7 research outputs found

    Communication Between Khepera Mini Robots For Cooperative Positioning

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    Grünewald M, Iske B, Klahold J, et al. Communication Between Khepera Mini Robots For Cooperative Positioning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Automatics and Informatics’03. Vol 1. Sofia, Bulgaria; 2003: 95-98

    Performance Analysis of a Colony of Locally Communicating Robots

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    Iske B, Rückert U. Performance Analysis of a Colony of Locally Communicating Robots. In: Autonomous Mini Robots for Research and Edutainment – AMiRE 2001, Proceedings of the 5th International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium. 2001: 253-260.A cube clustering problem which is to be solved by a colony of locally communicating robots is introduced. The performance of the robot colony solving the cube clustering problem is analysed regarding the number of £nal cluster points and the optimal robot density that solves the problem the fastest. Parallel computing theory is applied to determine the optimal robot density. The modelled performance matches with experiments executed with the minirobot Khepera

    Cooperative Cube Clustering using Local Communication

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    Iske B, Rückert U. Cooperative Cube Clustering using Local Communication. In: Autonomous Robots for Research and Edutainment – AMiRE 2001, Proceedings of the 5th International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium. 2001: 333-334

    Resolution Analysis of Infrared Sensor Arrays

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    Iske B, Schlößer S, Rückert U. Resolution Analysis of Infrared Sensor Arrays. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment (AMiRE). Brisbane, Australia; 2003: 153-162.This work deals with simple and low-cost IR-sensor systems for autonomous systems. Specifically, a circular array of IR-photodiodes is investigated in the context of object recognition, localisation and differentiation. Such sensors are usually only used for the detection of objects in the near field of the system in order to avoid obstacles. However, under certain conditions, the information provided by circular IR-sensor arrays can be used to determine the angle, distance and brightness of an object. Besides a theoretical analysis of the minimal requirements for determining the number of objects and their parameters, noisy sensor readings are investigated concerning maximum possible preciseness of the estimation of the object’s distance. Finally, an algorithm that allows the determination of the distance and angle of an object, independent of knowledge of its brightness, is presented

    Gard – An Intelligent System for Distributed Exploration of Landmine Fields Simulated by a Team of Khepera Robots

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    Manolov O, Iske B, Noykov S, et al. Gard – An Intelligent System for Distributed Exploration of Landmine Fields Simulated by a Team of Khepera Robots. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Automatics and Informatics’03. Vol 1. Sofia, Bulgaria; 2003: 199-202

    A Direction Sensitive Network Based on a Biophysical Neurone Model

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    Iske B, Löffler A, Rückert U. A Direction Sensitive Network Based on a Biophysical Neurone Model. In: Dorronsoro JR, ed. Artificial Neural Networks- ICANN 2002. Lecture notes in computer science. Vol 2415. Madrid, Spain: Springer-Verlag; 2002: 153-159.To our understanding, modelling the dynamics of brain functions on cell level is essential to develop both a deeper understanding and classification of the experimental data as well as a guideline for further research. This paper now presents the implementation and training of a direction sensitive network on the basis of a biophisical neurone model including synaptic excitation, dendritic propagation and action-potential generation. The underlying model not only describes the functional aspects of neural signal processing, but also provides insight into their underlying energy consumption. Moreover, the training data set has been recorded by means of a real robotics system, thus bridging the gap to technical applications

    Gard – An Intelligent System for Distributed Exploration of Landmine Fields Simulated by a Team of Khepera Robots

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    Manolov O, Iske B, Noykov S, et al. Gard – An Intelligent System for Distributed Exploration of Landmine Fields Simulated by a Team of Khepera Robots. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Automatics and Informatics’03. Vol 1. Sofia, Bulgaria; 2003: 199-202