268 research outputs found

    Human Factor Issues in Building Middleware for Pervasive Computing.

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    Two novel proteins in the mitochondrial outer membrane mediate β-barrel protein assembly

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    Mitochondrial outer and inner membranes contain translocators that achieve protein translocation across and/or insertion into the membranes. Recent evidence has shown that mitochondrial β-barrel protein assembly in the outer membrane requires specific translocator proteins in addition to the components of the general translocator complex in the outer membrane, the TOM40 complex. Here we report two novel mitochondrial outer membrane proteins in yeast, Tom13 and Tom38/Sam35, that mediate assembly of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins, Tom40, and/or porin in the outer membrane. Depletion of Tom13 or Tom38/Sam35 affects assembly pathways of the β-barrel proteins differently, suggesting that they mediate different steps of the complex assembly processes of β-barrel proteins in the outer membrane

    Fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 are essential for formation of thick oxytalan fibers in human nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells in vitro.

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    The ciliary zonule, also known as Zinn\u27s zonule, is composed of oxytalan fibers. However, the mechanism by which epithelial cells in the ciliary body form these fibers in not fully understood. We examined human nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells to determine the appearance and amount of oxytalan fibers in terms of positivity for their major components, fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2. Examination of fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 expression by immunofluorescence revealed that thin fibers positive for fibrillin-1 on Day 2 changed to thick fibers by Day 8. The fibers positive for fibrillin-2 appeared on the thick fibrillin-1-positive fibers after Day 4. Northern blot analysis revealed that the level of fibrillin-1 did not change markedly, while induction of fibrillin-2 gene was evident on Day 5. Western blot analysis showed that fibrillin-1 deposition increased gradually, while that of fibrillin-2 increased markedly from Day 5 to Day 8. Fibrillin-1 suppression did not lead to the formation of fibrillin-2-positive thick fibers, whereas fibrillin-2 suppression led to the formation of fibrillin-1-positive thin fibers, but not thick fibers. These results suggest that both fibrillin-1 and fibrillin-2 are essential for the formation of thick oxytalan fibers in the ciliary zonule and are informative for clarifying the mechanism of homeostasis of the ocular matrix.福岡歯科大学2013年

    Microfibril-associated glycoprotein-1 controls human ciliary zonule development in vitro.

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    The ciliary zonule in the eye, also known as Zinn\u27s zonule, is composed of oxytalan fibers, which are bundles of microfibrils consisting mainly of fibrillin-1. However, it is still unclear which of the microfibril-associated molecules present in the ciliary zonule controls oxytalan fibers. Microfibril-associated glycoprotein-1 (MAGP-1) is the only microfibril-associated molecule identified in the human ciliary zonule. In the present study, we used siRNA against MAGP-1 in cultures of human non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells to examine the extracellular deposition and appearance of fibrillin-1 employing Western blotting and immunofluorescence. MAGP-1 suppression led to a reduction of fibrillin-1 deposition. Immunofluorescence also confirmed that RNAi-mediated down-regulation of MAGP-1 led to suppression of fiber development. These results suggest that MAGP-1 plays a crucial role in the extracellular deposition of fibrillin-1 during formation of the human ciliary zonule.福岡歯科大学2015年

    Genome Analysis Revives a Forgotten Hybrid Crop Edo-dokoro in the Genus Dioscorea

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    忘れられた作物「えどどころ」の起原 --ゲノム解析が明らかにする青森県三八上北地域に残る栽培イモの歴史--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-08-10.A rhizomatous Dioscorea crop “Edo-dokoro” was described in old records of Japan, but its botanical identify has not been characterized. We found that Edo-dokoro is still produced by four farmers in Tohoku-machi of Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Rhizomes of Edo-dokoro are a delicacy to the local people and are sold in the markets. Morphological characters of Edo-dokoro suggest its hybrid origin between the two species, D. tokoro and D. tenuipes. Genome analysis revealed that Edo-dokoro is likely originated by hybridization of a male D. tokoro to a female D. tenuipes, followed by a backcross with a male plant of D. tokoro. Edo-dokoro is a typical minor crop possibly maintained for more than 300 years but now almost forgotten from the public. We hypothesize that there are many such uncharacterized genetic heritages passed over generations by small scale farmers that await serious scientific investigation for future use and improvement by using modern genomics information

    ダイガクセイ ノ ケンコウカン キツエン オヨビ ムンプス ニ タイスル ニンシキ ニホン フクシ ダイガク 2010 ネン アンケート チョウサ カラ ノ ケントウ

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    学生の健康教育に資するため, 喫煙およびムンプス (おたふくかぜ) の学内流行に対する認識に関し, 無記名のアンケート調査を講義時に実施した. 調査期日は 2010 年 6-9 月, 対象は日本福祉大学 (主に子ども発達学部) 1-3 年生 (18-27 歳, 平均 19.1 歳) 総計 626 名, 各学年の回答数 ・率は 1 年生 276 名 (89%), 2 年生 234 名 (99%), 3 年生 116 名 (86%), 全体の回答率は 92%である.(1)対象学部 1-3 年生の喫煙経験者は 114 名 (男 60, 女 54), 喫煙経験率は 1 年生男 26%, 女 11%, 2 年生男 37%, 女 13%, 3 年生男 39%, 女 14%であった. 現在も喫煙している学生は 45 名 (男 31, 女 14), うち 46%が 1 日 10 本以上の喫煙者であった. 大学生になってからの喫煙は経験者全体の 37% (42 名) を占め, 18 名 (男 14, 女 4) は現在も継続している.日本福祉大学全学協議会は, 2009 年 12 月に 『キャンパス禁煙宣言』 を確認した. その後の経過を見るため同一学部生の 2009 年度 1 年生と 2010 年度 2 年生の喫煙経験率を比較したところ, 男が 17%から 37%へ (P<0.01), 女が 7%から 13%へと増加, 2009 年度 2 年生と 2010 年度 3 年生での比較でも, 男が 36%から 39%へ, 女が 12%から 14%へと微増していた. キャンパス内の全面的なスモークフリーが実施されていないため非喫煙者の 「防煙」 および喫煙者に対する 「卒煙」 の有効性は極めて乏しく, 『宣言』 はスローガンに留まっている. 入学後に喫煙を初経験している学生が 4 割もいることと合わせ, これらの結果は敷地内全面禁煙を実施し成果を挙げつつある他大学と比べ対照的である.(2)ムンプスは, ワクチンで予防可能な疾患 (vaccine-preventable disease;VPD) のひとつであり, 無菌性髄膜炎や難聴など多彩な合併症を引き起こす. 従って, 子どもや学生自身の健康を守るため, 子ども発達学部で学ぶ学生にとってこの疾患の知識は必須である. 子ども発達学部がある美浜キャンパスで本年 5-9 月に 4 名の学生がムンプスを発症した. ムンプスの流行を阻止するのに必要な集団免疫率 85-90%に比し, 本学学生 (2010 年度 1 年生) の免疫 (ELISA/IgG 6 以上) 保有率は 60%であるため流行するリスクが高い. 大学から注意喚起されたが, 罹患者発生を認知していない学生は 6 月上旬で男 27% 女 14% (1 年生), 9 月中旬でも男 24% 女 17% (2 年生) であった. VPD の抗体検査は本学入学時に全員が受け, 6 月中旬には結果を受け取りに来るよう連絡されている. しかし, 自分自身のムンプス抗体の有無が 「不明」 (結果を受け取りに保健室へ行かず) と答えた 1 年生は, 男 24% 女 15%であった. 抗体が 「不明」 と答えた 1 ・2 年生に対し予防接種への対応を問うたところ, 「接種しない」 ・「無回答」 が 5 割あった.学生の多くは健康診断および抗体検査受診の目的を理解しておらず, 受動的に行動しているだけと考えられる. 「喫煙病」 や 「VPD」 について学生の理解が深まるよう, 保健 ・安全面での 『自己管理能力』 向上を支援するピアサポートづくりなど一層の取り組みが必要であろう


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     近年、「針と糸」の代用として使えると表記された布用接着剤は多く販売されるようになった。そこで、布用接着剤の使用実態を明らかにすることと、市販されている布用接着剤の「接着」が「針と糸」の代用となるかを検証することを目的に以下の調査・実験を行った。 実態調査では学生を対象とし、布用接着剤の使用経験と裁縫の技術や裁縫道具の保有の有無についての質問紙調査を行った。布用接着剤は耐洗濯性である8種類と耐洗濯性ではない2種類、布用接着テープ1種類の計11種類による「接着」と針と糸を使う手縫い、ミシン縫いによる「縫合」の接着・縫合の強度について、家庭用洗濯機による洗濯の有無や、接着剤での「接着」は引張試験において破断する前に徐々に剥がれ始めることからその剥がれ始めとなる降伏点と破断点の引張強度、接着時のアイロンおよび乾燥の時間による引張強度を比較した。さらに家庭用洗濯機による30回の洗濯に耐えられるかの耐洗濯性についての実験も行った。 結果、布用接着剤の使用経験は48%があると回答し、接着剤の使用は裁縫の技術や裁縫道具の保有の有無には影響されないことが明らかとなった。接着強度はミシン縫いと比べると有意に弱いが、手縫いとは有意差のない程度の接着剤は多くあることが明らかとなった。家庭用洗濯機による洗濯をすることで接着強度が弱くなるとは言えないが、「水洗いやドライクリーニングでも剥がれにくい」と表記されていたにもかかわらず1回の洗濯で剥がれてしまう接着剤も見られた。家庭用洗濯機による耐洗濯性の実験では30回の洗濯に耐えられる接着剤もあれば、5回の洗濯にも耐えられない接着剤があることが明らかとなった

    Transphosphatidylation by GIPC-PLD

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    Glycosylinositol phosphoceramide (GIPC) is the most abundant sphingolipid in plants and fungi. Recently, we detected GIPC-specific phospholipase D (GIPC-PLD) activity in plants. Here, we found that GIPC-PLD activity in young cabbage leaves catalyzes transphosphatidylation. The available alcohol for this reaction is a primary alcohol with a chain length below C4. Neither secondary alcohol, tertiary alcohol, choline, serine nor glycerol serves as an acceptor for transphosphatidylation of GIPC-PLD. We also found that cabbage GIPC-PLD prefers GIPC containing two sugars. Neither inositol phosphoceramide, mannosylinositol phosphoceramide nor GIPC with three sugar chains served as substrate. GIPC-PLD will become a useful catalyst for modification of polar head group of sphingophospholipid

    Cytometrical analysis of the adverse effects of indican, indoxyl, indigo, and indirubin on rat thymic lymphocytes

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    Many businesses thrive by producing health supplements from agricultural products, as exemplified by the production of functional (or health) food using plants traditionally cultivated in the rural areas. Dyes, such as indican, indigo, indoxyl, and indirubin, present in dye plants, possess antibacterial, antifungal, and antiproliferative activities. However, these effects may also lead to cytotoxicity. Thus, studies in normal mammalian cells are necessary to identify cytotoxicity and prevent adverse effects of functional foods that contain these dyes. In this study, the effects of indican, indigo, indoxyl, and indirubin were evaluated by flow cytometry using appropriate fluorescent probes in rat thymic lymphocytes. Among the dyes analyzed, indirubin exerted distinct cellular activities. Treatment with indirubin (10–30 μM) increased the population of shrunken dead cells. The side scatter, but not forward scatter, increased in indirubin-treated living cells. It increased the population of annexin V-bound living and dead cells and that of dead cells without annexin V. Indirubin elevated intracellular Ca2+, but not Zn2+ levels. The cellular content of superoxide anions and increased glutathione decreased. Indirubin depolarized the cellular plasma and mitochondrial membranes. It did not potentiate or attenuate the cytotoxicity of A23187 (Ca2+ overload) and H2O2 (oxidative stress). The results suggested that indirubin induces both apoptotic and non-apoptotic cell death. It may be difficult to predict and prevent adverse effects of indirubin due to its diverse activities on normal mammalian cells. Therefore, indirubin should be removed from products that contain dye plant extracts

    Mice deficient in the Shmt2 gene have mitochondrial respiration defects and are embryonic lethal

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    Accumulation of somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been proposed to be responsible for human aging and age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects. However, our previous findings suggested an alternative hypothesis of human aging—that epigenetic changes but not mutations regulate age-associated mitochondrial respiration defects, and that epigenetic downregulation of nuclear-coded genes responsible for mitochondrial translation [e.g., glycine C-acetyltransferase (GCAT), serine hydroxymethyltransferase 2 (SHMT2)] is related to age-associated respiration defects. To examine our hypothesis, here we generated mice deficient in Gcat or Shmt2 and investigated whether they have respiration defects and premature aging phenotypes. Gcat-deficient mice showed no macroscopic abnormalities including premature aging phenotypes for up to 9 months after birth. In contrast, Shmt2-deficient mice showed embryonic lethality after 13.5 days post coitum (dpc), and fibroblasts obtained from 12.5-dpc Shmt2-deficient embryos had respiration defects and retardation of cell growth. Because Shmt2 substantially controls production of N-formylmethionine-tRNA (fMet-tRNA) in mitochondria, its suppression would reduce mitochondrial translation, resulting in expression of the respiration defects in fibroblasts from Shmt2-deficient embryos. These findings support our hypothesis that age-associated respiration defects in fibroblasts of elderly humans are caused not by mtDNA mutations but by epigenetic regulation of nuclear genes including SHMT2