287 research outputs found

    Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Ability Through Guided Discovery Learning Methods Assisted by Geogebra

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    This research is aimed to know: (1) Whether the increasing student’s critical thinking ability through guided discovery learning methods assisted by geogebra higher than the students who were given guided discovery methods without geogebra, (2) How the interaction between learning and early math  ability of student mathematical learning result. This study was a quasi-experimental study. The population of this study was the entire class of six semester mathematics education which approximately 184 people. Randomly, two classes were selected from six classes.  The first experimental class was given a geogebra assisted discovery method and the second experimental class was given a guided discovery method without  geogebra . The instrument used was a description test. The data analysis has been done by analysis of two-way variance (ANOVA). The results showed (1) the increasing student’s critical thinking ability through guided discovery learning methods assisted by geogebra were better than the students who were given guided discovery learning methods without geogebra. (2) There was no Interaction between learning and early math ability of student mathematical learning results


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    Program Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan kegiatan yang wajib ditempuh oleh mahasiswa jurusan kependidikan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Kegiatan ini sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada masyarakat lingkungan sekolah, meningkatkan potensi, bakat dan minat siswa guna menunjang proses belajar mengajar, membantu meningkatkan kondisi lingkungan sekolah yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar, serta memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk mempraktekkan ilmu yang bersifat teoretis yang telah diterima di perkuliahan. Kegiatan PPL dapat bertujuan untuk mendapatkan berbagai pengalaman mengenai proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan dalam lingkungan sekolah yang digunakan sebagai bekal menjadi tenaga pendidik yang memiliki nilai, sikap, pengetahuan, dan ketrampilan yang digunakan sebagai tenaga pendidik. Sekolah yang digunakan sebagai tempat praktek ini adalah SMA Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, yang dilaksanakan mulai dari tanggal 1 Juli 2014 hingga tanggal 17 September 2014. Pelaksanaan PPL ini dilakukan dengan mengajar di kelas selama kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah tersebut sesuai jadwal yang sudah ditentukan. Pengajaran di kelas pada kegiatan PPL ini diharapkan dapat dilakukan minimal 8 kali pertemuan, namun praktikan dapat melakukan kegiatan pengajaran di kelas sebanyak 9 pertemuan, sedangkan kelas yang diajar sebanyak 5 kelas, yaitu kelas XI IS 1, XI IS 2, XII IA 3, XII IA 5, dan XII IA 7 dengan menerapkan kurikulum 2013. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengajaran di kelas, antara lain diskusi kelompok, presentasi, dan penugasan. Untuk mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran digunakan beberapa media slide power point dan LKS. Banyak kendala dan hambatan selama waktu dilaksanakannya PPL. Akan tetapi, hal ini merupakan suatu proses untuk menuju yang lebih baik. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan PPL, penyusun berusaha sebaik mungkin dalam menjalankan tugas dan dan kewajiban serta selalu berusaha menjalin kerjasama, interaksi dengan semua pihak yang terkait demi kelancaran proses PPL tersebut. Hal ini dilakukan demi kemajuan dan peningkatan profesionalisme praktikan dalam mengembangkan kemampuannya


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a serious impact on all life on earth. The world of education, including other sectors, must adapt quickly. Likewise in terms of education must adapt in tackling this pandemic. One of the efforts made in tackling this pandemic is by holding tutoring for students, especially elementary school students who have only received learning through gadgets or whatsapp media by their teachers without getting an explanation beforehand so they don't understand what they are studying. This community service was carried out at the Al-Ikhlas Mosque in the neighborhood of Gelugur Darat, Medan Timur. The method used in the form of providing tutoring for one month. The results obtained in the provision of tutoring is a positive response from the National Mosque Council and parents of students. Parents are very supportive and greatly helped by the existence of tutoring which is carried out free of charge. Another result is that students learn to be independent in doing school assignments, and some of them are able to read and count

    Comparative Study of Meta-heuristics Optimization Algorithm using Benchmark Function

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    Meta-heuristics optimization is becoming a popular tool for solving numerous problems in real-world application due to the ability to overcome many shortcomings in traditional optimization. Despite of the good performance, there is limitation in some algorithms that deteriorates by certain degree of problem type. Therefore it is necessary to compare the performance of these algorithms with certain problem type. This paper compares 7 meta-heuristics optimization with 11 benchmark functions that exhibits certain difficulties and can be assumed as a simulation relevant to the real-world problems. The tested benchmark function has different type of problem such as modality, separability, discontinuity and surface effects with steep-drop global optimum, bowl- and plateau-typed function. Some of the proposed function has the combination of these problems, which might increase the difficulty level of search towards global optimum. The performance comparison includes computation time and convergence of global optimum

    Individual Compassion Leading to Employees’ Performance: An Empirical Study from Pakistan

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    In social sciences “compassion” is considered as an impactful attribute of employees’ satisfaction and wellbeing. People demonstrate compassion for others in socially interacting environments like an organization. As organizational people interact with each other therefore they show compassion towards each other. In such a manner compassion becomes an attribute of organizational culture if organizations themselves promote and support compassion at workplace. Compassion being a source of employee satisfaction may increase his/her performance or may divert employee’s attention from task accomplishment. This possibility has inspired this study to empirically test the effect of compassion at workplace on employees’ performance. Moreover, an indirect effect of compassion through intrinsic motivation on performance is also tested in this study to elaborate how compassion at workplace intrinsically motivates employees to enhance their performance. To test these relationships, data from 94 respondents have been analyzed quantitatively. The findings of the study supported that compassion enhances employee-performance, specifically the contextualperformance. Moreover, intrinsic motivation also moderates compassion-performance relationship. Compassion at workplace even enhances employees’ task-performance when moderated by intrinsic motivation. This study provided empirical evidence that compassion at workplace can enhance employee-performance; contextual as well as task-performance

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Tn. Y Dengan Hipertensi Di Ruang Cempaka Bawah RSUD Sukoharjo

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    Latar belakang : Hipertensi merupakan faktor resiko atau penyakit-penyakit kardiovaskular yang merupakan penyebab kematian tertinggi di Indonesia. Data penelitian Departemen Kesehatan RI menunjukkan hipertensi dan penyakit kardiovaskular masih cukup tinggi dan bahkan cenderung meningkat seiring dengan gaya hidup yang jauh dari perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat. Hipertensi dan penyakit jantung meliputi lebih dari sepertiga penyebab kematian, dimana strok menjadi penyebab kematian terbanyak 15,4% kedua hipertensi 6,8% (hasil Riskesdas, 2007). Data Riskesdas 2007 juga disebutkan prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia berkisar 30% dengan insiden komplikasi penyakit kardiovaskular lebih banyak pada perempuan (52%) dibandingkan laki-laki (48%). Data tersebut juga mencantumkan pengidap hipertensi di Indonesia terus meningkat. Hingga 2008 sedikitnya 30 persen penduduk Indonesia mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi. Tujuan : Mengetahui asuhan keperawatan pada pasien Tn. Y dengan hipertensi yang meliputi pengkajian, diagnosa, intervensi, implementasi, evaluasi keperawatan serta pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan Hasil : Setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama 3x24 jam didapatkan hasil tekanan darah normal 120/70 mmHg, nyeri berkurang, pasien mengerti tentang penyakit yang di derita Kesimpulan : Kerjasama dan komunikasi antar tim kesehatan dan juga dengan pasien sangat di perlukan untuk keberhasilan asuhan keperawatan pada pasie
