22 research outputs found

    Parametric modelling of Malaysian teeth template using computer aided design

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    This study explored a new method and process of design denture using CAD technology to develop a template of a complete denture. Computer aided design were used as a tool of the design process. Occlusion curve was set up as variable as to follow patient size. The maxilla and mandible teeth arrangement were treated as a template of Malaysian user. The accuracy of design is the main aspect of concern that match the patients' data so that the outcome product would be suitable with maximum comfort for the patient. The product of design template will be matched with the conventional method to compare the tolerance between both. The new design template helps to reduce the time consumption of conventional carving method. The final output of 3D geometry teeth templates design will represent the patient details

    Healthcare Practitioner Behaviours That Influence Unsafe Use Of Hospital Information Systems

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    This study aims to investigate healthcare practitioner behaviour in adopting Health Information Systems which could affect patients’ safety and quality of health. A qualitative study was conducted based on a semi-structured interview protocol on 31 medical doctors in three Malaysian government hospitals implementing the Total Hospital Information Systems. The period of study was between March and May 2015. A thematic qualitative analysis was performed on the resultant data to categorize them into relevant themes. Four themes emerged as healthcare practitioners’ behaviours that influence the unsafe use of Hospital Information Systems. The themes include (1) carelessness, (2) workarounds, (3) noncompliance to procedure, and (4) copy and paste habit. By addressing these behaviours, the hospital management could further improve patient safety and the quality of patient care

    Classification of wood defect images using local binary pattern variants

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    This paper presents an analysis of the statistical texture representation of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) variants in the classification of wood defect images. The basic and variants of the LBP feature set that was constructed from a stage of feature extraction processes with the Basic LBP, Rotation Invariant LBP, Uniform LBP, and Rotation Invariant Uniform LBP. For significantly discriminating, the wood defect classes were further evaluated with the use of different classifiers. By comparing the results of the classification performances that had been conducted across the multiple wood species, the Uniform LBP was found to have demonstrated the highest accuracy level in the classification of the wood defects

    Evaluation of texture feature based on basic local binary pattern for wood defect classification

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    Wood defects detection has been studied a lot recently to detect the defects on the wood surface and assist the manufacturers in having a clear wood to be used to produce a high-quality product. Therefore, the defects on the wood affect and reduce the quality of wood. This research proposes an effective feature extraction technique called the local binary pattern (LBP) with a common classifier called Support Vector Machine (SVM). Our goal is to classify the natural defects on the wood surface. First, preprocessing was applied to convert the RGB images into grayscale images. Then, the research applied the LBP feature extraction technique with eight neighbors (P=8) and several radius (R) values. After that, we apply the SVM classifier for the classification and measure the proposed technique's performance. The experimental result shows that the average accuracy achieved is 65% on the balanced dataset with P=8 and R=1. It indicates that the proposed technique works moderately well to classify wood defects. This study will consequently contribute to the overall wood defect detection framework, which generally benefits the automated inspection of the wood defects

    Significant factors of construction delays among contractors in Klang Valley and its mitigation

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    Construction industry has become one of the greatest income provider as it has contributed to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for Malaysia. However, construction sector has been much affected by unexpected situation such as construction delays. Delays in construction industry is one of the common problems that happened to most construction projects. By considering all viewpoint from various parties that involves in construction process such as contractors, client, consultant and others, this research identified the major factor that contributes to delays in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Questionnaires were distributed among respondents that involved in construction project in Klang Valley. The process of data analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistic that ranked the mean value of factors that contributes to delays. By using the ranking method, financial difficulties were recognized as the most significant factor that caused delays. Thus, by using the same method, some mitigation action has been proposed in order to avoid time overrun in construction

    Sociotechnical Factors Influencing Unsafe Use Of Hospital Information Systems:A Qualitative Study In Malaysian Government Hospitals

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    The objective of this study is to identify factors influencing unsafe use of hospital information systems in Malaysian government hospitals.Semi-structured interviews with 31 medical doctors in three Malaysian government hospitals implementing total hospital information systems were conducted between March and May 2015.A thematic qualitative analysis was performed on the resultant data to deduce the relevant themes.A total of five themes emerged as the factors influencing unsafe use of a hospital information system:(1)knowledge,(2)system quality,(3) task stressor,(4) organization resources,and (5) teamwork.These qualitative findings highlight that factors influencing unsafe use of a hospital information system originate from multidimensional sociotechnical aspects.Unsafe use of a hospital information system could possibly lead to the incidence of errors and thus raises safety risks to the patients.Hence,multiple interventions (e.g. technology systems and teamwork) are required in shaping high-quality hospital information system use

    Identification Of Wood Defect Using Pattern Recognition Technique

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    This study proposed a classification model for timber defect classification based on an artificial neural network (ANN). Besides that, the research also focuses on determining the appropriate parameters for the neural network model in optimizing the defect identification performance, such as the number of hidden layers nodes and the number of epochs in the neural network. The neural network's performance is compared with other standard classifiers such as Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbours, and J48 Decision Tree in finding their significant differences across the multiple timber species. The classifier's performance is measured based on the Fmeasure due to the imbalanced dataset of the timber species. The experimental results show that the proposed classification model based on the neural network outperforms the other standard classifiers in detecting many types of defects across multiple timber species with an F-measure of 84.01%. This research demonstrates that ANN can accurately classify the defects across multiple species while defining appropriate parameters (hidden layers and epochs) for the neural network model in optimizing defect identification performanc

    Purpose of education and spiritual potential: what is your definition

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    Developing and producing a holistic human capital has been a major concern to Malaysian education system. Therefore, the National Education Philosophy has been formed based on a mission to produce a balance and holistic individual in terms of physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual based on firm belief and devotion to God. In contrary, education system nowadays is more focused on intellectual and practical aspects, whereas spiritual dimension has being neglected. Spiritual dimension is taught separately in spiritual subjects and the responsibility to teach is given to the educators in the areas concerned. Needs analysis conducted on technical and engineering educators from three engineering faculty at UTM shows that majority of participants do not really understand the real purpose of education, the meaning of spiritual potential and also how spiritual potential can be developed through Technical and Engineering Education. Therefore, there is a possibility that this potential has been less developed through Engineering Education courses in UTM

    Penyimpanan dan pendokumentasian karya kreatif di FSSR, UiTM Melaka / Haslinda Abdul Razak...[et.al]

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    Karya kreatif adalah suatu ciptaan atau ekspresi terhadap suatu yang dianggap indah. Keperluan naluri estetik dan fizikal yang mempengaruhi faktor-faktor keagarnaan, kebudayaan, ruang dan masa. Sehubungan dengan itu, bagi memartabatkan seni visual wujudlah akademi seni yang bersifat ilmiah di UiTM. Namun begitu, karya- karya seni dan hasil kerja pelajar tidak diuruskan secara teratur dan sistematik. Penyimpanan dan pendokumentasian dianggap lemah berdasarkan pelbagai faktor. Maka kertas kerja ini bertujuan membincangkan mengenai kaedah penyimpanan dan pendokumentasian hasil karya kreatif di FSSR UiTM Melaka secara lebih sistematik. Penyimpanan dan pendokumentasian koleksi hasil karya kreatif pelajar adalah perlu memandangkan FSSR UiTM Melaka telah wujud selama 19 tahun tetapi masih belum adanya system penyimpanan atau pendokumentasian secara khusus. Maka perlu suatu mekanisma dicadangkan untuk melaksanakan penyimpanan dan pendokumentasian secara sistematik adalah dengan menggunapakai sistem 5S, seterusnya membuat pengumpulan karya pelajar yang telah dinilai, mewujudkan rekod daftar dan penyimpanan koleksi terbaru, membuat semakan inventori dan mewujudkan rekod sistem rangkaian data secara digital serta dapat diaplikasikan di FSSR UiTM Melaka. Hasil daripada pelaksanaan pengkajian- pengkajian yang akan dilaksanakan ini disarankan dapat mengatasi masalah- masalah seperti plagiarisma di kalangan pelajar, merekodkan hasil karya kreatif pelajar melalui pengkalan data yang lebih mudah diakses, sebagai media perkongsian dan menjadi sumber rujukan penyelidikan, membantu penyediaan Self Review Report yang memerlukan bukti kejayaan Alumni dari FSSR UiTM Melaka, sebagai Alat Bantuan Mengajar serta membantu FSSR UiTM Melaka ke arah mendokong Hub Creative yang telah direncanakan