13 research outputs found

    The Strengthening of Fisherwomen Livelihoods in Benan Island Village Through Village Tourism Institutions

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    This study aims to analyze the involvement of fisherwomen in managing tourism villages and the relationship between actors involved in tourism management. The researcher chose Benan Island as the research location, one of the small islands in Lingga Regency, Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, and the interpretation of the results of data analysis uses spidergram images according to the priority scale. Data collection uses the method of study documentation, observation, Focus Group Discussion, and in-depth interviews. The study results show that fisherwomen's level of involvement in village tourism management still needs to be higher. The management of tourism in the village has a top-down pattern. Namely, the district government assigns village tourism management personnel. Such a management system makes it difficult for the women's community to participate actively

    Towards Sustainable Dispute Resolution: A Framework to Enhance the Application of Fast Track Arbitration in the Malaysian Construction Industry

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    There is a significant increase in the role of construction industry for the last few decades accompanied by a considerable upsurge in the construction disputes as well. Arbitration has constantly become popular, and strengthened its position as it can be settled within the stipulated time compared to litigation. However, the arbitral process takes longer which leads to fast track arbitration. Fast track arbitration is designed to enable arbitration to proceed quickly, which can minimize the time and optimize the cost. The proliferation number of construction disputes from construction industry has emerged the importance in using fast track arbitration as one of the preferable Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Regardless of frequent developments made to overcome the issues, however, there is an insignificant figure on the usage of fast track arbitration in the construction industry. This paper therefore aims to elicit a better understanding of the application of fast track arbitration in the Malaysian construction industry. Twenty (20) total number of participants – construction arbitrators – were interviewed to record their experience. A proposed framework for the application of fast track arbitration has been constructed from the responses to expand the current definition. With the changing practice environment, construction arbitrators need to be aware of the existing fast track arbitration which is crucial in ensuring its efficiencies to be applied in Malaysia, and this paper is intended to aid this process

    Analisis Kesesuaian Budidaya Rumput Laut Kapphapycus alvarezii di Kecamatan Moro dan Sugi Besar Kabupaten Karimun

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    Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) memiliki garis pantai yang meluas hingga mencapai 8.561,33 kilometer, memberikan potensi besar dalam sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan, terutama di sektor maritim. Salah satu komoditas pangan off farm yang menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan adalah rumput laut. Budidaya rumput laut menjadi peluang penghidupan berkelanjutan bagi 3,28% buruh dan nelayan di Kepri. Kabupaten Karimun telah mengembangkan industri pengolahan rumput laut dalam skala kecil khususnya jenis Kappaphycus alvarezii. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis kesesuaian budidaya rumput laut Kapphapycus alvarezii di Kecamatan Moro dan Sugi Besar Kabupaten Karimun. Analisis kesesuaian menggunakan Pendekatan spasial dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) menggunakan metode Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hanya tujuh parameter dengan gradien skor yang memiliki signifikansi dalam area kajian. Dua parameter utama, yaitu DO dan salinitas, menunjukkan tingkat kesesuaian yang tinggi, berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan. Kendala terbesar terletak pada tinggi gelombang dan posfat yang memiliki skor kurang sesuai, serta TSS yang tidak sesuai. Tingginya kekeruhan (TSS) di lokasi penelitian disebabkan oleh kedekatan dengan daratan Sumatera yang memiliki sungai-sungai besar. Kesesuaian juga didukung dengan kondisi eksisting lokasi, dukungan pemerintah dan sosial ekonomi masyarakat lokal. Karena itu pengembangan budidaya rumput laut yang efektif dan efisien dan berkelanjutan layak dipertimbangkan.Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (Kepri) memiliki garis pantai yang meluas hingga mencapai 8.561,33 kilometer, memberikan potensi besar dalam sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan, terutama di sektor maritim. Salah satu komoditas pangan off farm yang menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan adalah rumput laut. Budidaya rumput laut menjadi peluang penghidupan berkelanjutan bagi 3,28% buruh dan nelayan di Kepri. Kabupaten Karimun telah mengembangkan industri pengolahan rumput laut dalam skala kecil khususnya jenis Kappaphycus alvarezii. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis kesesuaian budidaya rumput laut Kapphapycus alvarezii di Kecamatan Moro dan Sugi Besar Kabupaten Karimun. Analisis kesesuaian menggunakan Pendekatan spasial dan Sistem Informasi Geografis (GIS) menggunakan metode Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hanya tujuh parameter dengan gradien skor yang memiliki signifikansi dalam area kajian. Dua parameter utama, yaitu DO dan salinitas, menunjukkan tingkat kesesuaian yang tinggi, berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan. Kendala terbesar terletak pada tinggi gelombang dan posfat yang memiliki skor kurang sesuai, serta TSS yang tidak sesuai. Tingginya kekeruhan (TSS) di lokasi penelitian disebabkan oleh kedekatan dengan daratan Sumatera yang memiliki sungai-sungai besar. Kesesuaian juga didukung dengan kondisi eksisting lokasi, dukungan pemerintah dan sosial ekonomi masyarakat lokal. Karena itu pengembangan budidaya rumput laut yang efektif dan efisien dan berkelanjutan layak dipertimbangkan

    Evaluasi Rencana Peruntukan Ruang Kota Tanjungpinang Terhadap Kesesuaian Habitat Ekosistem Mangrove Berdasarkan Kriteria Ekologi

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    Ekosistem mangrove penting bagi wilayah kepulauan untuk melindungi pantai dari bahaya gelombang tinggi yang mengakibatkan banjir dan erosi pantai. Namun, mangrove hanya dapat tumbuh pada kondisi sesuai kriteria ekologi ekosistem mangrove. Pelestarian ekosistem mangrove perlu diintegrasikan kedalam perencanaan tata ruang kota pesisir. Menyusun rencana tata ruang kota pesisir di pulau kecil harus adaptif terhadap perubahan lingkungan dengan berbasis pada ekologi ekosistem pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil analisis kesesuaian habitat mangrove dengan rencana pola ruang RDTR Kota Tanjungpinang. Kesesuaian habitat ekosistem mangrove di Kota Tanjungpinang berdasarkan kriteria ekologi mangrove diperoleh luas lahan yang sangat sesuai yaitu seluas 1227,87 Ha, sesuai 2651,52 Ha, dan kriteria cukup sesuai dengan luas 412,84 Ha. Zona budidaya antara lain berupa zona perumahan, perdagangan jasa, perkantoran, industri pada rencana peruntukan ruang RDTR Kota Tanjungpinang berada pada lahan yang memiliki kesesuaian habitat ekosistem mangrove berdasarkan kriteria ekologi.Ekosistem mangrove penting bagi wilayah kepulauan untuk melindungi pantai dari bahaya gelombang tinggi yang mengakibatkan banjir dan erosi pantai. Namun, mangrove hanya dapat tumbuh pada kondisi sesuai kriteria ekologi ekosistem mangrove. Pelestarian ekosistem mangrove perlu diintegrasikan kedalam perencanaan tata ruang kota pesisir. Menyusun rencana tata ruang kota pesisir di pulau kecil harus adaptif terhadap perubahan lingkungan dengan berbasis pada ekologi ekosistem pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan hasil analisis kesesuaian habitat mangrove dengan rencana pola ruang RDTR Kota Tanjungpinang. Kesesuaian habitat ekosistem mangrove di Kota Tanjungpinang berdasarkan kriteria ekologi mangrove diperoleh luas lahan yang sangat sesuai yaitu seluas 1227,87 Ha, sesuai 2651,52 Ha, dan kriteria cukup sesuai dengan luas 412,84 Ha. Zona budidaya antara lain berupa zona perumahan, perdagangan jasa, perkantoran, industri pada rencana peruntukan ruang RDTR Kota Tanjungpinang berada pada lahan yang memiliki kesesuaian habitat ekosistem mangrove berdasarkan kriteria ekologi

    A benchmark of modeling for sentiment analysis of the Indonesian Presidential Election in 2019

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    Researching with a machine learning method approach, the truth is to try to solve a case by using various algorithmic approaches to obtain the most suitable model for a case. In this research, we want to know which process of modelling that has the best accuracy value for classifying emotions in the text. The algorithm used is using the LSTM algorithm, while the benchmarking that we tested is the Random Forest and Naive Bayes algorithm. This research takes public opinion about the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election by classifying it into four types of emotions: happy, sad, angry, and afraid. The data we use contains more than 1200 Indonesian tweets. In this experiment, we achieved an accuracy of 68.25% using the Random Forest model, whereas, with the Multinomial Naïve Bayes model, the accuracy was 66%

    Development of climate-related disclosure indicators for application in Indonesia: A delphi method study

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    Indonesia is currently preparing to adopt the climate-related disclosure standard. Before this new standard is implemented effectively, the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI), the Indonesia Task Force on Comprehensive Corporate Reporting (CCR) leader, recognised the importance of harmonising this standard’s key disclosure indicators with Indonesian regulations and business characteristics. In this case, input from various constituencies may be required, particularly regarding the mechanism that enables entities with varying capabilities and levels of preparation to apply this new standard. Hence, the main objective of this paper is to develop weighted and applicable climate-related disclosure indicators. We use the Delphi method to achieve this objective by involving several experts representing various user groups that influence accounting standard formulation in Indonesia. The Delphi method is a decision-making tool that establishes an effective communication process, facilitating complex problem solving. This study finalised 44 climate-related disclosure indicators based on the results of two Delphi rounds. Overall, 48% (21/44) of climate-related disclosure indicators were identified to be highly applicable. Among these high-relevance indicators, there were 10% (2/21) Governance, 24% (5/21) Strategy, 42% (9/21) Risk Management, and 24% (5/21) Metrics and Targets indicators. Additionally, around 20% (9/44) of climate-related disclosure indicators received 100% approval from the experts. Along with various essential implications, we argue that these results provide useful additional information for the national standard setter for the climate-related disclosure standard that are efficient and less burdensome to entities

    Time management in construction

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    This study aims to identify the problems of inefficient time management of responsibility among the parties, including the contractors who are directly involved in a project. Humans have four dimensions: the physical, mental, social or emotional and spiritual.All of that should be understood, practiced in order to get the suit together.Effort consolidation study and research should be conducted to find out and solve the problem of time management arises whether the upper and lower levels of management in specific project.Qualitative rules involved in this study are a literature review, observation and questionnaires. Selection method of study is important to ensure that all information relating to the objectives of this study.Studied the issue of time management can be separated into the cause of inefficient time management,effective ways to overcome the problem of inefficient time management, efficient time management effects, and the effects of poor time management.Based on the search results of this study, an efficient time management can be achieved and practiced in all cases in addition to matters related to the project.It is hoped that the results from this study will assist in some of the project management to manage time more efficiently and thus can prevent the onset of other problems that are more complicated

    Perkembangan Livelihood Menongkah Suku Duano menjadi Festival Budaya Masyarakat Indragiri Hilir

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    Menongkah activities initially became the main livelihood of the Duano Tribe to fulfill their daily needs due to environmental degradation which caused bio-physical changes which caused the Duano Tribe to no longer be able to sail the ocean to catch fish so they settled by catching cockle (Anadara granosa) which abound in mud areas Indragiri Hilir. Menongkah activities are carried out using a tongkah board as a pedestal to catch cockles on the mud. Tongkah boards are used as a form of technological adaptation by the Duano Tribe to the muddy bio-physical environment. Livelihood with menongkah has been carried out for generations by the Duano people, so the culture of menongkah of the Duano tribe is a legacy that needs to be preserved. With government support, the menongkah activity is made one of the annual cultural festivals included in the Riau Province cultural tourism calendar. The environment which is the habitat of the cockle (Anadara granosa) needs to be maintained so that the existence of the Duano Tribe's livelihood and culture in menongkah is maintained.Kegiatan menongkah pada awalnya menjadi livelihood utama Suku Duano untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup karena terjadinya degradasi lingkungan yang menimbulkan perubahan bio-fisik yang menyebabkan Suku Duano tidak lagi dapat mengarungi lautan untuk menangkap ikan sehingga menetap dengan menangkap kerang darah (Anadara granosa) yang berlimpah pada daerah lumpur Indragiri Hilir. Kegiatan menongkah dilakukan menggunakan papan tongkah sebagai tumpuan menangkap kerang diatas lumpur. Papan tongkah digunakan sebagai bentuk adaptasi teknologi oleh Suku Duano terhadap lingkungan bio-fisik yang berlumpur. Livelihood dengan menongkah telah dilakukan sejak dahulu kala secara turun-temurun oleh masyarakat Suku Duano, sehingga budaya menongkah Suku Duano merupakan warisan yang perlu dilestarikan. Dengan dukungan pemerintah, kegiatan menongkah dijadikan sebagai salah satu festival budaya tahunan yang masuk dalam kalender wisata budaya Provinsi Riau. Lingkungan yang menjadi habitat kerang darah (Anadara granosa) perlu dijaga agar eksistensi livelihood dan kebudayaan Suku Duano dalam menongkah tetap terjaga

    Keterlibatan Perempuan Kamboja dan Indonesia dalam Pembangunan Lingkungan Komoditas Hutan pada Program UN-REDD+

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    Program UN-REDD+ memiliki tujuan pengurangan emisi hutan serta peningkatan cadangan karbon alami dengan memperhatikan isu  kesetaraan gender. Permasalahan kesetimpangan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam pengelolaan hutan menjadi kekhawatiran baik di Kamboja maupun di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana keterlibatan perempuan serta faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan tersebut. Setelah dilakukan review dari tulisan-tulisan terdahulu didapatkan hasil bahwa partisipasi perempuan di Kamboja maupun di Indonesia tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan, yaitu perempuan hanya terlibat sebagian dalam program REDD+. Belum aktifnya ketelibatan perempuan digambarkan oleh dominasi kaum laki-laki dalam kelembagaan pengelolaan hutan, di mana perempuan hanya terlibat sebagian atau bahkan tidak terlibat. Rendahnya partisipasi mereka dikarenakan tingkat pengetahuan perempuan yang rendah, terbatasnya akses untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan kesempatan dalam pertemuan dan pengambilan keputusan serta budaya masyarakat yang hirarkis dan norma tradisional yang mengakar tentang perbedaan peran perempuan dan laki-laki dimana peran publik harus kepada laki-laki dan perempuan dalam kegiatan domestik. Hal ini dapat menjadi perhatian bersama bahwa keadilan bagi kaum perempuan khusunya dalam pembangungan lingkungan komoditas hutan masih perlu untuk ditingkatkan

    The Low level of Sustainability of Fishing Households Livelihood Assets Around Marine Conservation Areas

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    The sustainability of coastal community livelihood assets is very relevant to efforts to develop the blue economy. This research aims to determine the sustainability of fishing household livelihood assets on the coast of marine conservation areas. The research locations are in three coastal villages in the marine conservation area of the eastern region of Bintan Island, Riau Island Province of Indonesia. This research uses a survey method with a quantitative descriptive approach. The research results show that, in general, the development of marine conservation areas in the eastern region has not had a significant impact on increasing the sustainability of the livelihood assets of the surrounding community. Of the five assets measured, only physical assets showed the best level of sustainability, namely 83%. Meanwhile, the other four assets indicate a low level of sustainability, namely human resource assets (42%), social assets (42%), financial assets (23%) and natural assets (29%). The low level of sustainability of the four livelihood assets has implications for increasing pressure on natural resources and conflicts of interest in conservation areas, as well as increasing community vulnerability to climate change. It is necessary to study management models that can increase the sustainability of community livelihood assets