21 research outputs found

    Komponen Gaya Hambatan Kapal Cepat

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    Ship resistance is very importance to learn as we need to calculate the main power of the ship to reach the defined speed. In fact ship resistance has several components, which one and each other make interaction and mechanism in the emerging of ship resistance. This paper will focus on the explanation of the component of ship resistance in the case of high speed vessel

    Ketakstabilan Memanjang Kapal Bersayap Sebelum Tinggal Permukaan

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    Wing in Surface Effect (WiSE) craft or winged ship is a peripatetic transportation floating to surface by exploiting dynamic cushion because surface effect influence and form of the means wing. This craft adopted high speed planning hull for its fuselage hullform design, the lateral and longitudinal instability always occurs during planing mode operations. In this paper the study and investigate both theoretical and experimentals of longitudinal dynamic instability done, especially the porpoising fenomena of the high speed craft in the water territory. Porpoising is the effect as a self-sustained coupled motion of pitching and heaving


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    Turbin air crossflow adalah salah satu turbin aksi. Besarnya putaran turbin air crossflow ini akibat pemanfaatan energi air pada turbin dilakukan dua kali, yang pertama energi tumbukan air pada sudu-sudu pada saat air masuk, dan yang kedua adalah daya dorong air pada sudu saat air meninggalkan runner. Di dalam perancangan dan pembuatan runner turbin air crossflow mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap putaran. Konstruksi runner turbin air crossflow diantaranya adalah jumlah sudu, ketebalan sudu, kelengkungan sudu, dan bentuk profil sudu. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  pengaruh variasi jumlah sudu runner terhadap unjuk kerja, yaitu variasi jumlah sudu 18, 20 dan 22 buah. Pelaksanaan penelitian digunakan desain eksperimen metode Taguchi yang merupakan metode perbaikan kualitas dengan melakukan percobaan baru. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik kualitas unjuk kerja turbin optimum yaitu faktor variasi jumlah sudu, faktor variasi bukaan katup, dan variasi luas pemasukan aliran. Dari faktor variasi jumlah sudu 18, 20, dan 22 buah didapatkan hasil putaran yang optimum pada level faktor terpilih A1 (18 buah) dengan hasil putaran sebesar 310,2 rpm, dari faktor variasi bukaan katup 50%, 75% dan 100% didapatkan hasil putaran yang optimum pada level faktor terpilih B2 (75%) didapatkan hasil putaran sebesar 321,1 rpm, dan dari faktor variasi luas pemasukan aliran 120 mm, 125 mm, dan 130 mm didapatkan hasil putaran yang optimum pada level terpilih C1 (120 mm) didapatkan hasil putaran sebesar 295,7 rpm. Adapun faktor yang paling berpengaruh signifikan berdasarkan hasil ANOVA untuk nilai rata-rata dan SNR didapatkan setting level optimal dari faktor-faktor terkontrol, faktor yang memiliki tingkat signifikan terhadap putaran yang dihasilkan yaitu faktor variasi jumlah sudu 18 buah  dengan (F hitung 34,441797) dan faktor variasi bukaan katup 75% dengan (F hitung 59,391498)

    Uji Tarik Hidrodinamikmodel Kapal Bersayap Wise Dengan Lambung Dasar Berstep

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    This paper describes hydrodynamic model tests of Wing in Surface Effect (WiSE) Craft. These craft was fitted with stephull form in different location on longitudinal flat bottom (stepedhull planning craft) to determine the influences of sticking and porpoising motion performances. These motions are usually occured when the craft start to take-off from water surfaces. The test models with scale of 1 : 7 were comprised of 4 (four) stephull models and 1 (one) non-stephull model as a comparative study. The hydrodynamic tests were performed with craft speed of 16 – 32 knots (prototype values) in Towing Tank at UPT. Balai Pengkajian dan Penelitian Hidrodinamika (BPPH), BPPT, Surabaya. The resistance (drag) was measured by dynamo meter and the trim of model (draft changing at fore and aft of model due to model speed) was measured by trim meter. By knowing the value of model trim, the wetted surface area can be determined. Then, the lift forces were calculated based on these measured values. The model test results were presented on tables and curves. Test results show that models with step located far away from center of gravity of the WiSE craft tend to porpoising and sticking condition, except if the step location on the below of these center of gravity. While model without step tends to sticking conditions

    Pengaruh Zat Aditif Naftalena Tersublimasi pada Pertalite terhadap Performa Mesin dan Pengehamatan Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor Roda Dua

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    Menentukan komposisi perbandingan paling optimal dari campuran naftalena hasil sublimasi kapur barus dalam bahan bakar pertalite yang berpengaruh terhadap performa daya, torsi, penghematan konsumsi bahan bakar, dan emisi gas buang pada kendaraan bermotor roda dua.Desain penelitian yang akan dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan eksperimental, yang mana suatu pendekatan eksperimental dipakai untuk mencari pengaruh kondisi perlaukuan tertentu dengan yang lain dalam kondisi yang bisa dikendalikan. Untuk jenis metode eksperimental yang dilakukan adalah metode eksperimental quasi, hal ini buktikan dengan terdapat beberapa variabel yang tidak selalu dapat dikontrol antara lain kerja mesin, kelembapan udara, dan suhu ruanganNilai Torsi Tertinggi terjadi pada komposisi pertalite : naftalena sebesar 1L: 800 mg. Nilai Daya tertinggi diperoleh pada komposisi pertalite : naftalena sebesar 1L:700 mg, Hasil uji konsumsi bahan bakar yang memiliki penghematan konsumsi terbaik pada komposisi pertalite-naftalena 1L : 700 mg. Hasil uji emisi gas CO, CO2,O2, HC pada semua sampel secara keseluruhan masih berada dibawah ambang batas. Nilai keekonomisan paling tinggi campuran pertalite-naftalen 1L pertalite : 700 mg sebsesar 19. 67%.Dapat dijadikan produk baru dan dikemas dalam suatu kemasan yang mudah dibawa dalam berkendara sebagai solusi bagi pengendara bermotor untuk upaya penghematan konsumsi bahan pertalite. Dapat di upgrade ke skala besar untuk mendapatkan keuntungan cukup besar dengan manfaat yang besar pula. dengan strategi pemasaran via online dapat mempermudah penyebar luasan produk ke wilayah terpencil. proses pengemasan naftalen dilakukan seoptimal mungkin karena sifat naftalen yang higroskopis


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    Promosi merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam proses marketing suatu perusahaan atau produk sehingga menuntut sebuah mekanisme atau proses untuk dapat menarik dan memberikan informasi secara jelas dan dapat diterima oleh konsumen dengan baik. Ada beberapa mekanisme yang dapat dilakukan guna menarik dan memberikan informasi secara jelas kepada konsumen mulai dari bentuk promosi secara tidak langsung dengan menggunakan media promosi, seperti media massa sampai promosi secara langsung kepada konsumen dengan mengandalkan skill presentasi dari presenter. Namun keterbatasan yang dimiliki oleh pemberi maupun penerima informasi dalam menerima dan menyampaikan sebuah informasi menyebabkan penulis dalam tugas akhir ini mendesain sebuah alat promosi yang mampu memberikan informasi mengenai STT Telkom secara langsung dan interaktif. Dalam mendesain alat promosi ini, ada beberapa hal yang dilakukan dalam perancangan dan pemecahan masalah diatas dimana secara garis besar terdiri dari tahap identifikasi, yang meliputi penentuan tujuan yang ingin dicapai serta mulai melakukan pembelajaran studi pustaka yang selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan virtual reality STT Telkom pada tahap perancangan sistem, dalam perancangan sistem ini dibagi dalam 2 bagian yaitu pemodelan sistem dan perancangan alat promosi dalam bentuk virtual reality. Setelah selesai perancangan sistem maka proses selanjutnya adalah tahap pengujian dan dilanjutkan dengan analisa sistem apakah system yang dibuat sudah sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi yang mempunyai informasi visual (fisik) mengenai Gedung STT Telkom, laboratorium, dan fasilitas non akademik STT Telkom yang bisa dijelajahi oleh user secara virtual, untuk melengkapi keterangan dari informasi visual, aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan data tekstual mengenai informasi visual tersebut. Dalam pengoprasian aplikasi ini, user harus menggunakan perangkat komputer yang dilengkapi dengan internet browser dan plugin VRML Viewer. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dengan implementasi alat promosi STT Telkom ini akan memudahkan STT Telkom dalam hal ini bagian marketing dalam melakukan promosi STT Telkom, karena user mampu memperoleh informasi langsung serta dapat menjelajah STT Telkom secara virtual. marketing, promosi, virtual reality, VRM


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    Research on the competencies needed by fishermen in an era of increasingly rapid technological progress aims to explain the basic competencies that electric propulsion boat users need to have. Analysis based on implementation needs to be carried out with the aim of adapting the use of water transportation technology, namely ships with electric power, according to the required competencies. This research was carried out using a descriptive qualitative approach method with a literature study type of research. The research was carried out by collecting data from secondary sources such as books and journal articles related to the variables and subjects of this research. From the research results, a comparison was obtained between the abilities currently possessed by fishermen, and the abilities that fishermen must have in the future in facing developments in water transportation. It is known that, in terms of use, users need to understand the use of electric propulsion ships and K3 in their application, in terms of understanding more about the main components of the technology used, in terms of maintenance being able to repair and maintain the components, and understanding the social impacts that occur as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using them. Therefore, efforts are needed to educate the public so that they can easily receive clear information about electric propulsion ship technology, so that the results of the development of this technology can be accepted by the general public


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    Transportation is the second largest emitter of CO2 in the world, accounting for 25% of total CO2 emissions. To achieve a zero-carbon shipping industry, Indonesia can use its high sun exposure to generate electrical energy by using solar cell technology, which converts solar energy into electrical power. To answer the challenge, this research will start with the site selection of electric and solar-powered shipyards. This research tries to solve the problem of selecting the best location for electric and solar-powered shipyards by using the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method. The purpose of this research is to get the optimal location of electric and solar shipyards using AHP-MOORA and AHP-ELECTRE methods. There are three alternative locations in the location selection. Alternatives 1 and 3 are in Paciran District, Lamongan Regency, East Java Province, and alternative 2 is in Serang Regency, Banten Province. Alternative site 1 has an area of 38 ha and is located in Sidokelar Village, Paciran Sub-district. Decision-makers determine the parameters that will be evaluated from each alternative location, such as slope, soil type, rainfall, and 18 other criteria. In determining the weighting of parameters, a method that has a consistency test is needed so that the weight results obtained are consistent and objective. The study result shows that alternative location 1 is the best location for the electric and solar-powered shipbuilding industry, the same conclusion using the AHP-MOORA Integration approach and the AHP weighting ELECTRE Integration approach

    Gap Analysis of Ship Design Approval Case Study: Key Plan Drawing Assessment for Dual Fuel Harbour Tugboat

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    Starting to build the ship, the ship’s designer or builder must prepare key plan drawings with an approval statement that comes from the Classification Society (CS) based on the conformity of key plan drawings to comply with the rules or sometimes do not comply with those rules in several cases, so this situation could be minimized by using a gap analysis technique prior to the approval of the ship design process. Gap analysis is the tool to evaluate whether the design has been conforming to comply with the rules of the classification society or not. This paper chooses some parts of the ship design of a Dual Fuel Harbour Tugboat (DF Tug) to show the level of conformity to the rules. The assessment process involves Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) since the DF Tug will be classified by BKI as a competent national classification society. The findings gap is used to improve the design of DF Tug. Finally, the framework of corrections and improvements to the DF Tug design is proposed as part of the refinement of key plan drawings, and the final ship design complies with rules and gets full approval from the classification societ

    Pemanfaatan Energi Biogas untuk Pembangkit Listrik di Desa Tuwang Kecamatan Karanganyar Kabupaten Demak

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    The Increase of energy demand in Indonesia causes the need for alternative energy to replace fossil energy. One of alternative energy is renewable energy that obtained from nature freely. Tuwang Village in Karanganyar District, Demak Regency has the potential for renewable energy from methane gas produced by cow dung on farms. Cow dung is tested in the laboratory to take the methane gas content. Two chambers biodigester from fiberglass are used to ferment and hold biogas which is then used as fuel on the stove. From 171 kg of cow manure that mixed with water in a ratio of 1:3, the ideal digestification time with the highest energy production of 689 kJ is 22 days. The average of CH4 composition is around 50% from the total of biogas content. The total energy obtained during the water heating process is 4.32 MJ, smaller than the theoretical energy calculation (20,52 MJ). Based on the results of experiments, it can be estimated that biogas energy generated from Tuwang Village each day is 40,42 MJ. Biogas energy power plant can use a genset or stirling engine with 468 Watt of power. This power can be used for neighborhood association lighting needs.&nbsp