36 research outputs found


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    Coastal zone of Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to different nature induced hydrological and climatological disasters. Disaster disproportionately affects a different group of populations. Among them, ā€œpeople with disabilitiesā€ (PWDs) regardless of their gender face severe challenges in a disaster situation. The response mechanisms of disabled people in disaster context are also different. This paper aimed to examine the coping strategies of PWDs with a natural disaster in the coastal zone of Bangladesh. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 150 disabled people from Mongla sub-district, Rampal sub-district and Sharankhola sub-district of Bagerhat district. Most of the respondents (60%) did not receive any training on disaster preparedness but the majority of them (88%) had knowledge on the location of the nearest disaster shelters and took shelter at government listed centers before or during the disaster. They were not satisfied with the facilities and services of those disaster shelters. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of the respondents received disaster forecasting through electronic media. More than one-fifth of the respondents (22.7%) changed their occupations after a major disaster and one-fourth of the respondents (26.7%) were displaced or migrated from their original house as a consequence of the disaster. Although disabled people are one of the most vulnerable groups in disaster milieu, they have drawn limited attention by the policymakers, academicians and development organizations. This paper provides few coping strategies of disabled people that will help the policymakers to think and take disabled friendly measures in policy documents and development interventions

    Problems and Prospects of SME Financing in Bangladesh

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    The present study is conducted to analyze the potential of SMEs in the economy of Bangladesh. Data were collected from 100 SME units by using simple random technique. A structural questionnaire was developed to get the responses from different SME units in the country. For Bangladesh SMEs have assumed special significance for poverty reduction programmes and potential contribution to the overall industrial and economic growth. Some of the constraints related SME financing are identified and some pointers for the future are provided through the study

    Problems and Prospects of SME Financing in Bangladesh

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    The present study is conducted to analyze the potential of SMEs in the economy of Bangladesh. Data were collected from 100 SME units by using simple random technique. A structural questionnaire was developed to get the responses from different SME units in the country. For Bangladesh SMEs have assumed special significance for poverty reduction programmes and potential contribution to the overall industrial and economic growth. Some of the constraints related SME financing are identified and some pointers for the future are provided through the study. &nbsp

    In vitro antioksidacijska, citotoksična i antidijabetička aktivnost hidrolizata proteina iz Reevesove barske kornjače (Chinemys reevesii)

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    Research background. Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are the biggest causes of death globally. Bioactive peptides derived from many food proteins using enzymatic proteolysis and food processing have a positive impact on the prevention of these diseases. The bioactivity of Chinese pond turtle muscle proteins and their enzymatic hydrolysates has not received much attention, thus this study aims to investigate their antioxidant, antidiabetic and cytotoxic activities. Experimental approach. Chinese pond turtle muscles were hydrolysed using four proteolytic enzymes (Alcalase, Flavourzyme, trypsin and bromelain) and the degrees of hydrolysis were measured. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was conducted to explore the amino acid profiles and molecular mass distribution of the hydrolysates. The antioxidant activities were evaluated using various in vitro tests, including 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 2,2ā€™-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), hydroxyl radical scavenging activity, reducing capacity, chelating Fe2+ and lipid peroxide inhibition activity. Antidiabetic activity was evaluated using Ī±-amylase inhibition and Ī±-glucosidase inhibition assays. Besides, cytotoxic effect of hydrolysates on human colon cancer (HT-29) cells was assessed. Results and conclusions. The amino acid composition of the hydrolysates revealed higher mass fractions of glutamic, aspartic, lysine, hydroxyproline and hydrophobic amino acids. Significantly highest inhibition of lipid peroxidation was achieved when hydrolysate obtained with Alcalase was used. Protein hydrolysate produced with Flavourzyme had the highest radical scavenging activity measured by DPPH (68.32%), ABTS (74.12%) and FRAP (A700 nm=0.300) assays, Ī±-glucosidase (61.80%) inhibition and cytotoxic effect (82.26%) on HT-29 cell line at 550 Āµg/mL. Hydrolysates obtained with trypsin and bromelain had significantly highest (p<0.05) hydroxyl radical scavenging (92.70%) and Fe2+ metal chelating (63.29%) activities, respectively. The highest Ī±-amylase (76.89%) inhibition was recorded when using hydrolysates obtained with bromelain and Flavourzyme. Novelty and scientific contribution. Enzymatic hydrolysates of Chinese pond turtle muscle protein had high antioxidant, cytotoxic and antidiabetic activities. The findings of this study indicated that the bioactive hydrolysates or peptides from Chinese pond turtle muscle protein can be potential ingredients in pharmaceuticals and functional food formulations.Pozadina istraživanja. Kardiovaskularne bolesti i dijabetes najčeŔći su uzroci smrti na svijetu. Bioaktivni peptidi dobiveni proteolizom i preradom hrane imaju pozitivan učinak na prevenciju tih bolesti. BioloÅ”ka aktivnost proteina iz miÅ”ića Reevesove barske kornjače i njihovih hidrolizata nije dovoljno istražena, stoga je svrha ovoga rada bila ispitati njihovu antioksidacijsku, antidijabetičku i citotoksičnu aktivnost. Eksperimentalni pristup. MiÅ”ići Reevesove barske kornjače hidrolizirani su pomoću proteolitičkih enzima (Alcalase, Flavourzyme, tripsin i bromelain), te su mjereni stupnjevi hidrolize proteina. Aminokiselinski sastav i distribucija molekularne mase hidrolizata ispitani su pomoću visokodjelotvorne tekućinske kromatografije. Antioksidacijska aktivnost određena je različitim testovima in vitro, uključujući sposobnost uklanjanja 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazila (DPPH), 2,2ā€™-azino-bis(3-etilbenzotiazolin-6-sumporne kiseline) (ABTS) i hidroksil radikala, keliranja Fe2+ i inhibicije lipidne peroksidacije. Antidijabetička aktivnost ispitana je testovima inhibicije Ī±-amilaze i Ī±-glukozidaze. Osim toga, analiziran je citotoksični učinak hidrolizata na stanice tumora debelog crijeva (HT-29). Rezultati i zaključci. Analizom aminokiselinskog sastava hidrolizata pronađeni su veći maseni udjeli glutaminske i asparaginske kiseline, lizina, hidroksiprolina te hidrofobnih aminokiselina od onih u nehidroliziranim proteinima. Hidrolizat proteina dobiven pomoću proteolitičkog enzima Alcalase bitno je inhibirao peroksidaciju lipida. Pri koncentraciji od 550 Āµg/mL, hidrolizat proteina dobiven pomoću enzima Flavourzyme imao je najveću sposobnost uklanjanja slobodnih radikala mjerenu pomoću DPPH (68,32 %), ABTS (74,12 %) i FRAP (A700 nm=0,300) metoda, inhibicije Ī±-glukozidaze (61,80 %) te najveći citotoksični učinak na stanične linije HT-29 (82.26 %). Hidrolizat proteina dobiven pomoću tripsina imao je znatnu (p<0,05) aktivnost uklanjanja hidroksilnih radikala (92,70 %), a onaj dobiven pomoću bromelaina najveću aktivnost keliranja Fe2+ (63,29 %). Najveća inhibicija Ī±-amilaze postignuta je pomoću hidrolizata proteina dobivenih djelovanjem bromelaina i enzima Flavourzyme. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Hidrolizati proteina miÅ”ića Reevesove barske kornjače dobiveni enzimskom hidrolizom imali su veliku antioksidacijsku, citotoksičnu i antidijabetičku aktivnost. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se ti hidrolizati ili peptidi zbog svojih bioaktivnih svojstava mogu upotrijebiti kao sastojak u farmaceutskim i funkcionalnim prehrambenim proizvodima

    Prevalence of risk factors for hypertension: a cross-sectional study in an urban area of Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a major risk factor for several cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The prevalence of hypertension is increasing in Bangladesh, especially in urban areas. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and its risk factors in an urban area of Bangladesh. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey involving participants aged &ge;&nbsp;25 years in an urban area in Dhaka between June-December 2012, using multi-stage random sampling. Data on socioeconomic status, tobacco use, physical activity, diet, extra-salt use, family history of hypertension, CVD, anthropometric measurements and blood pressure were collected using modified WHO-STEPS protocol. Hypertension and pre-hypertension were defined according to JNC-7. Multiple logistic regressions models were used to identify risk factors associated with hypertension. RESULTS: The overall age-adjusted prevalence hypertension and pre-hypertension among 730 participants was 23.7% and 19%, respectively, which was higher among males compared to females (23.6% vs 21.71% and 21.7% vs 17.0%, respectively). Bivariate analysis showed significant relationship of hypertension with age, BMI, no physical activity, tobacco use, extra salt intake and family history of stroke/cardiovascular disease. In the multivariate model, factors significantly associated with hypertension were older age (OR 19.18, 95% CI 13.58-28.11), smoking (OR 3.47, 95% CI 2.85-5.19), extra salt intake (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.04-2.21), and high waist circumference (OR 3.41, 95% CI 2.81-5.29). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension was high among our study participants. Population-based intervention programs and policies for increased awareness about the risk factors, and life-style modification are essential for prevention of hypertension

    Treat patient, not just the disease: holistic needs assessment for haematological cancer patients

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    Haematological malignancies can have devastating on the patientsā€™ physical, emotional, psycho-sexual, educational and economic health. With the improvement of therapies patients with these malignancies are living longer, however significant proportion these patient show poor quality of life (QoL) due to various physical and psychological consequences of the disease and the treatments. Health-related QoL (HRQoL) is multi-dimensional and temporal, relating to a state of functional, physical, psychological and social/family well-being. Compared with the general population, HRQoL of these patients is worse in most dimensions. However without routine holistic need assessment (HNA), clinicians are unlikely to identify patients with clinically significant distress. Surviving cancer is a chronic lifealtering condition with several factors negatively affecting their QoL, such as psychological problems, including depression and excessive fear of recurrence, as well as social aspects, such as unemployment and social isolation. These need to be adequately understood and addressed in the healthcare of long-term survivors of haematological cancer. Applying a holistic approach to patient care has many benefits and yet, only around 25% of cancer survivors in the UK receive a holistic needs assessment. The efforts of the last decade have established the importance of ensuring access to psychosocial services for haematological cancer survivors. We need to determine the most effective practices and how best to deliver them across diverse settings. Distress, like haematological cancer, is not a single entity, and one treatment does not fit all. Psychosocial-oncology needs to increase its research in comparative effectiveness

    Assessment of human exposure to toxic elements and veterinary drug residues from seafood consumption in Bangladesh

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    Background: Seafood from Bangladesh has been reported to be contaminated with toxic elements and residues of forbidden veterinary drugs, although not all types of fish consumed have been analyzed. Estimation of dietary exposure to these chemicals from total seafood intake in the Bangladeshi population would be an important tool in policy planning and mitigation measures. Aim: To estimate exposure of the Bangladesh population to toxic elements (arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury) and banned veterinary drug residues (chloramphenicol and nitrofuran metabolites) due to seafood consumption as well as to assess changes in exposure between the years 2010-11 and 2015-16. Also, to evaluate whether the consumption of seafood is a health concern due to presence of these chemicals by comparing the exposure estimates to health-based guidance values (HBGV). Methods The concentrations of the chemicals in Bangladesh seafood were obtained from National Residue Control Plan (NRCP) samples analyzed in the Quality Control Laboratory of the Department of Fisheries and the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory of the Atomic Energy Centre in Bangladesh. Additionally, the same chemicals were measured in ten hilsa samples which is a popular fish in Bangladesh. Exposure calculations were based on concentration data and the estimated consumption of seafood as drawn from the Household Income and Expenditure Survey of Bangladesh conducted in 2010. Exposure was estimated per capita, male, female and children, for lower-bound (LB) and upper-bound (UB) scenarios. Results: The highest exposure was observed in children. In 2015-16 the exposure at 50th percentile of this population to arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury were 0.116, 0.078, 0.302, 0.115 Āµg/kg bw/week in LB and 1.116, 0.279, 0.829 ,0.408 Āµg/kg bw/week in UB estimates, respectively. However, exposure at 95th percentile of the same population to these chemicals were 0.453, 0.234, 2.855, 0.480 Āµg/kg bw/week in LB and 2.757, 1.082, 3.518, 0.965 Āµg/kg bw/week in UB estimates, respectively. The exposure of children to chloramphenicol was zero and to the nitrofuran metabolites were very low. Exposure estimates for all chemicals investigated were below the HBGV set for full dietary intake. Conclusions: The exposure estimates for seafood do not raise a health concern for any of the chemicals investigated. Exposure to chloramphenicol and nitrofuran metabolites was lower in 2015-16 compared to 2010-11, while exposure to arsenic, cadmium and mercury increased. Lead concentration was high in the hilsa samples and 50% of the samples exceeded the EU maximum limits for content in fish for consumption. However, the number of hilsa samples investigated was small and the results need to be confirmed by further studies.United Nations University-Fisheries Training Program (UNU-FTP