15 research outputs found

    Automatic Generation of test Cases from Use-Case Diagram

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    Intelligent searching techniques have been developed in order to provide a solution to the issue of finding information relevant to the user needs, and the problem of information overload - when far too much information is returned from a search. We employ this technique to introduce an automatic tool which used to generate the test cases automatically according to the system’s requirement. The tool uses two steps for generating test cases. First, the system’s requirements are transformed into a Unified Modeling Language (UML) Use-case Diagram. Second, the test cases will be automatic generated according to the use cases respectively. In the workspace, the ToolBox is used in order to ease the drawing of the use-case diagram. As well as allowing a user to layout the requirements of the system via a use-case diagram in the provided workspace, a user also may type-in the properties for each of the use cases used. Once the use- case diagram has been finalized, it can be save for further used and modification. The engine of the tool will take the use cases from the use-case diagram and search the query string (keyword) used in the tool’s library. The searching engine uses both search keyword and additional information of the use-case diagram. This combination will result in improving data retrieval performance. Once the use case used matches the keyword inside the tool’s library, the engine will automatically generate its respective test cases according to its use case

    Komunikasi dalam sistem ganjaran, keadilan prosedur dan prestasi kerja

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    Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk menghuraikan sejauh manakah keadilan prosedur berupaya menyederhanakan kesan komunikasi dalam sistem ganjaran ke atas prestasi kerja? Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kelemahan pengurusan menyebarkan pengetahuan tentang sistem ganjaran tidak dapat meningkatkan prestasi kerja kerana tahap penyebaran pengetahuan itu tidak mampu membangkitkan perasaan keadilan dalam diri pekerja terhadap prosedur pembahagian ganjaran dalam organisasi. Sebaliknya, layanan ketua terdekat dapat meningkatkan prestasi kerja kerana layanan ketua itu mampu membangkitkan perasaan keadilan dalam diri pekerja terhadap garis panduan pembahagian ganjaran dalam organisasi. Dapatan kajian ini mengesahkan bahawa keadilan prosedur tidak berjaya bertindak sebagai pemboleh ubah penyederhana di antara pengetahuan tentang sistem ganjaran dan prestasi kerja. Sebaliknya, keadilan prosedur berjaya memainkan peranan yang berkesan sebagai pemboleh ubah penyederhana di antara layanan ketua terdekat dan prestasi kerja

    Kesan amalan komunikasi dalam sistem ganjaran dan keadilan prosedur terhadap prestasi kerja

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    Purpose - This paper seeks to measure the influence of perceived procedural justice; to identify the moderating effects of procedural justice on the knowledge about reward systems; and to identify the moderating effects of procedural justice on the immediate boss treatments toward job performance. Design/Methodology/Approach - The study was dependent on a survey conducted on 92 respondents who had completed the survey questionnaire forms. Findings - Outcomes showed that interaction betwen knowledge about reward systems and procedural justice insignificantly correlated with job performance, but interaction between immediate boss treatments and procedural justice significantly correlated with job performance. This result confirmed that procedural justice does act as a partial moderating effect in the reward system model of the organisation sample. Originality/Value - The paper explores the possible implications and limitations of this study and addresses these to organisations to look at procedural justice as one important element in the compensation system communication. Paper type -Research Paper

    Detection of virulence genes and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR) analysis among raw vegetables isolates of Campylobacter jejuni

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    A total of 20 (n=20) raw vegetable isolates of Campylobacter jejuni were examined for their virulence genes and genetic diversity by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR) analysis. All raw vegetable isolates of C. jejuni were encoded cadF and ceuE genes. None of the C. jejuni isolates was cdtA positive. Whereas, 12 (12/20) isolates were positive for cdtB and 6 (6/20) were positive for cdtC. All the 20 isolates of C. jejuni were subtyped and they produced 18 ERIC-PCR profiles namely E1 to E18. Dendrogram performed from cluster analysis showed that the 20 isolates were grouped into 2 major clusters, cluster I and II indicating the high level of local geographical genetic variation. The detection of virulence genes among C. jejuni strains isolated from raw vegetables raised concern on the threat of campylobacteriosis

    Fracture strength of endodontically treated lateral incisors restored with new zirconia reinforced rice husk nanohybrid composite

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    This study aimed to compare the fracture strength, fracture pattern and type of fracture of endodontically treated maxillary lateral incisors restored with new zirconia reinforced rice husk nanohybrid composite. Eighty mature permanent maxillary lateral incisors from patients age range of 30-60 years with single canal were selected and randomly divided into: Group 1 ? RCT + nanofilled composite (Filtek), Group 2 ? RCT + microhybrid composite (Zmack), Group 3 ? RCT + new nanohybrid composite (Zr-Hybrid) and Group 4 - Intact teeth (control). Standardized mesio-palatal-distal cavity was prepared, and endodontic treatment was carried out using crown-down technique until size 30, tapered 0.04. Obturation was completed using single cone technique with gutta-percha and AH plus sealer. Cavity access was restored with respective composite resins. Next, teeth were stored in incubator for 24 hours and subdivided into aged and unaged subgroups. Teeth in aged subgroups were subjected to 2500 thermal cycles for 5ºC, 37ºC and 55ºC with 30 seconds dwell time and 5 seconds transfer time. After that, root surfaces of teeth were covered with silicone-based material and placed in boxes filled with acrylic until the cemento-enamel-junction (CEJ) level. They were then tested under Universal Testing Machine until fracture occurred. Samples were then viewed under Leica microscope to determine the fracture pattern and type of fracture. Data analyzed using One-way ANOVA complimented by post hoc Tukey HSD and paired sample T test for fracture strength. Fracture pattern and type of fracture were analyzed using Chi-square test. Level of significance was set at p0.05). Besides, Group 3 and Group 4 showed higher rate of favorable fracture pattern, followed by Group 1 and lastly Group 2. Most favorable fracture pattern was noted to exhibit horizontal fracture type (86.36%), whereas most unfavorable fracture pattern exhibited vertical fracture type (77.78%). Endodontically treated teeth restored with new zirconia reinforced rice husk nanohybrid composite (Zr-Hybrid) demonstrated higher fracture strength than commercialized composite resins especially after artificial ageing. Zr-Hybrid showed similar fracture pattern to those of intact teeth with higher rate of horizontal fracture type

    Detection of Shiga toxin 1 and 2 (stx1 and stx2) genes in Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolated from retail beef in Malaysia by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    Twenty (n=20) beef isolates of Escherichia coli O157:H7 were examined for the detection of Shiga- toxin 1 and 2 (stx1 and stx2) genes by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and characterized using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR) fingerprinting. All isolates were obtained from the laboratory of Food Science and Biotechnology, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor. In the detection of stx1 and stx2 genes, 14 of isolates (14/20) were positive to stx1 and stx2. 5 isolates (5/20) were positive to stx1 and 1 isolate (1/20) was negative by either of stx1 or stx2 genes. Using RAPD-PCR analysis, two oligonucleotides were chosen because they yielded clearly and reproducible band. There were OPAR8 (5’-TGGGGCTGTC-3’) and OPAR20 (5’ ACGGCAAGGA-3’). Subsequently, all 20 isolates of E.coli O157:H7 were subtyped using OPAR8 and OPAR20. Primer OPAR8 produced 8 RAPD-PCR fingerprinting namely P1 to P11. Whereas, OPAR20 produced 16 RAPD-PCR fingerprinting of Q1-Q18. Combination of two primers was analyzed using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean (UPGMA). Dendogram performed from cluster analysis showed that all the 20 isolates of E.coli O157:H7 differentiated into 20 individual isolates which may suggest the high level of local geographical genetic variation

    Kesan Amalan Komunikasi dalam Sistem Ganjaran dan Keadilan Prosedur Terhadap Prestasi Kerja

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    Kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengukur pengaruh persepsi keadilan prosedur dalam perhubungan antara amalan komunikasi dalam sistem ganjaran dan prestasi kerja di sebuah penguasa tempatan berstatus bandar raya di Sarawak, Malaysia. keputusan analisis regresi berganda hierarki menunjukkan bahawa interaksi antara pengetahuan tentang sistem ganjaran dan keadilan prosedur mempunyai hubungan yang tidak signifi kan dengan prestasi kerja, tetapi interaksi antara layanan ketua terdekat dan keadilan prosedur mempunyai hubungan yang signifi kan dengan prestasi kerja. dapatan kajian mengesahkan bahawa keadilan prosedur hanya bertindak sebagai pemboleh ubah penyederhanaan separa dalam model sistem ganjaran dalam organisasi kajian. justeru itu, implikasi dan limitasi kajian ini, serta cadangan kajian akan datang turut dibincangkan.

    The interrelation between breakfast intake with academic performance, cognitive skills and body mass index BMI among students UiTM Terengganu Branch, Malaysia

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    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as nutrient intake is crucial to energize the body and maintain a high metabolic rate at the beginning of the day. Although many breakfasts awareness programs and studies have shown the effects of skipping breakfast, most higher institution students tend to skip breakfast supposedly to decrease their body mass index (BMI). Studies have also debated that skipping breakfast affects students’ academic performance due to low nutrient intake. Therefore, the study investigates the interrelation between breakfast intake and students’ academic performance in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Terengganu Branch, Dungun Campus. The findings revealed that breakfast intake significantly impacted the students’ academic performance and cognitive skills. Interestingly, the study discovered that although breakfast intake energizes the body, there is no relationship between the students’ breakfast intake and BMI. Hence, the study provides insight to enhance the understanding of the interrelation between breakfast intake and student performance