114 research outputs found

    Penguasaan Tulisan Jawi di Kalangan Pelajar UPM

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    Kajian ini dijalankan dengan tujuan memperoleh maklumat tentang penguasaan tulisan Jawi di kalangan pelajar UPM. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 160 orang pelajar UPM bagi semester Mei sesi 1999 / 2000 yang mempunyai peJbagai latar belakang tulisan Jawi dan sedang mengikuti program Bacelor daripada pelbagai fakulti. Mereka mengambil kursus BBM 3402 Sistem Tulisan Jawi. Latar belakang pendidikan Jawi responden diketahui menerusi jawapan borang soal selidik. Sementara itu, ujian penguasaan kemahiran Jawi digunakan untuk melihat penguasaan tulisan Jawi pelajar dalam beberapa aspek. Aspek-aspek tersebut termasuk kemahiran membaca Jawi, kemahiran menulis Jawi dan kemahiran mengeja Jawi. Seterusnya, kajian ini menggunakan teori Carney yang mengemukakan dua pendekatan untuk menghuraikan permasalahan ejaan, iaitu Filologi dan Fungsian. Dalam kajian ini, kedua-dua pendekatan tersebut iaitu Filologi dan Fungsian diaplikasi dan diubah suai bagi tujuan menghuraikan permasalahan sistem ejaan Jawi. Dapatan telah menunjukkan bahawa pelajar-pelajar melakukan kesalahan ejaan dalam beberapa aspek ejaan seperti penggunaan huruf Jawi, pengejaan mengikut hukum, pengejaan mengikut pola dan pengejaan berimbuhan. Kumpulan responden daripada latar belakang Pendidikan Tidak Formal didapati melakukan kesalahan yang lebih besar jumlahnya berbanding kumpulan responden daripada Sekolah Rendah, Sekolah Menengah, Sekolah Agama dan Maktab Perguruan. Dapatan juga menunjukkan bahawa kesalahan aspek imbuhan paling banyak dilakukan oleh pelajar yang menjadi responden kajian ini. Ini diikuti oleh aspek jenis ejaan Jawi daripada akronim dan homograf. Dapatan soal selidik menunjukkan bahawa keseluruhan pelajar yang mengikuti program BBM 3402 masih mempunyai minat terhadap tulisan Jawi. Antara cadangan yang boleh dilakukan ialah para pelajar harus didedahkan dengan peraturan-peraturan mengeja Jawi secara lebih terancang dan konsisten dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Sistem ejaan Jawi terkini iaitu Sistem Ejaan Jawi Yang Disempurnakan harus dikuasai. Selain itu, penyeragaman dalam aspek ejaan yang lebih mantap harus diusahakan melalui kajian dan penyelidikan. Seterusnya, pelajar-pelajar perlu digalakkan menggunakan sistem ejaan Jawi yang baru (SEJYD) dalam penulisan mereka

    Impact on environment assets: assessing post-flood environmental associated communicable diseases and the distributions through geospatial analysis

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    Flood causes serious health consequences especially on environmental-related diseases, particularty water and vector-borne diseases. Receding flood waters and pooling water in poodle provides perfect conditions for mosquito breeding, and increase in potential freshwater breeding sites results in larger numbers of mosquitoes, which would increase the potential for outbreaks of vector-borne diseases such as dengue fever. Contact with contaminated soil and water by animal urine will lead to leptospirosis. These diseases have relationship with the environment and other geographical factors and they could be transmitted not only to the vulnerable groups but also to those who are living near affected area. Therefore, the geospatial analysis is used to detenmine the relationship between: i. Cases of leptospirosis and leptospira isolated from the environment (i.e. water and soil) in Pasir Mas District, Kelantan. ii. Cases of dengue fever and distribution of Aedes mosquitoes in Kola Bharu and Bachok District, Kelantan

    Detection, genotyping & transcriptome analysis of s.typhi & s paratyphi form well water & its association with geographical clustering on enteric fever

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    A total number of 936 waters samples were collected from the typhoid locality in the year 2011-2013. S. Typhi was isolated from 2 samples whereby one them are from the outbreak cases in Pasir Mas, Kelantan dan the other one is the sporadic cases. Multiplex PCR showed S. Typhi positives in 19 cases suggesting that the PCR is more sensitive than the culture method. GIS analysis showed model of relationship between water positivity and cases. The S. Typhi isolated from water samples from outbreak area was genotyped together with the S. Typhi isolated from stools of food handlers in the same outbreak area. The pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) showed similar pattern with the isolates from well water. The findings suggested that the carriers among food handlers had contaminated the water and causing the outbreak. A representative S Typhi isolated from stools of food handlers and one of the S. Typhi isolated from water samples were undergone genome and RNA sequencing. The results showed that there are several genes that can differentiate between the two isolates. Transciptome analysis showed that 1272 genes were upregulated when S. Typhi was incubated in well water compared to the our genome analysis whereas 1065 genes were upregulated compared to CT18 genome (reference genome sequence in GenBank, NCBI). Further downstream analysis will be continued using other future grants

    Pengekspresian dan Kajian Imunologi Ke Atas Gen mtp40 Daripada Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Pembangunan vaksin yang berkesan adalah dianggap satu kaedah utama dalam kawalan terhadap tuberkulosis di seluruh dunia. Fokus utama projek ini ialah protein MTP40 pada M. tuberculosis yang telah di/aporkan sebelum ini mengandungi keduadua epitop sel S dan sel T. Dalam kajian ini gerak balas keimunan terhadap 7 peptida yang diterbitkan daripada protein MTP40 dalam M. tuberculosis telah diuji dengan kaedah "enzyme linked immunosorbent assay" (ELISA) dan "Iymphoblastic transformation test" (L TT) menggunakan spesimen pesakit TS (TS), individu yang terdedah kepada TS tanpa gejala (HC) dan individu kawalan (NC). Gerak balas antibodi terhadap peptida MTP40 secara umumnya didapati lebih tinggi dalam kumpulan TS berbanding dengan kumpulan HC tetapi hanya peptida P1 dan P2 yang memberikan perbezaan yang signifikan pada kedua-dua kumpulan tersebut. Di samping itu, gerak balas limfosit terhadap peptida tersebut adalah lebih tinggi di kalangan individu kumpulan HC berbanding dengan kumpulan TS di mana P1, P2, P5 dan P6 memberikan perbezaan yang signifikan. Keputusan ini mencadangkan MTP40 mung kin bergunak sebagai calon vaksin. Kajian lanjut telah dilakukan dengan lebih mendalam untuk mengkaji kemungkinan ini. Ge

    Integrasi faktor persekitaran dalam memperkasa matlamat pembangunan universiti awam di Malaysia

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    Universiti Awam Malaysia mempunyai aspirasi pembangunan tertentu yang ingin diperkasa menerusi pelaksanaan rancangan pembangunan organisasi masing-masing. Namun demikian perubahan globalisasi dan tuntutan daripada pihak berkepentingan dewasa ini telah menyebabkan universiti awam Malaysia berhadapan dengan pelbagai faktor di persekitaran yang bertindak mempengaruhi serta mencabar matlamat pembangunan yang dirancang. Hal ini adalah kerana tekanan perubahan keperluan persekitaran mewujudkan pelbagai idea yang menuntut universiti membangun seiring dengan tuntutan keperluan tersebut (Kivinen & Rinne, 1991). Justeru kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan oleh Universiti Awam Malaysia dalam menentu dan memperkasa matlamat pembangunan organisasi masing-masing. Data bagi kajian ini telah diperoleh melalui kaedah tinjauan (survey), yang menggunakan soal selidik sebagai alat ukur kajian. Satu set soal selidik yang mengandungi 39 item telah diedarkan melalui pos kepada 715 orang responden yang terdiri daripada; i) Pihak pengurusan atasan universiti; ii) Dekan; iii) Timbalan dekan; iv) Ketua jabatan/ Koordinator program/ Penyelaras program/ Pengerusi rancangan di universiti-universiti awam Malaysia. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelaksanaan rancangan pembangunan universiti awam Malaysia paling mengutamakan matlamat pembangunan bagi komponen program akademik, penyelidikan dan konsultasi, program pengajian pasca siswazah, pengajaran dan pembelajaran, dan hal ehwal pelajar. Analisis lanjutan mendapati bahawa wujud perbezaan yang signifikan bagi keutamaan semua komponen teras antara universiti awam. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan majoriti responden berpendapat bahawa faktor kerajaan kurang diambil kira dalam rancangan pembangunan universiti mereka. Sebaliknya, faktor-faktor lain seperti kepakaran akademik dalam dan luar universiti, tekanan permintaan pasaran, infrastruktur universiti, perkembangan sains dan teknologi, perkembangan pendidikan tinggi global dan peruntukan kewangan diambil kira dalam perancangan pembangunan universiti mereka. Tegasnya perbezaan faktor-faktor yang diambil kira dan diadaptasi oleh sesebuah universiti merintis kepada perbezaan matlamat dalam pelaksanaan rancangan pembangunan antara universiti awam di Malaysia.Dapat dirumuskan bahawa matlamat pembangunan yang disasarkan oleh Universiti Awam Malaysia mempunyai perkaitan dengan faktor persekitaran yang diambil kira oleh organisasi tersebut. Hal ini yang telah merintis kepada perbezaan dalam keutamaan matlamat yang diberikan oleh Universiti Awam di Malaysia dalam memperkasa rancangan pembangunan masing-masing

    Innovative Approaches Towards Development And Utilization Of Dna Diagnostics For Salmonella Typhi.

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    Demam kepialu berpunca daripada Salmonella Typhi kekal sebagai masalah kesihatan di negara-negara kurang membangun dan sedang membangun. Typhoid fever caused by Salmonella Typhi remains a public health problem in underdeveloped and developing countries

    Health and safety: real time detection of Bukholderia pseudomallei and pathogenic leptospira spp using a new portable amplification diagnostics system

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    Burkholderia pseudoma/lei is the causative agent of melioidosis, an infectious disease with multifarious manifestations. The gold standard for diagnosis is the culture that requires 2-7 days to obtain a result hindering successful treatment of the patients. Leptospirosis is a widespread infection of human and animals (Rao eta/., 2003), and locally it assumes considerable importance as a public health and economic problem. Early detection of Leptospira spp. is an essential requirement in its management practice. Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) is the gold standard with high sensitivity that detects the group-specific antibodies but it is complex due to the requirement of maintaining strains or isolates for the preparation of live antigens. The microscopy method using dark field microscope is reported as easier for visualizing leptospiras in blood and urine but it lacks sensitivity. As an alternative to these methods, Orf2 and lip32L genes were used to develop the DNA-based diagnostics and detect for the presence of Burkho/deria pseudomallei and pathogenic Leptospira spp. Two sets of primers were designed and used to optimize the amplification of the two specific regions of the desired genes. The amplification was successfully developed with the detection limit of detection limit of the orf2 and lipl32 amplification 10 pg/~1 and 26.75 pg/~1 respectively. Both tests showed the amplification of the two genes are specific and could be used to further verification and evaluation of the test. The findings suggested that the verification of the specific primers for both Burkho/deria pseudomallei and pathogenic Leptospira spp. was successful. A probebased amplification system will be further optimised with the presence of heating system as a complete portable system for the preparedness of the bacterial detection during the flood situation

    Gender of transformational school principals and teachers’ innovative behavior

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the different levels of transformational leadership between male and female principals and their relationships with teachers' Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) in Malaysian secondary schools. In total, 477 teachers from various secondary schools were randomly selected as respondents (218 are working under female principals, while 259 of them are under male principals). This study revealed that the respondents agree that male principals practice transformational leadership higher than female principals. However, the female principals were highly influential on the teachers’ IWB compared to their male counterparts. This study provides a glimpse of the teachers' innovative behavior improvement resulted from transformational leadership by male and female school principals

    Workplace Spirituality and Leadership Effectiveness Among Educational Managers in Malaysia.

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    The focus of this study was to investigate the relationship between the workplace spirituality and leadership effectiveness among secondary school principals in Malaysia. A quantitative technique (questionnaires) was used to collect data from 1510 teachers of secondary schools across the four States of Northern Peninsular Malaysia, namely, Penang, Kedah, Perlis and Northern Perak. The results of this study indicate that workplace spirituality has an important role to playas an aide to leadership development, as well as leadership effectiveness. The results also confirmed that effective leadership practices could explain significant variance in teachers' satisfaction and commitment as well as departmental performance. These findings are discussed in the light of currently available research literatures and both practical as well as theoretical implications of the study are highlighted. Future qualitative studies are needed to provide deeper insight