1,311 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Media Ethics Courses in Jordanian Universities and their Impacts on Students’ Social Responsibility

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    The article aims to evaluate the impact of media ethics courses considering the values of social responsibility among students, and their relevance to the reality of practice from the point of view of media faculties staff in Jordanian universities. The study adopted the descriptive method and the interview (2) and questionnaire (39) of professors of media ethics courses. The main results of the article are: Most topics of media ethics courses adopted in faculties of media in Jordanian universities are principles and concepts of media ethics and codes (4.88). More indicators of fulfilling the media ethics courses with social responsibility is providing the student with cognitive, analytical, and applied skills in media practices (4.46). The most prominent weaknesses in media ethics courses in Jordanian universities are a Lack of legal culture (4.61), as well as a Lack of lecturers, specializing in media ethics. The media professors’ aspirations are to concentrate on “adopting the local law of each country as a main topic well as media ethics in the curriculum of early levels of school” (4.78). The researcher recommends that ministries of higher education and universities update and adopt media ethics curricula at various academic levels

    Audiology and community-based rehabilitation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: development of the first hearing screening tools for infants and children

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    Abstract This study is aimed at developing the first hearing test tool, adapted to national languages, for the early detection of children at risk of hearing loss in the DRC. Specific objectives included adapting and evaluating the effectiveness of the LittlEARS Auditory Questionnaire (LEAQ) as a screening tool for hearing loss in children aged 0–24 months in the DRC; constructing and validating the Kiswahili versions of the Adaptive Auditory Speech Test (AAST) for children aged 3–4 years and older; and determining the role of the LEAQ and the AAST as hearing screening tools in the community-based rehabilitation (CBR) programme. v Methods A cross-sectional design was used to select a total of 1.501 participants for the study. The sample included children, adolescents and adults including parents. For validation of the LEAQ, norm data were collected from (N=723) babies for the Lingala version and (N=648) babies for the Kiswahili version for children (0–24 months). In order to investigate the effectiveness of the LEAQ as a screening tool for children aged between 25–36 months, norm data was collected from (N=114) babies for the Lingala version and (N=82) babies for the Kiswahili version. In order to determine the Kiswahili version, AAST norm data were collected from N=130 (male: n=62, female: n=68). Results The results for the regression curve generated with age as an independent variable and total scores as dependent variables for the LEAQ showed the Kiswahili version as being very similar, r=0.81 (p=< 0.001) to the original German version r =0.91, and the Lingala version as being a little different but also very similar to the German version, r= 0.77 (p=< 0.001), whereby a value of 0.7 or higher shows a high correlation .These results legitimize the use of the LEAQ to screen for hearing loss in the DRC in infants and children from 1-24 months and vi above. The constructed version of the version of the Kiswahili Adaptive Auditory Speech Test (AAST) was used to find out the Speech Reception Threshold (SRT) in quiet and in noise conditions with the aim to determine the norm values in children aged 3-4 years and older. Conclusion The adapted Lingala and Kiswahili version of the LEAQ can be used for the screening and diagnosis of hearing loss in children under and over 3 years in the DRC. The study confirms that, the Kiswahili version of the AAST has an approximate difference of 10.2 dB observed between the year 4 old and 10 years old children in quiet, with a significant improve as the age increase. In addition, the LEAQ and the AAST can be used as screening tools in infants, but it may also be important to point out that, despite the UNHS being the gold standard , the procedures for these other 2 tests will represent an approximation if the UNHS cannot yet be introduced in the DRC due to cost and organizational reasons. This can have a positive implication by generating concrete data that will have considerable impact in influencing the legislation and integration of the LEAQ as a screening tool in the primary health care packag

    Paths of Bridging the Gap Between Academic and Media Practice: The Professors’ Vision in Media Faculties

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    The article aims to explore paths for bridging the gap between academic qualification in media faculties, departments, and institutes, and media practice from the point of view of media professors in Jordanian universities. A descriptive approach has been adopted to achieve the articles aim, using a survey questionnaire of 50 practitioners of media institutions, and conducting 15 interviews with professors in media faculties and departments at Jordanian universities. The results indicated a gap between academic qualification and media practice. This gap had been due to the different requirements of the market, and the sufficiency of media institutions in terms of media professionals, besides the absence of criteria for accepting students in media faculties, and the academic plans focusing on theoretical aspects more than practical aspects. The results finally concluded that six paths might bridge the gap between the academic media path and media practice: applying the mechanism for accepting students in media majors, developing curricula and plans to keep pace with the requirements of the digital age and the needs of the labor market, recruiting experienced and competent professors and involving professionals in the teaching process, preparing advanced training programs for students; and developing training centers in media faculties

    Physical Properties of (Basalt-Ni) System by Thermal Spray Flame Technique

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; تعاني العديد من السطوح تشققات وتأكل خارجي مثل الريش التوربينية وانابيب النفط ولأجل حل تلك المشاكل يتم استخدام طلاءات ذات متانة عالية وكلفة واطئة. ففي البحث الحالي تم استخدام مسحوق صخور البازلت((Basalt ذات الاكاسيد المتعددة مدعمة بمادة معدنية (Ni)50% تم رش النماذج المجهزة بتقنية الرش الحراري بواسطة اللهب وعند مسافات رش متعددة هيcm &nbsp;(10,12,14,16,18,20) وبعد اكمال تحضير النماذج المطلية على قاعدة من الفولاذ السبائكي تم اجراء عملية التلبيد للعينات وعند معاملة ((700℃, 900℃,1100℃ وبزمن ساعتين. اما الفحوص الميكانيكية تمثلت ب( قوة التلاصق, المسامية, الصلادة, البلى) وكما تم اجراء فحص بالمجهر الالكتروني الماسح(SEM) للعينات المحضرة قبل وبعد عملية التلبيد. اظهرت نتائج الفحص ان احسن مسافة رش كانت cm 16 وافضل معاملة حرارية هي ( (1100℃ وذلك بالاعتماد على كل من نتائج فحوص قوة التلاصق التي بلغتMPa(24.43) و المسامية التي بلغت %((8.653 وصلادة فيكرز هي (HV 1140) وكما ووجد عند سرعة انزلاقية ثابتة هي (cm/min.12000) وعند زمن خمسة دقائق وحمل ( (20Nالحصول على اوطئ معدل بلى(wear)هو (0.397), اما نتائج فحص المجهر الالكتروني الماسح اوضحت تناسق سطحي واضح بعد اجراء المعاملات الحرارية مع وجود قليل للمسامات وعند افضل معاملة حرارية هي ( (1100℃.Many surfaces suffer cracks and external corrosion such as turbo blades and oil pipes. In order to solve these problems are used coatings of high durability and low cost. In the current research, the power of the basalt with multiple oxides supported by metal (Ni) 50% was sprayed models with thermal spraying by flame and at multiple spraying distances of (10,12,14,16,18,20) cm after the preparation of the models coated on a base of alloy steel, the process of sintering of the samples at (700, 900, 1100) ℃ and within two hours have been done. The mechanical tests were (strength adhesion, porosity, hardness, wear, and tear) (SEM) for prepared samples before and after sintering. The results showed that the best spraying distance was 16 cm and the best heat treatment is ( (1100 ℃), depending on the results of the adhesion strength tests at (24.43 MPa) and (8.653%) porosity, (1140 Hv) and the hardness of the Vickers and at a constant sliding speed (12000 cm/min). The results of the scanning electron microscopy showed clear surface consistency after thermal conductivity with a few pores and treatments the best (1100.)

    The Role of Social and Digital Media on Sport Marketing in Iraq and Its Effect on Football

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the role of social and digital media on sport marketing and its effect on football in Iraq. This study employed a quantitative approach, with data collected by a questionnaire. Questionnaire was sent to 200 people, and they were all contacted for responses. Most of the respondents use social media (SM) as their favorite over traditional media, which suggests that the influence of SM in the life of Iraqi people is more than traditional media.&nbsp; Maximum respondent use facebook for their social activities through SM. Almost all respondents like, comment or share the SM posts and active on posting messages, watching the ads on SM. SM also helps respondents to get more information and they feel more connected to the brand sponsoring football clubs. Respondents also inspiring SM campaigns of sponsoring football clubs and purchase the product of that company which is promoted by their favourite player or team or club. Thus, SM and digital media plays an important role in sports marketing strategies in Iraq for major retail brands, as it allows consumers to stay update with the latest products as well as their promotions and allows them to engage in a wide range of football events and even hear from their football sport idol

    The Impact of Social Media (SM) on Sport Marketing Strategy Development: A Case Study of Football Teams in Iraq

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    The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of SM on the development of sport marketing strategies by football teams in Iraq. This study employed a quantitative approach, with data collected by a questionnaire. Questionnaire was sent to 200 people, and they were all contacted for responses. The findings of this study show that approximately 97.5% of respondents using SM, especially Facebook (32.5%) as the favorite over traditional media. Most of the SM users are of below 30 years of age (youngsters) and likely to spend roughly spending 2-5 hours on SM every day and remain active in posting messages to each other, pay attention to the advertisement of sports products and like to watch them too. Thus, developing SM tools is critical for football teams to succeed in their sports marketing strategy (MS) and build professional relationships with their fans. The football team must use SM as a powerful tool for developing its sports MS and capturing fans as an essential product. They should be able to use a variety of SM platforms

    Study of elastic and inelastic scattering of 7Be + 12C at 35 MeV

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    The elastic and inelastic scattering of 7Be from 12C have been measured at an incident energy of 35 MeV. The inelastic scattering leading to the 4.439 MeV excited state of 12C has been measured for the first time. The experimental data cover an angular range of θcm= 15◦-120◦. Optical model analyses were carried out with Woods-Saxon and double-folding potential using the density dependent M3Y (DDM3Y) effective interaction. The microscopic analysis of the elastic data indicates breakup channel coupling effect. A coupled-channel analysis of the inelastic scattering, based on collective form factors, shows thatmutual excitation of both 7Be and 12C is significantly smaller than the single excitation of 12C. The larger deformation length obtained from the DWBA analysis could be explained by including the excitation of 7Be in a coupled-channel analysis. The breakup cross section of 7Be is estimated to be less than 10%of the reaction cross section. The intrinsic deformation length obtained for the 12C∗(4.439 MeV) state is δ2= 1.37 fm. The total reaction cross section deduced from the analysis agrees very well with Wong’s calculations for similar weakly bound light nuclei on 12C target.The authors thank the ISOLDE engineers in charge, RILIS team and Target Group at CERN for their support. D. Gupta acknowledges research funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 654002 (ENSAR2) and ISRO, Government of India under grant no. ISRO/RES/2/378/15-16. O. Tengblad would like to acknowledge the support by the Spanish Funding Agency (AEI / FEDER, EU) under the project PID2019-104390GB-I00. I. Martel would like to acknowledge the support by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain (Grant No. PGC2018-095640-B-I00). J. Cederkall acknowledges grants from the Swedish Research Council (VR) under contract numbers VR-2017-00637 and VR-2017- 03986 as well as grants from the Royal Physiographical Society. J. Park would like to acknowledge the support by Institute for Basic Science (IBS-R031-D1). S. Szwec acknowledges support by the Academy of Finland (Grant No. 307685). A.M.M. is supported by the I+D+i project PID2020-114687GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, by the grant Group FQM-160 and by project P20_01247, funded by the Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Spain) and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”

    Protease activity in the medium of larch (Larix spec.) embryogenic suspension cultures and medium-protein stabilization by compatible solutes

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    The stability of recombinant, secreted protein in the medium of transgenic plant cell cultures heavily determines the resulting protein yield, which is a crucial factor for every production system. In order to gain more knowledge about the feasability of rapidly growing larch (Larix sp.) embrogenic cell cultures as a possible expression system for recombinant proteins, spent cell culture medium was characterized in this study. An accumulation of endogenous proteins could be observed in the medium of larch embrogenic suspension cultures which reached up to 1750 μg per g fresh weight. In contrast, low protease activity accumulated within a typical 14-day culture period in the medium. This activity was up to 20 times lower than the protease activity in two callus-derived suspension cultures of tobacco (genotype R1 and BY-2) which were measured in parallel. To asses the stability of foreign proteins, medium aliquots were spiked with Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and the amount of protein degradation was determined after 23 h of incubation by SDS-PAGE. The loss of IgG was comparable in three different larch genotypes, resulting in a mean loss of 18 % during the incubation time. This loss could remarkably be diminished by the addition of ectoin derivatives, known to be protein-protective „compatible solutes“ of bacterial origin. The most effective one was hydroxyectoin which resulted in a 76 % reduction of the observed IgG degradation. The stabilization of proteins in plant cell culture medium by compatible solutes is shown here for the first time. The possible mechanism of the stabilizing effect is discussed