688 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Tebal Lapis Tambah (Overlay) dengan Perbandingan Metode PD T-05-2005-B dan Manual Perkerasan Jalan Nomor 02/M/BM/2013

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    Directorate General of Highways has issued many rules and guidelines in plotting the added layer thickness. These guidelines and rules continue to be improved and refined by DGH. Thisresearch will be discussed with the thickness of layers added by doing comparison method of Pd T-05-2005-B and Road Pavement Design Manual No. 02 / M / BM / 2013. The result of theanalysis showed that the accumulated equivalent value of sunburst standard of 10 years old age of 6,546,500.63 ESA. Differences in seasonal and temperature correction factors make theresult of the thickness of the layers added by two different methods. The result for thick layer added method Pd T-05-2005-B equal to 13,0 cm while for Road Pavement Design Manual No.02 / M / BM / 2013 equal to 8,6 cm

    Aplikasi Lagu Model melalui Notasi Balok sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bernyanyi pada Pembelajaran Seni Musik di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 29 Bandung

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    Aplikasi lagu model melalui media notasi balok sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemampuan bernyanyi pada pembelajaran seni musik di kelas VIII SMP Negeri 29 Bandung,hal ini dilakukan karena siswa memiliki anggapan bahwa belajar notasi balok tidak lebih mudah dari notasi angka sehingga mengurangi minat untuk belajar notasi balok, upaya untuk meningkatkan minat belajar tersebut, peneliti mengaplikasikan beberapa lagu model bernotasi balok, dengan beberpa tahapan yang diawali dengan teori dasar notasi balok, sehingga siswa di kelas VIII dalam mempelajari notasi balok menjadi tertarik, berminat dan termotivasi untuk mempelajari lagu yang bernotasi balok

    Pengaruh Beban Kerja, Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Bank BJB Cabang Padalarang

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    The study was conducted at a bank branch bjb Padalarang. Preliminary study results show that the employees of Bank BJB Workload high Padalarang Branch. The workload is high, thought to be caused by the motivation and job satisfaction of employees are still low. Departing from the above phenomenon, the problem formulated in this study are as follows: How does the workload, motivation, job satisfaction on employee performance Padalarang bjb bank branch. How much influence the workload, motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance Padalarang bjb bank branch. The method used is descriptive method of analysis, with a population of 34 people, research data obtained by questionnaire Workload (15 items), motivation (20 items) job satisfaction (17 items) and Performance (18 items) and all serve as respondents. The data analysis technique used is a technical analysis of the population, to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship between research and technical variables path analysis to determine the effect, directly or indirectly, the independent variable on the dependent variable in the operationalization used LISREL assistance 8.30 By Karl G Joreskog & Dag Sorbom. The results showed that the workload is located in the High category amounted to 44.12%, in the category of work motivation is lower by 41.18%, employee job satisfaction is at a low category of 47.06% and Employee Performance Padalarang bjb bank branch located in category worse by 41.18%. Direct and indirect influence on the whole are as follows: the effect of variable workload (X1) of 33.64%, Motivation (X2) is 17.95%, job satisfaction (X3) of 27.30% so that the total effect of X1, X2 , X3 to Y is equal to 78.89%. Based on the results of this study concluded that the effect of a very large workload on employee motivation and job satisfaction, which in turn will influence the performance of the execution of the work. However, there are other factors that affect the performance of which allow future research to examine these factors. Keywords: workload; motivation; satisfaction; performanc

    Kajian Keuntungan antara Penyertaan Modal pada Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Gurami (Oshpronemus Gouramy, Lac) dengan Perolehan Bunga Deposito Bank

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    Ikan gurami (Oshpronemus gouramy, Lac) merupakan ikan asli Indonesia dan berasal dari perairan daerah Jawa Barat, Kegiatan pembenihan ikan gurami untuk ber produksi menggunakan sumber daya modal finansial. Sumber daya modal finansial merupakan faktor produksi yang harus dikelola secara efisien dan efektif. Usaha pembenihan ikan gurami umumnya dilaksanakan dalam skala USAha rumah tangga. Mendepositokan uang di bank termasuk USAha memperoleh pendapatan dari bunga yang diberikan sebagai imbal jasa atas penyertaan sejumlah uang pada sebuah lembaga keuangan atau bank. Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Deskriftif kuantitatif melalui berbagai analisa yang di lakukan, hasil uji/penelitian didasarkan pada variable-variable input dan output sehingga dapat diperoleh suatu perbandingan antara penyertaan modal terhadap USAha pembenihan ikan gurami dengan menempatkan dana dalam bentuk deposito pada bank. Penelitian di lakukan di wilayah kecamatan Kemang dengan Responden pembudidaya ikan gurame, Tujuan penelitian yaitu 1. membandingkan mana yang lebih menguntungkan antara penyertaan modal pada USAha pembenihan ikan gurami (Oshpronemus gouramy, Lac) atau perolehan bunga deposito bank 2. Memberikan gambaran bagi calon investor dalam pengambilan keputusan peggunaan dana antara investasi pada USAha pembenihan ikan gurami atau deposito. Dari hasil kajian yang di lakukan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Usaha pembenihan ikan gurami dengan sekuen kegiatan selama 3 bulan secara finansial layak untuk dilaksanakan. Hal ini didukung oleh beberpa parameter kelayakan yang dipakai pada penelitian ini dengan hasil analisis : 1) Keuntungan per tahun (4 kali produksi) = Rp 33.153.725,- 2) R/C = 2,1 3) Payback Period 0,6 (Kurang dari 1 tahun) 4) BEP produksi = Rp 450,- = 66.3 ekor. BEP harga = Rp 213,2,-Jika total modal USAha pembenihan ini sebesar Rp 29.846.275,- didepositokan maka setiap bulan akan menghasilkan jasa atau keuntungan sebesar Rp 176.093,- Sedangkan keuntungan yang diperoleh pada USAha pembenihan ikan gurami setiap 3 bulan mencapai Rp 33.153.725,- atau Rp 11.051.241,- per bulan. Dari data yang di tunjukan memiliki Arti bahwa keuntungan USAha pembenihan ikan gurami bisa mencapai 111,08 % lebih besar dibanding deposito

    Peran Faktor Non Ekonomis dalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan

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    Tujuan studi ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh langsung, tidak langsung, dan total dari variabel budaya organisasi, kepemimpinan, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pendidik/guru. Studi dilaksanakan di 10 SMA Negeri kategori unggulan (plus kotamadya, provinsi, dan berstandar nasional/Internasional) di provinsi DKI Jakarta. Sampel responden dalam studi berjumlah 150 orang yang diambil melalui teknik proporsional random sampling. Data diperoleh melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Sebelum kuesioner disebarkan kepada responden, dilakukan pengujian validitas dan reliabil itas dengan menggunakan tes product moment correlation dan alpa cronbach. Untuk pengujian hipotesis, dilakukan pengujian persyaratan analisis terhadap data untuk mengetahui normalitas, homogenitas, dan linearitas data, termasuk pengujian fit model. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa: 1) budaya organisasi dan kepemimpinan di sekolah memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan kerja; 2) budaya organisasi, kepemimpinan, dan kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kinerja guru di sekolah

    Policy and Implementation of Education of Children around the House is Very Poor in Kupang City

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    The overall facts are still many the very poor households that will not be able to fulfill the basic needs of education due to two factors such as the lack of costs and inadequate o

    The Maintenance Of Striped Catfish (Pangasius Hypopthalumus) In Bioflocs Technology With Probiotics Dosage Different

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    This research was conducted from May until June 2016 at Laboratory Aquaculture ofTechnology Faculty Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau. The purpose of thisresearch was to investigate growth and survival rate of striped catfish with probiotics dosage isdifferent in bioflocs techniques. This research using experimental method and completelyrandom design (RAL) one factor with three treatment there are P0: without giving probiotics(control), P1: probiotics giving 5 ml/m3, P2: probiotics giving 10 ml/m3, P3: probiotics giving 15ml/m3. The result showed that maintenance striped catfish with probiotics dosage is differentgiving affect significantly on the growth of absolute weight, absolute length growth, but notaffect significantly on the survival rate and food efficiency, specific growth rate and foodconversation rate (FCR). The best treatment were obtained in treatment three (P3) withprobiotics dosage giving 15 ml/m3 with value growth of absolute weight 7,08 gram, growth inabsolute length 3,85 cm, specific growth rate 3,69 %, food efficiency (EP) 70,06 %, foodconversation rate (FCR) 1,51, flock volume 2,1 ml and survival rate 58 %

    Hasil Belajar Sejarah dengan Model Examples Non Examples dan Picture And Picture

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    This study was conducted to determine: differences in the history of student learning outcomes through the learning model examples and non-examples picture and picture, the difference between the initial capability of high, medium, and low on the history of student learning outcomes, differences in learning outcomes antarmodel students learning history and inter initial capabilities, the interaction between the model of learning with students\u27 prior knowledge, and a more effective learning model between the model of learning examples and non-examples picture and picture. The results showed: there are differences in the history of student learning outcomes through the learning model examples and non-examples picture and picture, there is a difference between the initial capabilities of high, medium, and low on the history of student learning outcomes, no difference in outcome learn the history of student learning and inter antar model initial capabilities, there is no interaction between the model of learning with students\u27 prior knowledge, and learning model examples non examples is more effective than learning model picture and picture.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui: perbedaan hasil belajar sejarah siswa melalui model pembelajaran examples non examples dan picture and picture, perbedaan antara kemampuan awal tinggi, sedang, dan rendah terhadap hasil belajar sejarah siswa, perbedaan hasil belajar sejarah siswa antarmodel pembelajaran dan antartingkat kemampuan awal, interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kemampuan awal siswa, dan model pembelajaran yang lebih efektif antara model pembelajaran examples non examples dan picture and picture. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: ada perbedaan hasil belajar sejarah siswa melalui model pembelajaran examples non examples dan picture and picture; ada perbedaan antara kemampuan awal tinggi, sedang, dan rendah terhadap hasil belajar sejarah siswa; ada perbedaan hasil belajar sejarah siswa antarmodel pembelajaran dan antartingkat kemampuan awal, tidak ada interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan kemampuan awal siswa, dan model pembelajaran examples non examples lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran picture and picture

    Pengaruh Transformasi Sistem E-Learning terhadap Minat Belajar Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (Smk) Wikrama di Kota Bogor

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    E-Learning is a learning process electronically and remotely can be done without face to face interactions informally with a simpler, for example by means of mailing lists, e-newsletters or personal websites, organizations and companies that want to socialize services, programs, knowledge or particular skills in societies.This study was to determine the e-learning teaching system, determine the effect of the transformation of e-learning system to students, and students\u27 interest in learning to know the e-learning system. This research using quantitative methods with a sample of 60 students. Data collected through questionnaires. Analysis of the data using product moment The results showed that the learning system of e-learning considered less effective as face-to-face communication is still used only used to provide enrichment and test materials. Effect of the transformation of the system of e-learning relatively new, so it is still weak and the students themselves have not understood in depth. Student interest to study e-learning systems is still low because of e-learning is still in the introduction stage. Effect of the transformation of e-learning system on student interest is very weak because it is still using the system dependence learn face to face with the teacher
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