108 research outputs found


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    Dakwah dan teknologi adalah sesuatu yang tak dapat dipisahkan. Ini jika kita berpijak pada konsep dakwah kontemporer yang mudah diterima oleh kalangan masa kini. Teknologi bukanlah sesuatu yang dilarang, meskipun dimasa Rasulullah SAW belum ditemukan adanya teknologi seperti yang berkembang pesat sedewasa ini. Di satu sisi, MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) berkewajiban menyampaikan syiar Islam kepada umat secara berkelanjutan dan dilakukan kapan saja, di sisi lain, ia juga harus melakukan pengelolaan organisasi dengan dukungan teknologi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian yang telah dilakukan merupakan penelitian rekayasa perangkat lunak yang bertujuan membangun aplikasi Portal MUI Online yang dapat membantu Syiar Islam dan optimalisasi pengelolaan organisasi MUI di Kecamatan Ujungberung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan model inkremental untuk membagi tahapan secara modular. Alat bantu pemodelan menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML), dan tolls pengembangan menggunakan PHP5 dan MySQL untuk manajemen database-nya. Hasil penelitian berupa prototipe sistem, yang sudah diuji secara blackbox dan whitebox, menunjukan keberjalanan sistem dengan baik

    Wideband substrate-integrated-waveguide BPF incorporated with complimentary-split-ring-resonators

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    This paper discusses the development and characterization of wideband substrate-integrated-waveguide (SIW) bandpass filter (BPF) incorporated with two reversely arrangedcomplimentary-split-ring-resonators (CSRRs). The proposed filter is intended to have band-width response more than 8 GHz suitable for applications in wireless communication systems.The incorporation of CSRRs on the SIW surface allows the extension of passband area at thehigher frequency region yielding the wideband response of filter. A 1.6 mm thick FR4 epoxydielectric substrate with the dimension of 40 mm×45 mm is applied for filter implementation.The characterization result shows that the proposed filter has the fractional bandwidth of around135% at the center frequency of 6.74 GHz. This result was achieved through measurement setupto demonstrate a good agreement between the simulation and experimentation

    Analisa Proses Bisnis Satuan Layanan dan Administrasi di Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Kediri Menggunakan Metode Business Process Improvement (BPI)

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    Bank Indonesia Representative Office Kediri is implementing Bank Indonesia policy, one of its tasks is to maintain the reliability of the payment system to support regional and national economic development. An inclusive and sustainable long-term, of course, in carrying out this mission is supported by a team known as internal management. This research uses a business process improvement method (BPI). The actual business process gap is identified with a Circular issued by Bank Indonesia. The results of the gap analysis will be input for activity analysis where each activity is grouped into RVA, BVA and NVA. Elimination of NVA activities is done, streamlining BVA activities and minimizing RVA activities. At the data collection stage, 6 actual business processes are obtained for payments to third parties and data provision, while for fuel management 2 actual business processes are obtained. The results of the activity analysis showed that there were 10 RVA activities, and 8 BVA activities and 0 NVA activities. From the research results obtained that the business processes that have been streamlined have increased efficiency for payments to third parties and the provision of data for stakeholders by 36.67%, while for fuel management by 7.5%. Business process improvements used in this study include upgrading. Proposed business processes are input in the preparation of SOPs. Kantor Perwakilan Bank Indonesia Kediri adalah menjalankan kebijakan Bank Indonesia salah satu tugasnya menjaga kehandalan sistem pembayaran untuk mendukung pembangunan ekonomi daerah maupun nasional jangka panjang yang inklusif dan berkesinambungan, tentunya dalam menjalankan misi tersebut didalamnyadidukung oleh suatu tim yang dikenal management intern atau tim supporting, tentunya dalam tim tersebut terdapat beberapa permasalahan, diantaranya waktu penyelesaian pembayaran dan penyediaan data serta penyampaian data pengelolaan bahan bakar yang terlalu lama terkadang tidak sesuai dengan waktu standart yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode perbaikan proses bisnis atau Business Process Improvement (BPI). Perbaikan proses bisnis dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi gap proses bisnis aktual dengan Surat Edaran yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia. Hasil analisis gap akan menjadi masukan untuk analisis aktivitas dimana setiap aktivitas dikelompokkan menjadi RVA, BVA dan NVA. Perbaikan proses bisnis dilakukan dengan mengeliminasi aktivitas NVA, menstreamlining aktivitas BVA dan melakukan meminimasipada aktivitas RVA.Pada tahap pengumpulan data diperoleh 6 proses bisnis aktual untuk pembayaran kepada pihak ketiga dan penyediaan data, sedangkan untuk pengelolaan bahan bakar diperoleh 2 proses bisnis aktual. Hasil analisa aktivitas menunjukkan terdapat 10 aktivitas RVA, dan 8 aktivitas BVA dan 0 aktivitas NVA. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan proses bisnis usulan yang telah dilakukan streamlining terdapat peningkatan efisiensi untuk pembayaran kepada pihak ketiga dan penyediaan data untuk stakeholder sebesar 36,67%, sedangkan untuk pengelolaan bahan bakar minyak sebesar 7.5%.Tools perbaikan proses bisnis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain upgrading.Proses bisnis usulan menjadi masukan dalam penyusunan SOP.

    SIW Power Divider and its performance analysis affected by number of incorporated CSRRs

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    This paper discusses the design of substrate integrat-ed waveguide (SIW) power divider and its performance analysis affected by the number of incorporated complimentary split ring resonators (CSRRs). The proposed SIW power divider is designed on an FR4 epoxy dielectric substrate with the thickness of 1.6mm. The effect of increasing the amount of CSRRs incorporated into the SIW surface is analyzed for some parameters, namely frequency response, return loss, and insertion loss. Each CSRRis composed of a pair of concentric circle-shaped slot rings fittedwith a gap in the opposite ends. The analysis results shows thatthe frequency response of SIW power divider decreases as theincrease of number of CSRRs. Meanwhile the return loss andthe insertion loss tend to be poorer for the higher number ofCSRRs incorporation although the poorness of quality shows noparticular pattern

    IoT-Based UPS monitoring system using MQTT protocols

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    Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) monitoring system using message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol is a solution to solve UPS monitoring issues in a large infrastructure. This paper discusses the proof of the small size of message data by using the MQTT protocol on IoT-based communications. Based on IoT concept, the system described in this paper used Arduino microcontroller connected to the Internet via an Ethernet shield. The system used MQTT as a communication protocol that was designed for a lightweight communication. This system was intended to display UPS monitoring data in real-time on a web page stored on raspberry pi which roles as a web server, MQTT broker, MQTT subscriber and database. UPS parameter could be monitored using a web-based application. There were some differences in data obtained from sensor with the measurement results of measuring instruments specified for each parameter: the difference of input voltage was equal to 0.20%, while differences of output voltage, output power and output current reached 1.34%, 0.17% and 20%, respectively

    Modified fourth-order runge-kutta method based on Trapezoid approach

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    This paper analyzes the modification of fourth order Runge-Kutta Method based on Trapezoid approach for calculating a distance of accelerometer sensor. This modification is done to obtain the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to calculate a more accurate and precise position. In this research, we compared the result between original fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method and modified fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method. We also compared the accuracy and precision of those methods. The result shows that modified fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method has a better accuracy and precision. Original fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method has an average inaccuracy value of 4.93%, and modified fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method has an average inaccuracy value of 4.11%. Meanwhile, for the precision level, original fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method has average imprecision value of 32.52%, and modified fourth-order Runge-Kutta Method has average imprecision value of 29.66%

    Remote Control System For Multi Mobile Robot Using A Combination of Computer-Microcontroller

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    Various control systems have been used to optimizerobot performance, one of them is to utilize radio wave. The use ofradio wave is very common because they are cheap and easy todeploy. Radio frequency use is also various; some use VHF, someothers UHF for many purposes. One control system for one robot isdefinitely inefficient, therefore a continuous research on robotcontrol system is required to control multi robots with differentradio frequencies using one control system. This research is meantto develop multiple mobile robots using 40 MHz and 315 MHzfrequency within one system controlled by integrated computer andmicrocontroller. The frequency selection represents VHF and UHFfrequency. This research is a prototype for multi robot control.Testing is done with several methods; system interface testing, Lineof Sight robot control system, and robot control system in anobscured environment. System interface testing is done by usingserial port communication to communicate computer with 8-bitmicrocontroller using ASCII. Line of Sight testing exerts maximumrange of 4 meters using 40 MHz, and 10 meters using 315 MHz.Obscured environment testing exerts maximum range of 2.8 metersfor 40 MHz and 13.4 meters for 315 MHz

    Compact SIW power divider with CSRRs for WLAN application

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    In this paper, the development of compact substrate-integrated-waveguide (SIW)power divider with complimentary-split-ring-resonators (CSRRs) is presented. The proposedSIW power divider is designed to work at S-band frequency for wireless local area network(WLAN) application. Two reversely arranged CSRRs incorporated into the SIW surface areintended to produce filtering effect of power divider useful for suppressing unwanted signals.Some parametric studies upon the physical parameters are carried out through simulation toobtain the compact design of power divider. Based on parametric studies, the proposed SIWpower divider with CSRRs is then deployed on a 1.6 mm thick FR4 epoxy dielectric substratewith the size of 40 mm×30 mm. From the characterization, the proposed SIW power dividershows capability to work at the frequency of 2.4 GHz with the rejection rate more than 20 dB atthe stopband area which is suitable for the desired application


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    Abstract : This research aims to describe the parenting styles of parents especilly single parents in educating their children and how parents can motivate their children to learning achievement owned of student in class II UPT SDN 90 Gresik. The data collection techniques using interview, observation, and documentation. Data collection instrument using guidelines and validation tests. The data analysis using data collection, data presentation and conclusions. The data validity test using trigulation techniques and resources.The results of the study concluded that both parents applied authoritative parenting, but one of the two parents also applied authoritarian parenting. Activities carried out by students receive support from parents and children needs are met. The both parents prioritize children in terms of education and also in terms of education and also in terms of religion. Children are not required to get good grades, but parents always support whatever the child gets. If the child gets good results, the child gets a reward from both words and things. The both parents did not give physical punishment but it was a warning. The achievements of the two students are the most stand out from aspect academic.   Keywords : Parenting, Achievers, Motivation Learn.   Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pola asuh orang tua khususnya pada orang tua tunggal atau single parent dalam mendidik anaknya serta cara orang tua dalam memberikan motivasi belajar kepada anak untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik pada kelas II di UPT SDN 90 Gresik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Instrumen pengumpelan data menggunakan pedoman dan uji validasi. Analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Uji keabsaan data menggunakan tringulasi teknik dan sumber. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa kedua orang tua tersebut menerapkan pola asuh otoritif, namun pada salah satunya dari orang tua A tersebut juga menerapkan pola asuh otoriter. Kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik mendapat dukungan oleh orang tua serta kebutuhan anak terpenuhi. Kedua orang tua memproritaskan anak dalam hal pendidikan serta diimbangi pula dari segi agama. Anak tidak dituntut untuk mendapatkan nilai bagus, namun orang tua selalu mendukung apapun yang didapatkan oleh anak. Jika anak mendapatkan hasil yang bagus, anak mendapat hadiah baik dari ucapan maupun barang. Kedua orang tua tidak memberikan hukuman yang berbentuk fisik namun berupa teguran. Prestasi yang dihasilkan dari kedua peserta didik menonjol dari segi akademik.   Kata kunci : Pola Asuh, Berprestasi, Motivasi Belajar. &nbsp
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