38 research outputs found

    Rhetoric and Philosophic Interpretation of the Concept and Function of Metaphor by Paul Ricuor

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        This research tackled the attitude of interpretation towards the issue of metaphor, especially the French philosopher's view Paul Ricuor. It also dealt with the nature of metaphor as suggested by him via critiquing the attitude in which he finds a mere aesthetic and substitutive ornament from the one hand, while taking it as innovative means to touch reality on the other hand. Consequently, it is a cognitive value with the aim of contacting the outside world and getting to know it then the research proceeded to discuss the intellectual basics of metaphor according to Ricuor. He noticed that there is no way to understand the nature of metaphor without understanding its basics. This has made it possible to handle the knowledgeable and innovative function of metaphor be it the present side always in language; that which never fades. So, it was not possible to handle metaphor inside language without wondering how thinking works. Here Ricuor differentiates between living and consumed metaphor on the basis of the ability of innovation and knowledge provided by each one of them. Additionally, he has stated that metaphor is there inside interpretation as it is through it. Such a presence of metaphor inside the field of interpretation is the reason why one can tackle this polysemy. This polysemy results in this on the one hand and in its openness on the world of human act; work and practice on the other hand. This way, metaphor in interpretation is presented as a future language. The research has ended up with a bunch of results through questioning the concept of metaphor in a philosophic interpretative  way

    The Semiotic Features in the Augustian's text

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     This research handles the Semiotic Features in the Augustian's text an attempt to discover its nature and implication. It tackies the Semiotic theme, its concepts and relation to the Sociological Cultural realities of modern semitians. then it discusses the concept of sign and its relation to interpretation in this text showing its distinct features, Symbolic language which makes us delve deep into this text trying to open broaden horiozons via searching deep into existence to decipher hidden meanings of symbos in the external existence of things. It also deals with the speciality of sign to Augustein in which the theological perspective played the major role. It also aims at specifying the differences and similarities with some modern semitics to talk eventually about kinds of sign trying to end up with some results that help us comprehend the Augustian's text

    Derrida in Light of Augustinian; Deconstruction and lying

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      This research had discussed the concept of Augustinian lying in light of the deconstruction reading of Derrida. The one specific goal is to deconstruct and delve deeper into the theory of embedded meaning in the act of lying as it is a linguistic and in tentional act. Based on this, it will orient Focus towards first specifying the concept of lying, Then discussed the frame of saying in lying  to deduce how deconstruction went through the Augustinian text and its inner construction, to finally get to talking about the intention of deception this is basically the criteria against which lying is measured and distinguished from other events of non_ truth. Then the research will tackle those of non_ lying such as joking and the like through this distinction the research will tackle the moral frame via which Augustine analyzed the types of lying. After words, it accumulates its out comes in a conclusion presenting some of the findings as in ideas that are taken as strategies we deduced out of the Derrida's reading of the Augustinian text regarding this concept

    Full-thickness bilateral rotator cuff tears as a result of a bench-pressing accident: case report and literature review of treatment of bilateral rotator cuff tears

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    Rotator cuff injuries are frequent pathologies presenting to orthopedic surgeons. These injuries especially occur among older adults due to intrinsic or extrinsic degeneration. They can however present in young athletes, but as result of different etiologies. Overhead athletes may incur rotator cuff injuries due to repetitive trauma. Bilateral simultaneous traumatic shoulder dislocations have been reported in the literature following acute trauma or weight-lifting activity, but bilateral traumatic rotator cuff tears following bench pressing is an unusual presentation in a young individual. To our knowledge, there has been no previous report describing this injury. This article presents a case of a young male athlete who had bilateral rotator cuff tears after a barbell bench press. Both shoulders were treated operatively in a sequential manner, three months apart, and the patient regained excellent functional status 24 months postoperatively

    Validez de la prueba de actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa para el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Gaucher, revisión sistemática

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    Introduction: The Gaucher disease is a metabolic disorder due to deficiency or absence of acid β-glucosidase enzyme. The diagnosis is clinically suspected, but requires confirmation by measuring the activity of acid β-glucosidase enzyme in leukocytes (gold standard) or in dried blood on filter paper. Objective: To assess the validity of the measurement of acid β-glucosidase enzyme activity in dried blood on filter paper compared to the standard of gold, for the diagnosis of Gaucher disease in patients with clinical suspicion. Methodology: A systematic review of literature was carried out. A PICO question was constructed and validated. A generic search strategy was used based on the key terms (Gaucher Disease and Dried Blood Spot Analysis). Two independent evaluators reviewed and assessed the quality, and extracted information from the articles. Results: Discarding the duplicates, 47 articles were obtained. Four complete texts were evaluated, and three of them were excluded when applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. The article that was included had an excellent quality and showed that the enzymatic activity of glucocerebrosidase in dried blood had a sensitivity of 82.3%, a specificity of 94.0% with a cut-off of 0.0-2.75, a sensitivity of 88.2% and specificity of 88.5% with a cut-off point of 0.0-4.4. Conclusions: The enzymatic measurement of acid β-glucosidase in dried blood is an excellent test for an initial diagnosis of Gaucher disease; however, it is not a conclusive proof. [Vera-Cala LM, Serrano-Gómez SE, Córtes A, Estrada I, Gáfaro A. Validity of the Enzymatic Activity Test of Glucocerebrosidase for the Diagnosis of Gaucher Disease, a Systematic Review. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 201-206].Introducción: La enfermedad de Gaucher es un trastorno metabólico por deficiencia o ausencia de enzima β-Glucosidasa Ácida. El diagnóstico se sospecha clínicamente, pero requiere confirmación mediante medición, en leucocitos (estándar de oro) o en sangre seca sobre papel de filtro, de la actividad de la enzima β-Glucosidasa Ácida. Objetivo: Evaluar la validez de la medición de la actividad de la enzima β-Glucosidasa Ácida en sangre seca en papel de filtro, comparada con el estándar de oro, para el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Gaucher en pacientes con sospecha clínica. Metodología: Se hizo una revisión sistemática de literatura. Se construyó y validó una pregunta PICO. Se usó una estrategia de búsqueda genérica con base en los términos clave (Gaucher Disease y Dried Blood Spot Analysis). Dos evaluadores independientes revisaron, evaluaron la calidad y extrajeron la información de los artículos. Resultados: Descartando los duplicados, se obtuvieron 47 artículos. Se evaluaron los textos completos de cuatro, y tres de ellos fueron excluidos al aplicar criterios de inclusión y exclusión. El artículo incluido tuvo una calidad excelente y mostró que la actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca tuvo sensibilidad de 82.3% y especificidad de 94.0% con un punto de corte de 0.0-2.75 y sensibilidad de 88.2% y especificidad de 88.5% con un punto de corte de 0.0-4.4. Conclusiones: La medición enzimática de la β-glucosidasa ácida en sangre seca es una excelente prueba para diagnóstico inicial de enfermedad de Gaucher. Sin embargo, no es una prueba concluyente. [Vera-Cala LM, Serrano-Gómez SE, Córtes A, Estrada I, Gáfaro A. Validez de la prueba de actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa para el diagnóstico de enfermedad de Gaucher, revisión sistemática. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 201-206]

    Effects of Early Changes in Organ Dysfunctions on the Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients in Need of Renal Replacement Therapy

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    INTRODUCTION: Acute kidney injury usually develops in critically ill patients in the context of multiple organ dysfunctions. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of changes in associated organ dysfunctions over the first three days of renal replacement therapy on the outcomes of patients with acute kidney injury. METHODS: Over a 19-month period, we evaluated 260 patients admitted to the intensive care units of three tertiary-care hospitals who required renal replacement therapy for > 48 h. Organ dysfunctions were evaluated by SOFA score (excluding renal points) on the first (D1) and third (D3) days of renal replacement therapy. Absolute (A-SOFA) and relative (D-SOFA) changes in SOFA scores were also calculated. RESULTS: Hospital mortality rate was 75%. Organ dysfunctions worsened (A-SOFA>0) in 53%, remained unchanged (A-SOFA=0) in 17% and improved (A-SOFA<0) in 30% of patients; and mortality was lower in the last group (80% vs. 84% vs. 61%, p=0.003). SOFA on D1 (p<0.001), SOFA on D3 (p<0.001), A-SOFA (p=0.019) and D-SOFA (p=0.016) were higher in non-survivors. However, neither A-SOFA nor D-SOFA discriminated survivors from non-survivors on an individual basis. Adjusting for other covariates (including SOFA on D1), A-SOFA and D-SOFA were associated with increased mortality, and patients in whom SOFA scores worsened or remained unchanged had poorer outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to baseline values, early changes in SOFA score after the start of renal replacement therapy were associated with hospital mortality. However, no prognostic score should be used as the only parameter to predict individual outcomes

    Modelo estratégico en la capacitación de seguridad industrial con énfasis en gestión del conocimiento en la empresa Cemex, para año 2018

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    El presente documento se presenta como respuesta al proyecto requerido por el Diplomado en Profundización en gerencia del talento humano de la Unad.presente trabajo se desarrolló de manera colaborativa, es producto de consultas en la Empresa Cemex Colombia, Internet, vídeos, libros, referencias bibliográficas propuestas en el curso. En este sentido, este escrito trata del diseño de un Modelo Estratégico Integral para el proceso de Salud Ocupacional con Énfasis en Gestión del Conocimiento en la Mina Apulo Cundinamarca de la empresa Cemex, mediante el estudio de la capacitación en seguridad industrial que ofrece la empresa a su personal.Contar con un personal saludable es uno de los bienes más preciados con que cuenta cualquier empresa y en general una comunidad, de esta manera contribuye con la productividad y el desarrollo del país, así como también es la fuente de motivación, satisfacción y calidad de vida de la sociedad. Dado lo anterior, se aborda el programa de salud ocupacional de la empresa Cemex donde se reconoce el recurso humano como la base de toda organización y se enfocan los esfuerzos en la búsqueda del bienestar y la satisfacción para todos los colaboradores de la organización, por lo que el programa de salud ocupacional se convierte en la herramienta ideal para el desarrollo de políticas, reglas y acciones en pro del bienestar de los trabajadores, con el objetivo de preservar la salud, la integridad física, mental y familiar, además tiene como finalidad brindar a los trabajadores información sobre la localización y evaluación de los agentes que puedan representar algún riesgo para su integridad y sus posibles efectos nocivos, con el fin de adoptar las medidas preventivas y de control necesarias mediante actividades que mejoren las condiciones de trabajo y salud.This document is presented as a response to the project required by the Diploma in In-depth Human Resource Management of Unad. This work was collaboratively developed, is a product of consultations in the Company Cemex Colombia, Internet, videos, books, bibliographic references proposals in the course. In this sense, this paper deals with the design of an Integral Strategic Model for the Occupational Health Process with Emphasis on Knowledge Management at the Cemex Apulo Cundinamarca Mine, through the study of the industrial safety training offered by the company Its personnel. Having a healthy staff is one of the most precious assets that any company and in general a community, in this way contributes to the productivity and development of the country, as well as the source of motivation, satisfaction and quality of life of society. Given the above, it addresses the occupational health program of the company Cemex where the human resource is recognized as the base of any organization and focus efforts in the search for well-being and satisfaction for all employees of the organization, therefore that the occupational health program becomes the ideal tool for the development of policies, rules and actions for the well-being of workers, with the aim of preserving health, physical, mental and family integrity, in addition to providing to information on the location and evaluation of agents that may represent a risk to their integrity and possible harmful effects, in order to take the necessary preventive and control measures through activities that improve working and health conditions

    Texto da curadoria Periferias

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    Peripheries Curatorial TextThe periphery, viewed as the space surrounding a centre, is herein conceived as one of the possible meeting points for the images that are presented. The peripheral here becomes apparent in various ways. Some of the visual reflections twirl around the desire of acknowledging and unveiling those particular places, objects, imaginaries and day-to-day dynamics which usually remain invisible, making them play a role related to the specific space of the art gallery and its surrounding territory. Some other proposals are intended to generate filtrations amongst intimacy –to which belong the body, the desire, and personal objects– and the public space of exhibition in a venue. Finally, even some other ones are focused on the exploration of possible meeting points and interferences among different forms of communication. “Peripheries” is also configured as an space where plastic exercises take place, which in their turn represent a particular materialization around yet another centre, that of solving the question of creation and its possibilities of self enunciation and of establishing creative relations with its context.Texto curatorial “Periferias”La periferia, comprendida como el espacio que rodea o circunda un centro, es reconocida como uno de los posibles puntos de encuentro entre las imágenes que aquí se presentan. Lo periférico se hace manifiesto de diversas maneras: algunas de las reflexiones visuales giran en torno al interés por reconocer y visibilizar aquellos lugares, imaginarios, objetos y dinámicas cotidianas que habitualmente permanecen invisibles y que son puestos en juego en relación con el espacio específico de la galería y el territorio que le circunda. Otras propuestas se ocupan de generar filtraciones entre la intimidad –propia del cuerpo, del deseo, de los objetos personales– y lo público, propio de un espacio de exhibición. Otras más se centran en la exploración de los posibles puntos de encuentro y las interferencias entre las diferentes formas de comunicación. “Periferias” también se constituye como un espacio en el que se visibilizan ejercicios plásticos que a su vez son la materialización particular alrededor de otro centro, el de la pregunta por la creación y sus posibilidades como forma de enunciación propia y de relación creativa con un contexto.A periferia, compreendida como o espaço que redeia o que circunda um centro, é reconhecida como um dos possíveis pontos de encontro entre as imagens que aqui se apresentam. O periférico se faz manifesto de diversos jeitos: algumas das reflexões visuais giram em volta ao interes por reconhecer e visibilizar aqueles lugares, imaginários, objetos e dinâmicas cotidianas que habitualmente permanecem invisíveis e que são postas em jogo em relação com o espaço especifico da galeria e o território que a circunda; outras propostas ocupam-se de gerar filtrações entre a intimidade - própria do corpo, do desejo, dos objetos pessoais, - e o público próprio dum espaço de exibição; outras se centram na exploração dos possíveis pontos de encontro e das interferências entre as diferentes formas de comunicação. Periferias, também se estabelece como um espaço em que se visibilizam exercícios plásticos que a sua vez são a materialização particular em volta dum outro centro, o da pergunta pela criação e suas possibilidades como uma forma de enunciação própria e de relação criativa com um contexto

    A biochemical, theoretical and immunohistochemical study comparing the therapeutic efficacy of curcumin and taurine on T-2 toxin induced hepatotoxicity in rats

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    Introduction: Foodborne trichothecene T-2 Toxin, is a highly toxic metabolite produced by Fusarium species contaminating animal and human food, causing multiple organ failure and health hazards. T-2 toxins induce hepatotoxicity via oxidative stress causing hepatocytes cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. In this study, curcumin and taurine were investigated and compared as antioxidants against T-2-provoked hepatotoxicity.Methods: Wistar rats were administrated T-2 toxin sublethal oral dose (0.1 mg/kg) for 2 months, followed by curcumin (80 mg/kg) and taurine (50 mg/kg) for 3 weeks. Biochemical assessment of liver enzymes, lipid profiles, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARs), AFU, TNF-α, total glutathione, molecular docking, histological and immunohistochemical markers for anti-transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ1), double-strand DNA damage (H2AX), regeneration (KI67) and apoptosis (Active caspase3) were done.Results and Discussion: Compared to T-2 toxin, curcumin and taurine treatment significantly ameliorated hepatoxicity as; hemoglobin, hematocrit and glutathione, hepatic glycogen, and KI-67 immune-reactive hepatocytes were significantly increased. Although, liver enzymes, inflammation, fibrosis, TGFβ1 immunoexpressing and H2AX and active caspase 3 positive hepatocytes were significantly decreased. Noteworthy, curcumin’s therapeutic effect was superior to taurine by histomorphometry parameters. Furthermore, molecular docking of the structural influence of curcumin and taurine on the DNA sequence showed curcumin’s higher binding affinity than taurine.Conclusion: Both curcumin and taurine ameliorated T-2 induced hepatotoxicity as strong antioxidative agents with more effectiveness for curcumin