265 research outputs found

    El bipedismo: Alteraciones del pie en estática y sus relaciones con niveles ascendentes

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2012/201

    The undesired effects of digital communication on moral response

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    Se investiga cómo la comunicación mediada por tecnologías digitales modifica la respuesta moral de los usuarios, y por tanto, varía el capital social. Se diseña y realiza un experimento con 196 sujetos que se sirve de una adaptación de diseño propio del «Defining Issues Test» en papel, a partir de la versión española, sobre una muestra representativa del universo de sujetos que se han socializado con Internet. Se valida la adaptación del test sometiéndolo a juicio por un panel de expertos, se amplía el mismo a otros dos formatos digitales audiovisuales diferentes: con imágenes reales de personas o con imágenes virtuales de personas a través de animación, y se comprueba si la inteligencia fluida de los sujetos es significativa en la modificación de la respuesta moral. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis y demuestran que la calidad de la respuesta moral disminuye cuando se usan tecnologías digitales respecto a cuando se usa papel y lápiz. Esta diferencia es mayor cuando se usan imágenes virtuales de personas a través de animación que cuando se usan imágenes audiovisuales de personas reales. En todos los casos la inteligencia fluida es un atenuante de estas modificaciones.The current paper is based on the hypothesis that communication through the new digital technologies modifies the moral response of users, and therefore reduces social capital. This approach has been contrasted by designing and conducting an experiment (N=196) using our own adaptation of the Spanish version of the Defining Issues Test on subjects who have been socialized by Internet and who constitute the representative samples of this study. This test on paper was adapted to our research following an expert validation procedure and then transferred onto two types of digital audiovisual formats. Finally, The use of digital communication technologies and students’ fluid intelligence response were evaluated in order to establish whether their response was significant and if it modified moral response. The results confirm the hypothesis and show that the quality of moral response decreases when digital technologies are used instead of pencil and paper. This difference is greater when virtual images of people designed by animation are used rather than visual images of real people. In addition, the results show that fluid intelligence mitigates these modifications

    Central Bank Structure and monetary policy uncertainty

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    Recent research has shown that partisanship causes monetary policy uncertainty. Since monetary policy is implemented by central banks, this paper models alternative central banks structure to analyze their effects on policy uncertainty in a two-party political system. The major result of the paper is that the length of govemors' terms plays a more important role than the number of govemors on the board. Moreover, it is shown that both postelectoral appointments and the membership of administration officials on the central bank board raise monetary policy uncertainty. The paper' results are illustrated by analyzing alternative structures of the Federal Reserve Board of Govemor

    Proyecto de estructura metálica de establecimiento destinado al tiro deportivo, sito en el término municipal de Cuenca

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    En el presente trabajo de final de grado se desarrolla el diseño y el cálculo de la estructura metálica necesaria para la construcción de una galería de tiro deportivo a 25 y 50 metros. Dicha nave se proyecta para ser construida en una finca situada en Colliguilla, un pueblo de la ciudad de Cuenca. Como primer paso se han analizado las necesidades y se ha realizado la distribución de la superficie de la planta, para así, posteriormente poder realizar el diseño más adecuado de la propia edificación. El resultado de dichos pasos es una nave de 62,30 metros de largo y 27,50 metros de ancho, con una superficie aproximada de 1.713 metros cuadrados. La estructura principal diseñada consta de cinco pórticos con vanos de 6,80 metros y se diseña la cubierta con cerchas a un agua. Para la realización de este trabajo se han utilizado varios programas informáticos, de los que destacan para el cálculo estructural CYPE, Generador de Pórticos y CYPE3D; para el dibujo y el desarrollo de planos AUTOCAD; así como el programa PRESTO para la elaboración de las mediciones y del presupuesto.En el present treball de final de grau es desenvolupa el disseny i el càlcul de l'estructura metàl·lica necessària per a la construcció d'una galeria de tir esportiu a 25 i 50 metres. La dita nau es projecta per a ser construïda en una finca situada en Colliguilla, un poble de la ciutat de Cuenca. Com a primer pas s'han analitzat les necessitats i s'ha realitzat la distribució de la superfície de la planta, per a així, posteriorment poder realitzar el disseny més adequat de la pròpia edificació. El resultat dels dits passos és una nau de 62,30 metres de llarg i 27,50 metres d'ample, amb una superfície aproximada de 1.713 metres quadrats. L'estructura principal dissenyada consta de cinc pòrtics amb vans de 6,80 metres i es dissenya la coberta amb cintres a una aigua. Per a la realització d'aquest treball s'han utilitzat diversos programes informàtics, dels que destaquen per al càlcul estructural CYPE, Generador de Pòrtics i CYPE3D; per al dibuix i el desenvolupament de plans AUTOCAD; així com el programa PREST per a l'elaboració dels mesuraments i del pressupost.The present work of end of degree develops the design and the calculation of the metallic structure necessary for the construction of a gallery of sport shooting to 25 and 50 meters. It is planned to build this ship in an estate located in Colliguilla, a village from Cuenca. As a first step, the needs have been analyzed and the distribution of the plant surface has been carried out, so that the most suitable design of the building can be realized later. The result of these steps is a ship of 62.30 meters long and 27.50 meters wide, with an approximate surface area of 1,713 square meters. The main structure designed consists of five porticos with spans of 6.80 meters and the trunked deck is designed for a water. For the accomplishment of this work several computer programs have been used, of which they stand out for the structural calculation CYPE, Generator of Porticos and CYPE3D; for the design and development of the AUTOCAD plans; as well as the PRESTO program has been used for the preparation of measurements and the budget.Mateo Gómez, JI. (2017). Proyecto de estructura metálica de establecimiento destinado al tiro deportivo, sito en el término municipal de Cuenca. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/88439.TFG

    Ecological Aspects and Conservation of Wild Grapevine Populations in the S.W. of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Populations of wild grapevine, Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi, were discovered in S.W. of the Iberian Peninsula over the last years. Location, ecological aspects, sanitary characteristics, including the ELISA test to detect specific virus attack, are described. In vitro propagation and conservation are also considered. The paper also contains a global description of female and male individuals. This material could be used to start breeding programs of cultivated varieties and also to restore riverbank forests, which constitute one of the worst preserved ecosystems in the area

    ‘Cookpetition’: Do restaurants coopete to innovate?

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    This article studies the influence of ‘coopetition’, that is, cooperation between competitors, on the innovative behaviour of restaurant firms. The analysis is based on data gathered from a representative survey conducted on Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the restaurant industry. A binary logistic regression specification is used to test the core hypotheses in the article. The results confirm that coopetition fosters product innovation in restaurant companies. Coopeting restaurants also introduce more process innovations, although this effect is not found to be statistically significant. However, participation in restaurant chains and commercialization networks is found to stimulate process innovation. Likewise, business owners with intrinsic entrepreneurial motivation favour product innovation in their restaurants. Notwithstanding, investments in ICT and in staff training are observed to be the main determinants of product and process innovation in the restaurant industry.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España ECO2013-42889-

    Use of Phase Change Materials in Photovoltaic Modules with Solar Concentration Up to 2X

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    Permiso obtenido por la organización para la subida al repositorioModule efficiency depends of the irradiance level and its temperature. Module temperature depends of ambient temperature, irradiance, thermal characteristic of the module, surrounding of the module, and the direction and wind speed. A silicon photovoltaic module improves its efficiency when decreasing its temperature about 0,5%/K. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the possibilities of using phase change materials PCM, to limit the temperature of photovoltaic modules without concentration and with concentration up to 2X and thus increase its performance. We carry out a theoretical study that discusses this potential improvement in different climatic zones characterized by 12 sites. The results show that the use of PCM is a technically feasible alternative to limit the temperature of a photovoltaic module in some climates

    Prevención de la deficiencia, discapacidad y dependencia en geriatría

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    El presente capítulo tratará de dar algo de luz al importante aspecto de la prevención, pero partiendo de un convencimiento profundo: es mucho lo que se puede prevenir en el tema de las deficiencias en los mayores…y no se está haciendo; es, probablemente, la mayor asignatura pendiente en cuanto a justicia social, y eficiencia en la utilización de los recursos para con dicho grupo de edad

    Insights into Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Lignocellulosic Biomass (Sugar Beet By-Products) and Animal Manure in Long-Term Semi-Continuous Assays

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    Biogas production through anaerobic digestion has proven to be one of the most important pillars of the transition into the circular economy concept, a sustainable approach for biorefinery. This work aims to extend and improve knowledge in the anaerobic co-digestion of complementary substrates, given insights into wastes biodegradability and the influence of manure composition on the anaerobic process stability. Anaerobic co-digestion of sugar beet by-products with two kinds of animal manure (pig and cow) was investigated in semi-continuous assays, analyzing both common and non-classical parameters. Co-digestion with manure clearly mitigated the inhibitory effect of volatile fatty acids at high organic loading rates, leading to increases in methane production by 70% and 31% in comparison with individual digestion of sugar beet by-products, for co-digestion with pig and cow manure, respectively. Non-classical parameters could give more insight into the coupling/uncoupling of the anaerobic digestion phases and the involved microorganisms. Indirect parameters indicated that the process failure at the critical organic loading rates was mainly due to methanogenesis inhibition in the co-digestion with pig manure, while in co-digestion with cow manure or in individual digestion of sugar beet by-products, both hydrolysis-acidogenesis and methanogenesis phases were affected. Biomethanation degree refers to the maximum methane potential of organic wastes. Sugar beet by-products required a long digestion-time to reach high biodegradability. However, short digestion-times for co-digestion assays led to a high biomethanation degree