32 research outputs found

    Kompetensi pengadil ragbi Malaysia

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    Peranan dan kepentingan pengadil ragbi meningkat apabila jumlah perlawanan semakin meningkat dan tahap perlawanan sudah mula kearah profesional.Kesatuan Ragbi Sabah (KRS) menghadapi masalah mengenal pasti kompetensi yang sesuai bagi mengetengahkan pengadil ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi iaitu di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Ini dikuti dengan masalah peratusan pemberhentian pengadil yang tinggi setelah mereka menjalani kursus kepengadilan atau setelah mengadili beberapa perlawanan. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kompetensi pengadil ragbi dan tahap kompetensi yang diperlukan oleh pengadil Kesatuan Ragbi Sabah untuk cemerlang di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa. Setelah kompetensi dikenal pasti maka ini akan memudahkan penapisan dan pemilihan pengadil yang benar-benar berwibawa, kekal lama sebagai pengadil dan menepati kriteria pengadil utama di Kesatuan Ragbi Malaysia (KRM). Kajian ini merupakan kajian deskriptif dan inferensi bagi mendapatkan data kuantitatif yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi generik yang diperlukan dan kesediaan pengadil ragbi. Alat penyelidikan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah borang soal selidik. Populasi kajian ini adalah terdiri daripada 64 orang pengadil ragbi kebangsaan (KRM) n=22, pengadil Kesatuan Ragbi Sabah (KRS) n=30 dan pemain ragbi kebangsaan, n=12. Soalselidik ini adalah diubahsuaikan daripada soal selidik Generic Competencies of Rugby Union Referee (2003) bagi mengenalpasti kompetensi generik yang diperlukan oleh pengadil ragbi untuk berjaya pada peringkat tertinggi dan bagi mengenalpasti kesediaan pengadil ragbi pula menggunakan soal selidik Australia Rugby Union Referee Competency Statement (2006) dansoalselidik Information· Technology Know/edge and Skills Diagnostic Tool (2003). Kebolehpercayaan soalan selidik ini adalah tingg pada nilai Cronbach's Alpha 0.97 semasa kajian rinti·s dan 0.819 semasa kajian sebenar. Stress tolerance, Respect, objectivity/Impartiality, Communication on the field-oral, Decisiveness , Fitness, Resoluteness , Athleticism, Flexibility, Problem analysis, Technical skills - law application, Leadership, Frustration tolerence dan Preparation adalah kompetensi yang paling penting. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan antara persepsi pengadil KRM, pengadil KRS dan pemain ragbi kebangsaan terhadap kompetensi pengadil ragbi yang cemerlang. Kesemua hipotesis nol antara pengadil KRS dan KRM berkenaan tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran, sikap, keyakinan dan kesedian telah ditolak (sig-p =0.00< a=O.OS). Tahap pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap bagi pegadil KRS adalah tinggi tetapi bagi pengadil KRM pula adalah sederhana tetapi bagi tahap keyakinan pula didapati pengadil KRM berada pada. tahap tinggi berbanding pengadil KRS yang sederhana sahaja. 8agi tahap kesediaan pula kedua-dua kumpulan pengadil ini adalah di tahap sederhana sahaja. Rumusan menunjukkan pengadil KRS berpotensi untuk dibangunkan dan memerlukan latihan serta peluang mengadili perlawananan yang lebih tinggi statusnya

    Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: Diversity in Treatment Techniques of Varying Anatomical Presentations

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    We discuss and illustrate various endovascular treatment options for intracranial aneurysms, to reflect common technique used in endovascular treatment of brain aneurysm. We select five cases of various aneurysm types to show assortments of endovascular treatment (EVT) are performed. Selective catheterization of the intracranial aneurysms and endovascular treatments are technically feasible, offering a viable alternative to the surgical approach. We discuss the radiographic features, clinical presentation, and strategies of endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms. Key words: endovascular treatment, intracranial aneurysm, intracranial stent, balloon assisted

    Flume investigation on bed load transport and bedforms in simple channels

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    Massive floods hit various states in Malaysia such as Pahang, Kelantan, Johor, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak. It caused widespread damages to properties, infrastructures, human suffering and even deaths. More frequent floods incidents and soil erosion are reported which lead to sedimentation problems in the drainage and river systems due to urbanisation. It is important to understand the sedimentation process and the behaviour of bed forms in the water course for post-flood events. However, it is risky and dangerous to conduct field study during occurrence of flooding. Laboratory study has been chosen as an alternative to fulfill the objectives. Experimental investigations on the bed load transport and bed forms in simple channels have been undertaken. Small and large flume models are used in the laboratory. The effects of flow on mobile sandy bed channel and bed load transportation are studied by using a modified flume with an asymmetric straight compound channel. However, the findings on rate of transport and bed formation for non-flooding cases are presented in this paper. It is found that the bed formation profiles for both channels are different due to scale and flume characteristics. The bed forms, erosion and deposition processes are significantly influenced by the water velocity in the channel. The bed forms observed for large flume are repeating ripples and dunes; meanwhile variable of ripples are observed in small flume

    Entrepreneurial network towards small firm performance through dynamic capabilities: the conceptual perspective

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    This conceptual paper reveals the hypothesized link between entrepreneurial network and small firm performance and the mediating effect of dynamic capabilities on the mentioned relationship. The theoretical grounds of the entrepreneurial network, dynamic capabilities and small firm performance established this conceptual framework. This paper adopts the Resource Based View (RBV) which claims that firm valuable strategic resources (entrepreneurial network) and capabilities (dynamic capabilities) both are important to make firm successful. Similarly, Dynamic Capability View (DCV) support and verify this conceptual framework. It means the stronger entrepreneurial network will lead to develop dynamic capabilities, which will ultimately cause the higher firm performance. Therefore, this paper incorporates two strategically important variables namely, entrepreneurial network and dynamic capabilities to enhance the small firm performance, whereas RBV suggests that firms make progress on the basis of resources and capabilities. Entrepreneurial network and dynamic capabilities both are regarded as the important elements to combat the lower firm performance in current turbulent business environment. By keeping in view, the theoretical foundations of RBV and DCV, this paper proposes a conceptual framework in examining the mediating role of dynamic capabilities on the relationship between entrepreneurial network and small firm performance

    A Protocol of Process Evaluations of Interventions for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review

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    Background Process evaluations of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) can provide insight and inform us on the intervention implementation, the causal mechanisms and the contextual factors. This will inform about interventions’ success or failure due to their implementation or the interventions themselves. We aim to consolidate the methodology from previous process evaluations of complex interventions upon their findings on facilitators and barriers to address the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus among women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Methods Comprehensive search will be conducted on electronic databases and reference lists of recent reviews for RCTs of complex interventions which address process evaluations of diabetes prevention intervention (DPI) for women with GDM in healthcare settings. There is no restriction on the language of the papers and year of publication until December 2020. Data from each study will be extracted by two reviewers independently using standardised forms. Data extracted include descriptive items on the study design and the outcomes of process evaluations from the three dimensions: (1) implementation; (2) mechanism of impact and (3) context. The quality of the studies will be assessed using mixed methods appraisal tool which is designed for the appraisal of mixed studies in systematic reviews. A narrative and framework analysis of the findings will be presented to inform the contents of a new DPI for women with GDM. Discussion The findings from this process evaluation findings are valuable in determining whether a complex intervention should be scaled up or modified for other contexts in future plan. It will give deeper understanding of potential challenges and solutions to aid in the implementation of effective DPIs for GDM in Malaysia

    The role of mosque committee in empowering mosque’s educational programmes: case study of mosques in Gombak district, Malaysia (peranan ahli jawatankuasa masjid dalam penambahbaikan program pendidikan masjid: kajian kes bagi masjid-masjid di daerah Gombak)

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    This article analyses the roles of the mosque committee in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes in Gombak, Selangor. Gombak as an administrative district that is located inside the hectic and modernized area of Klang Valley is prone to foreign ideologies and socio-cultural issues. This study aims to broaden the understanding of how the mosque committee in Gombak could empower the mosque’s educational programmes in addressing these issues. This study also aims to discover creative improvision that the committee could make in making the mosque’s educational programmes attractive to the surrounding community. This study focuses on the role of the mosque committee in improving their mosque’s educational programmes with a specific case study on selected mosques in the Gombak district. It is a qualitative study that utilizes the deductive and inductive methods derived from surveys collected from Focus-group Discussion (FGD) and literature studies. Recordings from the FGD survey and recent literature studies related to this topic are examined and analysed according to its appropriation. The result indicates the importance of the mosque committee and their significant roles in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes such as adjusting the curriculum to cater the diversity of people and continuously improvising the lesson through feedback taken from the surrounding community

    A mobile phone app for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in Malaysian women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Over 50% of women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) will develop type 2 diabetes (T2D) in later life. Asian women experience a disproportionate risk of both GDM and T2D compared to women from other ethnic backgrounds. Lifestyle interventions and behavior change can delay or even prevent the onset of T2D. We have developed a digitalized diabetes prevention intervention for the prevention of T2D in Malaysian women with GDM. Objective: The protocol describes a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test the feasibility of undertaking a definitive trial of a diabetes prevention intervention, including a smartphone app and group support. Secondary aims are to summarize anthropometric, biomedical, psychological, and lifestyle outcomes overall and by allocation group, and to undertake a process evaluation. Methods: This is a two-arm parallel feasibility RCT. A total of 60 Malaysian women with GDM will be randomized in the antenatal period to receive the intervention or standard care until 12 months post partum. The intervention is a diabetes prevention intervention delivered via a smartphone app developed based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model of behavior change and group support using motivational interviewing. The intervention provides women with tailored information and support to encourage weight loss through adapted dietary intake and physical activity. Women in the control arm will receive standard care. The Malaysian Ministry of Health’s Medical Research and Ethics Committee has approved the trial (NMRR-21-1667-60212). Results: Recruitment and enrollment began in February 2022. Future outcomes will be published in peer-reviewed health-related research journals and presented at national, regional, or state professional meetings and conferences. This publication is based on protocol version 2, January 19, 2022. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this will be the first study in Malaysia that aims to determine the feasibility of a digital intervention in T2D prevention among women with GDM. Findings from this feasibility study will inform the design of a full-scale RCT in the future

    The effects of intravenous infusion of autologous mesenchymal stromal cells in patients with subacute middle cerebral artery infarct: a phase 2 randomized controlled trial on safety, tolerability and efficacy

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    Background aims Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are characterized by paracrine and immunomodulatory functions capable of changing the microenvironment of damaged brain tissue toward a more regenerative and less inflammatory milieu. The authors conducted a phase 2, single-center, assessor-blinded randomized controlled trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of intravenous autologous bone marrow-derived MSCs (BMMSCs) in patients with subacute middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarct. Methods Patients aged 30-75 years who had severe ischemic stroke (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS] score of 10-35) involving the MCA territory were recruited within 2 months of stroke onset. Using permuted block randomization, patients were assigned to receive 2 million BMMSCs per kilogram of body weight (treatment group) or standard medical care (control group). The primary outcomes were the NIHSS, modified Rankin Scale (mRS), Barthel Index (BI) and total infarct volume on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 12 months. All outcome assessments were performed by blinded assessors. Per protocol, analyses were performed for between-group comparisons. Results Seventeen patients were recruited. Nine were assigned to the treatment group, and eight were controls. All patients were severely disabled following their MCA infarct (median mRS = 4.0 [4.0-5.0], BI = 5.0 [5.0-25.0], NIHSS = 16.0 [11.5-21.0]). The baseline infarct volume on the MRI was larger in the treatment group (median, 71.7 [30.5-101.7] mL versus 26.7 [12.9-75.3] mL, P = 0.10). There were no between-group differences in median NIHSS score (7.0 versus 6.0, P = 0.96), mRS (2.0 versus 3.0, P = 0.38) or BI (95.0 versus 67.5, P = 0.33) at 12 months. At 12 months, there was significant improvement in absolute change in median infarct volume, but not in total infarct volume, from baseline in the treatment group (P = 0.027). No treatment-related adverse effects occurred in the BMMSC group. Conclusions Intravenous infusion of BMMSCs in patients with subacute MCA infarct was safe and well tolerated. Although there was no neurological recovery or functional outcome improvement at 12 months, there was improvement in absolute change in median infarct volume in the treatment group. Larger, well-designed studies are warranted to confirm this and the efficacy of BMMSCs in ischemic stroke

    Toxicity levels of insecticides on diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) from Cameron Highland, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Since 1941, the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutellaxylostella is one of the major pest of crucifers grown in the Cameron Highlands, Pahang. The larvae feed on leaves tissue, leaving the vein and cause economic losses to the cabbage farmers. Recurrent used of the same types of insecticide to control DBMs has led the insect to develop resistance. When resistance developed, the farmers will use higher dosage of insecticide and make frequent application which could causes detrimental effects to environment. The study was conducted to determine toxicity levels of selected insecticides on Plutellaxylostella from Cameron Highland. The leafdipp bioassay technique was used in this evaluation. Early third instar larvae were placed on insecticide treated cabbage leaf discs. Types of insecticide tested were Takumi® (Flubendiamide), Prevathon® (Chlorantraniliprole), Steward® (Indoxacarb) and no insecticide as control. 5 concentrations for each insecticide and 3replications were conducted to obtain LC50 values by probit analysis. Parameter recorded was the rate of larval mortality. This study was arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). By comparing three types of insecticides, at 72 hours, Steward® has the highest toxicity level as having the lowest LC50 value which is at 86.064ng/g in which needed only small amount a.i insecticides to kill 50% of its population. Meanwhile, Prevathon® and Takumi® have least toxicity at range 283.081ng/g and 2678.992ng/g respectively