446 research outputs found

    Institutionalization of agricultural knowledge Management System for Digital Marginalized Rural Farming Community

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    N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5International audienceModern agricultural technology has led to a process of marginalisation. A weak agricultural economy producing insufficient food is frequently associated with a weak or nonexistent democracy and can lead to migration, social unrest, an unhealthy as well as unproductive labour force, and mismanagement or abuse of environmental resources. The key framework for addressing these problems is Agricultural Knowledge Management System (AKMS), consisting of the organizations, sources of knowledge, methods of communication, and behaviours involved in the agricultural process. As farmers make critical decisions throughout the year, a typical household will rely on its' own accumulated experience and the support of local organizations. Thus, farmers were in need of a permanent solution to overcome these barriers to production. By applying a participatory approach called Knowledge Brokering (linking rural farmers with the national and international researchers) the farmers' community could develop a self driven system to manage all those crucial issues. Designing ICT-enabled knowledge flows between these actors in any specific case requires careful consideration of the types of ICTs that are accessible by each group and the technological and conceptual packaging of information so that it can flow effectively from one user to the other. Effective ICT deployment explicitly considers the appropriate interfaces between the digital and non-digital worlds, so that those without access to digital ICTs can still benefit from an improved local information environment. These farmers need local support groups that will act as brokers between the available knowledge system and the individual needs of farming households

    An Effective Approach for Evaluation and Selection of Component

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    The main objective of the research is to find the best optimal component and define the evaluation criteria for the reusable software component from the component repository that increases the quality of software component, reliability and also reduces the software development cost. In current scenario of the software development the main factors like time and cost for the component selection is too short and is also very difficult to identify the best matching component from the component repository. Various research and methodologies for the best optimal component selection models are exist with relevant to the data validation and verification to translate the annotated models into component performance. The decisions are often taken on temporary basis for the component selection from the component repository. The pre existing methodologies and processes for the component evaluation and selection does not meet the characteristics and evaluation of the functional and non-functional requirements. An effective solution for the evaluation and selection of the reusable software component from the component repository is a very hot issue for the software development community. In this paper the research will concentrate on the issue that belongs to the evaluation and selection process to find the best optimal component from the component repository by using the genetic algorithms. Keywords: Components, selection, Reusability, Genetic algorithm, Component Retrieva

    Relationship between Human Resource Information System and Strategic Capability among Employees in Jordanian Companies

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    Information system is expected to drive human resource (HR)'s transition from a focus on human resource management to strategic capability of employee. The information system role not only adds a valuable dimension to the human resource function, but also assists human resource department to be competent. The study investigates relationship between human resource information systems (HRIS) and strategic capability. It attempts to examine the level of human resource information system and strategic capability in private Jordanian companies in the service sector. A survey questionnaire was sent to human resource managers, human resource directors, human resource professionals, and human resource staff in companies based in Jordan. The findings of the study reveal that there is significant relationship between human resource information system and strategic capability. The study also found that the level of HRIS utilization in Jordanian companies is low in terms of characteristic and system appropriateness, where employee seems not to be satisfied with the current human resource information system or maybe there are lacks of understanding of the system. Moreover, the findings of study indicates that the level of strategic capability of employees in Jordanian companies is high for both dimensions of strategic capability; employee morale and employee capability, the respondents were high socialized within employee morale and they are committed to the company. Also Jordanian companies' gains new customers and they care about human resource through empowerment to lead employee to be able to make strategic decision

    Hydrologic impact of climate change on Murray–Hotham catchment of Western Australia: a projection of rainfall–runoff for future water resources planning

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    Reduction of rainfall and runoff in recent years across southwest Western Australia (SWWA) has attracted attention to the climate change impact on water resources and water availability in this region. In this paper, the hydrologic impact of climate change on the Murray–Hotham catchment in SWWA has been investigated using a multi-model ensemble approach through projection of rainfall and runoff for the periods mid (2046–2065) and late (2081–2100) this century. The Land Use Change Incorporated Catchment (LUCICAT) model was used for hydrologic modelling. Model calibration was performed using (5 km) grid rainfall data from the Australian Water Availability Project (AWAP). Downscaled and bias-corrected rainfall data from 11 general circulation models (GCMs) for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios A2 and B1 was used in LUCICAT model to derive rainfall and runoff scenarios for 2046–2065 (mid this century) and 2081–2100 (late this century). The results of the climate scenarios were compared with observed past (1961–1980) climate. The mean annual rainfall averaged over the catchment during recent time (1981–2000) was reduced by 2.3%with respect to the observed past (1961–1980) and the resulting runoff reduction was found to be 14 %. Compared to the past, the mean annual rainfall reductions, averaged over 11 ensembles and over the period for the catchment for A2 scenario are 13.6 and 23.6% for mid and late this century respectively while the corresponding runoff reductions are 36 and 74%. For B1 scenario, the rainfall reductions were 11.9 and 11.6% for mid and late this century and the corresponding runoff reductions were 31 and 38%. Spatial distribution of rainfall and runoff changes showed that the rate of changes were higher in high rainfall areas compared to low rainfall areas.Temporal distribution of rainfall and runoff indicate that high rainfall events in the catchment reduced significantly and further reductions are projected, resulting in significant runoff reductions. A catchment scenario map has been developed by plotting decadal runoff reduction against corresponding rainfall reduction at four gauging stations for the observed and projected periods. This could be useful for planning future water resources in the catchment. Projection of rainfall and runoff made based on the GCMs varied significantly for the time periods and emission scenarios. Hence, the considerable uncertainty involved in this study though ensemble mean was used to explain the findings

    Interactive Oracle Arguments in the QROM and Applications to Succinct Verification of Quantum Computation

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    This work is motivated by the following question: can an untrusted quantum server convince a classical verifier of the answer to an efficient quantum computation using only polylogarithmic communication? We show how to achieve this in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), after a non-succinct instance-independent setup phase. We introduce and formalize the notion of post-quantum interactive oracle arguments for languages in QMA, a generalization of interactive oracle proofs (Ben-Sasson-Chiesa-Spooner). We then show how to compile any non-adaptive public-coin interactive oracle argument (with private setup) into a succinct argument (with setup) in the QROM. To conditionally answer our motivating question via this framework under the post-quantum hardness assumption of LWE, we show that the XZ local Hamiltonian problem with at least inverse-polylogarithmic relative promise gap has an interactive oracle argument with instance-independent setup, which we can then compile. Assuming a variant of the quantum PCP conjecture that we introduce called the weak XZ quantum PCP conjecture, we obtain a succinct argument for QMA (and consequently the verification of quantum computation) in the QROM (with non-succinct instance-independent setup) which makes only black-box use of the underlying cryptographic primitives

    Motivational Factors Influencing on Job Satisfaction: A Case Study on Private Commercial Banking Sector in Rajshahi, Bangladesh

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    Now a day, bank is a more attractive and profitable business organization in Bangladesh. For the past few decades, numerous studies attempted to explore the relative importance of understanding job satisfaction. Realizing the need to sustain in the banking industry, this study was conducted for exploring the antecedents to the strengthening of job satisfaction. This report is designed for identifying the “Motivational factors influencing on job satisfaction: A case study on private banking sector in Bangladesh.” It is a descriptive study based on the primary and secondary data. Five Private Commercial Banks namely NRBC Bank Ltd. (8 respondent), NCC Bank Ltd. (8 respondent), One Bank Ltd. (8 respondent), Mercantile Bank Ltd. (8 respondent), Islami Bank Ltd. (8 respondent) are considered to conduct the study. 40 sample sizes are dispersed to collect the data, for the consequence of the study researcher considered some factors. Moreover, those factors are taken under the close ended questionnaire and find out the data from sample and to analyze the quantitative data, the researcher explored the internal structure and measurement by using percentage format and tabulation form. Researcher has used five likert scales for rating employee’s job satisfaction. Then researcher has calculated the percentage of each question answer and find out the result. Aggregately 47% of the employees are highly satisfied and it is the highest portion of employees on the level of job satisfaction. Very dissatisfied portion is lowest. Therefore, it can say that most of the private commercial bank employees are satisfied on their job. After considering above factors researcher identify that Salary structure, Management policy and Job environment  are motivated private bank employees more than other factors and researcher recommend that private bank authority should be more concentration on the above factors those make their employee more satisfied towards their job and reduce the tendency of  switching over. Keywords: Motivational factors, job satisfaction, Salary, reward system, promotion and job environment

    Overeducation as a determinant of migrating out of a province

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    1 online resource (32 p.)Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (p. 31-32).Inter-provincial migration is an important subject because it shapes the population size, demographic composition, social and cultural characteristics of each province. It not only affects the province of origin but also has economic consequences for the province of destination. This paper focuses on the out-migration aspect and identifies overeducation as one of the causes of this phenomenon. Drawing data from the 2006 Canadian census of population, the study investigates whether or not overeducation leads to an individual moving out of a province. A logistic regression is employed to test the data whilst the ORU framework is used to determine an individual’s overeducation level. The results show that overeducated workers are more likely to move out of a province due to job mismatch than their adequately educated and undereducated counterparts

    Strategi Komunikasi Interpersonal Dokter Gigi Muda Dalam Proses Perawatan Kesehatan Gigi Pasien

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    Komunikasi kesehatan antara dokter dan pasien yang dulu menganut pola paternalistik dengan dokter pada posisi yang lebih dominan sudah saatnya diubah menjadi setara antara dokter dan pasien, Dalam konteks media, menuliskan bahwa seringkali pasien sering mengalami ketakutan atau kekhawatiran ketika hendak ingin menemui dokter ketika mengalami sakit. Dalam kasus ini, juga terjadi di Poliklinik Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, banyak mahasiswa Brawijaya yang masih belum tertarik untuk datang ke Poligigi Poliklinik UB. Banyak hal yang melatarbelakangi hal tersebut, dari ruangan yang kurang nyaman hingga masalah mengenai para dokter muda di Poliklinik UB tersebut. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dipaparkan, rumusan masalah yang terumus dalam pertanyaan yang akan dikaji lebih lanjut dalam skripsi ini adalah sebagai berikut “Bagaimana strategi komunikasi interpersonal yang diterapkan oleh para dokter gigi muda proses perawatan kesehatan gigi pasien di Poliklinik Universitas Brawijaya, Malang?” Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan interpretative, Pendekatan ini membantu peneliti menginterpretasi pemaknaan yang dilakukan tiap orang terhadap suatu fenomena. Peneliti menggunakan metodologi kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif untuk menjelaskan tentang Peranan Komunikasi Interpersonal Dokter Gigi Muda Dalam Proses Perawatan Kesehatan Gigi Pasien Penelitian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa, Proses komunikasi interpersonal dalam Komunikasi terapeutik yang diterapkan di Poliklinik Universitas Brawijaya Malang, untuk para dokter gigi KOAS terdiri dari empat fase/ tahap, yaitu 1) Keterbukaan, 2), Sikap Positif, 3) Kesamaan 4) Empaty dan 5) dukungan atau supportivitas.Dalam melakukan komunikasi interpersonal dengan pasien, para dokter gigi KOAS di Poliklinik Universitas Brawijaya Malang, menggunakan teknik-teknik tertentu seperti yang pertama adalah mendapatkan pasien terlebih dahulu, kemudian memberikan pelayanan-pelayanan yang sifatnya personal, yakni mengenal serta memanggil nama pasien, memberikan salam atau sapaan, berjabat tangan atau sentuhan, menjelaskan tindakan medis yang akan dilakukan, berusaha mengetahui kondisi pasien melalui komunikasi dengan memberi kesempatan kepada pasien untuk menjelaskan kondisiny


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    Cerita rakyat merupakan bagian dari budaya masyarakat lokal. Cerita rakyat juga memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku dan karakter masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu cerita rakyat perlu dilestarikan dan juga dipublikasikan sehingga generasi selanjutnya dapat mengetahui dan menjadikan pedoman dari kandungan isinya. Cerita rakyat Kebo Kicak Karang Kejambon dipercayai sebagai cerita tentang berdirinya daerah Kabupaten Jombang. Pemilihan T-Shirt sebagai media visual penerapan ilustrasi, dikarenakan mampu memberikan memiliki unsur “kebanggan pada suatu identitas” kepada para pemakainya. Ilustrasi merupakan suatu gambar dari sebuah proses grafis yang memperjelas suatu kalimat dalam sebuah naskah untuk menunjukan pengertian bagi pembacanya, Selain itu ilustrasi memiliki fungsi untuk memperindah tulisan atau naskah agar terlihat hidup. Perancangan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan data yang diperoleh melaluli wawancara dan juga studi literatur, data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode 5W+1H. Hasil dari perancangan ini adalah desain T-Shirt dengan menampilkan ilustrasi dari cerita Kebo Kicak Karang Kejambon. Hal tersebut diharapkan akan dapat turut melestarikan cerita rakyat asli dari Jombang melalui pesan visual yang disampaikan. Keywords: Ilustrasi, suvenir, Kebo Kicak Karang Kejambon, Cerita Rakyat, T-Shir

    Performance of a Modified Shear Box Apparatus for Full Scale Laboratory Study of Segmental Retaining Wall Units

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    The paper outlines the performance of a modified large scale shear box apparatus, which is mainly used to execute full scale laboratory study of segmental retaining walls. A typical apparatus has already been adopted by the current ASTM and NCMA test protocols and by literature studying of those test protocols, it is found that protocols recommend a fixed vertical actuator with roller or airbag configuration as a proposed vertical loading assembly. Previous research study demonstrated that vertical loading arrangement greatly influences the interface shear capacity of block systems and fixed vertical actuator with flexible airbag shows better loading arrangement for the blocks which have dilatant behavior. However, airbag arrangement is strenuous and time-consuming loading assembly compared to fixed vertical actuator which increases normal load with shear displacement due to bending of vertical actuator locked with the top block during shear loading. For the drawbacks of fixed vertical loading arrangement, the apparatus used in this study was fully redesigned and modified in terms of normal loading arrangement specially. A moveable vertical loading assembly is used in the modified apparatus which allows the piston movement with the top blocks during shear testing. The results outlined in this paper report that normal load remains constant over the period of shear testing for a wide range of surcharge loading. It could easily be concluded that the modified apparatus might be a better alternative to the existing apparatus used in the test protocols.
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