40 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the linguistic features of English and Indonesian languages in students’ text messages sent to their lecturers. Content analysis is employed and the data are the linguistic features identified in 1,521 students’ text messages delivered to the lecturers. The findings confirm the results of the former studies in that the typographic features of emoticons, letter deletion, rebus writing, and phonetic spelling and morphological features of initialism, abbreviation, reduplication, truncation, and casual style of spoken dictions are employed—the features linguistically creating a special register called textese recognized by non-standard form or textisms.  The mechanics of languages are featured by the lack of compliance with the conventional usage of full stops, commas, and capitals; even less than ten percent of spaces considered inevitably used are not conventionally emploed. Dominant uses of one-claused sentences feature the syntax of the languages.   Keywords: linguistic features, text messaging, typography, morphology, and syntax


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    Taking further action to the ubiquitous previous researches about the importance and advantages of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) employment in education, the researchers were motivated to conduct a research about designing ICT competences-integrated syllabuses of Grammar courses for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP). This research employed Design and Development Research (DDR) adapting Cunningham’s concept (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2003), and produced a set of ICT competences-integrated syllabuses of grammar courses for ELESP which consisted of basic, intermediate and advanced level. To design the syllabuses, the researchers initially analyzed 15 grammar syllabuses from eight different universities for their accommodation of ICT competences. The analysis revealed that the ICT employment in the existing syllabuses were scarce yet dominated with merely use for Technology Literacy that dominantly presented in the components of Assessments, Learning Media, and/or Learning methods. These findings showed that the existing syllabuses did not sufficiently employ ICT, neither purposely and systematically improve students’ ICT competences. To fill these gaps, the proposed syllabuses were systematically used ICT to enhance students’ ICT competences. Furthermore, the ICT integration in the designed syllabuses spread over most of the syllabus’ components which not only meant for Technology Literacy but also for Knowledge Deepening and Knowledge Creation. Keywords: ICT Competence, Grammar, Syllabus Design, ELESP, ICT UNESCO Framework


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    The needs of the ICT competences in education become the consideration in infusing ICT to the process of teaching and learning. This study was conducted to design the ICT competences- integrated syllabuses of Practical Key Teaching Competences for English Language Education Study Program. The analysis of ICT competences used UNESCO ICT Competences Framework, European Profiling Grid and International Society for Technology in Education. The design employed Richey and Klein, Borg and Gall, and Wademan model of DDR which were modified into four steps; need analysis, prototype syllabus design, evaluation and revision. Eight existing syllabuses of Practical Key Teaching Competence were analyzed. They are the syllabuses of Lesson Course Planning, Teaching Practicum and Classroom Management from some Universities in Indonesia. The findings showed that most of the existing syllabuses were not completely ICT competences integrated. ICT competences appeared only in learning outcomes, course learning outcomes, indicator, materials, teaching method, media of learning and assessment but not in basic information, course description, policy, grading and reference. The dominant level of ICT competences applied in the existing syllabuses was Technology Literacy. Then, it was found eleven steps of procedure to design syllabuses of Practical Key Teaching Competence integrated ICT competences. The prototype syllabuses integrated ICT competences were designed. The entire components of the designed syllabus infused ICT competences except Time Allocation. The proposed syllabuses implemented types of integrated syllabus for Lesson Course Planning and Classroom Management. Then, task based syllabus was used for Teaching Practicum that integrated by ICT.  Keyword : ICT- Competences, Practical key teaching Competence Syllabuses, EPG, UNESCO ICT Competences Framework for Teache

    Portrayal of Professional Digital Competence (PDC) of English Teacher: Digital Immigrant vs. Native

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    This study aimed to investigate the differences in professional development for digital competence (PDC) levels between digital immigrant and digital native teachers. A total of 49 teachers  participated in the study. Data was collected through an online survey that measured their PDC levels in seven domains: Subject and Basic Skills, School in Society, Ethics, Pedagogy and Subject Didactics, Leadership of Learning Processes, Interaction and Communication, and Change and Development. The results indicated that there were slight differences between the PDC levels of digital immigrant and digital native teachers. Digital immigrant teachers had higher percentages at the none level and the skills level, while digital native teachers had higher percentages at the knowledge level and the competence level. The findings suggest that both groups of teachers have relatively high levels of PDC, indicating that they are capable of using technology effectively in their teaching practices. The study highlights the importance of ongoing professional development for both groups to ensure they are equipped with the necessary digital competencies to effectively support their students in the digital age. The PDC framework can be a useful tool for identifying areas of strength and weakness for both digital learner groups, and can guide the development of targeted professional development programs


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    Abstract   The objectives of this study were to find out the effect of implementation of scientific method assisted by graphic media to improve students' English speaking skills. The research used action research design. The subjects were 30 second year eight class students of SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi. Observation, interviews, stionnaires, and documentation were employed to collect the data of the students‟ learning ctivities and speaking tests were conducted to identify students‟ speaking achievement. In the scientific method students carry out observing, asking, trying, reasoning and communicating activities, where these activities can train students to speak English. The implementation of this study by applying the scientific method assisted by graphic media is as much as two cycles. In the pre-action stage there were 2 students with a percentage of learning completeness of 6.7%, after the action applied in the first cycle, as many as 8 students with a percentage of learning completeness 26.7% and English speaking skills of students after the second cycle, as many as 28 students with a percentage of 93.3% learning completeness. So, it can be concluded that the scientific method assisted by graphic media can improve English speaking skills of class VIII H students of SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi.   Keyword:  scientific method, graphic media, English speaking skill

    Pemanfaatan Youtube pada Pembelajaran Menyimak Cerita Pendek Bermuatan Pendidikan Karakter Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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                Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi membuat kegiatan pembelajaran sangat bergantung pada pemanfaatan teknologi digital. Meskipun sudah memasuki pascapandemi, teknologi digital tetap terus digunakan, salah satunya adalah Youtube. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memaparkan 1) pemanfaatan media Youtube dalam pembelajaran menyimak cerita pendek bermuatan pendidikan karakter, 2) kemampuan menyimak cerita pendek bermuatan pendidikan karakter menggunakan media Youtube, 3) faktor pendukung dan penghambat pembelajaran menyimak cerita pendek bermuatan pendidikan karakter menggunakan media Youtube. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Prosedur pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes menyimak cerita pendek. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas VI SDN Babelan Kota 06, Kabupaten Bekasi. Data dianalisis dengan cara mengumpulkan data, mereduksi data, menyajikan data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini pembelajaran menyimak cerita pendek bermuatan pendidikan karakter memanfaatkan media Youtube sudah berjalan dengan baik. Selain itu, kemampuan menyimak cerita pendek siswa terdiri dari 25% berada pada kategori sangat baik, 53,6% berapa pada kategori baik, 14,3% pada kategori cukup, dan 7,1% berada pada kategori kurang, dan tidak ada yang berada pada kategori sangat kurang. Terdapat faktor pendukung pemanfaatan media Youtube bermuatan pendidikan karakter berupa visualisasi Youtube yang menarik, sebagai sumber belajar yang dapat diakses dimana saja dan kapan saja, dan memberi variasi   dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran. Adapun faktor penghambat berupa minimnya ketersediaan jumlah LCD proyektor dan speaker, jangkauan wifi terbatas, dan kendala teknis berupa listrik mati

    The Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in English Language Teaching: A Case of Indonesian Senior High School EFL Teachers

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    This research explored Indonesian EFL teachers' perceptions of implementing higher-order thinking Skills (HOTS) in English language classrooms. Specifically, it attempted to explore (1) teachers' understanding of HOTS, (2) teachers' perceptions of the implementation of HOTS in their EFL classrooms, and (3) teachers' perceived obstacles in the implementation of HOTS. The research employed a qualitative approach with a case study design. Five English language teachers at a senior high school in Serang Banten Province, Indonesia, participated in this research. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews and were analyzed following Miles and Huberman's (1994) qualitative data analysis procedures. The results revealed that all participants had a good understanding of the concept of HOTS, in which the definitions of HOTS given by all the participants were related to the sub-skills of Bloom's Taxonomy. All the participants also claimed they had implemented HOTS in English language teaching and learning. However, the implementation has yet to be effective due to some obstacles, which include students' low English proficiency, teachers' lack of competencies, and limited supporting facilities such as internet access, learning media, and learning sources. &nbsp


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    Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui bentuk gender dalam kaitannya dengan bahasa pada percakapan virtual mahasiswa dan dosen Universitas Mercu Buana. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data pada penelitian ini berupa percakapan virtual mahasiswa dan dosen pada aplikasi whatsapp. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data dilakukan melalui deskripsi data dengan cara representasi gender menggunakan teori lakoff yang menitikberatkan pada bahasa dalam suatu teks. Hasil penelitian pada mahasiwa laki-laki laki-laki bahasa yang digunakan melalui percakapan virtual aplikasi yaitu minim akan kosa kata atau singkat dalam menyampaikan tujuan, tidak baku, matang, terangan-terangan, apa daya yakin, lugas, tegas. Pada mahasiswa perempuan lebih memiliki ragam kosa kata, baku dalam setiap penyampaian informasi, halus dalam sapaan, sangat berhati-hati dalam menyampaikan tujuan, sopan dan santun saat mengawali dan mengakhiri percakapan.Kata Kunci : Gender, Percakapan Virtual, Mahasiswa, Dose

    Indonesian EFL Learners’ Digital Reading Habits

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    Reading has long been one of the most crucial skills individuals should master to function effectively in society. Due to the revolutionary penetration of information and communication technology (ICT) into almost all aspects of human life, reading has transformed from paper-based to screen-based. Thus, facilitating students to cultivate digital reading should be one of the educational priorities. This study aims at exploring the digital reading habits of students majoring in English as a foreign language (EFL) in Indonesian context. Employing a mixed-methods design, quantitative and qualitative data were collected using an online questionnaire including close-ended and open-ended questions from 79 students of the English Language Education Study Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta. The results show that a majority of the participants prefer to read in English in digital reading mode due to several reasons. Their most favorable tool for reading is smartphones. Additionally, a majority of them prefer to read at home as far as they have good access to the internet. Finally, based on the analysis of the motivational and de-motivational factors of reading, the participants’ preference towards digital reading has a stronger motivational foundation than print reading


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    This study is motivated by the fact that globalization has arrived. There are demands of skills and competencies that must be possessed by a global citizen in general and by students in particular. The current trend in our world is the issue of 21st century skills. As academicians, we need to be one step further to accommodate this demand. This study aimed to explore the 21st century skills and these skills can be integrated in Translation syllabus. The focus of this study is on the exploration of 21st century skills which are explained in relevant references and or literature and give a brief perspective on its possibility of integration in the Translation classroom. In order to achieve the said objectives, the writer used descriptive approach having its qualitative nature. The findings of this study are gained mostly in the relevant literature. The findings of this study showed that the 21st century skills are pertinent in the translation classroom. The writer revealed that the 21st century skills comprised of cooperation, communication, ICT skills, problem-solving, critical thinking, decision making, innovation, creativity, et cetera. It is also found that the 21st century skills can be integrated with translator competencies as stated by PACTE (Process of Acquisition of Translation Competence and Evaluation). This study also embarked on demonstrating the possible strategies to integrate the 21st century skills with the translator’s competencies as follows: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity and bilingual, extralinguistic, instrumental, knowledge about translation, psycho-physiological competencies. Finally, as a recommendation, the writer suggests that the syllabus of the Translation should be changed, hence also changing the curriculum which accommodates the 21st century skills.     Keywords: integration, 21st century skills, PACTE competencies, Syllabus-desig