experimental data. This is followed by in silico mutations of the enzymes and the automated docking process is repeated using the mutant enzymes. The strength of the binding of the ligands inside the active site is evaluated by computing the binding score using Potential Mean Force (PMF) method. The in silico mutations R256Q and K258N are found to decrease the binding strength of the ligand at the active site, indicating lowering of enzyme activity, which is consistent with the experimental results. Hence in silico mutations can be used to design new polygalacturonase enzymes with improved enzyme activity. ABSTRAK: Pektin adalah polisakarida kompleks yang terdapat di dalam dinding sel tumbuhan dan sebahagian besarnya terdiri daripada asid D-galakturonik terester yang ditemui di dalam rantaian α-(1-4). Dalam penghasilan jus buah-buahan, pektin menyumbang dalam kepekatan jus buah-buahan, di mana ia mengurangkan penghasilan jus dan menambahkan masa penapisan. Poligalakturonase meningkatkan proses penghasilan jus dengan pemecahan pektin dengan cepat. Dalam projek ini, kami telah merangka satu enzim poligalakturonase baru dengan menggunakan pendekatan reka bentuk berbantukan komputer. Struktur tiga dimensi poligalakturonase ini pada permulaannya dimodelkan berasaskan kepada struktur kristal. Tapak aktif enzim ini dikenali pasti dengan kaedah mengedok manual dan automatik. Algoritma genetik Lamarckian digunakan untuk dok berautomatik dan tapak aktif ini disahkan dengan perbandingan dengan data eksperimental yang sedia ada. Kaedah ini diikuti pula dengan mutasi in siliko enzim dan proses mengedok automatik diulangi dengan menggunakan enzim mutan. Kekuatan ikatan ligan yang berada di dalam tapak aktif dinilai dengan mengira kiraan ikatan menggunakan kaedah Min Keupayaan Daya (Potential Mean Force (PMF)). Mutasi in siliko R256Q dan K258N merupakan penyebabpenurunan dalam kekuatan ikatan ligan di tapak aktif, menunjukkan pengurangan dalam aktiviti enzim, di mana ianya konsisten dengan keputusan ekperimental. Jesteru, mutasi siliko boleh digunakan untuk mereka enzim poligalakturonase baru dengan mempertingkatkan aktiviti enzim

    Business Planning : N4M Collection / Muhd Hafeez Abd Hai ...[et al.]

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    Our company name is N4M COLLECTION and the form of our business is partnership. This company is situated in Pasir Puteh, Kelantan. This business is a service to the customer especially for student, businessman / women and people who like stylish. Our mission is very simple which is to become one of the company that will deal directly with the future athlete and any people that interested to know a lot of information about world of Islamic fashion. In the same time we also make it services is to provide all material about clothes. It is include give the information about how to choose a good clothes for our identity, give new knowledge about fashion, also try to help them that interested to wear our traditional clothes. The core objective is try to fulfill all the material that user need especially in Kelantan as we know, a country we call as “Serambi Mekah”. Following by the decision-making we are ready to start the business operation on 4th April 2008. This business will become one of the great boutique center based on the future prospect here such as sustainable and well establish among the communit

    Bioenergy for a cleaner future: A case study of sustainable biogas supply chain in the Malaysian energy sector

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    A life cycle assessment (LCA)-based environmental sustainability evaluation conceptual framework of biogas production has been proposed to improve the sustainability of biogas supply chains. The conceptual framework developed in this study can be used as a guideline for the related stakeholders and decision makers to improve the quality and enhance the sustainability of biogas production in Malaysia as well as promoting biogas as a clean, reliable and secure energy. A case study on an LCA analysis of a zero waste discharge treatment process has been conducted. In the zero discharge treatment system, biogas can be produced with a maximum water recycle and reuse. It was indicated that the biogas production and zero discharge treatment of a palm oil mill effluent were environmentally sustainable as the system utilized organic waste to produce bioenergy and achieved zero discharge. However, there were other aspects that should be taken into consideration, particularly regarding the sources of electricity and upstream activity, to ensure the sustainability of the system holistically

    Physicochemical characteristics, nutritional composition, and phytochemical profiles of nine Algerian date palm fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.) varieties

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    Nine varieties of Algerian date palm fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.) including Lahmira, Timjouhert, Adham Talmine, Deglet Talmine, Adam Boullah, Tinasser, Deglet, Deglet Nour, and Takerbouch were distinguished via Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H‐NMR) metabolomics approach. The quality was evaluated based on the metabolite composition, proximate analysis, physicochemical characteristics, and biological activities which include nitric oxide (NO) inhibition via the cell‐based approach and NO scavenging abilities. A total of 49 metabolites were tentatively characterized including amino acids, organic acids, and phenolic compounds. The Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis revealed a consistent grouping of Deglet, Takerbouch, and Deglet Noor from the rest of six varieties. Among the metabolites that contributed toward the observed segregation were serine, glycine, glucose, fructose, and sucrose. With regard to metabolite composition, NO scavenging activities, total soluble solids, and proximate analysis, Deglet dates displayed a better quality as compared to the other Algerian dates