2,286 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo study of the transverse-field Ising model on a frustrated checkerboard lattice

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    We present the numerical results for low temperature behavior of the transverse-field Ising model on a frustrated checkerboard lattice, with focus on the effect of both quantum and thermal fluctuations. Applying the recently-developed continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo algorithm, we compute the magnetization and susceptibility down to extremely low temperatures while changing the magnitude of both transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields. Several characteristic behaviors are observed, which were not inferred from the previously studied quantum order from disorder at zero temperature, such as a horizontal-type stripe ordering at a substantial longitudinal field and a persistent critical behavior down to low temperature in a weak longitudinal field region.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Conf. Se

    Thermally-induced magnetic phases in an Ising spin Kondo lattice model on a kagome lattice at 1/3-filling

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    Numerical investigation on the thermodynamic properties of an Ising spin Kondo lattice model on a kagome lattice is reported. By using Monte Carlo simulation, we investigated the magnetic phases at 1/3-filling. We identified two successive transitions from high-temperature paramagnetic state to a Kosterlitz-Thouless-like phase in an intermediate temperature range and to a partially disordered phase at a lower temperature. The partially disordered state is characterized by coexistence of antiferromagnetic hexagons and paramagnetic sites with period 3×3\sqrt3 \times \sqrt3. We compare the results with those for the triangular lattice case.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Charmonium spectroscopy with heavy Kogut-Susskind quarks

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    Charmonium spectroscopy with Kogut-Susskind valence quarks are carried out for quenched QCD at β=6.0\beta=6.0 and for two-flavor full QCD at β=5.7\beta=5.7. Results for 1P--1S mass splitting and estimates of αMS‾(5)(mZ)\alpha^{(5)}_{\overline{MS}}(m_Z) are reported. Problems associated with flavor breaking effects and finite size effects of 1P1P states are discussed.Comment: 3 pages, contribution to the Lattice '94 conference, uuencoded compressed ps-fil

    Sea Quark Effects on the Strong Coupling Constant

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    We present results showing that the strong coupling constant measured in two-flavor full QCD with dynamical Kogut-Susskind quarks at β=5.7\beta=5.7 exhibit a 15\% increase due to sea quarks over that for quenched QCD at the scale μ≈7\mu\approx 7GeV . (talk at lattice93)Comment: 3 pages, compressed, uuencoded PostScript file(name:lat93ch.ps.Z

    Finite-Size Effect of Hadron Masses with Kogut-Susskind Quarks

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    We present numerical results and their analyses of finite-size effects of hadron masses for both quenched and full QCD calculations. We show that they are much larger for full QCD due to dynamical sea quarks and the associated breaking of Z(3)Z(3) symmetry. We also argue that finite-size effects are non-negligible even for the largest lattice size simulation currently being made for a very small quark mass. (talk at lattice93)Comment: 4 pages, compressed, uuencoded PostScript file(name:lat93.ps.Z

    Tables of Hyperonic Matter Equation of State for Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We present sets of equation of state (EOS) of nuclear matter including hyperons using an SU_f(3) extended relativistic mean field (RMF) model with a wide coverage of density, temperature, and charge fraction for numerical simulations of core collapse supernovae. Coupling constants of Sigma and Xi hyperons with the sigma meson are determined to fit the hyperon potential depths in nuclear matter, U_Sigma(rho_0) ~ +30 MeV and U_Xi(rho_0) ~ -15 MeV, which are suggested from recent analyses of hyperon production reactions. At low densities, the EOS of uniform matter is connected with the EOS by Shen et al., in which formation of finite nuclei is included in the Thomas-Fermi approximation. In the present EOS, the maximum mass of neutron stars decreases from 2.17 M_sun (Ne mu) to 1.63 M_sun (NYe mu) when hyperons are included. In a spherical, adiabatic collapse of a 15M⊙M_\odot star by the hydrodynamics without neutrino transfer, hyperon effects are found to be small, since the temperature and density do not reach the region of hyperon mixture, where the hyperon fraction is above 1 % (T > 40 MeV or rho_B > 0.4 fm^{-3}).Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures (Fig.3 and related comments on pion potential are corrected in v3.

    Kaon B parameter from quenched Lattice QCD

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    We present results of a large-scale simulation for the Kaon B parameter BKB_K in quenched lattice QCD with the Kogut-Susskind quark action. Calculating BKB_K at 1% statistical accuracy for seven values of lattice spacing in the range a≈0.24−0.04a\approx 0.24-0.04 fm on lattices up to 563×9656^3\times 96, we verify a quadratic aa dependence of BKB_K theoretically predicted. Strong indications are found that, with our level of accuracy, αMSˉ(1/a)2\alpha_{\bar{MS}}(1/a)^2 terms arising from our one-loop matching procedure have to be included in the continuum extrapolation. We present BKB_K(NDR, 2 GeV)=0.628(42) as our final value, as obtained by a fit including the αMSˉ(1/a)2\alpha_{\bar{MS}}(1/a)^2 term.Comment: 8 pages, Latex(revtex, epsf), 2 epsf figure
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